Grammar American & British

Monday, July 6, 2020

Comprehension - Intermediate . [ 18 ]

[ 18 ] Comprehension . 

[  18  ] Intermediate 

Read the following , then answer the questions below :

               Nowadays , it is more useful to have a photograph taken than to have a portrait painted . But kings and queens , famous and rich people and some politicians still ask artists to paint their portraits .

              The portrait of Mona Lisa is the most famous painting in the world . We often see her on postcards , posters and advertisements . The artist Leonardo da Vinci began the painting in 1503 . It took him several years to complete . There are questions that are still unanswered . Take her mysterious smile for example . Is she mocking us ? Is she sad ? Does she have a secret which she can’t share with others ?What about her eyes ? Is she looking at us or is she looking at something behind us ? Her slight smile and her mysterious eyes create a strange expression . The lady in the portrait looks charming and yet distant . She was a woman of the 16th century , dressed in the fashion of Florence . Who was she ? One theory says that she was the wife of Fransesco del Giocondo , an aristocrat . That is why people call her La Gioconda as well.

The most extraordinary theory is that the painting was modeled on da Vinci himself! 

                  The painting was admired so much that many skillful artists painted copied . Today thousands of people line up every day in the Louvre Museum to see this masterpiece , the Mona Lisa .

A-] Answer the following questions :

1-] Who like to have their portraits painted nowadays ?


2-] How is the portrait of Mona Lisa famous ?


3-] What do her smile and eyes do ?


4-] Why do some people call her La Gioconda ?


B-] Choose the correct answer :

1-] The word “ extraordinary” means

A-] mysterious . B-] unusual . C-] unanswered . D-] imaginary .

2-] The theory says that the husband of Mona Lisa was

A-] a king.      B-] Leonardo da Vinci .      C-] Fransececo del Giocondo .                  D-] a portraitist .

3-] The painting was admired so much that

A-] many people have it in their homes . B-] women liked to be like her .

C-] many artists painted copies of it . D-] Florence keeps the painting in a museum .

Comprehension - Intermediate [ 17 ]

[ 17 ] Comprehension . 

[  17  ] Intermediate 

Read the following , then answer the questions below :

                  At least 461 species of birds and mammals have become extinct in the past 400 years . Many more species – about 555 mammals and 1073 birds are now at risk of extinction . Among reptiles , fish and invertebrates at least 2961 are at risk . Also among plant species the number at risk reaches 25.000 . The cause of this terrible destruction is always the same : human kind . Sometimes people have killed off species directly by hunting them , as with the passenger pigeon or indirectly as with the dodo of Mauritius .

                The most frequent cause of extinction , however is the human destruction of the environment . On the Hawaiian Islands , for instance , European and American settlers cut down the forests for farmland and killed off many unique species of birds and plants . In the Amazon rain forest trees are cut down and the environment is destroyed altogether . Many species disappear forever as each square mile of the forest contains thousands of plant and animal species that depend on each other and on their special environment .

              Scientists are very concerned about the many species that are disappearing around the world . Not only do we lose the chance to learn more about ourselves and our environment , but we also lose valuable economic and scientific resources . Many wild plants , such as the wild tomato and the wild sunflower are useful in genetically improving food crops . Other plants or animals are useful in medical research . In this way , medicines have been found to help fight leukemia , cancer , and many other diseases . The loss of species also means a narrower range of genetic possibilities in the world .


A-] Answer the following questions :

1-] What are the causes of extinction ?


2-] Why are scientists very concerned ?


3-] How are plants and animals are useful for medical research and food ?


4-] Are the plant and animal species connected on their special environment ?


B-] Choose the correct answer :

1-] When people cut down large areas of rain forest , they

A-] discover useful species of plants and animals . B-] eliminate many species of plants and animals . C-] are likely to kill the dodo . D-] help many species of plants and animals .

2-] In the past 400 years

A-] only a few kinds of animals have become extinct . B-] millions of animals have become extinct . C-] over 461 species of birds and mammals have become extinct . D-] no new kinds of animals or birds have become extinct .

3-] Concerned means

A-] interested B-] worried  C-] involved  D-] depressed

Comprehension - Intermediate [ 16 ]

[ 16 ]Comprehension 

[  16  ] Intermediate 

Read the following , then answer the questions below :

                  Many problems are global and can no longer be solved by individual nations . The environment is global – the oceans , the atmosphere and many forms of life are all connected . Thus , the solutions require global thinking .

                 The problem of ocean pollution is a good example . All the oceans of the world are connected . Pollution does not stay where it begins . It spreads out from every river and every harbor and affects bodies of water everywhere .

                For centuries people have used the oceans as a dumping place . Many cities take tons of garbage out to sea and dump it there . The quality of garbage that ends up in the water is incredible . Five million plastic containers are thrown into the world’s oceans every day ! Aside from plastics , many other dangerous substances are dumped in oceans . These include human waste and chemicals used in agriculture . Also every year , oil tankers accidentally spill millions of gallons of oil into the sea .

               Some people believe that the oceans are so large that chemicals and waste will disappear . However , many things such as chemicals and plastics stay in the water and create problems . They eventually float to shore and are eaten by tiny sea creatures . Then the larger animals that eat the tiny creatures are poisoned and die . Harbors and coasts around the world have become unsafe for humans or animals . The world’s fish populations are rapidly shrinking .

               Another global pollution problem is the destruction of ozone layers in the atmosphere by the use of chlorofluorocarbons [ CFCs] . The ozone layer helps protect the earth from the sun’s rays . Without it most forms of life on earth including humans probably would not be able to live . So the world needs global thinking which means working together for solutions .

A-] Answer the following questions :

1-] What is meant by global thinking ?


2-] Why is global thinking necessary ?


3-] Mention the cause of the destruction of the ozone layer .


4-] In what way is garbage a threat ?



B-] Choose the correct answer :

1-] According to this passage , many environmental problems .

A-] are caused by global thinking . B-] are caused by old ways of thinking .

C-] are caused by the US and Japan . D-] can not be solved by local laws .

2-] The solution to ocean pollution requires global thinking because

A-] no one cares about the ocean . B-] the oceans are so large . C-] all the world’s oceans are connected . D-] more oil is needed in the developing countries .

3-] The passage is about

A-] air pollution . B-] old ways of thinking . C-] global thinking . D-] local laws to solve problems .

Comprehension - Intermediate [ 15 ]

[ 15 ] Comprehension 

[  15  ] Intermediate 

Read the following , then answer the questions below :

                      E-mail [ electronic mail ] uses computers for communication . It has several important advantages over phones and regular mail . The main advantage of e-mail is that it takes very little time to send and receive messages . From your computer , you can contact someone far away [ or in the next office ] . Seconds later , they have your message . If they are at their computer , you can get a response instantly , too . Another reason people like to use a-mail is that for just a little money you can send a message to someone in another part of the world . You do not have to worry about the time difference or slow mail delivery . Your messages sent immediately and your friends or colleagues can send a response at their convenience .Lastly , e-mail allows you to send a single message to many people at the same time .

                   One advertising executive explained why he preferred not to use  e-mail . He gave a variety of reasons for why it was not useful for his business . The main reason was that he had no time to learn to use the system . Aside from that fact , he disliked e-mail because he felt that it was too impersonal . In addition , he said he felt that it was too fast and easy . He preferred a means of communication that encouraged a more careful and thoughtful style of work . He felt too that you lose a lot of information with e-mail . Since you do not hear the sender’s voice , you can tell nothing about him or her as a person .

A-] Answer the following questions :

1-] Mention some of the e-mail advantages ?


2-] Why does not the executive prefer e-mail ?


3-] Which is better e-mail or telephone ? Why ?


4-] Do you believe the executive right or wrong ? Give reasons .



B-] Choose the correct answer :

1-] The executive does not prefer e-mail because

A-] it is expensive . B-] it is private . C-] he believes that you lose a lot of information . D-] it wastes time .

2-] The underlined word “ It” refers to

A-] the computer . B-] the phone . C-] the e-mail . D-] the mobile .

Comprehension - Intermediate . [ 14 ]

[ 14 ] Comprehension 

[  14  ] Intermediate

Read the following , then answer the questions below :

                   It does not take long to turn farmland into desert . American farmers found this out in the 1930s . They planted wheat in large areas of grass land in the south central United States . For a few years there was plenty of rain and lots of wheat . Then the rains stopped , as they often do in this dry region . The wheat dried up and the top soil turned to dust . Before long , it had all blown away in great dust storms . The area became known as the “ Dust Bowl”. What happened in the Dust Bowl is a perfect example of erosion caused by modern farming methods. Erosion is the loss of top soil . Top soil blows away more easily when it is no longer protected by grasses or trees .

                   Unfortunately , it seems that farmers have not learned from the example of the Dust Bowl . In the US alone , five billion tons of top soil are lost every year .Farmers continue to use the same destructive methods . They plant the same crops and use tons of chemical fertilizers . The total loss of top soil world wide is 24 billion tons a year . In developing countries this often leads to hunger and death . The recent history of one part of Africa , the Sahel is a good example in the 1960s and 1970s . The grass and bushes were gone , eaten by cattle , sheep and other animals . Animal manure was used for burning instead of for fertilizing the soil . The ruined top soil quickly blew away . The Sahara Desert advanced in some areas as much as 100 kilometers . Now millions of people have no way to make a living . Many have died of hunger , while others have moved to the already crowded cities . But again the lesson has been ignored . More and more people are hungry on our planet , but farmland countries continues to be ruined .

A-] Answer the following questions :

1-] What is meant by “ Dust Bowl” ?


2-] Why the problem of erosion is dangerous world wide ?


3-] How did people in the Sahel face hunger and death ?


4-] What is the result of ignoring erosion ?


B-] Choose the correct answer :

1-] The “Dust Bowl”

A-] is a naturally dust area . B-] used to be desert . C-] was always green farmland . D-] used to be grassland .

2-] We can infer from this passage that chemical fertilizers

A-] help keep the top soil . B-] help destroy the soil . C-] do not have any effect on the soil . D-] are not used much by American farmers .

3-] The problem of erosion is worst in

A-] the central United States . B-] the desert . C-] Africa . D-] the dry region of the world .

Comprehension - Intermediate [ 13 ]

[ 13 ] Comprehension . 

[  13  ] Intermediate 

Read the following , then answer the questions below :

                  Antarctica is nearly twice the size of the United States . The name Antarctica was coined to mean “ opposite to the Arctic .” It is just that in many ways .Antarctica is a high , ice-covered land mass . In Arctic the land masses are grouped around the ice-covered Arctic Ocean .

                Largely because of this difference , the climate of the two areas is very different . Antarctica is the coldest area in the world . On the average it is about 30 degrees colder than the Arctic . At the South Pole , only in coastal regions temperatures sometimes rise about freezing in summer [ December to March ] . In contrast , near the North Pole monthly mean temperatures often rise above freezing. 

              At both poles , daily temperatures may drop far below the monthly mean . At the American South Pole Station , winter temperatures sometimes fall below -100 degrees Fahrenheit . Elsewhere , on higher parts of the south polar plateau , even lower temperatures are recorded . A temperature of -127 degrees Fahrenheit was measured in August 1960 . It is the world’s record low temperature .

                Partly because of this climate difference , the land animals and plants of the two regions are very different . On the continent of Antarctica masses , lichens and algae are found . Penguins populate Antarctica coastline , but do not exist in the Arctic . The land animals of the Arctic are foxes , bears , reindeer , and lemmings . They are unknown in the Antarctic .

                Ice is the great feature of Antarctic . More than 4.5 million square miles of ice sheet cover that area . Antarctica is the storehouse of about 85 percent of the total world supply of ice .

A-] Answer the following questions :

1-] Show some differences between Arctic and Antarctica .


2-] What is the world’s record low temperature ?


3-] Where do animals live ? Why ?


4-] Why is Antarctica the storehouse of the world ice ?


B-] Choose the correct answer :

1-] Some areas of Antarctica are

A-] ice-free  B-] very humid  C-] quite mild  D-] temperate

2-] The main feature of Antarctica is

A-] rain fall  B-] ice  C-] cold desert  D-] coastal regions .

3-] ……………………. because of the climatic difference the land animals and plants of the two regions are very different .

A-] To some extent   B-] Extremely  C-] Almost    D-] Largely

Comprehension - Intermediate [ 12 ]

[ 12 ]Comprehension 

[  12  ] Intermediate 

Read the following , then answer the questions below :

               Around the world , billions of tires from trucks and cars are replaced every year . In the United States , about 260 million used truck and auto tires are thrown away every year . Where do the old tires go ? Quite often , they go into large dumps where they remain for many years .

               After a tire dump fire is put out , pieces of burned tires remain on the ground . When it rains , chemicals from the burned parts wash into the soil and into the ground water . This pollutes the soil and the drinking water in the area .

             Aside from these problems , the tire dumps represent a terrible waste of resources . So , in order to avoid the problems and the waste , people are looking for ways to reuse or recycle tires . Recycling is common for other materials , such as paper , glass and aluminum . Now tires are being recycles in a number of creative ways .

             One solution is to burn the tires to create energy . An energy company with plants in Connecticut and California burns tires to produce steam for generating electricity . When the tires are burned properly , the fire does not pollute the air . This produces enough electricity to supply about 42.000 houses as a total of about 15 million tires are burned every year  in the company’s new plants .

            Another solution is to find a new use for the tires . Tires are now being used to make various products from doormats to fishing supplies . Several shoe companies have started using tires to make the soles of tennis shoes . This is not a new idea , in fact . During the Great Depression , shoes with tire soles were very common in the United States .

           Up till now , only a small percentage of used tires are being recycled in the United States . But there are plans and new ideas about ways to reuse more of the tires that end up in tire dumps .

A-] Answer the following questions :

1-] How do tires pollute the environment ?


2-] What do the energy companies do with tires ?


3-] Why is the problem of used tires big ?


4-] In what way are tires recycled ?


B-] Choose the correct answer :

1-] When tires are burned at the energy plants

A-] air pollution is not a problem . B-] air pollution is not a problem . C-] only a few tires are burned . D-] workers are exposed to dangerous gases .

2-] Using recycled tires to make everyday products is

A-] a new idea . B-] a cause of pollution . C-] not a new idea . D-] not possible .

3-] This passage is mainly about the

A-] effects of burning tires . B-] dangers of tire dumps . C-] problem of what to do with old tires . D-] ways old tires can be recycled .

184- ] English Literature

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