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Showing posts with label Art of Reading. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Art of Reading. Show all posts

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Novels -Art of Reading [ 5 ]

5- ] Art of Reading .

 Novels .

Like other fiction , a novel has a plot , characters and setting . But because a novel is longer than a short story , it can be more complex and detailed .
1-] Setting :  It is the time and place in which the events occur . It is generally presented near the opening . A novel can have several , different settings – times and places where the action happens .
2-] Characters :  They are what drives the action of a novel . The length of a novel can allow the reader to get to know the major characters very well .

The exposition :  It includes information that introduces the characters , setting and situation . It starts a problem or conflict . A novel usually has a main plot that continues throughout the book . It can also have a number of subplots . Each plot and subplot ha several main parts .

The climax :  It is the time of greatest interest or suspense . Rising action adds to the conflict .
Falling action :  It is what happens after the climax .
Resolution :   It tells how every thing turns out .
Nonfiction :  It is a term that applies to many types of writing . Biography , autobiography , memories , essays , letters , travel-goes , and feature articles ,

Drama , Legends - Art of Reading [ 4 ]

4- ] Art of Reading 
Drama .
Drama is all around you . Television shows – from soap operas to cartoons to crime stories are drama . Movies at the theater art at home are drama . Skits and plays performed at school are drama . Even advertisements on television or radio can be drama .
A drama also called a play , is a story meant to be performed or acted for an audience . Drama may be brief or long .
Kinds of Drama :
1-] Television comedy -] Soap opera 3-] Television serious show  4-] made-for-TV movie 5-] recording of a movie played on a TV 6-] radio broadcast of a play of show 7-] movie at the theater 8-] skit performed in school 9-] play on stage .
The Elements of Drama :
Like novels and short stories , dramas have a plot , a setting and characters .
The printed version of a drama is called a script . The script usually begins with the cast of characters .
The audience follows the story line and learns about the characters through dialogue or lines spoken by the characters .
The cast of characters is a list of all characters in the play . It sometimes tells who they are .
The protagonist is the main character of the play . The actions of the protagonist set the play in motion .
The antagonist is any character or force that stands in the way of the protagonist . The antagonist can be someone or something . The conflict between these two opposite forces is what makes a drama or any good story exciting and suspenseful .
Blank Verse :  Shakespeare wrote much of his plays in blank verse which is a form of unrhymed poetry that has [ five ] beats per line . In each line of blank verse , you will hear five pairs or syllables . The stress or emphasis falls on the second syllable of every pair .
Irony :  It is a contrast between appearance and reality . In verbal irony a person says one thing and means another .
Allusions :  An allusion is a reference to a person , a place or a thing from history or from a work of literature , music or art . In “I’ve seen the Promised Land” Martin Luther King makes many historical and biblical allusions . Even the title of his speech contains an allusion to the Bible .
Soliloquy :  It is a long speech given by a character – typically when he/she is alone on stage . It is as if the character were talking to himself or herself.
A soliloquy can teach you a lot about a character because he/ she usually reveals private thoughts and emotions .
An Aside :  It is a comment that a character makes either to another character on stage or to the audience .
Suspense :  It is what makes you feel uneasy or uncertain about what is going to happen next . Writers can build suspense through character’s actions or words .
Legends .
A legend is a traditional story passed down by word of mouth that is believed to be based on historical events and an actual hero . Over the years , most legends become exaggerated .
Some elements of legends :
The setting is a particular place .
Heroism is what makes a legend survive from generation to generation . Sometimes the hero has superhuman strength , character or courage .
The plot is often a loosely connected series of events or heroic deeds .
Characters do the action in the story . Often in legends , the characters are flat , or not well developed .
In tall tales characters have super-human abilities and can do impossible deeds . They are wildly imaginative stories . Often they were passed down  by word of mouth for many years before being written down .
The heroes of tall tales have extra or ordinary traits , for example , they might have superhuman strength or the ability to fly . They might have giant hand or ears or feet allowing them to do amazing deeds .

Poetry , Lyric , Free Verse , Epics , Art of Reading [ 3 ]

3- ] Art of Reading .
Poetry .
These reading strategies will be especially useful , when you read poetry .
Clarify :
Unravel [ paraphrase ] difficult passages by asking yourself “ What is another way of saying this ? Then , read slowly .
Visualize :
As you read , try to picture what the poem is describing .
Listen :
Whether reading aloud to yourself , listen to the sounds the words make . Ask yourself how the sounds fit with the meaning of the poem .
Interpret :
Look beyond the literal meaning of the words and try to find he larger ideas the poet wants to express . Ask yourself what certain symbols might stand for . Look for new connections in similes and metaphors .
Personification :
It is a figure of speech that describes an animal , an object , an idea or a force of nature as if it had human qualities , feelings and characteristics .
Speaker :
The speaker in a poem is the voice that communicates the actions or ideas to the reader . The speaker may be the poet or an invented person , animal or thing .
A Lyric Poem .
A lyric poem might be about an object , a person or an event , but it usually focuses on an emotional experience of the poem’s speaker . Lyric poems are generally short and musical . They often include a variety of sound effects , such as the following :
1-] Repetition :  The repeating of sounds , words , phrases , lines or stanzas .
2-] Rhyme : The repeating of vowel and consonant sounds at the ends of words as in / wood , stood , could .
3-] Rhythm :    The pattern of stressed [ / ] and unstressed [ ˇ ] syllables as in .    /        /           ˇ       /     ˇ   ˇ     /   ˇ         /
       Two roads  diverged  in a   yellow  wood .
What you should do in reading a poem :
 1-] How long is the poem ? 2-] What’s the poem about ? 3-] Name one emotion the speaker experiences . 4-] Name one phrase that is repeated in the poem . 5-] Which words rhyme in the second stanza ? 6-] Mark the stressed and unstressed syllables .
Sound Devices :
Sound devices are techniques that poets and writers use to emphasize sounds . By emphasizing certain sounds , poets can create rhythm , draw attention to particular words , add to the poem’s meaning and set a mood .
There are many types of sound devices such as rhythm , rhyme , alliteration and assonance .
Alliteration :   It is the repetition of sounds at the beginning of words . For example , in the phrase “ madly mowing the lawn midnight” , the [ m ] sound is repeated . It is used to draw attention to certain words and add a rhythmic or musical quality to their work .
Assonance :  It is the repetition of vowel sounds within words . For example , in the sentence “ moving can be soothing , the long o:[ oo]
is emphasized .
Free Verse :
Poetry without a fixed pattern of rhyme , rhythm , line length or stanza arrangement is called free verse . Some poets use the free verse to give their poems the natural realistic rhythms of conversation . Repetition and strong images are often the main poetic devices in free verse poems . The varied line lengths and line breaks are characteristics of free verse .
Desmet , Idaho , March 1969 .
Janet Campbell Hale .
At my father’s wake ,
The old people
                Knew me ,
            Though I
                    Knew them not ,
And spoke to me
In our tribe’s
Ancient tongue ,
The fact
That I
 Don’t speak
 The language
 And so
I listened
As if I understood
What it was all about ,
And ,
How it
Stirred me
To hear again
That strange
 Native tongue ,
Familiar to
My childhood ear .
This poem is one long sentence , which can make the poem difficult to understand .
Epics .
Epic poetry began long before people invented writing . With no books to preserve their myths and legends , people relied upon storytellers to excite these tales from memory , often with musical accompaniment . Some of the most famous epics come from ancient Greece , dating from the period before 700 B.C .
We read epic poems for some of the same reasons that ancient audiences listened to them . They are exciting stories that fill us with wonder and show us examples of strength , intelligence and moral courage . But modern readers get something extra – a glimpse of what people found admirable in times long past . Epics give us clues about what the world was like before people created writing . The Odyssey by Homer is an example of the epic .
The Common Elements Of The Epics :
1-] Epics are long stories with many episodes and written epics often begin with a list of characters .
2-] A heroic central figure undergoes trials and adventures .
3-] The setting is often on a grand scale , spanning a continent or the whole world .
4-] Gods and monsters often play a role and the action is frequently violent .
5-] Epics often begin with an invocation , a plea for inspiration from a guiding spirit . The invocation serves a second purpose : to capture the audience’s attention with highlights of heroic adventures that the poet will later describe in detail .
6-] The action usually begins “ in the middle of things” after important events have already happened .
7-] Epics aim to inspire the listener with examples of human courage shown by someone facing great odds .
8-] In many versions , side notes keyed to line numbers explain difficult words or passages to the reader .
9-] Because epics deal with serious important subjects , they use a formal tone and style .
10-] The quest or pursuit of a goal is a common theme in epic poetry . Odysseus was on a quest to return home .
11-]An epic often includes a list of characters .
An epic simile   It is a simile that is longer than a single line of verse and includes many descriptive details .

Reading Short Stories - Art of Reading [ 2 ]

2- ] Art of Reading .
Reading Short Stories .
The before mentioned reading strategies will be especially useful when you read short stories .
Predict :
Stop every so often to guess what is going to happen next . Then , read to see if the story fits your prediction .
Question :
Ask yourself basic questions and try to answer them : Why did he / she do that ? Where is this scene taking place ? Who is he / she ?
Respond :
It is fun and helpful to put yourself in a story as you read . Would I do that ? What would I like to say to him / her right now ?
Summarize :
Make sure you understand the narrative . Stop every so often to recap what has happened .
Draw Conclusions :
When you draw a conclusion , you put details together to make a general statement about something .
1-]Great Ideas .
Feel free to borrow ideas from the story .
2-] Lessons Learned .
In a small group , take turns telling something you learned from the story that you can apply to your own family life . Then , work together to write your lessons down as part of a self-help guide .
Literary Element .
Characterization :
The character of …….
1-] What she / he looks like .2-] How she / he acts 3-] What she / he says . 4-] What other characters say about her / him ?
Theme :
It is the central message of a selection . An author might state the theme directly , but more often the theme is implied or hinted at . To discover an implied theme , think about the selection’s plot , characters and setting and ask yourself :What does this story
mean ?
With a small group , come up with four ways to finish the statement in the center of this idea web. Jot your ideas in the outer circles . Discuss the details from the story that support each completed statement . Then , work together to figure out how your four statements are related . What larger message about life do they reveal ? Write that message at the bottom .
Conflict :
Is a struggle between opposing outside forces [ external conflict ]. 1-] Person against person . 2-] Person against nature . 3-] Person against society .  4-] Person against fate .
Internal Conflict :
It is a mental struggle between opposing thoughts or feelings .
Sensory Details .
They are descriptions that appeal to one or more of the five senses . Sensory details make writing come alive by helping readers see , hear , taste , touch or smell what is being described . For example , a writer may describe the wail of a police siren on a pleasant Sunday , helping you to hear , see and feel what is happening in the story .
Foreshadowing :
When an author provides clues that hint at what will happen later in a story , he or she is using foreshadowing . Science fiction writers often use foreshadowing , or clues about future story events to create suspense and excitement as you read .

236- ] English Literature , George Bernard Shaw

236- ] English Literature  George Bernard Shaw  List of works by George Bernard Shaw The following is a list of works by George Bernard Sh...