Grammar American & British

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Spelling & Vocabulary Enrichment . [ 7 ]

6- ] Spelling & Vocabulary Enrichment .

Latin Roots .

Root [ Base ]       Meaning                             Examples

act                      to do , drive        action , actor , react , transact , enact

alt                       high                   altitude , altimeter , altiplano

anima , anim      life , mind            animal , animated

ann , enn             year                   annual , perennial , bicentennial

aqua                       water               aquarium , aquamarine , aquanaut

arm                        army , weapon     armory , armament

arbitr , arbiter    to judge , consider           arbitrator , arbitrary , arbiter

art          craft , skill                                    artist , artsy , artisan

aud        to hear                                audience , auditorium , audible

bell         war                                    belligerent , bellicose

cede      to go , to yield               intercede , supercede , concede

cele        honour                         celebrate , celebrities

cent       one hundred                percent , bicentennial , centennial

cept , capt , cip ,

cap , ceive , ceipt                  to take hold , grasp          intercept  , receive , receipt , capture

cert        to be sure , to trust             certain , ascertain , certifiable

cess , ced             to go , to yield         cessation , concession , accede , procession

cid , cis           to cut off , to brief ,to kill   concise , homicide , genocide

circ , circum        around                         circumference , circle , circular

clin         to lean , lie , bend             decline , incline , recline

cog         to think , consider            cognition , cognitive , recognize

comput       to compute                computer , computation

cor ,           cord , card heart          cardiovascular , coronary

corp          body                            corpose , corpulence , corporate

cred       to believe , trust               credibility , incredible , credit , credential

crit , cris               to separate , discern , judge        criticism , rcitique , crisis

culp        fault , blame                              culprit , culpable

curs, curr , corr    to run            current , occurrence , cursor , corral

custom         one’s own           customized , customer , accustom

dent             tooth               dentist , dental , dentifrice

dic , dict       to say , speak , assert           diction , dictionary , dictate

duct , duc            to lead , to draw               aqueduct , abduct , conduct , reduce

dur         hard , lasting                          duration , durable , endure

ego        I                                    egotistical , egocentric , egoism

equ        equal , fair           equality , equation , equator

fac , fic , fect , fact       to make , do        facsimile , facility , defect , efficient

fer          to carry , bear , bring             offer , transfer , aquifer

fid           trust , faith                  fidelity infidel , infidelity

fin           end , limit               finish , finite , infinite , final

flu           to flow                  fluid , flux , fluctuate

form      shape , form          formal , formative , inform

fort        strong                  fortress , fortify , fortification

frig         cool                   frigid , refrigerate , frigorific

fum        smoke , scent       fuming , fumigate , perfume

gen        race , family , kind            genealogy , general , generation

grad , gress , step        degree , rank       grade , gradual , regress

grat        pleasing , thankful           congratulate , gratitude , gratify

grav , griev          heavy                gravitate , gravity , grieve

hab        to have hold , dwell         habit , habitat , inhabit

hom       man , human                  homage , homicide

hosp      guest                             hospital , hospitality

host       enemy , stranger              hostile , hostility , host

init          to begin , enter upon             initial , initiate , initiation

jur , jus , judic    law , right , judgment     jurist , justify , judicial

juven          young                                juvenile , juvenility , rejuvenate

labor              work                       laboratory , labourer , laborious

lat           lateral , side , wide          latitude , latitudinal

laud            praise                      laud , laudable , laudatory

leg          law         legal , legislator , legitimate

lev          to make light , lift             elevator , lever , levitate

liber       free                            liberal , liberate , libertarian

lingu , langu                    tongue language , sublingual

loc          place             local , localize , relocate , dislocate

locu , loqu , locut        word , speak      elocution , eloquent , loquacious

luc , lumin           light                    illuminate , lucent , lucid

manu                hand                           manual , manufacture

mar               sea                   marinate , marine , maritime

med , medi         middle                     mediate , medieval , medicore

medic    physician , to heal            medical , medicine , medicament, medicinal

memor           mindful                        memorial , memory

mon       to remind , advise ,warn     admonish , monitor , premonition

ment     mind                          mental , mentally , mentality 

migr       to move , travel          immigrant , migration , migratory

mit , mis               to send          remission , missive , transmit

mort           death                    mortal l mortality , mortify

mov , mob , mot               to move               mob , mobile , remove , motion

mut        change , exchange           mutant , mutate , transmutate

necess  unavoidable               necessary , necessitate , necessity

noc , nox              harm         innocent , innocuous , nocent , obnoxious

noc , nox              night        equinox , nocturnal , nocturne

nomen , nomin name       nominal , nominate , nomenclature

null , nihil , nil              nothing , void    nihilism , nil , nullify

ord , ordin           to put in order          order , ordinal , ordinary

par , pair              to arrange , get ready set   parade , particle , partner

ped                    foot                  pedestal , pedestrian , pedal        

pend , pond , pens      to weigh , pay ,consider     pension , pensive , ponder

 pli , plic       to fold                pliable , plicate , replicate       

plur , plus            more          plural , pluralistic , surplus

port       to carry                    import , export , portable

pos         to place , put      position , positive

pot         powerful             impotent , potent , potential

prim , prin           first        primary , prime , primitive , principal

priv        separate              deprive , private , privilege

prov , prob          to prove , test        probate , probation , prove

reg , rig , rect     to rule       right ,straight regal , regent , region , rectify

rupt       to break , burst         disrupt , eruption , rupture

sacr , secr , sant sacred         descrate , sacrifice ,sacrilege , sanctify

sat , satis              to know               insatiable , satisfy , satiate

sci           to know               conscience , science , scientist

scrib , script        to write            inscribe , subscription , script

sed , sid , sess    to sit , to settle       sedate , sediment , subside , session

sent , sens           to feel               sense , sentimental , sentinel

sequ , secut        to follow , sequence       consequence , sequel , consecutive

simil , simul , sembl         like , similar         semblance , simulate , simile

sol , soli        alone , lonely                soliloquy , solo , solitary

somn            sleep                 somnolent , somniloquy , somnambulate

son         sound                         sonic , soniferous , sonnet

spec , spect , spic              to see , look at , behold inspect , respect , spectacle , species

spond , spons    to pledge , promise         sponsor , sponsorship , respond

tac , tic  silent                              tacit , taciturn

temp       time             temporary , temper

ten , tain , tent           to hold                     contain , tenant , retention

tend , tens          to stretch , strive              tendon , tension , distend

termin         boundary , limit                      terminal , terminate , determine

test        to witness , affirm                  attest , contest , testify

tract       to pull , draw                  attract , retract , traction

trib         to allot , give              attribute , tribute

vac         empty                    evacuate , vacuous , vacuum

ven , vent            to come               advent , convene , revenue

ver         truth                           veracity , verify , veritable

vers , vert            to turn         adverse , conversion , invert

vest       garment                     vest , vestment

vestig    to track                    investigate , vestige

via          way , road           via , viaduct

vir           manliness , worth            virile , virility , virtue

vis , vid to see , look        revision , video , visible

viv , vit         life              vital , vivacious , vivid

voc , vok              voice , call            invocation , revoke , vocal

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