Grammar American & British

Friday, September 10, 2021

Vocabulary Tests - Test Five

Vocabulary Tests 


Test Five

Read the sentences or short passages below . Write the letter for the correct definition of the underlined vocabulary word .

Even though the subject was complicated and difficult , the teacher was quite articulate in her explanation . By the end of the period everyone understood the problem .

1 . ( A ) able to express

     ( B ) argumentative

     ( C ) often misunderstood

     ( D ) loud and talkative                                            1 . ---------------

The captain’s defiant call for action was only bravado . When the fighting started , he was nowhere to be found .

2 . ( A ) a deep sense of courage and commitment

     ( B ) mechanical

     ( C ) showy behavior without courage behind it

     ( D ) a very interesting speech                                  2 . ----------------

No one was fooled by the newspaper’s effusive praise of the football coach . Everyone knows Coach Gary is the editor’s brother-in-law .

3 . ( A ) disguised

     ( B ) excessive gushing

     ( C ) commonplace , ordinary

     ( D ) moving and sincere                                          3 . ----------------

Arthur’s garrulous behavior at the party caused many people to leave early . Once he gets started there is no stopping him . After a while your ears start to hurt .

4 . ( A ) excessively talkative

     ( B ) quiet and shy

     ( C ) embarrassing

     ( D ) cordial and engaging                                       4 . -------------------

The politician’s glib response to my question convinced me she would not get my vote. That subject is far too important to be dismissed with such a simple answer. 

5 . ( A ) intelligent and perceptive

     ( B ) impressive

     ( C ) untruthful

     ( D ) superficial and insincere                                  5 . ------------------

When the candidate held up the flag and tearfully reminded us that he was a veteran , the audience began to feel uneasy . Such histrionics do not usually get votes .

6. ( A ) powerful arguments

    ( B ) childish behavior

    ( C ) excessive emotional appeals

     ( D ) patriotism                                                              6 . ------------------

It is hard to believe that Ian , one of the most talkative and friendly people in school , has such a laconic brother .

7 . ( A ) speaking briefly and to the point

     ( B ) angry and hostile

     ( C ) dull and lazy

     ( D ) foolish                                                                     7 . ----------------

I hated to see Robert take his seat in the auditorium . He was certain to engage the speaker in some polemic . No matter what her opinion might be , Robert was certain to take the opposite view .

8 . ( A ) unusual behavior

     ( B ) controversy or argument

     ( C ) lengthy discussion

     ( D ) false praise                                                              8. -------------------

I had hoped to hear something fresh and interesting at last night’s career forum . However , in the end the speakers offered the same trite advice I have heard again and again . Stay in school . Study hard . Good things will start to happen .

9 . ( A ) exciting and interesting

     ( B ) humorous

     ( C ) logical ; sensible

     ( D ) overused ; meaningless                                           9 . -------------------

Jackie bragged about having written the longest term paper in the class . It was twice as long as the assignment required . If the teacher gives grades for verbosity , Jackie will get an A .

10 . ( A ) wordiness

       ( B ) sincerity

       ( C ) humility

       ( D ) neatness                                                                10 . -------------------

Answer Key

1 . A 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. D 6 . C 7 . A 8 . B 9 . D 10 . A


2- ] Each question below include a word in capital letters , followed by five words or phrases . Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the word in capital letters. Write the letter for your answer on the line provided .

1 . DESPOT ( A ) dispose of ( B ) energize

( C ) dictator ( D ) cleansing agent 1.----------

2 . SEDITION (A ) contamination ( B ) mutiny

( C ) temptation ( D ) quiet relaxation 2 . ----------

3 . MALADY ( A ) illness ( B ) pleasant sounds

( C ) requirement ( D ) cancerous  3 . --------------

4. USURP ( A ) draw in ( B ) cross over

( C ) loud , boisterous speech ( D ) take away by force 4 . ----------------

5 . USURY ( A ) secret theft of money ( B ) charging excessively high interest

( C ) ruin through prolonged use ( D ) having many wives 5 . ----------------

6. XENOPHOBIA ( A ) fear of strangers ( B ) layer of Earth’s atmosphere

( C ) exact copy ( D ) fear of water   6. --------------------

7. MANDATORY ( A ) made with the hands ( B ) required

( C ) historic ( D ) related to men  7 . ---------------------

8 . PLAINTIVE ( A ) simple ( B ) having tendency to complain

( C ) mournful ( D ) flat   8 . -------------------

9 . ABRIDGE ( A ) restrict ( B ) overcome

( C ) connect ( D ) destroy  9 . -----------------

10 . IMPLY ( A ) deny ( B ) instruct

( C ) strengthen ( D ) suggest  10 . -----------------

11 . APATHY ( A ) small opening ( B ) unconcern

( C ) great sorrow ( D ) approval  11 . -------------------

12 . INHERENT ( A ) receive through a will ( B ) skillful

( C ) essential ( D ) crude  12 . -------------------

13 . BLASÉ ( A ) bored ( B ) inflamed

( C ) excited ( D ) extended  13 . --------------------

14 . PATHETIC ( A ) foreign influence ( B ) logical

( C ) unusually strong ( D ) pitiful 14 . -------------------

15 . CONTINUAL ( A ) without interruption ( B ) repeated

( C ) related to the continents ( D ) contrary 15 . -------------------

16 . INDUCE ( A ) reduce ( B ) invade

( C ) persuade ( D ) duplicate 16 . ------------------

17 . MALIGN ( A ) transmit disease ( B ) slander

( C ) praise excessively ( D ) feel uneasy   17 . -------------------

18 . BENEVOLENT ( A ) charitable ( B ) violent

( C ) growing rapidly ( D ) literary  18 . --------------------

19 . LUCRATIVE ( A ) hidden ( B ) heavily in debt

( C ) foolish ( D ) profitable  19 . ------------------------

20 . INDEFATIGABLE ( A ) deflated ( B ) tireless

( C ) lean ( D ) sensitive 20 . ------------------

21 . CREED ( A ) official document ( B ) item used in cooking

( C ) belief ( D ) damaging rumor 21 . -------------------

22 . IMPEDIMENT ( A ) obstacle ( B ) platform

( C ) troublemaker ( D ) solemn memorial 22 . ----------------

23 . ROBUST ( A ) deflate ( B ) reverse

( C ) musical ( D ) vigorous  23 . ------------------

24 . AUTONOMY ( A ) independence ( B ) study of automobiles

( C ) combination of cultures ( D ) worship of ancestors 24 . -------------------

25 . EMPARHY ( A ) emphasis ( B ) identifying with the feelings of others

( C ) extreme envy ( D ) suspicion of others 25 . -------------------

Answer Key

1. C 2. B 3 . A 4 . D 5 . B 6. A 7 . B 8 . C  9 . A 10 . D 11 . B 12 . C 13 . A 14 . D 15 . B

16 . C 17 . B 18 . A 19 . D 20 . B 21 . C 22 . A 23 . D 24. A 25 . B   

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