Grammar American & British

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Vocabulary Tests , Test Ten

Vocabulary Tests 


Test Ten

1- ] Decide which definition best completes the sentence . Write the letter for your choice on the answer line .

1. If you see an omen , you --------------

( A ) get a sign that something is going to happen ( B ) are watching an evil ritual

( C ) are bewitched  ( D ) are reading the last words of a prayer 1 . ----------------

2 . A malicious smile suggests a --------------- attitude .

( A ) charming ( B ) tasteful

( C ) mean ( D ) casual                                                                    2 . ---------------

3 . Someone with a gaunt appearance would be -------------

( A ) short but husky ( B ) thin and bony

( C ) angry ( D ) serious                                                                   3 . --------------

4 . If you meet your nemesis , you run into someone you ---------------

( A ) do not remember ( B ) dislike

( C ) cannot defeat ( D ) enjoy being with                                       4 . ---------------

5 . If a group of people boycott a meeting , they ----------------

( A )refuse to attend ( B ) take it over

( C ) disrupt it ( D ) exclude women                                                 5 . --------------

6. A maudlin person might often be seen --------------

( A ) sleeping peacefully ( B ) looking for a fight

( C ) praying ( D ) crying                                                                  6 . --------------

7 . A club with procrustean rules for membership would -----------------

( A ) be very expensive ( B ) ignore individual differences

( C ) be popular with the wealthy ( D ) probably be illegal              7 . ------------

8 . A docile pet would be ---------------

( A ) kept away from children ( B ) easily managed

( C ) hard to control ( D ) large and muscular                                 8 . -------------

9 . If a famous athlete wants to be incognito in public , she / he desires ----------

( A ) her / his identity to be unknown ( B ) a great deal of attention

( C ) to be ignored ( D ) to be warm and friendly to her/ his admirers 9 .---------

10 . If someone states a paradox , he ------------

( A ) says something with two meanings ( B ) is probably a mathematician ( C ) is guilty of deceit ( D ) is making a contradictory statement that seems true 10 . ----------

11 , When a storm subside , it ---------------

( A ) move rapidly away ( B ) breaks into parts

( C ) becomes less active ( D ) increases in violence                           11 . ----------------

12 . A cherished memory will ---------------

( A ) never be forgotten ( B ) be held dear

( C ) be the source of grief ( D ) be kept secret                                    12. -----------------

13 . Your mentor would be --------------

( A ) a trusted advisor ( B ) an unconquered enemy

( C ) a secret admirer ( D ) a rival or competitor                                13 . -----------------

14 . If you found yourself mesmerized by something , you would be ---------------

( A ) confused ( B ) fascinated  

( C ) annoyed ( D ) fooled                                                                   14 . ---------------

15 . An agnostic is one who ------------

( A ) devotes himself to serving others ( B ) lives a life of strict discipline ( C ) is knowledgeable about agriculture ( D ) believes we can never know if God exists   15 . --------------

Answer Key

1 . A 2 . C 3 . B 4 . C 5. A 6. D 7 . B 8 . B 9 . A 10 . D 11 . C 12. B 13 . A 14. B 15 . D

2 - ] Match the definition in Column B with the word in Column A . Write the letter for your choice on the answer line .

   Column A                   Column B

1. charity                     a. wrapping for a dead person or anything that conceals  1 ----------------

2 . perish                      b. requiring great strength                                                   2 ---------------

3 . bedlam                    c . to die or be destroyed                                                      3 ---------------

4. diagnose                   d . an independent thinker , nonconformist                       4 --------------

5 . indoctrinate            e . noisy confusion                                                                 5 --------------

6 . quixotic                   f . staying faithful to established beliefs                              6 ---------------

7 . maverick                 g . kindness and love in judging others                               7 ---------------

8 . shroud                     h . idealistic but foolish                                                         8 ------------------

9 . orthodox                  I to identify a disease                                                            9 -----------------

10 . herculean              j . to teach a certain act of principles                                  10 -----------------

Answer key

1. g  2. c  3 . e  4 . i  5 . j  6 . h   7 . d  8 . a  9 . f  10 b

3- ] Each question below include a word in capital letters , followed by five words or phrases . Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the word in capital letters. Write the letter for your answer on the line provided .

1 . INDIGENOUS ( A ) native  ( B ) careful

( C ) poor  ( D ) industrious                                                                 1 . --------------------

2 . SYNTHESIS ( A ) illegal act ( B ) combination

( C ) artificial  ( D ) systematic                                                            2 . ------------------

3 . DESPOT ( A ) railroad station  ( B ) outlaw

 ( C ) tyrant  ( D ) regulation                                                               3 . --------------------    

4 . MANDATE ( A ) authorization  ( B ) amendment

( C ) tropical fruit  ( D ) historic event                                                  4 . ------------------

5. USURP ( A ) seize illegally  ( B ) inhale deeply

( C ) attack  ( D ) consume                                                                      5 . -------------------

6 . IMPEDIMENT ( A ) importance  ( B ) type of vehicle       

( C ) foundation  ( D ) obstacle                                                               6 . ------------------ 

7 . AUTONOMY ( A ) automatic  ( B ) independence

( C ) royal decree  ( D ) dictatorship                                                       7 . ------------------

8 . RUTHLESS ( A ) ancient  ( B ) benevolent

( C ) cruel  ( D ) plain and simple                                                            8 . ------------------

9 . QUELL ( A ) to quiet  ( B ) writing instrument

( C ) to overthrow  ( D ) to confuse                                                         9 . -------------------

10 . VALIDATE ( A ) to value ( B ) to prove correct

( C ) to elect to office  ( D ) to assist                                                         10 . -----------------

11 . SEDITION ( A ) withdrawal   ( B ) drugged state

( C ) negotiation  ( D ) rebellious behavior                                            11 . -----------------

12 . REACTIONARY ( A ) very conservative ( B )  counterattack

( C ) progressive  ( D ) old-fashioned                                                       12 . ------------------

 13 . PODIATRIST ( A ) architect  ( B ) foot doctor

( C ) gloomy person    ( D ) fortune teller                                                13 . ------------------

14 . ROBUST ( A )  sensible  ( B ) weak

( C ) punctured  ( D ) vigorous                                                                  14 . -------------------

15 . COUNTERMAND ( A )  cancel  ( B ) government clerk

( C ) conceal  ( D ) official document                                                         15 . -------------------

Answer Key

1 . A 2. B 3 . C 4 . A 5. A 6 . D 7 . B 8 . C 9 . A 10 . B 11 . D 12 . A 13 . B 14 . D 15 . A

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