Grammar American & British

Friday, August 5, 2022

1 - ] SAT - Writing a 25-Minute Essay

1 - ] SAT - Writing a 25-Minute Essay 

Writing a 25-Minute Essay .

Testing Tactics

1 . Familiarize Yourself with the Most Common Types of Essay Questions .

In past years , ETS has used three types of essay questions on the SAT II Writing Test ; it is likely to use a similar formula for the new SAT writing prompts .

1 . The first type of essay question asks you to respond to a statement. A good example of this type of prompt is :

Genius is one percent inspiration , and ninety-nine percent perspiration . - Thomas Alva Edison

Assignment : The statement above inspires that effort is of greater importance than creativity in achieving success . Write an essay supporting , disputing , or qualifying the statement . You may use examples from history , literature , popular culture , current events , or personal experience to support your position .

2 . The second type of prompt asks you to choose between contrasting statements . For example :

1. Education is a kind of continuing dialogue , and a dialogue assumes …. different points of view . - Robert M . Hutchins

2 . What does education often do ? It makes a straight-cut ditch of a tree , meandering brook . - Henry David Thoreau

Assignment : Consider the statements above . Choose the one that best represents your beliefs , and write an essay explaining your choice . You may use examples from history ,literature ,popular culture , current events ,or personal experience to support your position .

3. The third type of prompt asks you to complete a statement .

A great workof fiction can allow us to see truths that may be hidden from us in real life . A good example of the ability of fiction to teach important truths is -------------------- .

Assignment : Complete the sentence above with a fictional work from literature , film , or television and write an essay demonstrating how that story taught an important truth .

           Though the three question types may appear different on the surface , they have much in common . Each question demands that you take a position and provide evidence (examples) to support that position . The third question type is in some ways the simplest , because it dictates your thesis . You are not asked to agree or disagree with the statement . Instead , the prompt takes your agreement for granted and requires you to focus your energies on supporting the statement with a well-chosen example .The first type of question provides you with more latitude , allowing you to agree or disagree with the statement , in whole or in part . The second question type appears more complicated than the first , but it is really no different . Rather than choosing to agree or disagree with a single statement , you choose between two statements that disagree , selecting the one that best represents our beliefs .

            If you can handle responding to statement , you can handle the other question types as well . If you get a contrasting statements topic , once you have chosen the statement with which you basically agree , your essay will be  a response to statement essay in which you indicate your agreement with that statement . If you are assigned a complete a statement essay , your essay essentially will also be a response to statement essay in which you support the statement .

What sorts of topics should you choose ?

ETS tends to use topics that are relevant to young adults about to enter college . Common topic areas include education , success , challenges , risk taking , individuality , and self-knowledge . ETS appears to avoid topics that might be emotionally charged ( such as family relationships ) or relevant to a limited audience ( such as sports ) . With this information in mind and a quotation book in hand , you should be able to come up with dozens ( perhaps even hundreds ) of practice topics .

1 . Success is somebody’s else’s failure . --Ursula K . Le Guin

Assignment : The statement above argues that success and failure trade off , that there can be no “win-win” situation . Write an essay supporting , disputing , or qualifying the statement . You may use examples from history , literature , popular culture , current events , or personal experience to support your position .

2 . The greater the effort , the greater the glory . -- Pierre Corneille

Assignment : The statement above argues that the difficulty of a task determines its importance . Write an essay supporting , disputing , or qualifying the statement . You may use examples from history , literature , popular culture , current events , or personal experience to support your position .

3. Treating your adversary with respect is giving him an advantage to which he is not entitled . - Samuel Johnson

Assignment :The statement above indicates that respecting one’s opponents is not strategic.  Write an essay supporting , disputing , or qualifying the statement . You may use examples from history , literature , popular culture , current events , or personal experience to support your position .

4 . In crisis cleverness born . Chinese Proverb

Assignment : The statement above implies crises can benefit us by fostering creativity . Write an essay supporting , disputing , or qualifying the statement . You may use examples from history , literature , popular culture , current events , or personal experience to support your position .

5 . Those who doubt themselves most generally err least . -- Samuel Richardson

Assignment :The statement above argues that self-confidence causes carelessness and error. Write an essay supporting , disputing , or qualifying the statement . You may use examples from history , literature , popular culture , current events , or personal experience to support your position .

6. If you rest , you rust . -- Helen Hayes

Assignment : The statement above argues that those who fail to strive regress . Write an essay supporting , disputing , or qualifying the statement . You may use examples from history , literature , popular culture , current events , or personal experience to support your position .

7 . Learning starts with failure ; the first failure is the beginning of education . -- John Hersey

Assignment : The statement above implies that failure is educational . Write an essay supporting , disputing , or qualifying the statement . You may use examples from history , literature , popular culture , current events , or personal experience to support your position .

8 . Progress is not an illusion , it happens , but it is slow and invariably disappointing . -- George Orwell

Assignment : The statement above argues that rapid progress is not possible .Write an essay supporting , disputing , or qualifying the statement . You may use examples from history , literature , popular culture , current events , or personal experience to support your position .

9 . We can succeed only by concert , it is not “Can any of us imagine better ?” but “Can we all do better ?” -- Abraham Lincoln

Assignment : The statement above argues that we can achieve success only through collective effort , rather than as individuals . Write an essay supporting , disputing , or qualifying the statement . You may use examples from history , literature , popular culture , current events , or personal experience to support your position .

10 . Patience and tenacity of purpose are more than twice their weight of cleverness . -- Thomas Henry Huxley 

Assignment : The statement above implies that consistent effort is of greater importance than creativity in achieving success .Write an essay supporting , disputing , or qualifying the statement . You may use examples from history , literature , popular culture , current events , or personal experience to support your position .

11 . How can one learn to know oneself ? Never by introspection , rather by action . Try to do your duty , and you will know right away what you are like . -- Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Assignment : The statement above implies that we cannot know who are and what we are capable of without testing ourselves . Write an essay supporting , disputing , or qualifying the statement . You may use examples from history , literature , popular culture , current events , or personal experience to support your position .

12 .Progress may feel more like loss than gain . -- Mason Cooley

Assignment : The statement above implies that our comfort with what we know makes it difficult to accept change , even when it is a change for the better . Write an essay supporting , disputing , or qualifying the statement . You may use examples from history , literature , popular culture , current events , or personal experience to support your position .

13 . No bird soars too high , if he soars with his own wings . -- William Blake

Assignment :The statement above implies that we risk failure when we attempt to surpass the limits of our own abilities . Write an essay supporting , disputing , or qualifying the statement . You may use examples from history , literature , popular culture , current events , or personal experience to support your position .

14 . A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light , but rather because its opponents die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it . -- Max Planck

Assignment : The statement above implies that most people cannot accept new and unfamiliar ideas . Write an essay supporting , disputing , or qualifying the statement . You may use examples from history , literature , popular culture , current events , or personal experience to support your position .

15 . The harder the conflict , the more glorious the triumph . What we obtain too cheap we esteem too lightly . -- Thomas Paine 

Assignment : The statement above argues that we most value that which is difficult to attain . Write an essay supporting , disputing , or qualifying the statement . You may use examples from history , literature , popular culture , current events , or personal experience to support your position .


Two readers will grade your essay in about two minutes , reading very quickly to judge it as a whole . (The College Board calls this process holistic scoring . )  Each reader will assign your essay a score of 1 to 6 , with 6 the highest possible score . If both readers give your essay a 4 , your combined score will be 8 . If one reader gives your essay a 3 and the other assigns it a 4 , your sombined score will be 7 . If the two readers seriously disagree about your score - for example , if one reader considers your essay a 3 and the other judges it a 5 - a third reader will look over your essay and determine your score .

Scoring Level 6

Essays on this level demonstrates a clear command of writing and thinking skills , despite the occasional , infrequent minor error . Characteristics of essays on this level include :

1 . intelligent , convincing development of a position on the issue

2 . selection of relevant examples and other evidence to support its position

3 . smooth , well-orchestrated progression from idea to idea

4 . use of varied sentence types and appropriate vocabulary

5. freedom from most technical flaws ( mistakes in grammar , usage , diction )

These essays are insightful .

Note : Length is important . Top-scoring SAT II essays published by ETS have averaged about 400 to 500 words . These essays were written in only 20 minutes . For your 25-minute essay to earn a top score of 5 or 6 , it should be at least 400 words long . 

2 - ] SAT - Common Problems In Grammar And Usage

2 - ] SAT - Common Problems In Grammar And Usage


The sentences in this section may contain errors in grammar , usage , choice of words , or idioms. Either there is just one error in a sentence or the sentence is correct . Some words or phrases  are underlined and lettered ; everything else in the sentence is correct.

    If an underlined word or phrase is incorrect , choose that letter ; if the sentence is correct , select No error . Then blacken the appropriate space on your answer sheet .

Example :

The region has a climate so severe that plants growing there rarely had been more than

                                                     A                                  B                           C

twelve inches high . No error

                         D         E

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

We were already to leave for the amusement park when John’s car broke down ; we were

                   A               B                                                                                     C                   D

forced to postpone our outing . No error


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

2. By order of the Student Council , the wearing of slacks by we girls in school has been

        A                                                              B                             C                              D

 permitted . No error


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

3 . Each one of the dogs in the show require a special kind of diet . No error

       A                                                         B            C         D                       E

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

4 . The major difficulty confronting the authorities was the reluctance of the people to talk

                                               A                                        B                                                     C

; they has been warned not to say nothing to the police . No error

                                                          D                                       E

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

5. If I were you , I would permit him to take part in such an exhausting and painful

             A                                          B            C                                            D

 activity. No error


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

6 . Stanford White , who is one of America’s most notable architects , have designed many

                                    A                                              B                                         C

famous buildings , among them the original Madison Square Garden . No error

                                          D                                                                                 E

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

7 . The notion of allowing the institution of  slavery to continue to  exist in a democratic

                             A                             B                                    C

 society had no appeal to either the violent followers of John Brown nor the peaceful


disciples of Sojourner Truth . No error


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

8 . Some students prefer watching filmstrips to textbooks because they feel uncomfortable

                                   A                                                 B                                                C

 with  the presentation of information in a non-oral form . No error

                                        D                                                              E

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

9 . There was so much conversation in back of me that I couldn’t hear the actors on the

        A                                                         B                 C           D

 stage . No error


 (A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


10 . This book is too; it can help neither you nor I . No error

                              A         B                                 C  D       E

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

11 . In a way we may say that we have reached  the end of the Industrial Revolution .

                        A                   B                  C                    D

No error


12 . Although the books are altogether on the shelf , they are not arranged in any kind of

                A                                      B                               C                                             D

order . No error


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

13 . The reason for my prolonged absence from class was because I was ill for three weeks .

                     A                              B                                    C        D  

No error


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

14 . According to  researchers , the weapons and work implements used by Cro-Magnon

                A                                                                                                  B

 hunters appear being actually quite  “modern .” No error

                               C           D                                          E

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

15 . Since we were caught completely unawares , the affect of Ms. Rivera’s remarks was

                                                              A                            B                                                  C

startling ; some were shocked , but others were angry . No error

                                                       D                                           E   

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

16 . The committee had intended both you and I to speak at the assembly ; however , only

                                          A                            B                                                        C            D                             

one of us will be able to talk . No error


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

17 . The existence of rundown “welfare hotels” in which homeless families reside at

                                                                                       A                                        B

enormous cost to the taxpayer provides a shameful commentary of  America’s commitment

                      C                                                                        D

to house the poor . No error .


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

18 . We have heard that the principal has decided whom the prize winners will be  and will

                                                       A                                B                                          C     D

announce the names in the assembly today . No error


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

19 . As soon as the sun had rose  over the mountains , the valley became unbearably hot

             A                             B           C                                                                       D

and stifling . No error


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

20 . They are both excellent books , but this one is best . No error

           A                               B                                  C   D           E   

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

21 . Although the news had come as a surprise to all in the room , both Jane and Oprah

                                                A                                B

tried to do her work as though nothing had happened . No error

                     C                  D                                                         E  

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

22 . Even well-known fashion designers have difficulty staying on top from one season to

          A                                                                                                                       B

 another  because of  changeable moods and needs in the marketplace . No error

                     C                        D                                                                            E

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

23 . Arms control has been under discussion for decades with the former Soviet Union , but

                                                             A                                                                                        B

solutions are still alluding the major powers . No error

                     C           D                                              E

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

24 . Perhaps sports enthusiasts are realizing that jogging is not easy on joints and tendons ,

                                                                              A                           B            

for the latest fad is being walking . No error

                 C                      D                     E 

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

25 . Technological advances can cause factual data to become obsolete within a short time ;

                                                        A                                                                                   B

yet , students should concentrate on reasoning skills , not facts . No error

  C                                                                   D                                       E

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

26 . If anyone cares to join me in this campaign , either now or in the near future , they will

        A                             B                                            C                                                     D

be welcomed gratefully . No error


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

27 . The poems with which he occasionally desired to regale the fashionable world were

                                    A                                                B  

invariably bad -- stereotyped , bombastic , and even ludicrous . No error

          C                                                                              D                     E

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

28 . Ever since the quality of teacher education came under public scrutiny , suggestions for

               A                     B

upgrading the profession are abounding . No error

         C                                           D                    E

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

29 . Because the door was locked , the police were forced to break into the apartment

             A                                                                B                     C

through the bedroom window . No error

      D                                                   E

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

30 . I will always remember you standing by me offering me encouragement . No error

            A      B                          C         D                                                                         E

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

31 . With special training , capuchin monkeys can enable quadriplegics as well as  other

                                                                                       A                                       B

handicapped individuals to become increasing independent . No error

                                                    C                        D                            E

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

32 . Contrary to  what had previously been reported , the conditions governing  the truce

               A                                                                                                          B

between Libya and Chad arranged by the United Nations has not yet been revealed .

                                                      C                                            D

No error


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

33 . Avid readers generally either admire or dislike Ernest Hemingway’s journalistic style

                                                                        A                                                                         B

of writing ; few have no opinion of him  . No error

                          C                               D              E

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

34 In 1986 , the nuclear disaster at Chernobyl has aroused intense speculation about the

                                                                                          A                                            B

long-term effects of radiation that continued for the better part of  a year . No error

                       C                                                                        D                                  E

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

35 . Howard Hughes , who became the subject for bizarre rumors as a result of his extreme

                                         A       B                                                                      C

reclusiveness , was well-known as an aviator , industrialist , and in producing motion


pictures  . No error


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

Some or all parts of the following sentences are underlined . The first answer choice . (A) , simply repeats the underlined part of the sentence . The other four choices present four alternative ways to phrase the underlined part . Select the answer that produces the most effective sentence , one that is clear and exact , and blacken the appropriate space on your answer sheet . In selecting your choice , be sure that it is standard written English , and that it expresses the meaning of the original sentence

example :

The first biography of author Eudora Welty came out in 1998 and she was 89 years old at the time 

(A) and she was 89 years old at the time .

(B) at the time when she was 89

(C) upon becoming an 89 year old

(D) when she was 89

(E) at the age of 89 years old

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

36 . The child is neither encouraged to be critical or to examine all the evidence before forming an opinion .

(A) neither encouraged to be critical or to examine

(B) neither encouraged to be critical nor to examine

(C) either encouraged to be critical or to examine

(D) encouraged either to be critical or to examine

(E) not encouraged either to be critical or to examine

37 . The process by which the community influence the actions of its members is known as social control .

(A) influence the actions of its members

(B) influences the actions of its members

(C) had influenced the actions of its members

(D) influences the actions of their members

(E) will influence the actions of its members

38 . Play being recognized as an important factor improving mental and physical health and thereby reducing human misery and poverty .

(A) Play being recognized

(B) By recognizing play as

(C) Their recognizing play as

(D) Recognition of it being

(E) Play is recognized as

39 . To be sure , there would be scarcely any time left over for other things if school children would have been expected to have considered all sides of every matter , on which they hold opinions .

(A) would have been expected to have considered

(B) should have been expected to have considered

(C) were expected to consider

(D) will be expected to have considered

(E) were  expected to be considered

40 . Using it wisely , leisure promotes health , efficiency and happiness .

(A) Using it wisely

(B) If is used wisely

(C) Having used it wisely

(D) Because of its wise use

(E) Because of usefulness

41 . In giving expression to the play instincts of the human race , new vigor and effectiveness are afforded by recreation to the body and to the mind .  

(A) new vigor and effectiveness are afforded by recreation to the body and to the mind  

(B) recreation affords new vigor and effectiveness to the body and to the mind  

(C) there are afforded new vigor and effectiveness to the body and to the mind  

(D) by recreation the body and the mind are afforded new vigor and effectiveness

(E) to the body and to the mind afford new vigor and effectiveness to themselves by recreation

42 . Depending on skillful suggestion , argument is seldom used in advertising .

(A) Depending on skillful suggestion , argument is seldom used in advertising .

(B) Argument is seldom used in advertising , which depends instead on skillful suggestion .

(C) Skillful suggestion is depended on by advertisers instead of argument .

(D) Depending on skillful suggestion , argument is seldom used in advertising .

(E) Depending on skillful suggestion , argument is seldom used in advertising .

43 . When this war is over , no nation will either be isolated in war or peace .

(A) either be isolated in war or peace

(B) be either isolated in war or peace

(C) be isolated in neither war nor peace

(D) be isolated either in war or peace

(E) be isolated neither in war or peace

44 . Thanks to the prevailing westerly winds , dust blowing east from the drought-stricken plains travels halfway across the continent to fall on the cities of East Coast .

(A) blowing east from the drought-stricken plains

(B) that , blowing east from the drought-stricken plains

(C) from the drought-stricken plains and blows east

(D) that is from the drought-stricken plains blowing east

(E) blowing east that is from the plains that are drought-stricken

45 . Americans are learning that their concept of a research worker toiling alone in a laboratory and who discovers miraculous cures has been highly idealized and glamorized .

(A) toiling alone in a laboratory and who discovers miraculous cures

(B) toiling alone in a laboratory and discovers miraculous cures

(C) toiling alone in a laboratory to discover miraculous cures

(D) who toil alone in the  laboratory and discover miraculous cures

(E) has toiled alone hoping to discover miraculous cures

46 . However many mistakes have been made in our past , the tradition of America , not only the champion of freedom but also fair play , still lives among millions who can see light and hope scarcely anywhere else .

(A) not only the champion of freedom but also fair play

(B) the champion of not only freedom but also fair play

(C) the champion not only of freedom but also fair play

(D) not only the champion but also freedom and fair play

(E) not the champion of freedom only , but also fair play

47 . Examining the principal movements sweeping through the world , it can be seen

(A) Examining the principal movements sweeping through the world , it can be seen

(B) Having examined the principal movements sweeping through the world , it can be seen

(C) Examining the principal movements sweeping through the world can be seen

(D) Examining the principal movements sweeping through the world , we can see

(E) It can be seen examining the principal movements sweeping through the world ,

48 . The PCC is broadening its view on what constitutes indecent programming

(A) The PCC is broadening its view on what constitutes indecent programming

(B) The PCC , broadening its view on what constitutes indecent programming , has caused

(C) The PCC is broadening its view on what constitutes indecent programming , as a result

(D) Since the PCC is broadening its view on what constitutes indecent programming

(E) The PCC , having broadened its view on what constitutes indecent programming

49 . As district attorney , Elizabeth Holtzman not only had the responsibility of supervising a staff of dedicated young lawyers but she had the task of maintaining good relations with the police also  .

(A) but she had the task of maintaining good relations with the police also 

(B) but she also  had the task of maintaining good relations with the police

(C) but also had the task of maintaining good relations with the police

(D) but she had the task to maintain good relations with the police also 

(E) but also she had the task to maintain good relations with the police 

50 . Many politicians are now trying to take uncontroversial positions on issues ; the purpose being to allow them to appeal to as wide a segment of the voting population as possible .

(A) issues ; the purpose being to allow them to appeal

(B) issues in order to appeal

(C) issues , the purpose is to allow them to appeal

(D) issues and the purpose is to allow them to appeal

(E) issues ; that was allowing them to appeal

The passage below is the unedited draft of a student’s essay . Parts of the essay need to be rewritten to make the meaning clearer and more precise . Read the essay carefully .

  The essay is followed by six questions about changes that might improve all or part of the organization , development , sentence structure , use of standard written English . In each case , choose the answer that most clearly and effectively expresses the student’s intended meaning . Indicate your choice by blackening the corresponding space on the answer sheet .

[1] Throughout history , people have speculated about the future . [2] Will it be a utopia ? they wondered .[3] Will injustice and poverty be eliminated ? [4] Will people accept ethnic diversity ,learning to live in peace ? [5] Will the world be clean and unpolluted ? [6] Or will technology aid us in creating a trap for ourselves we cannot escape , for example such as the world in 1984 ? [7With the turn of the millennium just around the corner these questions are in the back of our minds .

            [8] Science fiction often portrays the future as a technological Garden of Eden . [9] With interactive computers , TVs and robots at our demand , we barely need to lift a finger to go to school , to work , to go shopping , and education is also easy and convenient . [10] Yet , the problems of the real twentieth century seem to point in another direction . [11] The environment , far from improving , keeps deteriorating . [12] Wars and other civil conflicts breakout regularly . [13]The world’s population is growing out of control . [14] The majority of people on earth live in poverty . [15] Many of them are starving . [16] Illiteracy is a problem in most poor countries . [17] Diseases and malnourishment is very common .[18] Rich countries like the U.S.A. don’t have the resources to help the “have-not” countries .

19] I, think  instead of all the silly inventions such as tablets you put in your toilet tank to make the water blue ,or electric toothbrushes . [20] More money is spent on space and defense than on education and health care . [21] Advancements in agriculture can produce enough food to feed the whole country , yet people in the U.S. are starving .

[22] Although the USSR is gone , the nuclear threat continues from small countries like Israel , North Korea , and Iran [23] Until the world puts its priorities straight , we can’t look for a bright future in the twenty-first century ,despite the rosy picture painted for us by the science fiction writers .

51. In the context of paragraph 1 , which of the following is the best revision of sentence 6 ?

A) Or will technology create a trap for ourselves from which we cannot escape , for example the world in 1984 ?

(B) Or will technology aid people in creating a trap for themselves that they cannot escape ; for example , the world in 1984 ?

(C) Or will technology create a trap from which there is no escape , as it did in the world in 1984 ?

(D) Or will technology trap us in an inescapable world , for example , it did so in the world of 1984 ?

(E) Perhaps technology will aid people in creating a trap for themselves from which they cannot escape , just as they did it in the world of 1984 .

52 . With regard to the essay as a whole , which of the following best describes the writer’s intention in paragraph 1 ?

(A) To announce the purpose of the essay

(B) To compare two ideas discussed later in the essay

(C) To take a position on the essay’s main issue

(D) To reveal the organization of the essay

(E) To raise questions that will be answered in the essay

53 . Which of the following is the best revision of the underlined segment of sentence 9 below ?

[9] With interactive computers , TVs and robots at our demand , we barely need to lift a finger to go to school , to work , to go shopping , and education is also easy and convenient .

(A) and to go shopping , while education is also easy and convenient

(B) to go shopping , and getting an education is also easy and convenient

(C) to go shopping as well as educating ourselves are all easy and convenient

(D) to shop , and an easy and convenient education

(E) to shop , and to get an easy and convenient education

54 . Which of the following is the most effective way to combine sentences 14 , 15 , 16 , and 17 ?

(A) The majority of people on earth are living in poverty and are starving , with illiteracy , and disease and being malnourished are also a common problems

(B) Common problems for the majority of people on earth are poverty , illiteracy , diseases , malnourishment , and many are illiterate .

(C) The majority of people on earth are poor , starving , sick , malnourished and illiterate .

(D) Common among the poor majority on earth is poverty , starvation , disease , malnourishment , and illiteracy .

(E) The majority of the earth’s people living in poverty with starvation , disease , malnourishment and illiteracy a constant threat .

55 . In the context of the sentence 19 , which of the following is the most effective revision of sentence 19 ?

(A) Instead they are devoting resources on silly inventions such as tablets to make toilet tank water blue or electric toothbrushes

(B) Instead , they waste their resources on producing silly inventions like electric toothbrushes and tablets for bluing toilet tank water .

(C) Think of all silly inventions : tablets you put in your toilet tank to make the water blue and electric toothbrushes .

(D) Instead , tablets you put in your toilet tank to make the water blue or electric toothbrushes are examples of useless products on the market today .

(E) Instead of spending on useful things , think of all the silly inventions such as tablets you put in your toilet tank to make the water blue or electric toothbrushes .

56 .Which of the following revisions would most improve the overall coherence of the essay?

(A) Move sentence 7 to paragraph 2

(B) Move sentence 10 to paragraph 1

(C) Move sentence 22 to paragraph 2

(D) Delete sentence 8

(E) Delete sentence 23

Answer Key

1 . (A) 2 . (C) 3 .  (B) 4 . (D) 5 . (E) 6 . (C) 7 . (D) 8 .  (B) 9 . (B) 10 . (E) 11 . (E) 12 . (B)

13 . (D)  14 . (C) 15 . (B) 16 . (B)  17 . (D) 18 . (B) 19 . (B) 20 .  (D) 21 . (C) 22 . (E) 23 . (D)

24 . (D) 25 . (C) 26 . (D) 27 . (E) 28 . (D) 29 . (E) 30 . (C) 31 . (E) 32 . (D) 33 . (D) 34 . (A)

35 .  (D) 36 . (E) 37 . (B) 38 . (E) 39 . (C) 40 . (B) 41 . (B) 42 . (B)  43 . (D) 44 . (A) 45 . (C)

46 . (C) 47 . (D) 48 . (D) 49. (C) 50 . (B) 51 . (C) 52 . (E) 53 . (E) 54 . (C) 55 . (B) 56 . (C)

236- ] English Literature , George Bernard Shaw

236- ] English Literature  George Bernard Shaw  List of works by George Bernard Shaw The following is a list of works by George Bernard Sh...