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Showing posts with label Composition & Essay Writing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Composition & Essay Writing. Show all posts

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Composition & Essay Writing [ 78 ] , Marriage

78 - ] Composition & Essay Writing 

118 - ]Marriage

                      I ask everyone to compare between three relations between three sides : a girlfriend , a prostitute , a wife  , on one side , and a man on the other side . The girlfriend and boyfriend relation is a plaything , especially when the two sides are teenagers . It is only an outlet for sexual desire . Soon the relation fades and come to an end . The result may be illegitimate children who are not cared for or dumped on a side of a street . It may result in AIDS .

             The second kind of relation is a relation with a prostitute . Prostitution is contemptible as a woman sells her body for money under the pressure of need in most cases or for her greed to gain easy money . When the woman gets old , she is thrown away or when she gets ill . Prostitution may result in illegitimate children , foeticide [ feticide ] , or AIDS and other illnesses .

              The third kind of relation is marriage – a wife and a husband . It is a sacred relation that societies depend on to develop . The relation between the wife and the husband is a forever relation . It is a complete fusion of two sides. After a short time , this relation results in offspring . It is a relation of love between members of one family . Historically the permanent or even mortal relation is the relation of marriage not relation of a man with a concubine or a girlfriend in our age . Families all over the world are results of marriage . The human instinct tends to the permanent relation of marriage . Other relations are only temporary to satisfy evaporating sexual desires .

                      In general, marriage can be described as a bond/commitment between a man and a woman. Also, this bond is strongly connected with love, tolerance, support, and harmony. Also, creating a family means to enter a new stage of social advancement. Marriages help in founding the new relationship between females and males. Also, this is thought to be the highest as well as the most .  Whenever we think about marriage, the first thing that comes to our mind is the long-lasting relationship. Also, for everyone, marriage is one of the most important decisions in their life. Because you are choosing to live your whole life with that 1 person. Thus, when people decide to get married, they think of having a lovely family, dedicating their life together, and raising their children together. The circle of humankind is like that only.

                        As it is seen with other experiences as well, the experience of marriage can be successful or unsuccessful. If truth to be held, there is no secret to a successful marriage. It is all about finding the person and enjoying all the differences and imperfections, thereby making your life smooth. So, a good marriage is something that is supposed to be created by two loving people. Thus, it does not happen from time to time. Researchers believe that married people are less depressed and more happy as compared to unmarried people.

                 There is no theoretical concept of marriage. Because for everyone these concepts will keep on changing. But there are some basic concepts which are common in every marriage. These concepts are children, communication, problem-solving, and influences. Here, children may be the most considerable issue. Because many think that having a child is a stressful thing. While others do not believe it. But one thing is sure that having children will change the couple’s life. Now there is someone else besides them whose responsibilities and duties are to be done by the parents.

                       Another concept in marriage is problem-solving where it is important to realize that you can live on your own every day. Thus, it is important to find solutions to some misunderstandings together. This is one of the essential parts of a marriage. Communication also plays a huge role in marriage. Thus, the couple should act friends, in fact, be, two friends. There should be no secret between the couple and no one should hide anything. So, both persons should do what they feel comfortable. It is not necessary to think that marriage is difficult and thus it makes you feel busy and unhappy all the time.

                        To sum up marriage is a sacred bond that binds humanity forever . Even in the monarchies – rule is inherited and passed from the royal family members through ages or times as in Ancient Egypt and Britain . Marriage is the unalterable sacred bond that human societies have depended on from Adam and Eve till the Doomsday to thrive and continue . Marriage is like a huge painting where you brush your movements and create your own love story. 

119 - ] Man vs. Machine

                       Human beings and machines work differently as machines are the creation of Human. Machines were created to make human life easier. A machine is only a motorized gadget consisting of different parts. When it comes to artificial intelligence vs human brain then there are some people who believe artificial intelligence is more efficient than the human brain. As time passed by humans became dependent on machines. Humans have a need to interact with each other because communication is not possible with machines. We feel comfortable in expressing, probing and getting our problems solved with humans.

                     Humans are created of flesh and blood, they have a life. Humans have emotions and feelings, they express different emotions at different times. Machines work with their mechanical brain which is programmed by humans. Humans understand the situation and respond accordingly whereas machines do not have the capability of understanding.

Humans are creative and imaginative. They can create and invent new things but machines cannot do such types of work because they use artificial intelligence. Machines are operated and guided by humans. Humans are blessed with intelligence and emotions while machines have artificial intelligence. Humans have many diverse abilities in several things such as language, pattern recognition, and creative thinking.

                     Machines and technology are replacing manpower for certain jobs and this is the big reason for unemployment and which is also a drawback of the machines. As humans are being replaced by machine hence certain jobs are disappearing. The industrial revolution has also led to unemployment, as a result, there is a loss of medium skill jobs in various sectors. Some effects of a machine on humans are competency, wars, and destruction, The radiation released from smartphones is absorbed by human bodies which can cause tumor, and also the power consumption has increased.

Increasing use of vehicles has increased air pollution that is damaging the environment. The effect of technology on our environment is severe and is responsible for drastic climate changes such as Global warming which leads to several diseases in humans. Machines are also responsible for the extinction of several birds, plant and animal species due to the changes in climate.

                  We are surrounded by different machines like televisions, refrigerators, music systems, home theatres, washing machines for many uses. With the use of these machines, our life has become much simpler. Machines are much faster than humans when it comes to processing information and performing calculations with accuracy and speed.

                     Computers have better memory can be fed with a large amount of information as compared to humans. Machines work effortlessly and more efficiently than humans. The products can be produced in larger quantities at much greater speed with the help of machines.

Easy communication is possible from anywhere in the world with cell phones. One can travel at super fast speed anywhere in the world with the help of transport facilities. Research and sharing opinions from anywhere in the world has become much easier. Moreover, machines are not influenced by feelings or emotions, unlike humans.

                   Machines have become a very important part of our lives and are helpful in many ways. Though it also has a negative impact on our lives as well. There is no competition between humans and machines because humans are the creators of the machine. Humans have created machines for various purposes and it is also important to know the purpose of developing artificial intelligence and its impact on human life. Machines are used for creation as well as destruction by the power of human intelligence.

Friday, October 22, 2021

Composition & Essay Writing ( 77 ) Self-discipline , AIDS

77 - ] Composition & Essay Writing 


120 - ) Self Discipline

                           Self-discipline means self-control, which gives you inner strength and a way to control yourself, actions, and reactions. It is one of the most important and useful skills to achieve success and everyone should possess this quality. Self-discipline comes naturally to some people. And some people can achieve it with some effort. The effort made is worth it as it changes life for the better. It just means exercising self- control. A person who stays in control has the tips to achieve self-discipline

                 The first step towards leading a disciplined life is to set goals. Goals give you a clear idea about what needs to be achieved. One must always set a timeline for your goals. This serves as a driving force and motivates you to work hard. It is a good idea to set both short term and long term goals and create a well thought out plan to achieve them.

                     Meditation is one of the best ways to channel our energy in the right direction. It helps maintain focus, acquaints us with our inner self and furthers better self- control. It is the stepping stone for a disciplined life. Meditating for half an hour every day can help in inculcating self-discipline.

                    Those who set a routine and follow it daily lead a more disciplined life. It is suggested to list all the tasks that you require accomplishing in a given day. Write them in the order of their priority, set a timeline for each and act accordingly. This is a good way to lead an organized and disciplined life.

                             In this technology-driven world, there are numerous things that can distract us and take charge of our lives. Our mobile phones, television, and chatting apps are some of the new age things that are a big hindrance in practicing self-discipline. No matter how determined we are to study, work or sleep on time, we tend to get distracted at the beep of our phone. Social media platforms, chatting apps and web series are extremely addictive and hamper work. In order to practice self-discipline, it is important to stay away from these distractions. Put your phone on silent or keep it at a distance when you sit to study or work. Similarly, just put your phone away at bedtime and instead pick a book to read.

                            Reward yourself for every goal you achieve. This will motivate you to work harder to achieve more. This is a good way to trick your brain to inculcate self-discipline. You can inculcate self-discipline only when you are well-rested. So, it is essential to sleep for eight hours each night. Maintaining a good sleep cycle is also essential. This means that you should try sleeping and waking up at the same time each day. A power nap during the afternoon can help further.

                            Many people want to inculcate self-discipline but are unable to because they somehow believe that it is difficult to achieve. They feel that it is too much to ask for and that they shall not be able to practice it. This is the wrong approach. You can achieve anything in life if you stay positive and believe in yourself. So, you should stay positive. It is a pre-requisite for inculcating self-discipline.

                          Self-discipline helps you to overcome the bad habits by meditating regularly. It gives you the ability not to give up after failure and setbacks, develop self-control, provide the ability to resist distractions, helps you to motivate yourself until you accomplish your goals. Achieving self-discipline may be difficult but in order to lead a healthy personal and professional life, it is very important. A self-disciplined person makes optimum use of the time. Hence, he can achieve more and do more work as compared to a person who is not self-disciplined. We should, therefore, make some efforts to achieve it- ability to take charge of his/her actions and reactions.

121 - )AIDS

                        Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome or better known as AIDS is a life-threatening disease. It is one of the most dreaded diseases of the 20th century. AIDS is caused by HIV or Human Immunodeficiency Virus, which attacks the immune system of the human body. It has, so far, ended more than twenty-nine million lives all over the world. Since its discovery, AIDS has spread around the world like a wildfire. It is due to the continuous efforts of the government and non-government organizations; AIDS awareness has been spread to the masses.

                            The cause of AIDS is primarily HIV or the Human Immunodeficiency Virus. This virus replicates itself into the human body by inserting a copy of its DNA into the human host cells. Due to such property and capability of the virus, it is also known as a retrovirus. The host cells in which the HIV resides are the WBCs (White Blood Cells) that are the part of the Human Immune system.

                         HIV destroys the WBCs and weakens the human immune system. The weakening of the immune system affects an individual’s ability to fight diseases in time. For example, a cut or a wound takes much more time to heal or the blood to clot. In some cases, the wound never heals.

                HIV majorly transmits in one of the three ways – Blood, Pre-natal and Sexual transmission. Transfusion of HIV through blood has been very common during the initial time of its spread. But nowadays all the developed and developing countries have stringent measures to check the blood for infection before transfusing. Usage of shared needles also transmits HIV from an infected person to a healthy individual. As part of sexual transmission, HIV transfers through body fluids while performing sexual activity. HIV can easily be spread from an infected person to a healthy person if they perform unprotective sexual intercourse through oral, genital or rectal parts. Pre-natal transmission implies that an HIV infected mother can easily pass the virus to her child during pregnancy, breastfeeding or even during delivery of the baby.

                                 Since HIV attacks and infects the WBCs of the human body, it lowers the overall immune system of the human body and resulting in the infected individual, vulnerable to any other disease or minor infection. The incubation period for AIDS is much longer as compared to other diseases. It takes around 0-12 years for the symptoms to appear promptly. Few of the common symptoms of AIDS include fever, fatigue, loss of weight, dysentery, swollen nodes, yeast infection, and herpes zoster. Due to weakened immunity, the infectious person falls prey to some of the uncommon infections namely persistent fever, night sweating, skin rashes, lesions in mouth and more.

                               Till date, no treatment or cure is available for curing AIDS, and as a result, it is a life-threatening disease. As a practice by medical practitioners, the best way to curb its spread is antiretroviral therapy or ART. It is a drug therapy which prevents HIV from replicating and hence slows down its progress. It is always advisable to start the treatment at the earliest to minimize the damage to the immune system. But again, it is just a measure and doesn’t guarantee the cure of AIDS.

                                    AIDS prevention lies in the process of curbing its spread. One should regularly and routinely get tested for HIV. It is important for an individual to know his/her own and partner’s HIV status, before performing any sexual intercourse activity. One should always practice safe sex. Use of condoms by males during sexual intercourse is a must and also one should restrict oneself on the number of partners he/she is having sex with. One should not addict himself/herself to banned substances and drugs. One should keep away from the non-sterilized needles or razors.  Multiple awareness drives by the UN, local government bodies and various nonprofit organizations have reduced the risk of spread by making the people aware of the AIDS – spread and prevention.

                              Life for an individual becomes hell after being tested positive for AIDS. It is not only the disease but also the social stigma and discrimination, felling of being not loved and being hated acts as a slow poison. We need to instill the belief among them, through our love and care, that the HIV positive patients can still lead a long and healthy life.

                        Though AIDS is a disease, which cannot be cured or eradicated from society, the only solution to AIDS lies in its prevention and awareness. We must have our regular and periodical health checkup so that we don’t fall prey to such deadly diseases. We must also encourage and educate others to do the same. With the widespread awareness about the disease, much fewer adults and children are dying of AIDS. The only way to fight the AIDS disease is through creating awareness.

Composition & Essay Writing ( 76 ) , Conservation of Natural Resources , Acid Rain

76 - ] Composition & Essay Writing 

 118 - ) Conservation of Natural Resources

                    Natural resources are something that is occurring naturally on Earth. It forms an indispensable part of our lives. It comprises of air, water, sunlight, coal, petroleum, natural gas, fossil fuels, oil, etc. However, they are exploited by humans for economic gain. Natural resources are at depletion because of the overuse. Some of these resources are available in abundance with the capability to renew. On the other hand, some are non-renewable. Thus, it demands a responsible behavior for the conservation so as to ensure their sustainability.

                       Human beings depend upon the natural resources for their development activities. If the resources are not used wisely, it would create an imbalance in the environment. Thus would head us in opposition to an eco-friendly atmosphere. The need for conservation arises from the significance of natural resources. It is as follows. Water is a renewable natural resource. We use it for drinking, producing electricity, irrigation, in various industries and for a number of activities. Its scarcity would cause loss of vegetation, adverse effect on flora and fauna, erosion of soil, etc. Plants and animals provide a wide range of industrial and biological materials. Also, it assists in the manufacturing of medicine and for various other uses.

                         It takes millions of years for the formation of natural resources. Fossil fuels are of great importance. A lot of energy is produced from coal, oil and natural gas all of which are fossil fuels.

                   Forest is the most important natural resource which helps in economic development. Forest provides paper, furniture, timber, medicine, gum, etc. Also, it maintains a balance in the ecosystem. Moreover, it prevents soil erosion and protects wildlife. Land resources support natural vegetation, wildlife, transport. The land also provides us food, cloth, shelter, and other basic needs.

                     Different ministries of governments , national and international agencies have been working for the purpose of conserving the natural resources. Environment education must be imparted by including the same in the curricula of the schools. National parks are making an effort for the safety of the natural resources. By reducing, reusing and recycling of non-renewable resources.

                  Non-human species must be disturbed only to meet the basic needs. Planting of more and more trees to save our forest resources. There are ways for seeking alternatives to non-renewable resources. 1 -] By increased use of bio-gas and bio-fuels. 2- ] By preventing the dumping of industrial wastes into the river bodies. This is a measure to protect the rich marine life. 3-] Overgrazing must be prevented. 4 - ] Also, poaching of animals must be controlled. 5 - ] Practicing crop rotation techniques helps in maintaining the fertility of the soil.

                   Burning of fossil fuels emits carbon-di-oxide which is a major greenhouse gas. It is responsible for the greenhouse effect. Thus, the burning of fossil fuels must be controlled. These are some of the measures which we can undertake for the conservation of natural resources. As Human- beings, we have a social responsibility to fulfill towards nature. Thus, while using resources, we shall follow the principle of sustainable development. Natural resources are a present for the creation. These help in satisfying the human needs to its fullest. Furthermore, the rational use of natural resources maintains the earth’s atmosphere. Also, the wise use leads to protection of bio-diversity. Humans cannot imagine their lives without natural resources. Thus, the conservation of the same is essential.

119 - ) Acid Rain

                        Acid Rain includes rain, snow, hail, fog, or dew that is high in acid pollutants, especially sulphuric and nitric acid. Acid Rain is mainly caused by emissions of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide from various sources. They react with the water molecules in the atmosphere to produce acids. The problem of Acid Rain has not only increased with rapid growth in population and industrialization, but it has also become more harmful. In fact, the use of the tall chimneys on a factory, ship, has contributed to the spread of Acid Rain by releasing gases into the atmosphere. A large number of acid deposits are witnessed in Canada, the United States, Europe , portions of Sweden, Norway, and Germany. Some amount of acid deposits are found in parts of South Asia, South Africa, Sri Lanka and Southern parts of India like Bangalore, New Delhi, Mumbai.

                        There are two types of depositions in which acid rain occurs. They can be discussed as follows: 1- ] Wet deposition: When the acid falls on the ground in the form of rain, snow, fog or mist, it removes acid from the atmosphere and settles them on the Earth’s surface. When this acid flows through the ground, it affects a large number of plants, animals and aquatic life. The water from drain flows into the water sources like rivers and canals which is then mixed up into seawater; thereby affecting the aquatic habitats. 2 - ] Dry deposition: When the acidic pollutants merge into dust or smoke and fall to the ground as dry particles, these stick to the ground and other surfaces such as buildings, cars, houses, trees, and monuments. Majority of the acidic pollutants in the atmosphere spread through dry deposition.

                    The major causes of acid rain are Natural and Human-Instigated causes. However, Acid Rain is basically caused due to the combustion of fossil fuels which results in emissions of sulphur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxide (NO2) in the atmosphere.  The main nature causing agents for acid rain are volcanic eruptions. Volcanoes emit a large amount of lava, producing harmful gases which create a higher than normal amount of Acid Rain. Decaying vegetation, wildfires and other biological processes within the environment also generate the Acid Rain forming gases. Lighting strikes also produce nitric oxides that react with water molecules via electrical activity to produce nitric acid, thereby forming acid rain.

                               Human activities leading to the emissions of chemical gas include sulphur and nitrogen gases from the factories, power generating premises and automobiles. Mainly, the use of coal for electrical power generation is the biggest contributor to gaseous emissions. These also lead to acid rain. These gases react with water, oxygen, and other chemicals to form various acidic compounds such as sulphuric acid, nitric acid, etc. As a result, those areas experience exceedingly high amounts of acid rain.

                                 Acid Rain adversely affects the environment includes marine biodiversity, soil, architecture & infrastructure, forests, and forest wildlife, public health. For example, Taj Mahal is turning yellow mainly due to air pollution, discoloration of marble due to oxidation of its constituents is one of the harmful effects of acid rain.

                          Acid Rain caused due to the natural reasons cannot be stopped. But there are ways following which we can avoid the same, caused due to man-made reasons. The ways by which acid rain can be avoided are by the use of limestone by which people can repair the damages caused by acid rain to lakes, rivers, brooks, and other water sources. By adding lime into acidic surface also we can avoid acid rain as water balances the acidity.

                     Use of hybrid vehicles with negligible NO2 emissions is also a way out. Besides fossil fuels, there is a wide range of substitutable energy sources that can generate electrical power these include wind energy, solar energy, geothermal energy, nuclear power, and hydro energy. Using these energy sources can offer effective electrical power alternatives. Instead of using fossil fuels, use of natural gas, fuel cells and batteries can also substitute use of fossil fuels. As you can see, there are many attempts to clean our air. Due to increase in population and rapid industrialization, we need to make efforts on a war footing to reduce the phenomenon of Acid Rain. The whole world needs to take a call to avoid inflicting colossal damage to the environment.

Monday, October 18, 2021

Composition & Essay Writing [ 75 ] Library And Its Uses , A Picnic With Family

75 - ] Composition & Essay Writing 

116 - ) Library and Its Uses

               A library is a place where books and sources of information are stored. They make it easier for people to get access to them for various purposes. Libraries are very helpful and economical too. They include books, magazines, newspapers, DVDs, manuscripts and more. In other words, they are an all-encompassing source of information.

                  A public library is open to everyone for fulfilling the need for information. They are run by the government, schools, colleges, and universities. The members of the society or community can visit these libraries to enhance their knowledge and complete their research.

                         Libraries play a vital role in providing people with reliable content. They encourage and promote the process of learning and grasping knowledge. The book worms can get loads of books to read from and enhance their knowledge. Moreover, the variety is so wide-ranging that one mostly gets what they are looking for. Furthermore, they help the people to get their hands on great educational material which they might not find otherwise in the market. When we read more, our social skills and academic performance improves. Most importantly, libraries are a great platform for making progress. When we get homework in class, the libraries help us with the reference material. This, in turn, progresses our learning capabilities and knowledge. It is also helpful in our overall development.

                               A library is a very useful platform that brings together people willing to learn. It helps us in learning and expanding our knowledge. We develop our reading habits from a library and satisfy our thirst and curiosity for knowledge. This helps in the personal growth of a person and development. Similarly, libraries provide authentic and reliable sources of information for researchers. They are able to complete their papers and carry out their studies using the material present in a library. Furthermore, libraries are a great place for studying alone or even in groups, without any disturbance. Moreover, libraries also help in increasing our concentration levels. As it is a place that requires pin drop silence, a person can study or read in silence. It makes us focus on our studies more efficiently. Libraries also broaden our thinking and make us more open to modern thinking.

Most importantly, libraries are very economical. The people who cannot afford to buy new books and can simply borrow books from a library. This helps them in saving a lot of money and getting information for free.

                                 In short, libraries are a great place to gain knowledge. They serve each person differently. They are a great source of learning and promoting the progress of knowledge. One can enjoy their free time in libraries by reading and researching. As the world has become digitized, it is now easier to browse through a library and get what you are looking for. Libraries also provide employment opportunities to people with fair pay and incredible working conditions. Thus, libraries help all, the ones visiting it and the ones employed there. We must not give up on libraries due to the digital age. Nothing can ever replace the authenticity and reliability one gets from a library.


117- ) A Picnic with Family

              “A happy family is but an earlier heaven.” –George Bernard Shaw.

We, human beings are social animals. This means that we cannot live in isolation, instead, we need to live in groups for our survival. This group can be termed as a society, but the nucleus of the society is family. When some individuals’ who belong to a similar gene pool and share a certain common set of hormones, live together, they are termed as family. The benefits of living with the family are numerous, it provides us support, strength, happiness, courage, feeling of oneness.

                     Let us go through a beautiful real-life experience of rejoicing picnic with the family. Last summer our family went to a memorable picnic at a nearby water park. The day when we spoke for the first time about going to a picnic, the adrenaline rush has been started flowing within us. The flow of happiness amongst the family was at its peak while preparing for the picnic. Everybody was excited about this outdoor adventure. Finally, the day had arrived. We all left our home and soon were on our way to the picnic.  The car was full of chatters. Every family member was so excited about the picnic with the family. All of us were in a totally different form.

                  Finally, we reached our destination. The moment we reached the ticket window, the kids in the family started jumping with excitement. While we were purchasing the tickets, the kids started getting restless to wait. Then we entered for our awaiting adventure for the picnic with the family. As soon as we entered, the beauty of the place welcomed us with a cool breeze on our faces.

                            We put on the costumes and entered the pool. The coldness of the water was soothing one. Each splash brought a smile on everyone’s face. Everybody went back to their childhood. The youngest one in the picnic with family was 3.5-year-old, who had entered the pool for the first time. He was the happiest amongst all. After spending a considerate amount of time playing with water, we had to struggle a lot to take kids out from the pool.  What a memorable time it was during a picnic with the family. Then we started heading towards the food zone. The fun in the pool has led to an empty stomach which was making a lot of funny noise. And the aroma of the delicious food which was coming from the food zone had aced our pace towards it.

                                 The children in the family started making a list of all the things that they wanted to eat. We ordered everyone’s favorite dish and sat waiting for the food to come. This waiting time was the most torturous one. And finally, our hot and tasty food came. We literally attacked it like the hungry animals. The next 30 minutes was complete silence. Everybody in the picnic with family was busy enjoying their own favorite delicacy. We finished eating and left for home.

                   Though the picnic with family was over, still it is alive in over memories. All the good time we spent together, a lot of beautiful pictures, will always be with us in our memories. We will soon plan our next picnic with family to rejoice our love, bonding, and happiness together.


Composition & Essay Writing ( 74 ) Importance of Tree Plantation , Urbanization

 74 - ]Composition & Essay Writing

114 - ) Importance of Tree Plantation

                       Tree plantation is the process of transferring of seedlings from one place to another for different purposes. Furthermore, there are various reasons behind tree plantation but the most important are forestry, land reclamation, and landscaping. Each process of tree plantation is important and unique in its own way.

                       The most common and known purpose of tree plantation is forestry. The forest is very important for maintaining the ecological balance of t  Tree plantation is the process of transferring of seedlings from one place to another for different purposes. Furthermore, there are various reasons he environment of the earth. Also, earlier the forest use to cover a major part of the surface of the earth. But, now due to the rapid cut down of forest due to industries, and land for settlement the number of forests has reduced. Apart from that, the forest grows naturally but in order to increase the speed of reforestation, our contribution is a must for it. Also, it will help the forest to recover from the loss due to deforestation. Furthermore, with our help, the pace of tree plantation can be increased.

                          We do this type of plantation in cities or urban areas. Most of these areas lack trees and plants. Besides, tree plantation makes these areas worth living for. Also, it makes the atmosphere of the city more tolerable. In addition, it renders a good feeling and makes the place worth living. It is the easiest way to beautify the surrounding. Trees are often planted on the parks, gardens, roadside, societies, and garden of our home for the purpose of reforming.  Besides, it does not only make the surrounding beautiful but also provides various other benefits and helps in beating the heat.

                     Many organizations and people have volunteered for tree plantation. It is one of the easiest and quickest ways to spread greenery in the world. Also, people around the world have always contributed to this cause from time to time. In addition, many have a set of communities and workgroups that works towards making the earth green and a better place to live. Furthermore, these organizations not only engage themselves in plantation activities. But, also in spreading awareness among the people and asking them to join the cause.

                Moreover, with the arrival of social media, it has become a massive platform to promote these causes. Also, they are helpful in spreading knowledge about the importance of tree plantation. The support of the government is also a must for making the environment cleaner and greener. Because social groups lack funds to propagate these causes but with the help of government they can easily do it. Also, the government should support this cause wholeheartedly to advance. Because organizations are working to make the world a better place. With the help of the governments , these organizations can perform their projects at a much bigger level than they are doing now.

                      To conclude, the time has come for us to realize the importance of tree plantation. Also, it is our duty to contribute to tree plantation. In addition, the government must take this matter seriously and should start working towards involving more and more people to advance the cause.

115 - ) Urbanization

                   Urbanization refers to the movement of the population from rural areas to urban areas. It is essentially the gradual increase in the proportion of people living in urban areas. Furthermore, urbanization is quite a popular trend in the contemporary world. Moreover, people mostly undertake urbanization due to more work opportunities and a better standard of living. According to the expert prediction, by 2050, 64% of the developing world and 86% of the developed world will be urbanized.

                            First of all, political causes play a big role in urbanization. Many people get forced to leave rural areas for urban areas due to political unrest. Therefore, many families go to urban areas in search of food, shelter, and employment. Another important cause of urbanization is an economic cause. Furthermore, poverty is a widespread phenomenon in rural areas. Moreover, farmers are finding it very hard to earn enough money and make a living. Consequently, rural people move to urban areas in search of better job opportunities.

                            Education is a strong cause of urbanization. Urban areas offer opportunities for seeking high-quality education. Moreover, urbanization offers opportunities for studying at universities and technical colleges. Such handsome education opportunities attract many young people in rural areas to move to urban areas.

                  Environmental degradation also plays a part in contributing to urbanization. Deforestation destroys the natural habitat of many farming families. Furthermore, mining and industrial expansion also harm the natural habitat of farming families.

                   The social cause is another notable reason for urbanization. Many young rural people migrate to urban areas in order to seek a better lifestyle. Moreover, many young people want to escape the conservative culture of rural areas. Most noteworthy, urban areas offer a more easy-going liberal lifestyle. Furthermore, cities have clubs to attract youth.

                 First of all, urban areas are much more efficient in providing resources than rural areas. Important and basic amenities like housing, clean water, and electricity are easily available in urban areas. People in urban areas find it quite easy to access to various important services. Most noteworthy, these services are high-quality education, expert health care, convenient transportation, entertainment, etc. Furthermore, some or all of the services are unavailable in rural areas. Urban areas offer better employment opportunities. Furthermore, these employment opportunities are the result of industrialization and commercialization. Urban areas play a critical role as creators and disseminators of knowledge. This is because of the highly connected urbanized world. Most noteworthy, the geographical proximity of people in urban areas helps in the propagation of ideas. Urban areas enjoy the benefits of technological development. Furthermore, many types of technologies get implemented in urban areas. Moreover, urban people quickly get in touch with the latest technology. In contrast, many rural individuals remain ignorant of many types of technologies.

       To sum it up, urbanization is a process which is on a continuous rise. Furthermore, urbanization ensures the transformation of rural culture into urban culture. Moreover, the governments must be vigilant to the rapidly increasing urbanization. A fully urbanized world looks like the ultimate destiny of our world.

Friday, October 8, 2021

Composition & Essay Writing [ 73 ] Freedom of The Press , Summer Camp

73 - ] Composition & Essay Writing 

112 - ) Freedom of the Press

                     Freedom of the press is the most important wheel of democracy. Without a free press, a democracy cannot exist. In fact, the press is a great medium that conveys the truth to people. However, it cannot function fully if the press is not free.

                       People must have heard the saying about the cost of freedom is eternal vigilance. Thus, it is the media’s responsibility to remain vigil for people’s safety. Moreover, the freedom of people is monitored by the media. The press watches those in power to ensure they do not misuse it. In order to do this, freedom of the press is required.

                    The press has been given the responsibility of checking and balancing the administration and the government. Whenever there is a social evil lurking or corruption and oppression happens, the press is the first one to raise a voice. Moreover, we trust the press to collect verify and disseminate the facts and figures which influence people’s decisions. If the press won’t have the liberty to do all this, the people will be in the dark. Therefore, we see how if even any one of these liberties is taken away from the press, the voiceless will lose their voice. Worse yet, if the press will be denied to do their job, the ones in power will run the country as per their will. This will result in uninformed citizens who will thus become powerless.

                     Moreover, we see how censorship of the press is nothing less than a dictatorship. When the government imposes censorship on the press, it obviously means they are trying to hide something. A person only hides lies and not the truth. Thus, this way the citizens will be manipulated into thinking there is nothing wrong with the government. Subsequently, when there remains no agency to report the truth, the government will gain absolute power.

                          In short, freedom of the press is important for the smooth functioning of democracy. It is important for people to be socially aware of happenings in the world. One must have the power to criticize the government; it will keep the administration on their toes to do better for the country. As we can conclude from the earlier statements, the press has a huge responsibility on their shoulders. They need to be vigilant and honest. Media has a powerful role to play in any form of government, whether democratic or totalitarian. The information they distribute helps in shaping the views of the public. When you have such a power to influence the views of a whole public, then you must be even more responsible. In fact, the media is sometimes more powerful than the government. They have people’s trust and support . However, such a power given to any individual or agency is quite dangerous. In other words, any media without restraints can be hazardous. As they have the power to showcase anything, they may report anything and twist the facts as per their agendas. They have the power to cause outrage amongst the people. A free press can easily manipulate the public’s opinion. This is why we need responsible journalism to refrain the media from reporting false facts which may harm the harmony and peace of a country. 

113- )Summer Camp

                         Summer camp is a special camp that is organized in the summer season for children and teens. Also, the students come together to have fun and learn new things. These help children to try new adventures away from home in a safe environment. Besides, during summer camp many children make new friends and develop self-confidence and social skills.

                There are many reasons for anyone to try summer camp we have gathered some important ones that are beneficial for the all-round development of kids. Summer camp helps children to socialize freely with anyone. They also get the opportunity to perform several activities like painting, dancing, drawing, singing, etc. Furthermore, they share space with each other and work in teams and thus they develop a friendship.

              At summer camp children learn to cooperate with each other. Also, they get the opportunity to interact with their peers. Living and performing several activities together creates a bond between them.

                         Summer camp is not only a place to have fun but also a great place to learn new things. Also, it affects the child in a lot of positive ways than you can imagine. Besides, it helps in developing many skills and talents in children and also they learn by practical knowledge rather than theoretical knowledge. Above all, summer camp teaches them some of the most important lessons in their life.

                       Summer camps are a way for children to stay away from technology. Also, most of the summer camp is organized in natural places like so they give children time to connect with nature. In addition, they are a great way for children to observe natural development and be aware of the natural world. Besides, the outdoor experience is very important for the growth of children. Summer camps give children time to say away from technology and get engaged in the real world. Furthermore, it encourages children to engage in real activities. This increases their ability to interact and understand the real people and real tasks of the world.

                         Summer camp enables children to be more active by participating in various activities. These adventures indulge themselves in new adventures. In addition, it enhances their capability to challenge themselves.

These camps motivate themselves to take part in diverse competitive and non-competitive activities. These help them in developing their self-esteem in the absence of their academic competition.

                      Most of the summer camp is organized in the summer period. Also, they are adventurous and exciting. Besides, it gives them a break from the boring old routine and whole new experience. At summer camps they can relax and learn at the same time.

                    In conclusion, summer camp is not the place for having fun but also a place to learn many important things about life. Also, they help in the physical, social, and mental abilities of the children. Also, they learn to be self-dependent and confident in their own selves. Besides, they learn via practical knowledge which is far greater than theoretical knowledge. Above all, the children learn some of the important lessons of life in summer camp.

Composition & Essay Writing ( 72 ) Road Rage , Bribery

72 - ] Composition & Essay Writing 

110 - ) Road Rage

                     Road rage refers to aggressive or angry behaviour which is displayed by a driver of a road vehicle. These behaviours consist of rude and offensive gestures, verbal insults, threats, and dangerous driving methods. Moreover, drivers or pedestrians become the targets of such negative behaviours. Most noteworthy, the main motive behind such behaviour is to intimidate others or release frustration and anger. The various strategies of road raging also consist of long horn honks, tailgating, swerving, and aggressive physical behaviour.

                    The behaviour of a stressful driver is dependent on the driver’s coping abilities. Drivers who display high aggression often indulge in direct confrontation strategies when they face stress during driving. It seems like drivers who experience road rage also commit more traffic violations. Driving certainly presents many stresses to a driver who is driving a vehicle. There is a direct positive correlation between driving stress and road rage. As the driving stress increases, similarly, the likelihood of a person committing road rage increases dramatically. Furthermore, younger males are more likely to indulge in road rage behaviour in comparison to other types of people. Most cases of road rage take place due to cutting in and cutting out of traffic, parking spots disputes, rude gestures, and lane changes.

                   Some experts believe that people who customize their cars with stickers and adornments are more susceptible to road rage behaviour. Psychologists probably do not consider road rage as a mental disorder.

There was an article published from the Associated Press in 2006 which said road rage behaviour can be the result of intermittent explosive disorder. Adults numbering 9200 in the United States came to this conclusion in a survey. The funding of these surveys was made by the National Institute of Mental Health.

              Most road rage incidents take place as a result of ignorance or misunderstanding of the driver. This ignorance or misunderstanding can be due to the failure of a driver to look on the road while taking a turn or forgetting to switch off the turn signal. Many people seem to take things the wrong way. Countless road accidents take place due to simple mistakes on the road. However, not every rage action leads to an accident but certainly involves aggressive acts. Furthermore, any individual may commit road rage irrespective of gender, ethnicity, religion, age, or culture.

               The most aggressive driving accidents consist of much more than just a vile word or offensive gesture. Sometimes, the use of weapons is made in road rage incidences. Most noteworthy, road rage takes place in various actions and forms from time to time.

111 - ) Bribery

                         As the world is evolving, we see how people are losing their morals too. Things like corruption and bribery have become so common that everyone turns a blind eye to it. Bribery refers to the exchanging of cash, materials or goods. This exchange is done to get some work done through illegal means or to fasten up the procedure. Although everyone opposes this concept, we all indulge in bribery of some kind.

                          Bribery is more common than you think . If you set out in the world to find someone who hasn’t ever given or accepted a bribe, you are highly unlikely to succeed. Bribery is around us and is prevalent in all the little and big things. For instance, if a person wants to admit their kid to a good school, they offer a bribe. If one doesn’t have the ticket for traveling on a train, they bribe the TT to get the ticket. Similarly, on a bigger level, people bribe the police to get rid of their crimes. The police accept the bribe out of greed and sometimes fear. If we think about it, there is no area left untouched by bribery in our lives. Even the chocolate parents offer their child to get any work done is kind of a bribe only. Its source is from the house. Kids watch their parents offer a bribe to the traffic police or TT, they learn the same thing. Moreover, the never-ending chain of giving and accepting a bribe in the system makes it more common than you think.

                         Bribery has a harmful impact on the growth of a country. It hinders the development of the economy and the country as a whole. We talk about equality amongst all and want equal opportunities for people but bribery stops this from happening. When you bribe the school or college to give the seat to your child, a much deserving candidate loses out on that seat. That candidate loses out as they cannot afford the amount for bribing the officials. Thus, we need to eradicate this problem completely to help the country and people prosper. However, it is a difficult task to complete as the government officials heavily depend on bribery for their income. The citizens are equally responsible as they are the ones offering bribes in one form or the other. When the citizens themselves stop bribing the officials, the government will have no choice but to not indulge in this crime. Furthermore, we must teach children from an early age about honesty. We must make them aware of the consequences of giving it accepting the bribe. Thus, slowly and steadily we can eliminate this practice if all of us come together.

                   All of us must collectively fight against this practice and begin practicing it from home. Next time you get caught by the traffic police, do not bribe the official, instead, pay the whole fine. Likewise, set an example for your children so they do the same.

184- ] English Literature

184- ] English Literature Jane Austen  Austen’s novels: an overview Jane Austen’s three early novels form a distinct group in which a stro...