Grammar American & British

Showing posts with label Model SAT Tests. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Model SAT Tests. Show all posts

Saturday, November 26, 2022

52- ] Model SAT Tests - Test Fifty Two

52- ] Model SAT Tests

The questions below are based on the following passages

Author 1 describes herself in relation to her friends in high school . In Passage 2 , a different narrator describes the behavior of her college roommate Jessie .

Passage 1

            It was puzzling to me that my one real advantage was the agent of my “uncoolness” , and yet at the time I was cowed into believing that it was perfectly just . I adored my friends ; they were smart , funny , beautiful , counterculture , and -- as a rule - utterly depressed . As the “happy” one , I was the butt of most of the jokes . They had devised a ranking system among themselves that meant that the more emotionally fragile one was , the higher one rose on the totem pole . I asserted my independence from them by valuing mental stability and laughing cheerfully , yet I secretly , desperately wanted something to be wrong with me so that they would see me with new eyes . I would be deep . I would be twisted . I would turn out to have been the most wounded one of all , but so stoic abut it that no one would know until years later .

            Unfortunately for my social aspirations , I had had a happy childhood , surrounded by the comforts of the upper-middle class and two loving parents , the only set of parents among my friends who were not divorced or separated . I had grown up a sensible child ; my parents were fairly permissive , and I repaid their trust y taking few risks . I would drift into other parts of the store while my friends shoplifted , or turn the other way while they gave themselves tiny homemade tattoos with ink and a sewing needle , but never did I condemn them or tattle ; I accepted what they did , and in turn , they accepted my presence among them .

            I wasn’t until years after high school , traveling with another friend who had had a good bit of horror in her life already , that I was impressed by the folly of my thinking . I expressed to her , after hearing her litany of misfortune and truly awful circumstance , my strange desire to have had something terrible happen to me so that I could be more complicated . She flew into a rage . How could I treat her misfortune so lightly as to express even a hint of longing for it ? I finally realized that the only way to show true respect for the terrible things that happen to other people was to be deeply grateful for , not dismissive of , my own good fortune .

Passage 2

            Jessie could never get very far into a conversation with somebody new before she would blurt out some reference to the lithium pills she was taking for the manic phase she had just been through . Her battle with bipolar disorder was simultaneously the thing she was most proud of and the thing she was most ashamed of ; she would tell people about it , I think , partly to show off and partly to get the worst over with . She could never bring herself to say something as straightforward as “Just so you know  I’m manic depressive” ,                                                                                                                             but it was always something like “Oops ! I forgot to take my pills today- better take care of that , followed immediately by a calculatedly embarrassed sideways glance that both invited inquiry and made one feel inexpressibly awkward .

            And yet I couldn’t help but like her . She feigned being a wide-eyed blank slate , she would go up to our professors after class and ask “dumb” question after “dumb” question , each one betraying a sharp insight into the topic and a weirdly sophisticated analysis of what was going on . She was always the first to ask the chemistry professor a question he couldn’t answer . She played her intellect the same way she played her disorder ; she would pretend to be trying to hide it , all the while proudly displaying it , framed in carefully constructed “accidental” scenarios . I forgave her each time ; her transparent manipulation was so clearly a product of a true discomfort with who she really was that I could not feel inferior around her .

            In this way , Jessie surrounded herself with a coterie of exceptional misfits . We were all going about the process of learning how to be adults in radically different ways from those of or peers ; that was the thing that held our odd group together , and Jessie was at the center of it , flattering us with her insecurity .

1 . The first sentence of Passage 1 implies that

(A) the narrator has difficulty understanding personal motivations

(B) the narrator failed to recognize the crucial difference between herself and her friends

(C) the narrator is intolerant of her friends’ depression

(D) the narrator’s perspective on the implications of her emotional nature changed over time

(E) the narrator’s friends were unaware of their effect on others

2 . The underlined word “agent” most nearly means

(A) spy (B) active ingredient (C) destroyer (D) secret (E) cause

3 . In line 8 , the underlined phrase “I would be deep” indicates that the narrator

(A) was not deep during the time described in the passage , but later became so

(B) is hiding the terrible things that happened to her in the past

(C) thinks that being happy is more profound than being depressed

(D) believes that developing spiritually is the most important way to grow

(E) thinks her friends would respect her more if she had something to be depressed about

4 . The underlined words “impressed by” paragraph 3 most nearly means

(A) admiring of (B) forced into (C) made aware of (D) shown the good side of

(E) surprised by

5 . In the last four lines of Passage 1 , the narrator’s perspective changes from

(A) admiration of her friends to disapproval of them

(B) isolation to a sense of closeness

(C) optimism to pessimism

(D) dissatisfaction to gratitude

(E) self-satisfied to solicitous

6 . In the context of Passage 2 the underlined word “played” suggests that

(A) Jessie made a conscious effort to portray her illness in a particular way

(B) Jessie did not take her disorder seriously

(C) the narrator was fooled into thinking that Jessie was different from her

(D) Jessie has lost the ability to distinguish between deception and reality

(E) the narrator believes Jessie’s behavior is entertaining

7 . The statement at the end of Passage 2 , paragraph 2 [ “her transparent ----------around her” ] suggests that the narrator  

(A) is uncomfortable with who she really is

(B) is an “exceptional misfit”

(C) looks up to Jessie

(D) pretends that she knows more about Jessie than she really does

(E) might not forgive Jessie f Jessie made her feel inferior

8 . Passage 2 indicates that the narrator feels as she does about Jessie because

(A) she feels confident around Jessie’s apparent insecurity

(B) she admires Jessie’s skill at manipulation

(C) Jessie makes her uncomfortable

(D) Jessie looks up to the narrator

(E) Jessie helps her with Chemistry homework

9 . Author 1 and Jessie in Passage 2 are similar in that both

(A) feel a strong desire to advance socially

(B) feel insecure about their state of emotional health

(C) are successful in deceiving others

(D) are determined to remain genuine despite social disapproval  

(E) have been deeply affected by the attitudes of their friends

10 . Jessie differs most from Author 1 in her

(A) degree of social influence

(B) ability to be successful in academies

(C) willingness to devote her time to cultivating friendships

(D) refusal to accept the labels and judgments of others

(E) desire to befriend people of all different intellectual and emotional types

11 . The two passages differ in that , unlike Jessie , Author 1 has

(A) reluctantly decided to stay in school

(B) rediscovered a love of family gatherings

(C) found that emotional change is frequently impossible to obtain

(D) overcome a negative attitude about her own emotional state

(E) recently stopped lying about her childhood

12 . Which best characterizes how the subject of self-assurance is treated in these two passages ?

(A) Passage 1 suggests that acceptance of self is an act of maturity , while Passage 2 implies that insecurity makes others feel better .

(B) Passage 1 emphasizes the importance of genetics to emotional health , while Passage 2 focuses mainly on external circumstances .

(C) Both passages portray characters who are usually comfortable with themselves .

(D) Passage I argues that emotional states can be consciously controlled , while Passage 2 claims that they are out of the individual’s control

(E) Neither Passage 1 nor Passage 2 considers the psychological effect of pretending to be something other than one is

13 . Which generalization about emotional disorders is most strongly supported by both passages ?

(A) Economic status has more to do with social position than emotional states .

(B) Students are the primary group afflicted by emotional disorders .

(C) It is only after going to college that young people come to understand the intricacies of emotion .

(D) People have emotional disorders primarily because of a desire to be interesting .

(E) Emotional disorders play a large role in the social interactions of those afflicted by them and the people they associate with .

Answer Key

1 . D 2 . E 3 . E 4 . C 5 . D 6 . A 7 . E 8 . A 9 . B 10 . A 11 . D 12 . A 13 . E

Saturday, November 12, 2022

50 - ) Model SAT Tests

 50- ) Model SAT Tests

Test Fifty 

For each of the following questions , choose the best answer and darken the corresponding oval  on the answer sheet .

Each sentence below has one or two blanks , each blank indicating that something has been omitted . Beneath the sentence are five words or sets of words labeled (A) through (E) . Choose the word or set of words that , when inserted in the sentence , best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole .

1 . Today’s small , portable computers contrast markedly with the earliest electronic computers , which were ----------------

(A) effective (B) invented (C) useful (D) destructive (E) enormous

2 . Because this time he had at least ---------------the culprit , the security officer was able to ------------the ridicule he usually received for his laziness .

(A) obtained ---- succumb to

(B) escaped ---- subvert

(C) pursed --- avoid

(D) ignored ---- observe

(E) disavowed ---- enjoy

3 . Diane was finally able to satisfy her passion for both sports and writing when she --------

the two by becoming a sports journalist .

(A) reclaimed (B) merged (C) defined (D) abandoned (E) conveyed

4 . Instead of being ---- by her oppressive boss and unfortunate working conditions , the young professional found ---- in the workplace by exhibiting her talents to higher executives and moving up the corporate ladder .

(A) discouraged ---- reconciliation

(B) defeat ---- prosperity

(C) elevated ---- happiness

(D) aided ---- opportunity

(E) delayed ---- unity

5 . Many pieces of ancient pottery we now consider art were originally made for purely -----

reasons , such as to carry water .

(A) utilitarian (B) grandiose (C) imaginative (D) aesthetic (E) external

6 . While the Italian dressmaker often liked to use ---- materials to make her clothing , her designs are not ---- her country or Europe ; in fact , her dresses are marketed in other countries throughout the world .

(A) ancient ---- condescending

(B) modest ---- concerned with

(C) native ---- limited to

(D) ordinary ---- lobbying for

(E) cosmopolitan --- indebted to

7 . The severe structural damage caused by the corrosion occurred in such ---- manner that the ultimate ---- of the building came as a complete surprise .

(A) a manifest ---- eradication

(B) a nefarious ---- polarization

(C) an insidious ---- destruction

(D) a methodical ---- amalgamation

(E) an obvious ---- stagnation

8 . Despite his apparent ---- lifestyle , the old man was known to drink to excess when visited by friends .

(A) temperate (B) laconic (C) duplicitous (D) aesthetic (E) voluble

9 . Although his …. amused his peers , his teacher found his mischief to be immature and disruptive .

(A) anecdotes (B) researches (C) demands (D) pranks (E) debts

10 . Although the thin stems of ferns appear …. , their sinewy structure actually makes them quite …. and difficult to break .

(A) vivid …. powerful

(B) iridescent …. skillful

(C) slender…. thick

(D) beautiful …. heavy

(E) fragile …. sturdy

11 . Because he wanted to master the art of the …. , Carl worked on being able to communicate through a precise control over the muscles of his body and face , rather than his speaking skills .

(A) mediator (B) ensemble (C) elocutionist (D) pantomime (E) troubadour

12 . Although he was unsure of which activities were the …. cause of his back pain , he knew enough to avoid running and heavy lifting , both of which could easily …. the discomfort .

(A) original …. alleviate

(B) sole …. relieve

(C) predominant …. induce

(D) actual …. inhibit

(E) partial …. produce

13 . Ricky was such a captivating and memorable entertainer that his participation in the circus almost …. the need for any other events .

(A) accelerated (B) predetermined (C) substantiated (D) precluded (E) anticipated

14 . The senators decided to …. the most contentious bill and focus instead on passing another law that was easier to reach a suitable ….  .

15 . His …. was so limitless that it bordered on recklessness , for he gave more to charity than he could really afford .  

(A) amicability (B) inexorableness (C) frivolity (D) munificence (E) venerability

Answer Key

1. E 2 . C 3 . B 4 . B 5 . A 6 . C 7 . C 8 . A 9 . D 10 . E 11 . D 12 C 13 . D 14 . A 15 . D

For each of the following questions , choose the best answer and darken the corresponding oval on the answer sheet .

Each sentence below has one or two blanks , each blank indicating that something has been omitted . Beneath the sentence are five words or sets of words labeled (A) through (E) . Choose the word or set of words that , when inserted in the sentence , best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole .

1 . Mr. Chandler’s ostentatious tastes were clearly displayed when he was made president of the company ‘ as the promotion caused him to ---- his new ---- with even more vigor .

(A) endure ---- hardship

(B) flaunt ---- prosperity

(C) undermine ---- image

(D) calculate ---- successes

(E) moderate ---- consumption

2 . Maria found it easy to ---- her meager winnings in the lottery , as her ticket was worth next to nothing .

(A) digest (B) extol (C) impugn (D) forgo (E) relish

3 . Although Edward once ---- the intense publicity his more famous colleagues received , he came to appreciate his ---- and relative anonymity .

(A) envied ---- privacy

(B) celebrated ---- popularity

(C) imitated ---- privilege

(D) regretted ---- isolation

(E) refused ---- generosity

4 . Mrs. Smith was ---- by her son’s insolence , feeling exasperated by his refusal to behave .

(A) fascinated (B) galled (C) uplifted (D) soothed (E) disoriented

5 . he newly found eyewitness filled in many of the gaps in the case , providing certainty where before there had been a --- of evidence .

(A) spate (B) revision (C) dearth (D) dispersal (E) consensus

Answer Key

1 . B 2 . D 3 . A 4 . B 5 . C

Sunday, June 26, 2022

49 - ] Model SAT Tests - Test Forty Nine

49 - ] Model SAT Tests

Test Forty Nine

The passage below is the unedited draft of a student’s essay . Parts of the essay need to be rewritten to make the meaning clearer and more precise . Read the essay carefully .

The essay is followed by six questions about changes that might improve all or part of the organization , development , sentence structure , use of language , appropriateness to the audience ,or use of standard written English . In each case , choose the answer that most clearly and effectively expresses the student’s intended meaning . Indicate your choice by blackening the corresponding space on the answer sheet .

          [1] Members of our community have objected to the inclusion of various pieces of art in the local art exhibit . [2] They say that these pieces offend community values . [3] The exhibit in its entirety should be presented .

            [4] The reason for this is that people have varied tastes , and those who like this form of art have a right to see the complete exhibit . [5] An exhinit like this one gives the community a rare chance to see the latest modern art nearby , and many people have looked forward to it with great anticipation . [6] It would be an unfortunate blow to those people for it not to be shown .

            [7] The exhibit may contain pieces of art that tend to be slightly erotic , but what is being shown that most people haven’t already seen ? [8] So , give it an Ror an X rating and don’t  let small children in . [9] But how many small children voluntarily go to see art exhibit ? [10] The exhibit includes examples of a new style ogf modern art . [11] The paintings show crowds of nude people . [12] The exhibit is at the library’s new art gallery . [13] For centuries artists have been painting and sculpting people in the nude . [14] Why are these works of art different ? [15] Perhaps they are more graphic in some respects , but we live in an entirely different society than from the past . [16] It is strange indeed for people in this day and age to be offended by the sight of the human anatomy .

            [17] If people don’t agree with these pieces , they simply should just not go . [18] But they should not be allowed to prevent others from seeing it .

1 . With regard to the sentences that precede and follow sentence 3 , which of the following is the best revision of sentence 3 ?

(A) On the other hand , the whole exhibit should be presented .

(B) The exhibit , however , should be presented in its entirety .

(C) The exhibit should be entirely presented regardless of what the critics say .

(D) But another point of view is that the exhibit should be presented in its entirety .

(E) Still other members also say the whole exhibit should be presented in its entirety .

2 . In the context of paragraph 3 , which of the following is the best revision of sentence 8 ?

(A) So , an R or X rating will warn people with small children to keep them out .

(B) Therefore , giving it an R or an X rating and not letting small children in

(C) To satisfy everyone objecting to the exhibit , perhaps the exhibit could be given an R or an X rating to adviser parents that some of the art on exhibit may not be suitable for young children .

(D) Let an R or an X rating caution the public that some of the art may be offensive and be unsuitable for young children .

(E) In conclusion , small children will be kept out by giving it an R or an X rating .

3 . In this context of paragraph 3 , which of the following is the best revision of sentences 10 , 11 , and 12 ?

(A) Paintings on exhibition at the library showing crowds of nude people and done in a new style of modern art .

(B) The exhibit , on display at the library , includes paintings of crowds of nude people done in a new style of modern art .

(C) The exhibit includes paintings in a new style of modern art , which shows crowds of nude people at the library

(D) The library is the site of the exhibit which shows a new style of modern art , with paintings showing crowds of nude people .

(E) The new style of modern art includes examples of paintings showing criwds of nude peple on exhibit in the library .

4 . T improve the clarity and coherence of the whole essay , where is the best place to relocate the ideas contained in sentences 10  , 11 , and 12 ?

(A) Before sentence

(B) 1 Between sentences 1 and 2

(C) Between sentences 8 and 9

(D) Between sentences 15 and 16

(E) After sentence 18

5 . Which of the following is the best revision of the underlined segment of sentence 15 below ?

Perhaps they are more graphic in some respects , but we live in an entirely different society than from the past .

(A) an entirely different society than of the past

(B) a completely different society than the past

(C) a society completely different than from past societies

(D) a society that is entirely different from the way societies have been in the past

(E) an entirely different society from that of the past

6 . Which of the following revisions of sentence 17 provides the best transition between paragraphs 3 and 4 ?

(A) If anyone doesn’t approve of these pieces , they simply should not go to the exhibit .

(B) Anyone disagreeing with the pieces in the exhibit shouldn’t go to it .

(C) Anyone who disapproves of nudity in art simply shouldn’t go to the exhibit .

(D) If anyone dislikes the sight of nudes in art , this show isn’t for them .

(E) Don’t go if you disapprove of nudity in art .


The excerpt below makes a point about a particular topic . Read the statement carefully , and think about the assignment that follows .

In her novel Sense and Sensibility , Jane Austen wrote , “It is time or opportunity that is to determine intimacy . Seven years would be insufficient to make some people acquainted with each other , and seven days are more than enough for others .” Now Austen may have been writing somewhat tongue in n cheek , for she attributes these sentiments to the excessively romantic . Marianne Dashwood , whose extreme sensibility or emotional susceptibility gets its comeuppance by the novel’s end . Nonetheless the point that young Miss Dashwood makes is valid . No amount of time spent in another person’s company can guarantee that the two of you will become friends .

ASSIGNMENT : What are your thoughts on the statement above ? Compose an essay in which you express your views on this topic . Your essay may support , refute , or qualify the view expressed in the statement . What you write , however , must be relevant to the topic under discussion . Additionally , you must support your viewpoint , indicating your reasoning and providing examples based on your studies and / or experience .  

48 - ] Model SAT Tests - Test Forty Eight

48 - ] Model SAT Tests

Test Forty Eight

Some or all the parts of the following sentences are underlined . The first answer choice , (A) , simply repeats the underlined part of the sentence . The other four choices present four alternative ways to phrase the underlined part . Select the answer that produces the most effective sentence , one that is clear and exact , and blacken the appropriate space on your answer sheet . In selecting your choice , be sure that it is standard written English , and that it expresses the meaning of the original sentence .


The first biography of author Eudora Welty came out in 1998 and she was 89 years old at the time .

 (A) and she was 89 years old at the time

(B) at the time when she was 89

(C) upon becoming an 89 year old

(D) when she was 89

(E) at the age of 89 years old

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

1 . Nowhere do the problems of urban decay seem more evident than in this dying city .

(A) Nowhere do the problems of urban decay seem more evident than in this dying city .

(B) Nowhere more than in this dying city is there  evidence of the problems urban decay .

(C) In this dying city more so than in other places they evidently  seem to have  problems of urban decay .

(D) The problems of urban decay do seem more evident in this dying city than other place.

(E) In this dying city more so than elsewhere ,the problems of urban decay are evident it seems  .

2 . The average citizen today is surprisingly knowledgeable about landmark court decisions concerning such questions as affirmative action , reproductive rights and whether students can pray in school .

(A) rights and whether students can pray in school .

(B) rights and whether students could pray in school .

(C) rights or whether students can pray in school .

(D) rights and the issue of praying in school .

(E) rights and school prayer.

3 . Georgette Heyer is best known for her two dozen romances set in the Regency era , and her novel The Conqueror takes place over seven hundred years earlier at the time of the Battle of Hastings .

(A) Georgette Heyer is best known for her two dozen romances set in the Regency era , and her novel

 (B) Georgette Heyer is best known for her two dozen romances set in the Regency era nevertheless

(C) AlthoughGeorgette Heyer is best known for her two dozen romances set in the Regency era ,

(D) Georgette Heyer is best known for her two dozen romances set in the Regency era ,

(E) Insofar as Georgette Heyer is best known for her two dozen romances set in the Regency era ,

4 . The inventive pianist Guy Livingston , an American living in Paris, specializes in contemporary music has long had a fascination with the works of the modern French composer George Antheil .

(A) music has long had a fascination with the works of the modern French composer

(B) music , he has long had a fascination with the works of the modern French composer

(C) music ; and has long had a fascination with the works of the modern French composer

(D) music , whereas he has long had a fascination with the works of the modern French composer

(E) music ; and long has he had a fascination with the works of the modern French composer

5 . At an early stage in his travels , Henry James , writing from abroad , described the subtle differences distinguishing Americans fro Europeans .

(A) At an early stage in his travels , Henry James , writing

(B) At an early stage in his travels , Henry James  wrote

(C) At an early stage in his travels , Henry James , was written

(D) At an early stage in his travels , Henry James , was writing

(E) Henry James , whose  writing at an early stage in his travels

6. Fame as well as fortune were his goals in life .

(A) Fame as well as fortune were his goals in life .

(B) Fame as well as fortune was his goals in life .

(C) Fame as well as fortune were his goal in life .

(D) Fame and  fortune were his goals in life .

(E) Fame also  fortune were his goals in life .

7 . For recreation I like to watch these kind of programs in the evening .

(A) these kind of

(B) these sort of

(C) these kinds of

(D) them kind of

(E) this kind of a

8 .Whatever the surface appearances at the moment may be , modern men are fundamentally less tolerant of despots then men of old

(A) less tolerant of despots then men of old

(B) less tolerant of despots than of older men

(C) more intolerant of despots than of men of old

(D) more  intolerant of despots then men in former years

(E) less tolerant of despots than were men of old

9 . The method of how different viruses being transmitted from one patient to another depends on the particular viruses involved .

(A) of how different viruses being transmitted

(B) whereby the transmission of different viruses is

(C) by which different viruses are transmitted

(D) for different viruses that are being transmitted

(E) when different viruses being transmitted

10 . Because he wished to help alleviate the famine that followed the Russian civil war was why Armand Hammer , a young American millionaire , decided that he had to go to Moscow .

(A) Because he wished to help alleviate the famine that followed the Russian civil war was why Armand Hammer , a young American millionaire , decided that he had to go to Moscow .

(B) Because he wished to help alleviate the famine that followed the Russian civil war a young American millionaire named Armand Hammer , decided that this was whyhe had to go to Moscow .

(C) Armand Hammer Because , a young American millionaire , decided that he had to go to Moscow . to help alleviate the famine that followed the Russian civil war .

(D) Armand Hammer , a young American millionaire , deciding  that he had to go to Moscow  because he wished to help alleviate the famine that followed the Russian civil war.

(E) A young American millionaire named Armand Hammer decided that he had to go to Moscow to help alleviate the famine that followed the Russian civil war .

11 . The fierce competition for grades among premed student  is because of wanting to be accepted by a top medical school .

(A) is because of wanting to be accepted by a top medical school

(B) is because of a desire to be accepted by a top medical school

(C) stems out of wanting to be accepted by a top medical school

(D) stems from  the desire to be accepted by a top medical school

(E) is because of the desire for acceptance at a top medical school

12 . Jane Smiley makes a convincing case that horses like people , have their own natures , and that one can learn about them the same way you can learn about human beings : through observation , reading , and empathy .

(A) the same way you can learn about human beings

(B) in the same way you can learn about human beings

(C) the same way you could learn about human beings

(D) the same way one can learn about human beings

(E) only the same way one learns about human beings

13 . Brought up in a homogeneous , all white suburb , it was only when I moves to San Francisco that I realized how exciting life in an ethically diverse community could be .

(A) it was only when I moves to San Francisco that I realized how exciting life in an ethically diverse community could be

(B) I did not  realize until  I moves to San Francisco how exciting life in an ethically diverse community could be

(C ) when I moved to San Francisco that I realized how exciting life in an ethically diverse community could be

(D)an exciting life in an ethically diverse community was unrealized by me until I moved to San Francisco

(E) moving to San Francisco made me realize how exciting life in an ethically diverse community could be

14. For an overtly political cartoonist like Aaron McGruder , being free to criticize contemporary American society is more important than winning a large and admiring audience .

(A) being free to criticize contemporary American society is more important than

(B) there is  greater  importance in the freedom to criticize contemporary American society than in

(C) having  freedom  for criticism of contemporary American society is more important than

(D) to have the freedom to criticize contemporary American society is more important than

(E) freedom to criticize contemporary American society has more importance than does  

150-] English Literature

150-] English Literature Letitia Elizabeth Landon     List of works In addition to the works listed below, Landon was responsible for nume...