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Showing posts with label Vocabulary Tests. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vocabulary Tests. Show all posts

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Vocabulary Tests [ 112 ] Test One Hundred And Twelve

112 - ] Vocabulary Tests

112 - ] Test One Hundred And Twelve .

1 - ] The Articles

1 - ] Fill in the blanks with “a” or “an” where necessary .

1 . Swimming is -----------------great fun .

2 . The plane made ----------------terrible noise .

3 . What sort of -----------------man is he ?

4 . My aunt made ----------------------fortune in America .

5 . He saved up more than ---------------thousand pounds .

6 . The train left half --------------------hour ago .

7 . She’s made ------------------------great progress in English .

8 . She’s -----------------clever girl .

9 . He tried without success to find ---------------work .

10 . Vitamins are necessary for -----------------good health .

2 - ] Fill in the blanks with ‘the’ w here necessary .

1 . My little brother will go to -------------------school next year .

2 . My father left -------------school many years ago .

3 . --------------------red , --------------blue , and -------------green are beautiful colors .

4 . -----------------cotton of Egypt is exported to many countries .

5 . ------------------Nile flows into -------------------Mediterranean .

6 . What time is -----------------lunch ?

7 . She can speak---------------------French .

8 . She speaks -----------------German better than -----------------English .

9 . ----------------flies are harmful insects .

10 . The boy was sent to -----------------post office to post a letter .

2 - ] Relative Pronouns .

Put relative pronouns in each of the following .

1 . That’s the boy -----------------came yesterday .

2 . The man to --------------IO spoke is my brother .

3 . The girl ----------------mother is ill has left school .

4 . This is the pen --------------------I bought .

5 . I can’t repeat all -----------------I heard .

6 . He’s a boy -----------------I know you can trust .

7 . She’s the girl --------------------we thought had been ill .

8 . He’s the tallest man ------------------I have ever seen .

9 . She’s the same -----------------------she’s always been .

10 . I like to help those ---------------I love and --------------I know love me .

3- ] Interrogative Pronouns

Put interrogative pronouns in each of the following .

1 . --------------------do you find easier to learn , English or French ?

2 . -------------------were you talking about ? ( the cinema )

3 . ---------------------is this book ? ( my uncle’s )

4. ------------------of the two players do you like better ?

5 . ------------------do you think I wanted ? ( your brother )

6 . ------------------ of the three boys spoke ?

7 . ----------------------did you say won the prize ?

8 . ----------------------is he , do you suppose ? ( the lawyer )

9 . -------------------of your brothers works in the bank ?

10 . ---------------------is the number of your house ?

4 - ] Repetition of Subject or Object

Rewrite the following sentences , leaving out unnecessary pronouns and making other necessary changes .

1 . The prizes they were given to the boys .


2 . The girl she said nothing .


3 . The teacher gave us an exercise to do it .


4 . He went home and he got his book .


5 . The book which it is on the table is mine .


6 . Students who are good at their lessons they get good marks .


7 . She gave us a football to play with it .


8 . The people , having seen the game , they wet away .


9 . The headmaster I have seen him just now .


10 . The scorpion it has a sting in the tail .


Vocabulary Tests [ 111 ] Test One Hundred And Eleven

111- ] Vocabulary Tests 

111- ]Test One Hundred And Eleven .

1 -] Adjectives Often Confused .

1 - ] Use many  or Much in these sentences .

1 .He hasn’t --------------------- money

2 . Have they ------------------------- books ?

 3 . There isn’t ---------------food in the house .

4 . Does she take ------------------interest in it ?

5 . I haven’t ---------------time .

6 . Are there ---------------------pupils absent today ?

7 . How -------------------does this book cost ?

8 . -----------------rain has fallen on the mountains .

9. He doesn’t know -----------------Arabic .

10 . Too -----------------------people went to the concert .

2 - ] Use few or a few , little or a little in these sentences .

1 . As he has -------------------books , he isn’t able to study .

2 . Will you have -----------------tea ?

3 . He’s very ill , there’s ----------------hope for him .

4 . There are --------------------apples in the bowl , help yourself to some .

5. ----------------people study Latin nowadays .

6. He can’t afford it as he only has --------------money left .

7. As she didn’t speak clearly ,-----------------people understood what she said .

8 . --------------------people will admit their faults .

9. We must save -------------money for our journey home .

10 . I have --------------friends in Cairo who will help me .

3 - ] Use some or any in these sentences .

1 . I’ve got --------------new CDs at home .

2 . There aren’t ------------------flowers in the garden .

3 . Have you ----------------------brothers in this school ?

4 . Did you buy ----------------- stamps at the post office ?

5 . Have I got -----------------------------e-mails this morning ?

4 - ] Use his or her in these sentences .

1 . The father told ------------ daughter to come back .

2 . She gave the money to ----------------uncle’s neighbor .

3 . He sent a letter to ---------------------niece .

4 . The woman lost -------------------son .

5 . The grandfather gave a nice gift to ---------------------daughter’s eldest son .

5 - ] Use interesting or interested in these sentences .

1 . I’m -------------------in English .

2 . Was the film ----------------last night .

3 . The book is --------------- from beginning to end .

4 . She’s a most -------------------lady .

5 . Are you --------------------- in computers ?

6 -] Fill in the blanks with one of the adjectives in brackets .

1 . He sat down and said nothing ------------------

( farther , further )

2 . Is that the -------------------edition of The Times ?

(  last , latest )

3 . Wash your hands if they’re not --------------------.

( clean , clear )

4 . A prize was given to -----------------on of the two best pupils .

( each , every )

5 . She knows -----------------words than her brother .

( less , fewer )

6. Several people were --------------------- when the train ran off the track .

( wounded , injured )

7. Huda is ----------------than her cousin .

( higher , taller )

8 . Nader is three years old , he’s too ----------------to go to school .

( small , young )

9 . Ali is my -----------------------brother .

( older , elder )

10 . My sister Noura is --------------------than I am .

( older , elder ) 

Vocabulary Tests [ 110 ] Test One Hundred And Ten

110 - ] Vocabulary Tests


110 - ] Test One Hundred And Ten

1 - ] Nouns Often Confused

1 - ] Use house or home in these sentences .

1 . I live in a ------------------------

2 . My ---------------------is in Egypt .

3 . Many ------------------------are being built this year .

4 . East or West ---------------------is best .

5 . The --------------------was sold for $ 600,000 .

2 - ] Use habit or custom in these sentence .

1 . You should get into the --------------------of brushing your teeth after meals .

2 . It’s the --------------------of many people to pray for rain .

3 . He has a ------------------------------of biting his nails .

4 . Smoking isn’t a good ------------------- .

5 . The --------------------of showing hospitality to stramgers is ancient .

3 - ] Fill in the blanks with one of the nouns in brackets .

1 . The ancient -------------------of Egypt is an interesting subject .

( story , history )

2 . His ---------------was swollen and he couldn’t get his shoe on .

( foot , leg )

3 . The strong -----------------------spoilt the game .

( wind , air )

4 . Mr. Sadiq is my lawyer and I’ve been his ------------------for many years .

( customer , client )

 5 . We’ve been given a long -----------------to learn by heart .

( poem , poetry )

6 . She can play the violin and other ----------------------- .

( organs , instruments )

7. The ------------------of Switzerland is very beautiful .

( scene , scenery )

8 . There wasn’t much ---------------------anywhere .

( shade , shadow )

9 . The ship was sunk in the ---------------------of the Atlantic .

( middle , center )

10. The students will do a -------------------at the end of the year .

( theater , play )

2 - ] Adjectives

Comparative or Superlative

1 - ] Rewrite the following with the correct adjectives in brackets .

1 . He’s the ( strong ) boy in the whole school .

2 . Of the two sisters , Sarah is the ( beautiful ) .

3 . Alia is the ( young ) of four sisters .

4 . Gamal is the ( old ) of all my friends .

5 . This is the ( good ) novel I’ ever read .

6 . Which do you think is ( good ) tea or coffee ?

7. Iron is the ( useful ) of all metals .

8. The Nile is the ( long ) river in Africa .

9 . Which of the two girls is ( tall ) ?

10. Ahmad is ( bad ) than his brother .

2 - ] Correct the following , giving reasons for your corrections .

1 . Alexandria is smaller from Cairo .

2 . New York is the larger city in the United States .

3 . He’s the better student from all .

4 . Adel is more stronger than his brother .

5 . My handwriting is more bad than my sister’s .

6. Which is the heaviest you or I ?

7. Which of these three girls is the elder ?

8 . This boy’s manners are more good than his brother’s .

9. Which of the girls is the taller in the class ?

10 . Mount Everest is the higher mountain of the world .

Friday, January 14, 2022

Composition & Essay Writing ( 92 ) Soil Pollution , Save Water Save Life

92 - ] Composition & Essay Writing 

Soil Pollution

                          Soil is a thin layer made up of organic as well as inorganic materials. These materials cover the rocky surfaces of Earth. Also, the organic portion, which is derived from the decayed remains of animals and plants. While the inorganic portion is made up of rock fragments. This portion was formed over a thousand years of chemical and physical weathering of bedrock. Productive soils are useful for agriculture in order to supply the world with the required food. So, the essay on soil pollution is guided to factors causing soil pollution and the adverse effects of soil pollution.

                           Soil pollution can be defined as persistent of chemicals, salts, toxic compounds, radioactive materials that have adverse effects on animal health and plant growth. There are many ways through which soils can get polluted. These are: 1 - ] Discharge of industrial waste into the Earth surfaces. Seepage through a landfill. 2 - ] Underground storage tanks getting ruptured. Formation of contaminated water into the soil. 3 - ] Solid waste seepage. Chemicals like heavy metals, petroleum hydrocarbons, solvents, and pesticides.

                       A soil pollutant is a factor that is used for deterioration of soil due to texture, mineral, or quality content of soil being reduced. Also, this disturbs the biological balance of the organisms dependent on the soil. Additionally, there are adverse effects of soil pollution on the growth of plants. Usually, soil pollution is caused due to the presence of man-made applications like percolation of contaminated surface water, pesticides, fuel dumping, oil dumping, etc. There are other activities like leaching of wastes from landfills, direct discharge of industrial wastes into the soil, etc. Also, the most common chemicals involved here are solvents, petroleum hydrocarbons, lead, pesticides, and various heavy metals. So, the phenomena occurring has a high correlation with the intensities and industrialization of chemical usage.

               Some of the main causes of soil pollution are:1 - ] Increasing use of fertilizers . 2- ] Indiscriminate use of insecticides, herbicides, and pesticides Dumping of solid wastes 3 - ] Deforestation.

               Some radioactive pollutants from sources such as nuclear reactors, explosions, hospitals, science labs, etc. go very deep into the soil, stay there for a long time and cause soil pollution. False agricultural practices using advanced agro--technology mean the use of enormous amounts of toxic fertilizers including herbicides, weedicides, pesticides, etc. increases soil fertility but gradually decreases soil physio-chemical and biological properties. Municipal trash heap, food processing waste, mining methods, and many more are other sources of soil pollution. Because toxic chemicals enter the body through the food chain and disturb the entire inner body system, soil pollution is very dangerous to health.

                      In order to decrease and limit soil pollution, the individuals particularly industrialists should follow all efficient control measures including environmental protection laws. People should promote the recycling and reuse of solid waste and maximum feasible tree plantation.

Save Water Save Life

                   Water is a basic necessity of life, and it may seem inconceivable to imagine living without it. Water has become a highly necessary part of human being’s existence on Earth. Thus, the importance of water can be compared to the importance of air. All living organisms whether it is human, animals, or plants cannot live without water. Everyone is completely depending on fresh and potable water. Water is perhaps the second most important substance on Earth after the air. Apart from drinking, there are other benefits of water as well. They include cooking, washing, cleaning, etc. Water is not only a vital part of the human being’s survival , but it is also important for the survival of trees and plants. Additionally, it is a precious element required for the agricultural as well as various other industrial sectors. But the stark reality is that many people around the world do. The availability of fresh water for drinking and sanitation poses an urgent and challenging problem, particularly in many developing countries. The World Health Organization (WHO) reported in March 20101 that over 2.6 billion people, or about 39 per cent of the world's population, live without improved sanitation facilities; in other words, without a proper latrine. Furthermore, WHO estimated that about 1.1 billion people across the globe -- approximately 17 per cent of the world's population -- lacked access to safe and improved sources of drinking water. Seeing this, the water crisis in the future does seem inevitable. Also, it calls for an immediate action plan in order to conserve water so that precious resource can be saved for today as well for future generations.

                 The scarcity of potable water sources and the absence of adequate sanitation in many rural areas have led to a host of potentially fatal health problems such as dysentery, cholera, and other diarrhoeal diseases causing an average of 1.6 million deaths per year. Children under the age of five are especially vulnerable and account for about 90 per cent of these deaths.2 In fact, diarrhoeal diseases kill more children than HIV/AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis combined.3 Other problems from unsafe drinking water, such as trachoma-related blindness and intestinal parasitic worms, are rife in developing countries, totalling several hundred million cases annually.

                     According to the United Nations Millennium Development Goal 7, the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation should be halved by 2015-  in numerical terms, 88.5 per cent of the world's population should have accessible drinking water by 2015. It bodes well that we are prepared to achieve this goal with sustained effort, but it must also be acknowledged that this progress is not uniform across the globe.

                       Currently, the biggest problem related to global warming is a huge water depreciation on Earth. This is mainly caused due to misuse of water happening at various places. In the current scenario, it is important to understand the formula for the conversation of water and thereby save water. Because pure water resources are the primary sources for all our necessities. And when it becomes depreciated, it can lead to huge catastrophic conditions for human beings. Currently, there are many regions in the world that are facing extreme water scarcity due to the decrease of groundwater and scanty rainfalls. Also, in some areas, the groundwater is contaminated or it has been overused. Thus, these factors have to lead to drought situations and in these areas it has led to water scarcity. Furthermore, urbanization and industrialization have added to the problems where groundwater has been overused to fulfill the increasing demands of the population.

                     The Save Water Initiative can help and promote the conservation of water. Also, it can be spread awareness among the people about the importance of water. Additionally, the save water campaign helps people realize that the sources of fresh and pure water are very limited. So, if it is overused that there are chances that they might not be able to fulfill the increasing demands of the population. Through this campaign, we can create awareness among the people about the benefits and preserving water and using it diligently. Our dependence on water underscores the need for conserving it, not just in terms of reducing wastage, but also in terms of saving our rivers, lakes, and seas from further harm. Throughout history, water scarcity has symbolized the ebb of life for many great civilizations. Water will always be a basic necessity of man, regardless of era and creed, and our collective future depends on its sustainability today. Water, in essence, represents life. By saving water, we save lives.


Thursday, January 13, 2022

Vocabulary Tests [ 109 ] Test One Hundred And Nine

109 - ] Vocabulary Tests


109 - ] Test One Hundred And Nine

1 - ] Mobile Phones

A - ] Use the following words to complete the paragraph .

[ frequently - frequencies - educated - convenient - wisely - dangers- fashion ]

Mobile phones are now more popular among children than ever before . They are seen as ----------------items and many children will never leave home without one . Hours are spent looking for different colored covers so as to have the smartest phone . Yet , while there’s no doubt mobile phones are cool and ---------------, they also have their own health risks . It is important for children to be ------------------on the --------------of using mobile phones . Some rules could help them to use their mobiles more ----------------. First of all , of course , we should all use our mobiles less --------------. But , if children do want to make a call using a mobile phone , they should : keep their mobiles as far away from their ears as possible ; keep their calls short ; use a mobile that operates at lower ------------------; use an earpiece ; and carry the mobile in a separate bag .

B - ] Underline the correct words to complete the sentences .

1 . Mobile phones can be dangerous ----------------------of radiation .

(A)  due   (B)  from   (C) because

2 . A law was made , and -------------------the companies put labels on each headset .

(A)  because   (B) therefore   (C) due

3 . ---------------------the battery was dead , he left the phone at home to recharge .

(A) Since   (B) Due   (C) From

4 . His parents knew right where he was -------------------his phone .

(A) because   (B) due to   (C) since

2 - ] Sick & Ill

To be ill means to be in bad health .

He’s been ill for over a year .

To be sick means to vomit . We sometimes use sick idiomatically tomean feeling ill .

The smell made me sick .

Note : We can also use sick before certain nouns : The sick room , a sick note , sick leave .

We use the plural noun the sick to mean ill people .

The nurse worked with the sick in hospitals .

Use ill or sick in these sentences .

1 . She was suddenly taken ------------------

2 . The meat was bad , and made everybody --------------------

3 . He went to the hospital to visit the ----------------------

4 . The -------------------man died yesterday .

5 . When we’re -----------------we go to the doctor .

6 . Those who are in bad health are said to be ------------------

7 . The -------------and the wounded were taken to hospital .

8. He’s --------------with a bad cold .

9 . When I travel by boat I’m always ------------------- .

10 . She felt ----------------and left in the middle of the game .

3 - ] Confusion of Number.

1 - ] Give the correct number , is or are in the following :

1 . The news I’ve received ---------------good .

2 . Where ------------------the money ?

3 . His trainers ---------------worn out .

4 . Maths -------------- my poorest subject .

5 . Riches -----------------------sought after by all .

6 . Our furniture ----------------getting old .

7 . This pair of scissors --------------------not sharp .

8 . Eating fish ---------------very healthy .

9 . The number of mobile phones -----------------increasing .

10 . The sheep ------------------grazing in the field .

2 - ] Correct the following sentences , giving reasons for your corrections :

1 . Her advices were very wise .


2 . You was the first to do it .


3 . The class wasn’t able to agree .


4 . I’ve many works to do this morning .


5 . The thunders and lightnings frightened the little girl .


6 . I’ve more than two dozens of books at home .


7. The poors say that riches does not make a man happy .


8. She waited at the terminal for her luggages .


9 . You should go and have your hairs cut , they’re too long .


10 . I’m waiting for more informations about this matter .


3 - ] Write sentences showing whether the following nouns can be used in the singular or in the plural :

1 . news  2 . money  3 . advice 4 . riches 5 . dozen 6 . knowledge 7 . spectacles 8. gymnastics

9 . furniture 10 . damage

1 . -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2 .------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3 . -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4 .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

5 . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

6 . --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

7 . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

8 .---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

9 . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

10 . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

184- ] English Literature

184- ] English Literature Jane Austen  Austen’s novels: an overview Jane Austen’s three early novels form a distinct group in which a stro...