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Showing posts with label Vocabulary Tests. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vocabulary Tests. Show all posts

Monday, January 31, 2022

123 - ] Vocabulary Tests - Test One Hundred And Twenty Three

123 - ] Vocabulary Tests 


123 - ] Test One Hundred And Twenty Three


1 - ]Using The Wrong Preposition

1 - ] Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions .

1 . I wasn’t pleased -----------------her .

2 . Cats are afraid ------------------dogs .

3 . Look ----------------this new book .

4 . We’re proud ------------------our country .

5 . He feels ashamed -----------------his low marks .

6 . We arrived --------------------the station late .

7 . She’s very different ----------------------her sister .

8 . Are you satisfied -----------------------your bicycle ?

9 . I’m not accustomed ------------------life in a hotel .

10 . Many people complain ---------------------their low wages .

2 - ] Rewrite the following sentences , using the correct prepositions .

1 . He was accused for lying .


2 . I’m surprised from the news .


3 . I’m interested for football .


4 . Water is composed from oxygen and hydrogen .


5 . Are you sure for his honesty .


6 . She’s very good in English .


7 . When is he leaving to England ?


8 . That depends entirely from you .


9 . She was dressed with a yellow dress .


10 . He did his best to comply to the requirements .


3 - ] Write sentences , using the following words with suitable prepositions .

1 . aim ------------------------------------------------------- 2 . deprive ----------------------------------

3 . repent ---------------------------------------------------  4 . afraid ------------------------------------

5 . pleased -------------------------------------------------- 6 . boast --------------------------------------

7 . die -------------------------------------------------------  8 . succeed ----------------------------------

9 . used ----------------------------------------------------- 10 . ashamed --------------------------------

11 . insist --------------------------------------------------- 12 . different -------------------------------

13 . good -------------------------------------------------    14 . look -------------------------------------

15 . depend -----------------------------------------------  16 . marry -----------------------------------

17 . fail ----------------------------------------------------   18 . interested ------------------------------

19 . satisfied ---------------------------------------------    20 . prefer ----------------------------------

4 - ] Make sententences of your own , showing clearly the difference between the following.

1 . arrive at / arrive in -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2 . angry with / angry at ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3 . pleased with / pleased at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4 . look at / look for ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

5 . write with / write in -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

6 . divide in / divide into ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

7 . die of / die from ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

8 . disappointed in / disappointed at -----------------------------------------------------------------

9 . sit at ‘ sit on --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

10 . tired of / tired with ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

122- ] Vocabulary Tests - Test One Hundred And Twenty Two

122 - ] Vocabulary Tests 


122 - ] Test One Hundred And Twenty Two .

Adverbs Often Confused .

1 - ] Give the correct adverb , very or too in these sentences .

1 . It’s -----------------------cold today .

2 . He’s -----------------------old to work .

3 . I can’t drink that coffee . It’s ------------------------strong .

4 . Sugar is ------------------sweet .

5 . These trainers are ---------------------small for me .

6 . The Eiffel Tower is -------------------high .

7.Concorde flies -----------------------fast .

8 . My little brother is --------------------young to go to school .

9 . I felt ---------------------tired to study .

10. He’s --------------------rich , he’s millionaire .

 2 - ] Give the correct adverb very or much in the following .

1 . I’m-----------------------sorry that you can’t come .

2 . I was --------------------pleased to meet him .

3 .  She was -----------------------frightened of failing in English .

4 . It was  --------------------amusing game .

5 . I feel -----------------------tired .

6 . He plays -------------------better than his brother .

7 . Her essay is -------------------worse than yours .

8. It’s a ----------------------interesting book .

9 . I was -------------------------interested to hear what Ali said .

10 . We’re ---------------------surprised at the news .

3 - ] Give the correct adverb , very much or too much in the following

1 . I like oranges --------------------------- .

2 . Thank you ------------------------- .

3 . I can’t study here , there’s ------------------------- noise .

4 . $ 100 is ------------------for that book .

5 . He ate ------------------- and felt sick .

6 . I was ------------------awake when the baby started crying .

7 . She talks ------------------------, she’s a chatterbox .

8 . I’m -----------------obliged to you .

9 . She was -----------------------interested in the subject .

10 . She helped us ----------------------- .

4 - ] Give the correct adverb hard or hardly in these sentences .

1 . The country was hit very --------------------- by the drought .

2 . I ------------------- know how to thank you for your kindness .

3 . He’s --------------------rcovered from his illness .

4 . If you work --------------------, perhaps you’ll succeed .

5 . Think -------------------before you come to a decision .

5 - ] Make five sentences of your own , using the word ago  .

1 . -----------------------------------------------------------

2 . -----------------------------------------------------------

3 . ------------------------------------------------------------

4 . ------------------------------------------------------------

5 . -----------------------------------------------------------

121 - ] Vocabulary Tests - Test One Hundred And Twenty One

121- ] Vocabulary Tests 

Test One Hundred And Twenty One

1- ] Misuse of The Infinitive

1- ] Put a suitable gerund in the following .

1 . Do this without --------------------any mistakes .

2 . We don’t enjoy --------------------- .

3 . He succeeded in --------------------- the door .

4 . I can’t prevent you from ---------------------.

5 . It’s no use ------------------about everything .

6 . She stopped ---------------------in class .

7 . I was busy -------------------ready for dinner .

8 . It’s worth --------------------well .

9 . I’m thinking of ---------------------to Luxor next year .

10. It’s no use --------------------over spilt milk .

2 - ] Make sentences of your own , using a gerund after each of the following .

1 . avoid --------------------------------------------- 2 . instead of ------------------------------------

3 . stop ----------------------------------------------  4 . finish -----------------------------------------

5 . tired ---------------------------------------------  6 . prevent --------------------------------------

7 . interested --------------------------------------- 8 . worth -----------------------------------------

9 . insist --------------------------------------------  10 . can’t help -----------------------------------

2 - ] The Infinitive Without to  .

Make sentences of your own , using an infinitive after each of the following verbs .

1 . can ---------------------------------------------  2 . could -------------------------------------------

3 . may --------------------------------------------- 4 . might ------------------------------------------

5 . must -------------------------------------------  6 . let ---------------------------------------------- 

7 . make ------------------------------------------  8 . see ----------------------------------------------

9 . hear  ------------------------------------------- 10 . feel -------------------------------------------

3 - ] Adverbs

Wrong Position of Adverbs

1- ] Rewrite the following sentences , placing the adverbs or adverbial phrases in the right position .

1 . I can speak very well English .


2 . I like very much music .


3 . A beginner can’t speak correctly English .


4 . The teacher explained very well the problem .


5. He recorded with his video camera the concert .


6 . He put into his pocket the money .


7 . He likes very much tea .


8 . She learnt by heart the poem .


9 . I received from my aunt a nice present .


10 . He shut quickly the book .


2 - ] Correct the following sentences , giving reasons for your corrections .

1 . I always am on time .


2 . It rains seldom in the desert .


3 . We went yesterday there .


4 . I’m not enough tall .


5 . He begged the teacher to not punish him .


6 . I could have not arrived sooner .


7 . She will have not finished her work by tomorrow .


8 . I prefer usually coffee to tea .


9 . They are leaving for Aswan this evening at seven o’clock .


10 . He yesterday did not come to school .



Thursday, January 20, 2022

Vocabulary Tests [ 120 ] Test One Hundred And Twenty

120 - ] Vocabulary Tests

120 - ] Test One Hundred And Twenty .

1- ] Verbs Often Confused

1 - ] In the following sentences , choose the correct word from those in brackets .

1 . Who ( discovered , invented ) the telephone ?

2 . The judge was ( persuaded , convinced ) that the man was guilty .

3 . When will the meeting ( take place , take part ) ?

4 . He ( took , received ) a prize for his success .

5 . Ir’s not wise to ( interfere with , interfere in ) family quarrels .

6 . He ( is , is found ) at the school in the morning .

7 . At what time do you ( sleep , go to bed ) ?

8 . She didn’t ( accept , agree ) to go .

9 . How does that man ( win , earn ) his living ?

10 . Please ( remember , remind ) me to give you the change .

2 - ] Un-English Expressions .

1 . Take an exam 2 . To be right or wrong 3 . To be busy 4 . It’s cold 5 . Go for a walk

6 . Go for a ride on a bicycle 7 . Mount or get on a horse . 8 . Dismount or get off  a horse

9 . Go on foot 10 . Take or have a shower 11 . Ask a question 12 . Take an hour 13 . Give

a discount 14 . Take exercise 15 . Give or deliver a lecture 16 . Say one’s prayers

17 . Pretend 18 . Have a dream 19 . Smoke a cigarette 20 . Make a mistake 21 . Tell or

speak the truth 22 . See or watch a game 23 . Turn ( switch ) the light on or off 24 . Give

an example 25 . Give a mark 26. Give a lesson 27 . I set my watch by the radio news.

28 . A watch is slow or fast ( My watch goes two minutes behind . / My watch is two minutes slow. )  29. Show a film 30 . Have one’s hair cut 31 . Learn by heart 32 . Put on weight 33 . It works miracles 34 . Getting on with 35 . This morning , afternoon

36 . Quietly

Correct the following sentences , giving the correct idiom .

1 . Few people will admit that they have wrong .


2 . Every day I put my watch with the school clock .


3 . Will there be a game today afternoon ?


4 . He brought a good example .


5 . Slowly , slowly , don’t make a noise .


6 . The teacher didn’t put us a new lesson .


7 . Come down from the bicycle .


8. When do you make your bath ?


9 . I have much work , I need an hour to finish it .


10 . Many young people drink cigarettes .


Vocabulary Tests [ 119 ] Test One Hundred And Nineteen

119 - ] Vocabulary Tests

119 - ] Test One Hundred And  Nineteen .

Verbs Often Confused

1- ]  Use a correct form of refuse or deny in the following .

1 . He ------------------------to do the work .

2 . Soad ----------------------that she’d seen him .

3 . Do you ----------------------that you broke the window ?

4 . I -------------------to take the money .

5 . I asked her to come with us , but she ----------------------

2 - ] Use a correct form of learn or teach in the following .

1 . She ---------------------her friends the new game .

2 . Will you ------------------------me how to swim ?

3 . He ---------------------his lessons quickly .

4 . My teacher -------------------- me English .

5 . Suzan wanted to -------------------to drive .

3 - ]  Use the correct form of win or beat in the following .

1 . We were sure to ---------------------.

2 . I can -----------------him at chess .

3 . The trophy was ------------------------by my school .

4 . We’ve -----------------------your team several times .

5 . We’ve always ---------------.

4 - ] Use the correct form of see or look in the following .

1 . We can’t ----------------------in the dark .

2 . Don’t ---------------------out of the window .

3 . Did you ------------------that film ?

4 . When he ----------------------through the open window , he -----------------it on the table .

5 . The blind can’t -----------------

5 - ] Use a correct form of hear or listen in the following .

1 . I -----------------------carefully but -----------------nothing .

2 . He can’t -------------------very well .

3 . ] I was -------------------ing to the news .

4 . The deaf can’t ---------------

5 . Let’s ----------------------------to my new CD .

6 - ] Use the correct form of like or want in the following .

1 . I ---------------------------to go to Luxor next year .

2 . Children ---------------------to play computer games .

3 . Do you ------------------------to come with me for a drive .

4 . She always --------------------------to get up early .

5 . Do you -------------------to play tennis this afternoon .

7 - ] Use a correct form of read or study in the following .

1 . My father ---------------------The Times  .

2 . The boy is --------------------ing for the exam .

3 . When I finish ---------------------------ing geography , I’ll ------------------the letter .

4 . She ------------------------ a lot , but she doesn’t ------------------for her exams .

5 . When the students had --------------------------the exam paper , they were advised to ----------------------------the questions again .

8 - ] Use fall or fell in the following .

1 . Did the child ----------------------from the chair ?

2 . The plane -------------------into the sea .

3 . He ----------------------down and broke his leg .

4 . In winter the leaves ----------------------from the trees .

5 . You’ll ------------------if you’re not careful . 


Vocabulary Tests [ 118 ] Test One Hundred And Eighteen

118 - ] Vocabulary Tests

118 - ] Test One Hundred And Eighteen .

1 - ] Verbs Often Confused .

 (A) wear means to have upon the body as a garment or as an ornament .

I’m going to wear a black dress and my diamond earrings .

Why aren’t you wearing your glasses ?

It is used to describe someone’s usual style of dressing .

She always wears earrings / casual clothes / black .

I’ll be wearing a red coat .

All the visitors to the site must wear a protective helmet .

( B) put sth on [ phrasal ] to put a piece of clothing on your body . It is used if you are talking about just one piece of clothing or things like glasses and jewellery .

Wait a moment while I put my shoes on .

OK , you can put your shirt back on .

Put your coat on before you go outside

I’ll have to put my glasses on ; I can’t read the sign from here .

(C) dress put on clothes , etc. especially before a special occasion . It has nearly the same meaning as to put on , but the object of dress is a person and not a thing . You dress in clothes or dress someone in them .

I’ve got to go home to dress.

He dressed himself and went out .

The mother dressed her baby .

/ to wear a particular kind of clothes .

Dress warmly if you’re going out for a walk .

1 - ] Use the correct form of wear , put on , or dress in the following .

1 . She often --------------------- a green coat .

2 . I ----------------my coat and went out .

2 . The mother --------------the child .

4 . She ------------------a beautiful dress in the party .

5 . It takes him a long time to ----------------his clothes .

6 . He -------------------a red tie yesterday .

7 . She never ------------------brown shoes .

8. Mariam -----------------herself and went to the party .

9 . I’ll ---------------------my new dress at the wedding .

10. When he came in he was -----------------ing his coat .

2 - ] Use the correct form of let , let go , leave , or give up in the following .

1 . ---------------------your books here .

2 . Does your father ----------------you go swimming ?

3 . Please ----------------my room .

4 . I have ----------------- music lessons .

5 . Where have you -----------------your pen ?

6 . Mother will not -----------------------me go.

7 . His old friends ---------------him .

8. Please ---------------------of my hand .

9. Someone always ----------------------the door open .

10 . -----------------me go , too .

3 - ] Use a correct form of fly , flow , or flee in the following .

1 . The lane -----------------over the city .

2 . The birds have ------------------north for the summer .

3 . He -------------------from danger .

4 . The water -------------------all day .

5 . The flies ------------------through the window .

6 . The Nile ----------------------into the Mediterranean .

7 . He -----------------------from London to New York .

8. The prisoner has ------------------from the guard .

9 . Birds ---------------------- .

10 . The wild horses ------------------------from the men .

4 - ] Use hung or hanged  in the following .

1 . He was found guilty and  --------------------- .

2 . Mother -------------------the clothes up to dry .

3 . The picture ------------------on the wall .

4 . The criminal was --------------------- .

5 . She --------------------his jacket up .

5 - ] Use the correct form of borrow or lend in the following .

1 . May I ------------------your pen ?

2 . Please -----------------me your book .

3 . From whom did you -----------------the money ?

4 . He’ll -----------------you his knife .

5 . You should avoid --------------ing things from others .

6 - ] Use the correct form of steal or rob in the following .

1 . They -----------------------------the house and fled .

2 . Someone has ------------------------his money .

3 . I’ve been ----------------------------,’ cried the lady .

4 . When the bank was -------------------, the thieves escaped .

5 . The cat will ---------------------the dog’s food . 

150-] English Literature

150-] English Literature Letitia Elizabeth Landon     List of works In addition to the works listed below, Landon was responsible for nume...