Grammar American & British

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Vocabulary Tests , Test Fifteen

Vocabulary Tests


Test Fifteen

1 - ] Read the sentences or short passages below .Write the letter for the correct  definition of the underlined vocabulary word

1 . The manager was very busy , so my application got only a cursory  look .But the manager promised to study it carefully later .

( A ) thorough  ( B ) silent

( C ) quick  ( D ) humorous                                                                 1 . -------------------

2 . After long hours of argument and debate over the issues , union and management representatives reached an accord  . We can expect the strike to end soon .

( A ) destination  ( B ) impossible obstacle

( C ) victory  ( D ) harmonious agreement                                         2 . ------------------

3 . The police officer tried to get the protestors to stop interfering with traffic , but they refused . In the end the only recourse wasto arrest them .

( A ) source of help or aid   ( B ) foolish desire

( C ) college training  ( D ) thought or idea                                         3 . -----------------

4 . The proposal to build a toxic waste dump was a source of discord in the community . Some citizens wanted the jobs that would be created . Others feared that the dump would affect their health .

( A ) affection  ( B ) rope

( C ) angry disagreement  ( D ) economic activity                               4 . -------------------

5 . The dark clouds and high winds were precursors of the coming tornado .

( A ) forerunners  ( B ) proof

) C ) cause for swearing  ( D ) enemies                                                  5 . -------------------

6 . The class was being taught to use a cursive style of writing instead of printing each letter .

( A ) foreign  ( B ) clever

( C ) impossible  ( D ) having letters run together                                  6 . ---------------------

7 . It is easy to take notes on Ms. Tom’s lectures because her presentation is always very focused and direct . Mr. Todd’s lectures , on the other hand , are quite discursive . I never know what he will say next .

( A ) disgusting  ( B ) discouraging

( C ) wide-ranging rambling  ( D ) ordinary                                            7 . -------------------

8 . Because of Olga’s history of cardiac problems , the doctor advised her not to over-exercise .

( A ) related to the heart  ( B ) financial

( C ) digestive  ( D ) family                                                                          8 . -----------------

9 .Jack missed his old neighborhood . Ever since his family moved , he had recurrent dreams about the school and the friends he left behind .

( A ) frightening  ( B ) happening repeatedly

( C ) water-related  ( D ) distracting                                                             9 . ---------------

10 . Since we had been such good friends for many years , I was not surprised by her cordial welcome .

( A ) hostile  ( B ) insincere

( C ) awkward  ( D ) warm and friendly

Answer Key

1 . C 2 . D 3 . A 4 . C 5 . A 6 . D 7 . C 8 . A 9 . B 10 . D


 2- ] Each question below include a word in capital letters , followed by four words or phrases . Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the word in capital letters. Write the letter for your answer on the line provided .

1 . LONGEVITY ( A )  lengthy illness ( B ) scientific theory

( C ) long life  ( D ) easily stretched                                                               1 . --------------------

2 . OUTLANDISH  ( A ) normal  ( B ) foreign

( C ) silly  ( D ) outstanding                                                                             2 . ------------------

3 . ERRANT ( A ) wandering  ( B ) characterized by many errors

( C ) peculiar  ( D ) elderly                                                                               3 . ------------------

4 . CONFOUND ( A ) confuse  ( B ) mix together

( C ) discover  ( D ) arrange                                                                             4 . ------------------

5 . INTACT ( A ) careful  ( B ) fastened firmly                                            

( C ) interesting  ( D ) undamaged                                                                   5 . -----------------

6 . SUBJECTIVE ( A )  main topic  ( B ) personal

( C ) underwater object  ( D ) illegal                                                                6 . -----------------

7 . ANOMALY ( A ) something not normal ( B ) related to the body

( C ) misnamed  ( D ) liveliness                                                                         7 . --------------------

8 . INCONGRUOUS ( A ) grooved  ( B ) related to Congress

( C ) unsuited  ( D ) appropriate                                                                       8 . -----------------------

9 . HALE ( A ) frozen rain  ( B ) vigorous

( C ) ill-tempered  ( D ) spiritual or saintly                                                       9 . --------------------

10 . SANCTION ( A ) holy place  ( B ) to restrain

( C ) to calm or relax  ( D ) to authorize                                                            10 . -------------------

11 . MILITANT ( A ) aggressive in defending a cause  ( B ) member of the armed service

( C ) very small portion  ( D ) one who studies military strategy                   11 . -------------------

121 .DEVIATE ( A ) to consume  ( B ) to devise

( C ) to guard against  ( D ) to depart from the expected                                   12 . ---------------------

13 . CONJECTURE ( A ) a guess  ( B ) an overcrowded condition

( C ) rejection  (D ) a combination or association                                                13 . --------------------

14 . TACT  ( A ) type of fastener  ( B ) vulgarity

( C ) grace and diplomacy  ( D ) unharmed                                                          14 . --------------------

15 . TANGIBLE  ( A )  real and concrete   ( B ) unusual

( C ) vague and abstract   ( D ) tasty                                                                       15 . --------------------

16 . ADJACENT  ( A ) thoroughly hopeless  ( B ) near

( C ) far removed  ( D ) adjustable                                                                            16 . ------------------

17 . ERRATIC  ( A ) a wanderer  ( B ) predictable

( C )  inconsistent  ( D ) mistaken                                                                              17 . ------------------

18 . RELEGATE  ( A ) a representative  ( B ) to banish

( C ) related to current interests  ( D ) to narrate                                                    18 . ------------------

19 . SERENE  ( A ) calm and peaceful  ( B ) shrill and piercing

( C ) heavenly  ( D ) nervous and agitated                                                                 19 . -----------------

20 . CONTINGENT  ( A ) repeated regularly and frequently  ( B ) depending on certain conditions( C ) side by side  ( D ) satisfied and content                                                            20 . ----------------        

21 . PREEMINENT ( A ) church official  ( B )  preferred

( C ) someone claiming knowledge of the future  ( D ) superior to all others          21 . ----------------

22 . ABERRANT  ( A ) disgusting and repulsive  ( B ) simple

( C ) not normal  ( D ) abandoned                                                                              22 . ------------------

23 . FEISTY  ( A ) lazy  ( B ) easily fooled

( C ) frisky and full of spirit  ( D ) young                                                                   23 . ------------------

24 . CONTIGUOUS  ( A ) joined  ( B ) constant

( C ) slippery  ( D ) contradictory                                                                              24 . -------------------

25 . ANNALS   ( A ) books published once a year  ( B ) chronological record of events

( C ) to cancel  ( D ) place to deposit items                                                               25 . ------------------

Answer Key

1 .C 2. C 3 . A 4 . A 5 . D 6 . B 7 . A 8 . C 9 . B 10 . D 11 .A 12 .D 13 . A 14 . C 15 . A 16 . B

17 . C 18 . B 19 . A 20 . B 21 . D 22 . C 23 . C 24 . A 25 . B     

3 - ] Match the definition in Column B with the word in Column A . Write the letter for your choice on the answer line .

   Column A                   Column B

1 .  emissary          a . steal a small amount                                 1 . -------------------

2 . scourge             b . shade of color                                            2 . -------------------

3 . hue                    c . constant                                                      3 . -------------------

4 . clemency           d . send                                                            4 . -------------------

5 . missive              e . representative                                            5 . -------------------

6 . pilfer                 f . take by force                                               6 . -------------------

7 . extort                g . cause of suffering                                       7 . -------------------

8 . transmit            h . declare innocent                                         8 . ------------------

9 . unremitting      i  . letter                                                            9 . ------------------

10 . exonerate        j . mercy                                                         10 . ------------------

Answer Key

1 . e 2 . g 3. b 4 . j 5 . i  6 . a 7 . f 8 . d 9 . c 10 . h    

Vocabulary Tests , Test Fourteen

Vocabulary Tests

Test Fourteen

1 - ] Read the sentences or short passages below .Write the letter for the correct  definition of the underlined vocabulary word

It is very difficult to become a member of the golf club , but since my older brother is a member , he was my entrée to membership .

1 . ( A ) legal advisor                                                                          1 . -----------------------

     ( B ) the means to enter

     ( C ) obstacle

     ( D ) admission fee

We were very excited when the plane took off . I pressed my nose to the window and watched the city disappear below . The flight attendants , however , were quite blasé about it all . I wondered if they even knew we had taken off .

2 . ( A ) exhilarated and talkative                                                      2 . ----------------------

     ( B )  worn out from prolonged or difficult work

     ( C ) distressed and frightened

     ( D ) bored and uninterested

The craft fair turned out to be a potpourri of exhibits . There were holiday ornaments made from cotton balls , cutting boards in the shapes of farm animals , and even a stained-glass wind chime .

3 . ( A ) odd or random collection of things                                       3 . ----------------------

     ( B ) elaborate and expensive artwork

     ( C ) items made from pottery

     ( D ) old and outdated items

Why must things be as quiet as a mouse or as sly as a fox ? Why couldn’t they be aa quiet as a cemetery or as sly as a riverboat gambler ? Why use a cliché when a fresh expression will work ?

4 . ( A ) animal                                                                                      4 . -----------------------

     ( B ) overused expression

     ( C ) clever figure of speech

     ( D ) literary classic

We were free to explore the museums , parks , and stores all afternoon , but it was important that we rendezvous in the parking lot at six o’clock to board the bus home .

5 . ( A ) avoid danger                                                                             5 . -----------------------

     ( B ) render or give a report

     ( C ) meet

     ( D ) ask for directions

Since it was my first trip to New York , I was quite naïve . I stared up at the tall buildings , failed to tip the waiters , and got lost on the subways .

6 . ( A ) clever and resourceful                                                                6 . -----------------------

     ( B ) angry

     ( C ) excessively curious or nosy

     ( D ) simple or inexperienced

The spectators in the gymnasium were applauding and cheering wildly , but the captain of the basketball team acted quite nonchalant as he yawned and accepted the trophy

7 . ( A ) cool and unconcerned                                                                 7 . -----------------------

     ( B ) confused and uncertain

     ( C ) shy and modest

     ( D ) embarrassed

For months after the restaurant opened the owner lost money , but after a while he built up a clientele and his business began to show a good profit .

8 . ( A ) group of regular customers or clients                                         8 . --------------------

     ( B ) debt

     ( C ) staff or clerks and assistants

     ( D ) communication system

Not only did many people arrive late for the piano concert , they whispered and giggled throughout the performance . Such gauche behavior is inexcusable .

9 . ( A ) humorous                                                                                      9 . ---------------------

     ( B ) gloomy

     ( C ) crude and awkward

     ( D ) informal and friendly

After years of working in the factory . Joe Franklin decided to become an entrepreneur  . So he quit his job , bought a truck , and painted “Joe’s Moving Service” on its side .

10 . ( A ) laborer                                                                                         10 . --------------------

       ( B ) one who organizes or runs a business                                

         ( C ) foolish or irresponsible

         ( D ) one who is unable to make up his mind

Answer Key

1 . B 2 . D 3 . A 4 . B 5 . C 6 . D 7 . A 8 . A 9 . C 10 . B  


2 - ] Each question below includes a word in capital letters , followed by four words or phrases . Choose the word or phrase that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters . Consider all choices before deciding on your answer . Write the letter for your answer on the line provided .

1 . COPIOUS  ( A ) limited ( B ) remarkable                       

( C ) generous  ( D ) visible                                                                1 . --------------------

2 . SUSTAIN ( A ) spoil  ( B ) hinder

( C ) clean  ( D ) hold dear                                                                  2 . -------------------

3 . ABNORMAL ( A ) weird  ( B ) rowdy

( C ) calm  ( D ) typical                                                                        3 . -------------------

4 . OPPORTUNE  ( A ) strange sounds ( B ) unfortunate

( C ) of poor quality ( D ) imaginary                                                  4 . -------------------

5 . PORTABLE ( A ) imported ( B ) careless

( C ) immovable ( D ) heavy                                                                5 . -------------------

6 . RAPPORT ( A ) quiet  ( B ) requirement

( C ) stately manner  ( D ) incompatibility                                         6 . -------------------

7 . INTERVENE  ( A )  ignore  ( B ) entangle

( C ) release  ( D ) interrupt                                                                 7 . --------------------

8 . GENERATE  (A ) imagine  ( B ) arouse

( C ) simplify  ( D ) halt                                                                         8 . -------------------

9 . INSATIABLE  ( A ) easily satisfied ( B ) inflate

( C ) greedy  ( D ) insane                                                                       9 . --------------------

10 . PALTRY  ( A ) trivial  ( B ) important

( C ) attractive  ( D ) unpaved                                                             10 . -------------------

11 . SPECIFIC  ( A ) vague  ( B ) exact

( C ) special  ( D ) narrow                                                                    11 . -------------------

12 . MINIMAL  ( A ) remarkable  ( B ) complex

( C ) maximum  ( D ) foreign                                                               12 . -------------------

13 . PORTLY  ( A ) protected  ( B ) exposed

( C ) hidden  ( D ) lean                                                                          13 . ------------------

14 . PLETHORAL  ( A ) abundance  ( B ) prehistoric

( C ) modern  ( D ) shortage                                                                 14 . -----------------

15 . SPORTIVE  ( A ) lifeless  ( B ) athlete

( C ) tendency to cheat  ( D ) humble                                                   15 . ------------------

Answer Key

1 . A 2 . B 3. D 4 . B 5 . C 6 . D 7 . A 8 . D 9 . A 10 . B 11 . A 12 . C 13 . D 14 . D 15 . A

3 - ] Match the definition in Column B with the word in Column A . Write the letter for your choice on the answer line .

   Column A                   Column B

1 . finite                        a . immeasurable                                   1 . -----------------------

2 . deportment             b . carrying case                                     2 . ----------------------

3 . conspiracy               c . noticeable                                           3 . ---------------------

4 . kindred                   d .  limited                                                4 . --------------------

5 . spawn                      e . related                                                 5 . --------------------

6 . pittance                    f. to claim                                                6 . --------------------

7 . fathomless               g . conduct                                               7 . -------------------

8 . appreciable             h . to produce                                          8 . --------------------

9 . portfolio                  i . plot                                                       9 . --------------------

10 . purport                 j tiny amount                                           10 . ------------------

Answer Key

 1. d 2 . g 3 . i  4 . e 5 . h 6 . j 7 . a 8 . c 9 . b 10 . f      

Vocabulary Tests , Test Thirteen

Vocabulary Tests

Test Thirteen

1- ] Read the sentences or short passages below . Write the letter for the correct definition of the underlined vocabulary word

At the annual meeting of the nation’s popcorn growers , the growers decided to form a cartel to set the prices charged by all the producers .

1 . ( A ) an association of producers in a particular industry that works to improve the industry’s image .

( B ) an association of producers in a particular industry that buys out the smaller producers .

( C ) an association of producers in a particular industry that works to control the market

( D ) an association of producers in a particular industry that works to influence public officials and legislators .                                                                             1 . ---------------------

An advantage of keeping your money in a saving account is that your money will accrue interest .

2 . ( A ) invest

( B ) accumulate over time

( C ) discount

( D ) keep track of                                                                          2 . ---------------------

The drug company printed long warnings on packages of its new drug in an attempt to indemnify  itself from legal action in case the medicine had some unexpected side effects .

3 . ( A ) insure or protect against loss , damage , or injury

( B ) safeguard the reputation of a person or business

( C ) use the media to inform the public about a product

( D ) cause a movement to gain strength or vigor                         3 . ------------------

The United States was able to industrialize because it had workers and natural resources . Perhaps most important , it had the capital and the confidence to spend it building factories and railroads , knowing such investments would pay fir themselves in the long run .

4 . ( A ) the most important kind of wealth a person possesses

( B ) money loaned to a company by orders

( C ) wealth that comes from land

( D ) wealth that is used to produce more wealth                             4 . ---------------------

No one could understand how Inez Santos could have a lucrative job on Wall Street to go back to art school . Inez said she didn’t mind giving up a few luxuries for a more personal challenge .

( A ) temporary

( B ) profitable

( C ) difficult

( D ) illegal                                                                                              5 . ----------------------

When businesses hire an accounting firm to audit  their financial records , they hope the accountants will not find big mistakes .

6 . ( A ) examine and verify the accounts of a business

( B ) listen carefully to the complains of employers

( C ) copy and store the records of a business

( D ) conceal from competitors                                                               6 . ----------------------

After some banks began charging interest rates of 20 percent and more , the legislature considered severed laws to prevent such usury .

7 . ( A ) excessive rates of interest

( B ) illegal business practices

( C ) generosity

( D ) confusion                                                                                            7 . ---------------------

To get her new business started , Sara Gates borrowed money from the bank , putting up her house as collateral .

8 . ( A ) proof of success

( B ) a major source of customers for a business

( C ) a temporary turnover of property

( D ) property pledged as security for the payment of a loan                 8 . --------------------

Before Lee applied for a mortgage , he used his inheritance from Aunt Molly to liquidate  his college loans so that he would have a clean financial slate .

9 . ( A )into a more fluid state

( B ) refinance

( C ) pay off

( D ) get rid of by force or violence                                                              9 . ---------------------

When Senator Dobbs announced that he would not run for a third term , he reminded his listeners that the pecuniary rewards of public service are few and that he had children to send to college .

10 . ( A ) personal

( B ) financial

( C ) intangible

( D ) unable                                                                                                     10 . --------------------

Answer Key

1 . C 2 . B 3 . A 4 . D 5 . B 6 . A 7 . A 8 . D 9 . C 10 . B

2 . ] Decide which word in parentheses best completes the sentence . Then write the sentence , adding the missing word

1 . The --------------of our guests from the city made it difficult to carry on a conversation .

                                                                ( patois , soliloquy )

2 . When the minister began his remarks with the overused -----------------“ Life is a journey “ , I knew we were in for a long , boring talk .

                                                                ( idiom , metaphor )

3 . Because our foreign visitors did not understand the ------------------when I asked them to carry out my orders they picked up the papers and went outside .

                                                                 ( idiom , parody )

4 . In Hamlet’s famous “ To be or not to be “ ------------------------, he thinks aloud about committing suicide .                                                    ( allegory , soliloquy )

5 . It was no accident that the candidate made numerous ----------------------- to his military service , since his opponent had no such experience .

                                                                  ( allusions , connotations )

6 . When Steve rehearsed his speech before the school administration , he shocked them by using numerous -----------------------

                                                                      ( connotations , solecisms )

7 . There is nothing as frustrating as having a doctor explain your illness using ------------------you do not understand .

                                                                        ( jargon , parodies )

8 To many Americans , the word politician --------------- smoke-filled rooms and shady deals .

                                                                         ( alludes , connotes )    

9 . In the medieval ------------------- Everyman , the title character must meet Death . All his friends , including Five Wits , Beauty and Knowledge , desert him , but Good Deeds stays with him to his end .                                                                 ( allegory , parody )

10 . For my senior drama project , I am going to write and produce a ------------------of The Phantom of the Opera “ called The Fantom of the Auditorium .

                                                                           ( parody , patois )

Answer Key

1 . patois 2 . metaphor 3 . idiom 4 . soliloquy 5 . allusions 6 . solecisms 7 . jargon 8 . connotes

9 . allegory 10 . parody

 3 - ] Match the definition in Column B with the word in Column A . Write the letter for your choice on the answer line .

   Column A                   Column B

1 . syntax                      a . prolong                                                                          1 . ----------------                

2 . facilitate                  b . advance                                                                          2 . ----------------

3 . conscript                  c . belief                                                                              3 .-----------------

4 . parody                     d . way of putting words together in sentences               4 . ----------------

5 . nascent                     e . written afterthought                                                     5 .----------------

6 . relentless                  f . to force into service                                                       6. ----------------

7. tenet                           g. sacred writing                                                               7 . ---------------

8 . protract                    h. coming into being                                                         8 .-----------------

9 . scripture                   i . make easier                                                                   9 . ----------------

10 . connotation            j . implied comparison                                                    10 . --------------

11 . metaphor               k . steady                                                                           11 . ---------------

12 . extract                    l . local form of a language                                              12 .---------------

13 . patois                     m . humorous imitation                                                    13 .-------------

14 . foster                      n . implied meaning of a word                                          14 .--------------

15 . postscript               o . take out by pulling                                                        15 .--------------

Answer Key

1 . d 2 . i 3 . f 4 . m 5 . h 6 . k 7 . c 8 . a 9 . g 10 . n 11 . j 12 . o 13 . l 14 . b 15 . e 

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