Grammar American & British

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Vocabulary Tests - Test Four

Vocabulary Tests


Test Four

Read the sentences or short passages below . Write the letter for the correct definition of the underlined vocabulary word .
According to the late science fiction writer Isaac Asimov , people are arrogant if they believe that they are the only intelligent life in the universe .
1 . ( A ) not in conformity with law   
( B ) overly convinced of their own importance
( C ) common in a particular locality 
( D ) lacking healthy diets                                                                   1 . ---------
Commuters may ignore the homeless in bus and train stations . This cavalier blindness makes their daily journey more bearable .
2 . ( A ) characterized by confusion 
( B ) arousing fear or awe
( C ) lacking validity 
( D ) unconcerned with important matters                                      2 . --------
Having grudgingly agreed to visit the creative writing class , the famous author offered only condescending comments about the work of the amateur writers .
3 . ( A  ) characterized by a superior manner 
( B ) worthy of worship
( C ) devout or religious 
( D ) marked by a smooth , lyrical style                                           3 . -------
At the end of the Trojan War , Achilles was contemptuous of his rivals . He illustrated the negative attitude by dragging the body of Hector , his slain enemy , around the walls of Troy .
 4 . ( A ) somewhat fearful 
( B ) overcome by embarrassment
( C )  earthy and uncomplicated
 ( D ) filled with scorn                                                                         4. -------
It had not snowed for nearly nine months , so when the snow finally fell on the mountains , hundreds of ebullient  skiers headed for the slopes .
5 . ( A ) frightened 
( B ) persistent 
( C ) enthusiastic 
( D ) exhausted                                                                                     5 . ------
Rhett Butler left SCARLETT O’Hara at the end of Gone with the Wind . Among other complaints , he felt he could no longer tolerate her egocentric neglect of others’ feelings . It seemed she thought only of herself .
 6 . ( A ) self-centered 
( B ) supportive
( C ) distracted 
( D ) bewildered                                                                                    6 . -----
Haughty and uncooperative , the star performer treated the rest of the actors as if they were amateurs . He eventually was removed from the cast of the play because of his depressing effect on morale .
7 . ( A ) using few words 
( B ) overly proud and vain
( C ) resistant to work 
( D ) capable of moving with ease                                                 7 . ----
Mary . Queen of Scots , placed self-interest ahead of her country’s needs when she claimed that the throne of England was rightfully hers . As a result of her pompous actions , Queen Mary lost her head in addition to her throne .
8 . ( A ) having an evil influence 
( B ) clearly apparent
( C ) generous 
( D ) too proud of one’s importance                                             8 . -------
The unpretentious bungalow sat among impressive mansions . Although their house was small and humble , the family was very proud of it .
9 . ( A ) modest 
( B ) desirable 
( C ) run-down 
( D ) realistic                                                                                   9. -------
Tired and waspish , the car salesman made several impatient remarks to browsers . He later regretted these comments when the customers refused to buy a car from him .
10 . ( A ) calm
( B ) off-balance 
( C ) bad-tempered 
( D ) perplexed                                                                              10 . ------
Answer Key
1 . B 2 . D 3 . A 4 . D 5 . C 6 . A 7 . B 8 . D 9 . A 10 . C
2- ] Each question below include a word in capital letters , followed by five words or phrases . Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the word in capital letters . Write the letter for your answer on the line provided .
1. INDELIBLE ( A ) grateful ( B ) annoying ( C ) delicate ( D ) ruined
 ( E ) permanent                                                     1. ------
2 . AVARICE ( A ) desire for great wealth ( B ) dislike ( C ) unattractive habit
( D ) stinginess ( E ) tendency to eat or drink too much        2 . -----
3 . HERESY ( A ) opinion that is contrary to accepted beliefs ( B ) disagreeable remark ( C ) religious belief ( D ) illogical argument ( E ) unsupported statement        3 .  ----
4 . DULCET ( A ) carpenter’s tool ( B ) obstacle ( C ) quarrelsome
( D ) sweet and mellow ( E ) object of ridicule             4 . ----
5 .  AVOCATION ( A ) support ( B ) charitable activity ( C ) something done for pleasure ( D ) careless remark ( E) detailed instructions    5 . ---                         
6 . REMORSE ( A ) repeat unnecessarily ( B ) cancel ( C ) coordinated movement
( D ) sorrow ( E ) recognize                    6. -----
7 . MORBID ( A ) musical ( B ) immoral ( C ) formed from the earth
( D ) curious ( E ) gloomy                                        7. -----
8 . VOUCH ( A ) type of document ( B ) give assurances ( C ) send away
( D ) argue against ( E ) a solemon oath                  8 . ----
9 . VIE ( A) observe secretly ( B ) fill with life ( C ) compete ( D ) pardon
( E ) permit                                                                 9 . ---
10 . PARSIMONY ( A ) money paid to a former spouse ( B ) serious crime 
( C ) reckless behavior ( D ) stinginess ( E )popularity   10 . --                                                        
11 . OBSOLETE ( A ) sleek in appearance ( B ) destroyed ( C ) outdated
( D ) modern ( E ) unwelcome                                 11. --
12 . WANE ( A ) decrease ( B ) grow in size ( C ) predict ( D ) snare 
( E ) remove forcibly                                             12 . ---

13 . CATACLYSM ( A ) official pardon ( B ) celebration ( C ) amusing incident
( D ) interrogation ( E ) violent disturbance         13 . --
14 . NOTORIOUS (A ) disguised ( B ) well-known for evil acts ( C ) noticeable
( D ) twisted ( E ) sufficient for one’s needs           14 . --
15 . EDIFICE ( A ) statue ( B ) building ( C ) food ( D ) farmland
( E ) container used for storage                                15 . -
Answer Key
1 . E 2 . A 3 . A 4 . D 5 . C 6 . D 7 . E 8 . B 9 . C 10 . D 11 . C 12 . A . 13 . E 14, B 15 . B
3 - ) Match the definition in Column B with the word in Column A . Write the letter for your choice on the answer line
         Column A                               Column B
1 . stagnate                                  a . tendency                                   1 . ---------
2 . improvise                               b . greed                                         2 . ---------
3 . carnivore                                c. fresh and unspoiled                  3 . ---------
4 . rapacity                                  d . become motionless                   4 . --------
5 . pristine                                   e  . suitable for farming                5 . --------
6 . equivocate                              f . perform without preparation  6 . --------
7. immortalize                            g . give eternal life to                     7 . --------
8 . avant-garde                          h . avoid taking a clear position   8 . --------
9 . proclivity                                I . people trying new ideas           9 . --------
10 . arable                                    j . meat eater                                10 . --------
Answer Key

1 . d 2 . f 3 . j 4 . b 5 . c 6 . h 7 . g 8 . I 9 . a 10 . e                                  

Vocabulary Tests - Test Three

Vocabulary Tests  

Test Three

1- ] Decide which definition best fits the underlined word in the sentence . Write the letter for your choice on the answer line

1. The player’s adroit movements frustrated his opponents and eventually led to victory for his team . ( A ) unpredictable ( B ) unusual ( C ) skillful ( D ) familiar ( E ) famous

2. The movie star’s unpretentious  manner came as a surprise to her    adoring fans . ( A ) modest ( B ) exaggerated ( C ) proud ( D ) conceited ( E ) clumsy

3. After inspecting the aircraft , the flight engineer announced that he had  not discovered any egregious mechanical problems .

( A ) complicated ( B ) conspicuously bad ( C ) easily corrected ( D ) careless

( E ) life-threatening

4. Hearing his name called , Darwin seemed incredulous as he rose and walked to the stage .

( A ) proud ( B ) expressionless ( C ) confused ( D ) overjoyed ( E ) disbelieving

5. Mounting sales of bicycles seemed to augur a profitable year for retailers of sports clothing .

( A )  encourage ( B ) foretell ( C ) prevent  ( D ) increase ( E ) allow

6. Helen is one of the most ingenuous people I have ever observed .                  

( A ) clever ( B ) dull and boring ( C ) talkative ( D ) naïve and simple ( E ) intelligent

7. The senior advisor suggested that the company take a more judicious     

approach to the problem .

( A ) sensible ( B ) aggressive ( C ) secret ( D ) legal ( E ) public

8. After a hard-fought campaign , you might expect the candidates to exchange a few conciliatory remarks .

( A ) hostile ( B ) humorous ( C ) carefully worded ( D ) soothing ( E ) outrageous

9. Even when things were going very badly for him , Sam maintained the  

semblance of self-confidence .

( A ) deception ( B ) similarity ( C ) simplicity ( D ) hypocrisy ( E ) appearance

10. The counselor advised us not to be upset by the foibles of those around us .

 ( A ) insensitive remarks ( B ) moral differences ( C ) minor weakness (D ) superior  manner ( E ) physical appearance .  

Answer Key

1.  C  2.  A  3.  B  4.  E  5.  B   6. D  7.  A  8.  D  9.  E  10.  C


2- ] Each question below include a word in capital letters , followed by five words or phrases . Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the word in capital letters . Write the letter for your answer on the line provided .

1. OVERT ( A ) avoid ( B ) hidden ( C ) concealed ( D ) straightforward ( E ) dishonest                                                           1. ----------------

2. FAUX PAS ( A ) small blunder ( B ) glorious victory ( C ) unpleasant odor ( D ) unclear message ( E ) established plan of action     2. ----------------

3. SUPERFLUOUS ( A ) exceptional ( B ) flowing together ( C ) strong ( D ) changeable     ( E ) unnecessary  3. ----------------

4. INFLUX ( A ) bend ( C ) steady inward flow ( C ) influence ( D ) friendly behavior ( E ) threat                                                    4. -----------------

5. ACCOST ( A ) determine the value of ( B ) activate ( C ) confront ( D ) accuse ( E ) make calm                                               5. -----------------

6. INVIOLABLE ( A ) expensive ( B ) unobtainable ( C ) untouchable ( D ) violated ( E ) required                                                    6. ---------------

7. ADULTERATE ( A ) contaminate ( B ) mature ( C ) act immorally ( D ) filter( E ) prohibit                                                      7. ----------------

8. PERIPHERY ( A ) preference ( B ) loyal followers ( C ) part of a building ( outermost region ( E ) attractive appearance   8. ----------------

9. PERVASIVE  (A ) slippery ( B ) spread throughout ( C ) convincing ( D ) rare ( E ) highly offensive                                       9. -----------------

10- . INNUENDO ( A ) immediate repetition ( B ) sly suggestion ( C ) interruption ( D ) secret plot ( E ) acknowledgment         10. ---------------

11. DERIDE ( A ) halt ( B ) praise excessively ( C ) ridicule ( D ) recognize ( E ) move   from place to place quickly        11. ----------------

12 . LOQUACIOUS ( A ) talkative ( B ) sickly ( C ) overly critical \( D ) pleasant-sounding  E ) elegant                             12. ---------------

13 . UPRAID ( A ) uproot ( B ) rearrange ( C ) support ( D ) dispose of ( E) denounce                         13 . ---------------

14 . EUTHANASIA ( A ) distant continent ( B ) extreme happiness ( C ) imitation ( D ) mercy killing ( E ) type of speech       14 . -------------

15 . RAIL ( A ) complain bitterly ( B ) mislead ( C ) explain carefully ( D ) make strong or solid ( E ) exaggerate                              15 . -------------

Answer Key

1 . D 2 . A 3 . E 4. B 5. C 6 . C 7 . A 8 . D 9 . B 10 . B 11 . C 12 . A 13 . E 14 . D 15 . A


Match the definition in Column B with the word in Column A . Write the letter for your choice on the answer line

                       Column A                                  Column B

1 . dense                                         a . existent                                     1. ----------------

2 . intrinsic                                    b . mild , indirect term                2 . --------------- 

3 . extant                                       c . prevent                                      3. ---------------

4 . duress                                      d . essential                                      4 . --------------

5 . eclectic                                    e . make better                                 5 . --------------

6 . ameliorate                              f . threat of force                               6 . --------------

7 . obviate                                   g . thick                                              7 . ---------------

8 . nouveau riche                        h . made up from mixed sources     8 . ---------------

9 . gambol                                    I . newly wealthy                               9 . --------------

10 . euphemism                           j .  run playfully                               10 . -------------

Answer Key

1 . g  2 . d  3 . a 4 . f  5 . h  6 . e 7 . c  8 . I  9 . j  10 .  b

Saturday, September 4, 2021

معجزات القرآن والسنة - منازل القمر ( 13 )

 معجزات القرآن والسنة ( 13 ) 

منازل القمر

يقول الله تعالى قى سورة ياسين " والقمر قدرناه منازل حتى عاد كالعرجون القديم " ياسين 31

تحدث القرآن الكريم عن الشمس والقمر فى آيات كثيرة وأنزل سورتين باسمهما ، والقمر ذكر فى 27 آية

بالاضافة الى الاشارات الأخرى ، وهذه الآية دقة علمية فى صياغتها ، والقمر هو أقرب جرم سماوى الى الأرض ، فهو يبعد عن الأرض حوالى 384 ألف كيلومتر ، له قطر أكبر وقطر أصغر ، وفى قطره الأصغر أقرب ما يكون من الأرض ، والقمر يجرى بسرعة كيلومتر فى الثانية حول نفسه وهى نفس سرعة دورانه حول الأرض ، يمكن رؤية 51 % من القمر ، وهذه المساحة المرئية يعبر عنها بمنازل القمر أو مراحله ، وهى تنتج لسقوط أشعة الشمس عليه لتضىء ظلمة الليل ، وأول قوس هو الهلال الوليد ، ومع تحرك القمر تزداد مساحة الانارة بالتدريج حتى يبلع على استقامة مع الشمس والأرض فيكون بدرا ، ثم يخرج من ذلك ويأخذ دورة أخرى ، وأصبح ذلك ساعة كونية لمراحل تتم بسرعة فائقة وبانتظام ، وأصبح لدورة القمر والشمس عملية مفيدة للأرض ، وثابت علميا أن سرعة دوران الأرض كانت أعلى بكثير ، وعملية المد والجزر بطأت من سرعة دوران الأرض بحيث يتحملها الخلق ، يقول تعالى " ان ربكم الله الذى خلق السموات والأرض فى ستة أيام ثم استوى على العرش يغشى الليل النهار يطلبه حثيثا " ، ودورة القمر هى ما يعبر عنه بمنازل القمر ، والمنزل هو مكان السكن ، واستخدم القرآن هذا اللفظ البليغ ليصور منازل القمر التى ينزل اليها أو يكون عليها ، ويقطع القمر يوميا 12 درجة من 360 درجة فى منزل جديد ، ويكون المعنى

( والقمر قدرنا له مواقع حتى عاد كالعرجون القديم ) ، ومنازل القمر ممكن أن يقصد بها موقعه لنجوم السماء ، وتنسب لها حركة الشمس التى تقع فى 12 برجا ، وهى تقطع جزءا كل يوم ، وقد يعبر بها بأشكال القمر حسب موقعه من النجوم ، والقمر يقع فى علاقة مختلفة مع النجوم ، والدورة السنوية للقمر يجمع القمر والأرض فى منازل : هلال وليد – تربيع أول – أحدب أول – بدر كامل – أحدب ثانى – تربيع ثانى – محاق الخ ، ويكون المعنى " والقمر قدرناه فى مواقع محددة ، تحددها بروج السماء ، يقطع القمر 12 درجة ، والشمس تقع فى كل يوم فى برج من بروج السماء ، وتعبير منازل القمر له أبعاد ثلاثة وهى أما مساحة الانارة من الضوء الساقط عليه من الشمس ، أو المساحة التى يقطعها أمام التجمعات النجمية أو المساحة التى يقطعها القمر حول الشمس ، وذكر اللفظ القرآنى " حتى عاد كالعرجون القديم " ، وهذا تعبير علمى وبلاغى ، فالعرجون هو سباطة التمر ، والعرجون حين ييبس ينحنى لأسفل ، والغريب أن القمر الوليد يرتفع لأعلى مثل سباطة التمر التى لم تيبس ، والقمر الناقص ينحنى لأسفل باتجاه الأرض كما ينحنى العرجون حين يقدم وييبس ، وتشبيه القمر بسباطة البلح التى تبدأ للأعلى وتنهى لأسفل تشبيه لا يقدر عليه الا رب العالمين ، ونحن فى حاجة للعلم لتفسير التشبيه واللفظ القرآنى . 

184- ] English Literature

184- ] English Literature Jane Austen  Austen’s novels: an overview Jane Austen’s three early novels form a distinct group in which a stro...