Grammar American & British

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Vocabulary Tests [ 70 ] Test Seventy

70 - ] Vocabulary Tests 


Test Seventy

1 - ] Animals , Birds And Plants

Associate a clue in column A with a word in column B .        The first one has been done for you

     A                                                                                                        B

0 . a large furry animal                                        ----------------            0. bear

1 . footprints left by animals                                 ---------------            1 . bite

2 . a cat could do this to you with its claws         ----------------            2. breed

3 .fire comes out of its nose                                   ----------------            3 . calf

4 . a male duck                                                       ----------------             4 . chick

5 . birds do this when they’re eating                    ----------------             5 .dragon

6 . an animal uses its teeth to do this                   -----------------            6 . drake

7 . fruit becomes this in the sun                            -----------------            7 . flock

8 . wild animals , hunted for food , are referred to as --------------       8 . game

9 . the inside part of a nut                                     ------------------           9 . hen

10 . men , women and children are                       -----------------          10 . herd

11 . a large area of leather                                     -----------------           11 . hide

12 . meat from deer                                                ------------------          12 . human

13 . a wasp could do this to you                             -----------------          13 . kernel

14 . small grapes become this when they have dried --------------        14 . peck

15 . a -------------of locusts                                       ------------------         15 . peel

16 . we refer to the whole of humanity as ‘the human----‘                   16 . pips

17. a Chihuahua is an unusual ------------ of dog  ------------------          17 . plague

18 . a lot of cows together                                       ------------------          18 . prune

19. a lot of sheep together                                       ------------------          19 . race

20 . you do this to an orange before you eat it      ------------------          20 . raisins

21 . It’s called this when it’s just come out of an egg --------------          21 . rind

22 . a baby cow or bull                                            -------------------          22 . ripe

23 . meat from a baby bull                                     -------------------          23 . scratch

24 . it lays eggs                                                        --------------------          24 . shell

25 . a dry plum                                                       ---------------------         25 . species

26 . the inside part of an apple contains these     --------------------          26 . sting

27 . you might grate this to flavor food               ---------------------          27 . stone

28 . the outside body of a crab                             ----------------------         28 . tracks

29 . you’d find one inside a peach                       ----------------------         29 . veal

30 . animals or plants which are all alike are referred to as this------   30 . venison

Answer Key                                                              

1. - 28 / 2 - 23 / 3 . - 5 / 4 . - 6 / 5 .- 14 / 6 . - 1 / 7 . - 22 / 8 . - 8 / 9 .- 13 / 10. - 12 / 11 . - 11/

12 .- 30 / 13 .- 26 / 14 . - 20 / 15 . - 17 / 16 .- 19 / 17 . - 2 / 18 . - 10 / 19 . - 7 / 20 . - 15 /

21 . - 4 / 22 .- 3 / 23 . - 29 / 24 .- 9 / 25 . - 18 /26 .- 16 / 27 .- 21 / 28 . - 24 / 29 .- 27 /30 . - 25

2 - ] Counting and Measuring

Choose the best explanation in each case

1 .Estimate is what you do when you want

(A) a general idea about price , size , amount , etc.

(B) an accurate measure of money, size , amount , etc.

(C) to describe the respect you have for someone .

2 . Control

(A) is what an official might do to your passport or driving license . 

(B) is what you might do to your tires to check their pressures .

(C) is what you might do to set your watch to the exact time .

(D) can mean ‘limit something’ (e.g. the spread of disease) .

3 . A decade describes

(A) a period of ten years .

(B) ten people or things , etc.

(C) a set of ten things that match like cups or plates .

4 . Net

(A) means clean and tidy .

(B) describes a road that is free of traffic .

(C) can combine with words like weight or tax to mean ‘actual’ .

5 . A series refers to

(A) any collection of items that forms a related whole .

(B) things arranged in a particular order .

(C) several collections of items arranged in order .

6. If you say that accounts are being audited , this means that  

(A) they are being looked at again .

(B) they are being officially checked .

(C) changes are being made to them .

(D) they are being put right after mistakes have been found .

7 . You could use the word paces to describe

(A) a rough measurement of length .

(B) the sound of someone walking behind you .

(C) where you put your feet when you are learning a particular dance .

8 . You might use the word index

(A) when you are talking about the cost of living .

(B) to point to something .

(C) to refer to something which shows the weather is changing .

9 . Equal describes something that is

(A) the same measurement or value .

(B) a surface that is smooth and flat .

Answer Key

 1 . A 2. D 3 . A 4 . C 5 . A 6 . B 7 . A 8. A 9 . A


Vocabulary Tests [ 69 ] Test Sixty Nine

69 - ] Vocabulary Tests  

Test  Sixty Nine

1 - ] Everybody , Somebody , Anyone , Nobody

Give the best explanations you possibly can , either in English or in your own language , of the words between brackets in this story . The first one has been done for you .

This is a story about four people named ‘Everybody’ , ‘Somebody’ ,’Anybody’ and ‘Nobody’ .

0 . (Everybody) was asked to do it .                            0 . All the (four) people

1 . (Everybody) was sure                                             1 . -------------------------

2 . (Somebody) would do it .                                        2 .-------------------------

3 . (Anybody) could have done it ,                               3 .------------------------

4 . but (Nobody) did it .                                                 4 . ----------------------

5 . (Somebody) got angry about that because it was  5 .-----------------------

6 . (Everybody’s) job .                                                   6 . ----------------------

7 . (Everybody) thought                                                7 .-----------------------

8. (Anybody) could do it , but                                      8 . ----------------------

9 . (Nobody) realized that                                             9 . ----------------------

10 . (Everybody) wouldn’t do it .                                 10 .---------------------

11 . It ended up that (Everybody)                                11 .--------------------

12 . blamed (Somebody)                                               12 .---------------------  

13 . when (Nobody) did what                                       13 .---------------------

14 . (Anybody) could have done !                                14 . ---------------------

Answer Key

1 . Each of the (four) people . 2 . One of them : it’s not important which 3 . ‘Any person’

, in general 4 . None of the (four) people . 5 . One of the (four) people (not named) 6 . (a job) belonging to / to be done by all of them 7 . Each of the ( four) people . 8 . Any of the (four) people , or anyone in general . 9. None of the (four) people . 10 . All the (four) people .

11. Each of them 12 . One pf the othes . 13 . None of them .14 . Any of them /anyone in general

2 -] Regular and Irregular Verbs Which Are Easily Confused

Choose the right verb and /or supply the right form

0 . It was our policy to deal with problems as they (arise / rise) .      0 . arose

1 . You shouldn’t walk on a field that’s just been (sew/ sow) .           1 .----------------------

2 . Rock bands have (rise / raise / rouse) millions for charity .           2 .---------------------

3 . All the mistakes in my essay have been (ring) .                               3 . ---------------------

4 . The motor (spring) into life at the touch of a button !                    4 . --------------------

5 . I don’t know how we’ll never cure her of (lay / lie) .                      5 .---------------------

6. It looks as though the terrorists had been (lay /lie) in wait .           6 . --------------------

7 . You don’t have to go round (lay/ lie) down the law !                      7 .---------------------

8 . We’ve all (lay / lie) bets on the favorite .                                           8 . -------------------

9 . I’ve lost count of the number of times she’s ( lay / lie) to me .        9 . -------------------

10 . Why have they (lie/ lay) quiet for so long ?                                     10 .-------------------

11 . How long is it since you (wind / wound) this old clock ?                11 . ------------------

12 . How many soldiers were (wind / wound) in the gun battle ?         12 .-------------------

13 . How many meters down is the (sink) ship ?                                     13 . -----------------

14 . We’ll have to wait till the sun has (rise / raise / rouse) .                  14 . ------------------

15 . Wait till everyone has (wake up / awake) .                                        15 . -----------------

16 . The business was (find / found) in 1842 .                                           16 . -------------------

17 . Flood water (fly / flow) right through our house !                            17 . -------------------

18 . How many trees have you (fall / fell) today ?                                     18 . ------------------

19 . The traitors have been (hang) .                                                            19 . -----------------

20 . Meat needs to be (hang) for a few days to become tender .              20 . -----------------

Answer Key

1. sown 2 . raised 3 . ringed 4 . sprang 5 . lying 6 . lying 7 . laying 8. laid 9 .lied

10. lain 11 . wound 12 . wounded 13 . sunken 14 . risen 15 . woken up 16 . founded

17 . flowed 18 . felled 19 . hanged 20. hung

Vocabulary Tests [ 68 ] Test Sixty Eight

68 - ] Vocabulary Tests 


Test Sixty Eight

1 - ] Approval and Disapproval

Supply the words asked for in the clues . The first one has been done for you

0 . What verb + preposition beginning with A means you have a favorable opinion of someone or something ?                                                                       0 . approve of

1 . A 9-letter adjective beginning with F and ending with -IC that describes your feelings about something wonderful .                                                               1 .-----------------------

2 . What verb beginning with B means saying who is responsible for doing something bad ? (5 letters)                                                                                                2 . ----------------------

3 . A plural noun of 15 letters beginning with C that you use to express your pleasure at someone’s success .                                                                                3 .---------------------

4 . What verb beginning with A means to clap your hands together to show approval ?

(7 letters)                                                                                                 4 .--------------------

. What adjective beginning with D describes someone or something unpleasant , or ‘not agreeable’ ? (12 letters)                                                                         5 .--------------------

6 . A 4-letter adjective beginning with K meaning ‘enthusiastic’ .    6 .-------------------

7 . What adjective beginning with S means ‘giving’ satisfaction’ ?

(10 letters)                                                                                                7 . --------------

8 . What adjective beginning with I and ending with T means ‘lacking knowledge’ ?

(10 letters)                                                                                                 8.--------------------

9 . A verb of 6 letters beginning with O and ending with E which means ‘act against’ someone or something .                                                                            9 . -----------------

10. An adjective of 6 letters beginning with B and ending with L meaning ‘very

cruel’ .                                                                                                        10 . ----------------

11 . The past participle of a verb beginning with E which tells us someone is admired and respected . (8 letters)                                                                                 11 . -----------------

12 . A 10-letter adjective beginning with I which you use to describe something that has impressed you .                                                                                           12 .------------------

13 . What verb beginning with D and ending with T means ‘dislike very much’ .

(6 letters )                                                                                                    13 .------------------

14 . When people go to a church they do something beginning with W .

(7 letters)                                                                                                     14.--------------------

15 . What 10-letter adjective beginning with C would you use to describe an arrangement that suits you ?                                                                                            15 .------------------

16 . What adjective beginning with P means ‘too valuable to be measured’ or ‘beyond price’ ? (9 letters)                                                                                        16 . ----------------

17 . A verb beginning with C is what you do when you express feelings of dissatisfaction .

(8 letters)                                                                                                       17 .-----------------

18 . An 8-letter adjective beginning with A for someone or something that is irritating .

                                                                                                                        18 .----------------

19 . This three-word noun beginning with ‘So’ is used in place of a swear word or describe someone unpleasant .                                                                                    19 .---------------

20 . What adjective beginning with A means that someone or something has great appeal ?

(10 letters)                                                                                                       20 .----------------

21 . What 5-letter adjective beginning with W means ‘mistaken’ ?              21 .-----------------

22 . What adjective beginning with C ending with N means ‘rough’ or ‘socially unacceptable’ ?(6 letters)                                                                                   22 . ----------------

Answer Key

1 . fantastic 2 . blame 3 . Congratulations ! 4 . applaud 5 . disagreeable 6 . keen

7 . satisfying 8 . ignorant 9 . oppose 10 . brutal 11 . esteemed 12. impressive .

13 . detest 14 . worship 15 . convenient 16 . priceless 17 . complain 18 . annoying

19. so-and-so 20. attractive 21 . wrong 22 . common

2 - ] Character and Reputation

Supply the best word or words

1 . People who are generally too concerned with their own thoughts to notice what is happening round them can be described as --------------

(A) abstracted (B) absent-minded (C) distracted

2 . A person whom other people admire has ---------------------

(A) great fame (B) an excellent reputation (C) good rumor (D) character

3 . A person who works seriously and with care --------------------

(A) is conscious (B) is conscientious (C) has conscience (D) has consciousness

4. A person who is well-known and has a good reputation is ------------------------

(A) notorious (B) famous (C) infamous

5. People who think only of themselves are ----------------------

(A) egoist (B) selfish (C) egotist

6. A person who is not distinguished in any way is ----------------------

(A) vulgar (B) common (C) ordinary

7. A person who reads and thinks a lot is ----------------------

(A) intellectual (B) spiritual (C) witty

8. A person who is easily annoyed or often in a bad mood is -----------------------

(A) nervous (B) tense (C) irritable

9. People who apply themselves seriously to their work are ------------------

(A) hardworking (B) laborious

10 .  People who are ‘full of life’ have a lot of -------------------

(A) liveliness (B) temperament

11 . People who have had a lot of practice at doing something are ----------------

(A) practical (B) practicable (C) practiced

12 . A person who is not very nice or friendly is ------------------

(A) disagreeable (B) unsympathetic

13. A person who has good sense and judgment is --------------------

(A) sensible (B) sensitive (C) conscious

14 . We can describe someone who is fond of sport as ------------------ .

(A) sporting (B) sportive (C) sporty

15. Beethoven was ----------------------

(A) a genie (B) a genius (C) genial

Answer Key

1 . B 2 . B 3 . B 4 . B 5 . B 6 . C 7 . A 8 . C 9 . A 10 . A 11 . C 12 . A 13 . A 14 . C 15 . B

184- ] English Literature

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