Grammar American & British

Friday, June 24, 2022

41 - ] Model SAT Tests - Test Forty One

41 - ] Model SAT Tests 


Test Forty One

Some or all the parts of the following sentences are underlined . The first answer choice , (A) , simply repeats the underlined part of the sentence . The other four choices present four alternative ways to phrase the underlined part . Select the answer that produces the most effective sentence , one that is clear and exact , and blacken the appropriate space on your answer sheet . In selecting your choice , be sure that it is standard written English , and that it expresses the meaning of the original sentence .


The first biography of author Eudora Welty came out in 1998 and she was 89 years old at the time .

 (A) and she was 89 years old at the time

(B) at the time when she was 89

(C) upon becoming an 89 year old

(D) when she was 89

(E) at the age of 89 years old

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

1 . Are psychiatrists usually vulnerable to mental illness , or are they merely more aware of their problems than the rest of us  ?

(A) problems than the rest of us  

(B) problems as us  

(C) problems than they are aware of  us  

(D) problems like we are  

(E)  problems like ours are  

2 . When used undiluted , you can irritate your skin with liquid bleach .

(A) you can irritate your skin with liquid bleach

 (B) liquid bleach can irritate your skin

 (C) bleach , it being liquid could irritate your skin

 (D) you could be irritating your skin with liquid bleach

 (E) then liquid bleach could be  irritating to  your skin

3 . The authors , taking on a formidable and sensitive subject , has largely conquered it , thanks to indefatigable research  and a rigorous analysis of the data .

(A) taking on a formidable and sensitive subject , has largely conquered it , thanks to indefatigable research 

 (B) took on a formidable and sensitive subject , but has largely conquered it , thanks to indefatigable research 

 (C) taking on a formidable and sensitive subject , have largely conquered it , thanks to indefatigable research 

 (D) taking on a formidable and sensitive subject , have largely conquered it , thanks to indefatigable research 

 (E) taking on a formidable and sensitive subject , has largely conquered it , due  to indefatigable research 

4 . Paul Bertolli followed a typically meandering route for a contemporary American chef , earning a degree in music at Berkeley , working in restaurants in California and Italy , and took time off to study history in Canada before becoming the chef at Oliveto .   

(A) working in restaurants in California and Italy , and took time off to study history in Canada before becoming 

 (B) working in restaurants in California and Italy , and taking time off to study history in Canada before becoming 

(C) and he worked in restaurants in California and Italy , and took time off to study history in Canada before becoming 

(D) working in restaurants in California and Italy , and took time off to study history in Canada before he had become

 (E) he worked in restaurants in California and Italy , and he took time off to study history in Canada before becoming 

5 . Many of the innovations in the early compositions of Charles Ives were adaptations of musical experiments performed by his father , particularly that of polytonality .

(A) Ives were adaptations of musical experiments performed by his father , particularly that of polytonality

 (B) Ives , and in  particular polytonality ,  was in  adaptation of musical experiments performed by his father

 (C) Ives being adapted , and polytonality in particular from musical experiments performed by his father

 (D) Ives these were adaptations of musical experiments performed by his father , particularly that of polytonality .

 (E) Ives ,  particularly polytonality ,  were adaptations of musical experiments performed by his father

6 . There is a great deal of practical advice on antiques that readers may find useful in the mystery novel s of Jonathan Gash .

(A) There is a great deal of practical advice on antiques that readers may find useful in the mystery novel s of Jonathan Gash .

 (B) There are great deals of practical advice regarding antiques that readers may find useful in Jonathan Gash’s  mystery novel s.

 (C) Readers may find useful the  great deal of practical advice on antiques in Jonathan Gash’s mystery novel s .

 (D) A great deal of practical and useful advice on antiques are offered to readers by Jonathan Gash in his  mystery novel s.

 (E) In the mystery novels Jonathan Gash offers readers a great deal of practical advice on antiques.

7 . Of the three Fates , the weavers Clotho , Lachesis , and Atropos , the latter was most frightening  , for she cut the “thread” of life , thus determining the individual’s moment of death .

(A) the latter was most frightening 

 (B) the latter was more frightening 

 (C) the latter is most frightening 

 (D) the last was most frightening 

 (E)  the last are more frightening 

8 . A popular lecturer who spoke as eloquently on Christianity as literature , Lewis combined faith and fiction in his allegorical tales of Narnia .

(A) as eloquently on Christianity as literature

 (B) with  eloquence on Christianity and literature also

 (C) eloquently on Christianity so much as on  literature

 (D) so eloquently on Christianity plus literature

 (E)  as eloquently on Christianity as on literature

9 . Administration officials have consistently sought to stonewall , undermine , or intimidating anyone who might try to check up on their performance .

(A) undermine , or intimidating anyone who might try to check up on their performance .

 (B) undermine , or intimidating those  who might try to check up on their performance .

 (C) undermine , or intimidating anyone who might try to check up about their performance .

 (D) undermine , or intimidate anyone who might try to check up on their performance .

 (E) undermine , or to be intimidating anyone who might be trying to check up on their performance .

10 . Although I understand why airlines have to serve frozen foods to their passengers , I do not understand why I was served a meal by a flight attendant that had been only partially defrosted .  

(A) a meal by a flight attendant that had been only partially defrosted 

 (B) an  only partially defrosted meal by a flight attendant 

 (C) a meal that had been only partially defrosted by a flight attendant. 

 (D) by a flight attendant a meal that had been only partially defrosted . 

 (E)  by a flight attendant a partially defrosted meal

11 . An important factor in the spread of disease is when people fail to practice proper hygiene .

(A) An important factor in the spread of disease is when

 (B) An important factor in spreading disease is when

 (C) An important factor in the spread of disease is that

 (D) Much of the spread of disease results from when

 (E) Much of the spread of disease is due to the fact that when

12 . The della Robbias created many sculptural reliefs of the Virgin and Child surrounded by garlands , and they  

(A) The della Robbias created many sculptural reliefs of the Virgin and Child surrounded by garlands , and they 

 (B)The della Robbias who created many sculptural reliefs of the Virgin and Child surrounded by garlands

(C) Creating many sculptural reliefs of the Virgin and Child surrounded by garlands were della Robbias , and they 

 (D) The della Robbias created many sculptural reliefs of the Virgin and Child surrounded by garlands , and doing this they 

(E) In the creation of many sculptural reliefs of the Virgin and Child surrounded by garlands ,  the della Robbias they 

13 . Music journalism at its highest level is a valid literary , genre , not a vicarious alternative to mastering an instrument .

(A) genre , not a

 (B) genre , it is not a

 (C) genre ; not a

 (D) genre , but is not a

 (E) genre ; and it is not a

14 . Many of us attempt to rewrite our personal stories to present ourselves in the best light ; indeed , there is an almost universal inclination to do this .

(A) there is an almost universal inclination to do this

(B) our inclination for it is almost universal

(C) our having this inclination is an almost universal condition

(D) we are  almost universally inclined to do so

 (E) doing so is almost universal as an inclination within us

40 - ] Model SAT Tests - Test Forty

40 - ] Model SAT Tests

                                                 Test Forty

Select the best answer to each of the following questions ; then blacken the appropriate space on your answer sheet .

The sentences in this section may contain errors in grammar , usage , choice of words , or idioms . Either there is just one error in a sentence or the sentence is correct . Some words or phrases are underlined and lettered ; if the sentence is correct , select No error . Then blacken the appropriate space on your answer sheet .


The region has a climate so severe that plants growing there rarely had been more

                                                 A                                 B                               C

than twelve inches high . No error

                                  D         E  

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E

1 . Irregardless of the danger , the outnumbered soldiers of the Light Brigade obeyed the

               A                                                     B

 rules of their commander and charged  the enemy forces . No error

                  C                                     D                                             E

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

2 . The President had designated Senator Frank as one of the Congressmen who are going

                                         A                                        B                                                         C

to attend the conference on nuclear waste disposal . No error

                                            D                                               E

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

3 . In American history , we studied the reasons that the American colonists came to  

                                                                       A                                                           B

oppose the British , the formation of the Continental Congress , and how they organized

                                               C                                                                            D

 the militia . No error


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

4 . The  fire officials attributed   the high casualty rate to the fact that not one of the more

                                      A                                                                                                          B

than  two thousand rooms in the hotel were equipped with sprinklers or smoke detectors .

                                                                              C                                       D  

No error


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

5 . The students in the audience became restive and noisy when the curtain failed to raise

                                                           A                                        B                                          C

at the scheduled time . No error

                  D                        E

 (A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

6 . There have been  remarkable progress in the biological sciences since Crick and Watson

                      A                  B

jointly  discovered the structure of DNA . No error

C                                      D                               E

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

7 . If one follows the discipline of Hatha Yoga , you know the critical importance of

                                                                                       A                  B

purificatory processes , the regulation of breathing , and the adoption of  certain bodily

                                                                                                               C                            D                      

postures , such as the lotus position . No error


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

8 . Oprah Winfrey has the distinction of having promoted the sales of more serious

                                  A                 B                                                                C

contemporary novels than any talk show host . No error  

                                                D                                    E

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

9 . There is ongoing debate about how much of the increase in autism is real and how much

                 A                                                                           B 

 is the result of  improved diagnosis . No error

                C              D                                 E

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

10. The new inspector general’s office in Iraq operates under most unique rules that

                                                                                         A                      B

greatly limit  both its powers and its independence . No error

         C                                              D                                   E

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

11 . Chinese scientists analyzing the genome of the SARS virus have documented the


immense rapidity with which it evolved from an animal pathogen into one capable to

                                       B                        C                                                                   D

infecting human cells . No error  


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

12 . Also in the program is a taped discussion with the late choreographer George

                                          A                       B                         C

Balanchine and a performance by Patricia McBride and Edward Villella of the pas de deux


 from “Dana and Acteon .”  No error


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

13 . Fifty years ago , movies on biblical themes , far from being the more controversial

                                          A                                               B                      C

Hollywood offerings , were among the least . No error

                                               D                                 E

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

14 . The Bronte Myth , Lucasta Miller’s study of the three British novelists , attempts to


trace the historical route by which Charlotte and Emily Bronte ( and , to a less degree ,

                                                 B                                                                               C

Ann ) became popular cultural icons . No error

                             D                                        E

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

15 . Opinions on Charles Ives as a composer have always been split , with some listeners


regarding him as , at best , an entertaining eccentric , while others lauding him as the most

                                     B                                                        C                                                  D

influential composer of his age . No error


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

16 . Supporting sportive teams is , like sex and politics , one of those subjects traditionally

                                                      A      B

 to be avoided at dinner parties or family reunions , lest inflamed passions disrupt civility .

            C                                                                           D

No error 


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

17 . Reviewing the ballet , the Times dance critic expressed her liking for Damian Woetzel’s


affecting performance , which , she wrote , was more compelling  than the other dancers .

                                             B                                                C                              D                          

No error


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

18 . The annual guest lecture , originally scheduled for  fall semester , is liable to  be

                                                                                A                                              B

 postponed  until spring because of the visiting lecturer’s extended illness . No error

         C                                                                                            D                           E

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

19 . In the nineteenth century photography was a window on the world for curious


members of the public , few of which  could ever hope to visit exotic lands in person .

                                                   B                       C                                                    D

No error


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) 

184- ] English Literature

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