Grammar American & British

Monday, September 5, 2022

3 - ] Basic Grammar For Beginners - Pronouns

 3 - ] Basic Grammar For Beginners

4 . Personal Pronouns ( Subject )

I , we , you , he , she , it , they







I live in Cairo .


We live near the sea .


You always come late , Ali .


You , boys and girls come late .


He works in a hospital .




They work in hospitals .


She speaks English well .

They speak English well .



It rains in winter .

no plural

It is a solid chair .

They are solid chairs .




Replace the underlined nouns with pronouns .

1 . Mr. Hassan is in his office .                                    ---------------

2 . Ali and his sister are in the park now .                 ---------------

3 . This book is new .                                                    --------------

4 . The books on the table are old .                             ---------------

5 . Mary and I like to study English .                         --------------

6 . The maid cleans the house .                                   ---------------

7 . The children are asleep now .                                --------------

8 . My mother is in the kitchen .                                 ---------------

9 . The teacher is in front of the class .                       --------------

10 . The weather is fine today .                                   ---------------

11 . Sara has a new dress .                                           --------------

12 . Nasser is in Port Said .                                         ---------------

13 . Father and I watch television .                            ---------------

14 . Nancy and Hana are sisters .                               ---------------

15 . Hany and Medhat are cousins .                           ---------------

16 . The ball is on the chair .                                       --------------

17 . The mice are in the hole .                                     --------------

18 . My brother and I go to the same school .           ---------------

19 . Mervat and Yasmeen sit at the back seat .         --------------

2 0 . My father and I play tennis together .            --------------

21 . Children love chocolate .                                   --------------

22 . Women nurses help sick people .                      ---------------

23 . Policemen work very hard .                              --------------

24 . Little Tom has a bike .                                       --------------

25 . The girl plays the piano well .                           --------------

Personal Pronouns ( Object )






I , me

Father likes me .

we  , us

They thanked us for the party .

you , you

I’ll show you the pictures , Ali .

you , you

You , boys and girls , I’ ll show you the pictures

he  , him

I helped him .


they , them


I saw them at the station .

she , her

I met her yesterday .

I met them yesterday .

it , it

I don’t understand it .

I fed them all yesterday .


Exercise 1

Replace the underlined nouns with the correct pronoun :

1 . I like father and mother very much .                             --------------

2 . He never speaks to Sally and me .                                  --------------

3 . I sit near William and his sister .                                    --------------

4 . I see Helen in the cafeteria every day .                          ---------------

5 . Shakir sends a message to his aunt every week .          -------------- 

6 . I understand my teacher , Mr. Shawky very well .      ---------------

7 . I send many messages to my uncle .                               --------------

8 . He sends his sister many presents .                                --------------

9 . I often see these boys in the park .                                 ---------------

10 . She always speaks to her daughter in French .           --------------

11 . He gives his son much money .                                     ---------------

12 . I often go shopping with my parents .                          --------------

13 . All the boys like their teacher , Mr. Nasser .               --------------

14 . Hany sits between Hassan and Ahmad .                      --------------

15 . They often help Mary and I .                                        ---------------

16 . We always visit Hala and Hisham .                              --------------

17 . Father gives many presents to my sister and me .      --------------

18 . That is a secret between you and I .                             --------------

19 . He explained the lesson to me .                                     --------------

20 . She gives the boys many exercises .                              --------------

21 . I met Dina and Dalia in the park .                               ---------------

22 . He invited Samy and I .                                                 --------------

23 . I sit between Mervat and her brother .                        --------------

24 . I walk to school with my friend every day .                ---------------

25 . He visits his grandmother every week .                       --------------

26 . I like my teacher , Miss Shakira very much .              ---------------

27 . He helps his sister with her homework .                      --------------

28 . I often read these magazines at the weekends .           --------------

29 . She always takes her son to the zoo .                           ---------------

30 . He gave his daughter a new camera .                          ---------------

31 . I often go swimming with my friends .                        ---------------

32 . Harry lives next to Heart and Robert .                        ---------------

33 . They usually help Mona and I .                                    --------------

34 . We always visit Helen and Henry .                              ---------------

35 . She showed Tom and I her photographs as a baby .  --------------

36 . Give these books to Sarah .                                           --------------

37 . He showed the picture to me .                                       --------------

38 . I asked Ahmad and Dalia to keep quiet .                     --------------

39 . He wanted Heba to write her name in ink .                ---------------

40 . The teacher asked Rose and Lilly to go out .              ---------------

Exercise 2

Fill in the blanks with :

me   -  him  -  her  -  it  - them  - us  -  you

1 . The boys are flying kites . They are flying ------------ up the sky .

2 . It’s my birthday . My friends are giving ------------ presents .

3 . The pupils are writing new words . They are writing ------------- in their copybooks .

4 . The little boy is eating apples . He’s eating ------------- from the tree .

5 . She is sitting beside the boy , and looking at --------------- .

6 . The woman is taking the boy to the hospital . She is carrying ------------- in her arms .

7 . The servant is washing the floor . She is washing -------------with soup and water .

8 . The teacher is writing on the board . He’s writing on------------- .

9 . The boy is shutting the windows . He is not opening ----------------- .

10 . I am sitting in front of Ahmad . I am not sitting behind ------------------ .

11 . The teacher is talking and we are listening to ----------------- .

12 . The tea is not hot . I don’t want ------------------- .

13 . Look at the moon . Can you see -------------- .

14 . Dina and Dalia are my sisters . I like -------------------- .

15 . There is a bird in the tree . Can you see ------------------ .

16 . We are in the classroom . The teacher is speaking to ----------------- .

17 . She is my sister . I like --------------- .

18 . He is my brother . I like --------------- .

19 . These shirts are too expensive . I don’t want ---------------- .

20 . I like my father and he likes ------------------ .

21 . My teachers like ----------------and I like them , too .

22 . Thank ------------- , Adel .

23 . Give a bottle to Mathew . Give --------------- a bottle .

24 . This is my new shirt . Do you like ---------------- ?

25 . Our teacher always helps ----------------with our homework .





Pronouns ( Possessive Adjectives )





I , my

This is my car.

we  , our

Our car is new

you , your

Your school is very big , Ali .

you , your

You , boys and girls , your school is very big .

he  , his

I like his shirt .


they , their 


Their house has a big garden.

she , her

She lost her book yesterday .

They lost their books  yesterday .

it , its

I like its color .

I like  their  colors .


Exercise 1

Fill in the blanks with the right possessive adjectives :

1 . The boy walked to -----------------seat .

2 . We study ------------------ lessons every night .

3 . I put ------------- copybooks on the desk .

4 . She likes ---------------- English teacher .

5 . We bring ---------------copybooks with us .

6 . Mr. Sam comes to school in --------------- car .

7 . Tom studies in -------------- room .

8 . the dog chases -------------- tail .

9 . The children play with -------------- toys .

10 . We always prepare ------------------ homework every day .

11 . The cat eats -------------- dinner .

12 . I often look at ------------- watch during the lesson .

13 . The girl washes --------------- hair .

14 . Sony helps ----------------- younger sister .

15 . Good girls make ------------------ beds .

16 . Motherirs look after --------------- children .

17 . The teacher told us that we could eat ----------------------- sandwiches .

18 . What do you think I can do with ---------------- free time ?

19 . We wanted him to tell us about -------------------- journey to London .

20 . She didn’t tell --------------- mother where she was going .

21 . I asked Harry about ----------------- birthday .

22 . My aunt and her husband live in America , ------------------ e-mails to us are very short .

23 . ----------------- house is too small for them to live in .

24 . Mr. Hassan doesn’t have enough money to send ---------------- son to school .

Exercise 2

Fill in the blanks with

my - you - his - her - their

1 . Ahmad is flying --------------- kite .

2 . She is eating ---------------- sandwiches .

3 . I like --------------- cat much .

4 . Is this ----------- book , Ahmad ?

5 . She is writing  ----------------- name on the board .

6 . She doesn’t like --------------- new dress .

7 . I am a boy . ------------- name is Adel .

8 . This is Sarah’s doll . ----------------doll is big .

9 . I have a sister . -------------- name is Azza .

10 . I have only one brother . -----------------name is Mohammad .

11 . Miss Mona teaches us English . ------------- son is my friend .

12 . This is Ann’s book . It is ------------- book .

13 . Are these ------------ pencils , Farid ?

14 . Don’t forget to write ------------- name on the envelope , Tom .

15 . Ahmad doesn’t like ------------ new shoes .

16 . She doesn’t do ------------------ homework every day .

17 . The children are flying ----------------kites in the park .

18 . Father has ----------------hair cut once a month .

19 . Wash --------------hands . They’re dirty .

Exercise 3 .

Finish the sentences :

my -  his - her - your

1 . Is this Sandy’s cup ?                       No , -------------- cup is empty .

2 . Is this Nasser’s spoon ?                   No , ------------- spoon is clean .

3 . Is this Ahmad’s glass ?                   No , -------------- glass is white .

4 . Are these my pens ?                        No , ------------- pens are red .

5 . Is this Dina’s dress ?                       No , ------------- dress is green .

6 . Is this Dalia’s blouse ?                    No , -------------- blouse is red .

7 . Is this my glass ?                             No , -------------- glass is full .

8 . Is this your shirt ?                           No , -------------- shirt is yellow .

9 . Is this Henry’s car ?                       No , -------------- car is new .

10 . Is this Diana’s knife ?                   No , ------------- knife is long .

11 . Is this your sister’s doll ?              No , ------------- doll is big .

12 . Are these my shoes ?                     No , ------------- shoes are black .

13 . Is this Ford’s pen ?                       No , -------------- pen is blue .

14 . Is this my jacket ?                         No , -------------  jacket is smaller .

15 . Are these your socks ?                  No , -------------- socks are white ?

Possessive Pronouns






I , mine

This car is mine .

we  , ours

These seats are ours .

you , yours

This new car is yours  , Ali .

you , yours

You , boys and girls , the big house is yours .

he  , his

The blue shirt is his .

they , theirs 


The house with a big garden is theirs .


she , hers


The lost book is hers .



Exercise 1

Change the underlined words to possessive pronouns .

1 . This book is her book .                                        ---------------

2 . These pencils are my pencils  .                            --------------

3 . This office is his office .                                       ---------------

4 . These magazines are our magazines .                ---------------

5 . These photos are Mohammad’s photos .           ---------------

6 . These rulers are their rulers .                             --------------

7 . I think that his notebook is your notebook  .    ---------------

8 . This newspaper is my newspaper  .                    --------------

9 . This copybook is her copybook  .                       ---------------

10 . That hat and coat are his hat and coat .          ---------------

11 - This umbrella is my umbrella .                        --------------

12 . These seats are our seats .                                 ---------------

13 . That pair of shoes is my pair of shoes .            --------------

14 . This classroom is our classroom  .                    --------------

15 . These books on the table are Mary’s books .  ---------------

16 . That pen on the desk is my pen  .                     ---------------

17 . This bar of chocolate is my bar of chocolate . --------------

18 . This bedroom is my brother’s bedroom  .       --------------

19 . Those toys are the children’s toys .                  --------------

20 . Is this pencil your own pencil  ?                       ---------------

Exercise 2

Add ( mine , yours , his , hers , ours or theirs ) :

1 . Gamal lost his pen ; perhaps you can lend him …………

2 . I met a friend of ………… yesterday .

3 . You can take your book and give me -…………….

4 . She wonders if you have seen a book of ………….lying about somewhere .

5 . We have taken our share; has she taken …………..?

6. She can throw the clothes away if they are really ………………

7 . Is your school as big as ………….. ?

8 . You can’t take that money if it isn’t ……………..

9 . Everyone loves his country , I love ……….. and you love ………….

10 . Everyone has his report . Sandy had received …………. , Tony has received ……….. , but I haven’t received ………… yet .

Exercise 3

Choose the right pronoun from those in brackets :

1 . This is her book . It’s --------------                             [ hers - his - ours ]

2 . These are my pencils . They’re ------------                [ mine - hers - yours ]

3 . This is his office  . It’s --------------                            [ yours - mine - his ]

4 . These are our magazines . They’re --------------      [ theirs - ours - hers ]

5 . These are Sally’s photos . They’re --------------       [ his - hers - mine ]

6 . These are their rulers . They’re -----------------        [ his - hers - theirs ]

7 . I think that this is your notebook . It’s ----------     [  hers - mine - yours ]

8 . This is my newspaper  . It’s ---------------                 [ yours - mine - his ]

9 . This is her copybook . It’s -----------------                 [ ours - his - hers ]

10 . These are his hat and coat . They’re -------------   [ hers - theirs - his ]

11 . This is my umbrella . It’s ------------                       [ mine - yours - theirs ]

12 . These are our seats . They’re ---------------             [ yours - ours - his ]

13 . This is my pair of shoes . It’s ---------------             [ hers - mine - yours ]

14 . This is our classroom . It’s --------------                  [ yours - his - ours ]

15 . These are Mary’s books  . They’re ------------       [ his - mine - hers ]

16 . That is my pen . It’s -------------                              [ theirs - mine - hers ]

17 . This is my bar of chocolate . It’s ------------           [ mine - his - hers ]

18 . This is my brother’s bedroom . It’s ------------      [ hers - mine - his ]

19 . Those are the children’s toys . They’re ----------   [ yours - his - theirs ]

20 . Is this your own pencil ? Is it ------------- ?             [ ours - theirs - yours ]

General Exercise

Choose the right word(s) in brackets :

1 . I am flying my kite . [ It / He / She ] is in the sky now .

2 . Mother is making a cake and I am helping [ it / her / him ] .

3 . This is ab old man . I am helping [ him / it / her ] to cross the road .

4 . Mrs. Sally is talking but we are not listening to [ him / her / it ] .

5 . Where are my books ? I can’t see [ him / it / them ] .

6 , The pens are on the desk . I can see [ them / it / her ] .

7. Ahmad is a bad boy . Don’t play with [ her / him / it ] .

8 . This book is heavy . I can not carry [ it / him / her ] .

9 . Suzan is my sister . I go to school with [ him / her / them ] .

10 . We are masking noise . Mother is angry with [ me / him us ] .

11 . I have a white dog . I like [ him / her / it ] very much .

12 . We are hungry . Give [ him / us / it ] some sandwiches , please !

13 . I saw this film , I saw [ him / it / her ] yesterday .

14 . There are a lot of stars in the sky . Can you see [ it / them / her ] ?

15 . This is my new shirt . Do you like [ it / them / her ] ?

16 . I have two sisters . I like [ him / her / them ] .

17 . Aida teaches English . We all like [ him / her / it ] .

18 . This is my sister . [ His / Her / Their ] name is Dalia .

19 . This is my brother . [ His / Her / Their ] name is Tom .

20 . These are my friends . [ His / Her / Their ] names are Tom and Ali .

21 .  Excuse me . May I have [ you / your / they ] ball , please ?

22 . Which one is [ he / their / she ] ball ? The red one .

23 . This is not [ our / we / they ] house .

24 . We have a cat [ Their / Its / His ] tail is long .

5 . Reflexive Pronouns












you [ plural ]










1.We use a reflexive pronoun after the verb when the subject and the object are the same person .

2 . We don’t usually use [ myself ] with the verbs : wash - shave - dress .

We use reflexive pronouns with the verbs wash , dress when we talk about small children and animals :

My little son is three years old , but he can dress himself .

Look at the cat ! It’s washing itself again .

3 . These verbs are often reflexive : behave - burn - cut - enjoy - help - introduce - kill - look at - teach .

Behave yourself , when you visit your neighbor .

He burnt himself with hot coffee .

She cut herself yesterday during cooking .

We enjoyed ourselves on the beach .

Help yourself ! Have a cup of tea !

Can you introduce yourself .

She looked at herself on the mirror .

Teach yourself how to make this delicious recipe .

They where about to kill themselves , when they climbed the mountain .

4 . We also use [ myself ] for emphasis .

I can do it myself .

Myself here means without any other person . In this case the reflexiove pronoun usually comes at the end of the sentence .

We can do it ourselves .

Exercise 1

Add a suitable reflexive pronoun in the following :

1 . I like sitting by ---------------

2 . The kitten can now feed ----------------

3 . She is staying in the flat by --------------------

4 . He hurt ----------------while he was climbing the tree .

5 . We taught ----------------- to swim .

6 . Be careful or you will hurt ------------------

7 . The party was great . We enjoyed ------------------- very much .

8 . If you want more to eat , help ------------------ .

9 . Don’t get angry . Control ---------------------------

10 . I can repair the car -------------------------

11 . She cleans the rooms ----------------------

12 . He fell of the stairs but he didn’t hurt --------------------

13 . He lives in a small flat by -------------------

14 . Be careful ! That plate is very hot . Don’t burn --------------------

15 . The man shot ------------------

16 . The animal saw ------------------ in the water .

17 . I don’t understand how you control ---------------- so well .

18 . I cut ---------------- when I was peeling the orange .

19 . For ----------------she chose a green dress .

20 . He hated ---------------------- for saying such things .

Exercise 2

Choose the correct answer from those between brackets :

1 . We couldn’t understand the lecture [ itself - ourselves - myself ] .

2 . He and she can listen to it [ themselves -herself - himself ] .

3 . You can’t drive the car [ yourself - itself - himself ] .

4 . We wanted to see [ yourselves - ourselves - themselves ] in the picture .

5 . He gave [ himself - myself - itself ] a watch for his birthday .

6 .The players weakened [ ourselves - yourselves - themselves ] y practicing so hard .

7 . Are you interested in writing letters [ ourselves - yourselves - themselves ] ?

8 . I don’t care for it [ itself - myself - herself ] but you might like it .

9 . What can I do with [ myself - yourself - herself ] for the rest of the day ?

10 . The doctor wanted to examine the patient [ himself - themselves - myself ] .

11 . I can tell you the secret [ itself - myself - ourselves ] .

12 . Would you and your brother help [ yourself - himself - yourselves ] .

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