Grammar American & British

Friday, November 26, 2021

Grammar Practice Exercises , Upper Intermediate [ 8 ]

8 - ] Grammar Practice Exercises

Upper Intermediate

 Contrast : Present Perfect Simple Versus Past Simple

1 -] Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple , present perfect pr present perfect continuous

Jake and Michael , two friends , are talking


J : Hello , I haven’t seen (not see) you for ages .

M : No , it must be about two years since we last -----------------------(meet) . What -------------

(you /do) with yourself ?

J : I ---------------------(do) all sorts of things . Life ------------------(be) very busy lately . I ------

(start) a new job at the sailing center .

: Really ! Doing what ?

J : Well , I ---------------------(teach) beginners’ courses to school groups this term but when those ----------------(finish) , I’ll be teaching more advanced groups on holiday courses .

M : That sounds great . What about your old job at the tourist office then ?

J : Well , I ---------------------(work) there for ten years and I quite --------------(enjoy) the job but I -------------------(want) to do something different . I -----------------------(always/enjoy) sailing in my spare time so I -----------------(think) it would be nice to do it for a job .

M: So how long --------------------------(you/be) at the sailing center ?

J : For about two months now . I’m sure I ---------------------(do) the right thing . It’s a really enjoyable job . And what about you ?

M : Well , I’m still at the Hilton Hotel . I ------------------(work) there for fifteen years now . But I -----------------------(have) a promotion so that’s good . They ----------------( give) me the job of head receptionist .

J : Oh , that’s good news .

M : Yes , it -----------------------(make) me feel much better about work . I mean ----------------(do) a lot of different jobs at the hotel but I ----------------(never have) a job with this much responsibility before I --------------------(work) on the reception desk for four years when

 I ----------------(start) at the hotel - that was before they --------------------(move) me into the office - but I ----------------------(be) only a junior receptionist then so I just -------------(do) what I --------------------(be told) to do .

J : So when --------------------(you / get) the new job ?

M : A month ago , after I ------------------(pass) my intermediate exams in Spanish and German at the college . Did you know I ------------------(do) language evening classes at the college for a while now ?

J : No , I didn’t realize .

M : Yes , I ------------------------(decide) that I -----------------(cannot get) any further at work without learning some languages .

A : And so you did ! What a good idea .

2 - ] Put the verbs into the present perfect simple or past simple in the following passages


1 - ] News has just come in (just come in) that there ---------------------(be) an air crash somewhere off the south coast of England . There --------------------(be) 120 passengers and crew on the plane and it is understood that no survivors -----------------(be found) . Apparently the plane ----------------(go) mysteriously out of control and -----------(plunge) into the sea . Relatives of most of the passengers and crew -----------------(now be informed) and many of them -----------------------(set off) for the sea rescue base , but they -----------------

(not be given) much hope . Most of the passengers --------------------(be) on business .  

2 - ] Despite the problems that the government --------------(have) in the last two years , it

----------------------(somehow manage) to stay in power . There -------------------(be) a number of scandals involving government ministers , including one rumor about the Prime Minister himself . It is said that he ---------------(promise) gifts to certain Members of Parliament in exchange for their vote before he -------------(be elected) leader . In spite of all this , the government -----------------(Maintain) its position in Parliament and --------(claim) that this ------------------(be) the most successful term of office that a government --------------

(ever have) . This is rather surprising as they ---------------(come) to power with only a small majority . 

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Vocabulary Tests [ 66 ] Test Sixty Six

66 - ] Vocabulary Tests


Test Sixty Six

Phrasal Verbs

Match the underlined verbs and phrases with the phrasal verbs on the right . Some of these phrasal verbs are more ‘natural’ then the verbs they replace .

1 . She was wearing a beautiful new dress . -------------------         a . blew up

2 . I’m up this ladder and can’t descend . ----------------------        b . brought about

3 . We’re eagerly expecting your arrival . ---------------------         c . brought up

4 . I knocked and a voice said , ‘Enter ! . ----------------------          d . calm her down

5 . How did you discover my address ? --------------------------        e . come in

6 . Now they are adults , they can decide for themselves . --------  f . cut down on

7 . The Watts have reared a large family on very little . ----------- g . find out

8 . Select the one you want . --------------                                           h . get down

9 . What time shall I collect you ? ---------------------                        i .  grown up

10 . Nasser didn’t arrive till after midnight . ------------                  j . had on

11 . Identify your mother in this photograph . ------------------      k . held you up

12 . Show me the spot on the map with your finger . --------------   l . looking forward to

13 . Remove your jacket please . ------------------                              m . pick out

14 . I’d like to participate in the wedding preparations . ---------  n . pick you up

15 . It’s too late to return to the house now . --------------                o . point out

16 . I don’t know how you can endure these conditions ! ---------- p . point to / at

17 . What delayed you ? ------------------                                            q . put off

18 . The bomb exploded without warning . --------------                  r. put off / out

19 . You don’t have to make me look silly in public . -------------    s . put up with

2 0 . Try to reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke . ---------  t . show me up

21 . The baby got so upset we couldn’t pacify her . --------              u . show me up

22 . We have assumed control of the company . -------------             v . take off

23 . Shall I make it into a parcel for you ? -------------------              w . take part in

24 . We’ve postponed the meeting till next week . ---------------       x . taken over

25 . Extinguish the light before you go to bed . -------------------       y . turn back

26 . The earthquake caused the collapse of the building . ----------  z . wrap it up

Answer key

1 . j 2 . h 3 . l 4 . e 5 . g 6 . i 7 . c 8 . m 9 . n 10 . u 11 . o 12 . p 13 . v 14 . w 15 . y

16 . s 17 . k 18 . a 19 . t 20 . f 21 . d 22 . x 23 . z 24 . q 25 . r 26 . b

Adjective + preposition

Supply suitable prepositions

1 . Make sure the label is properly attached ------------------your suitcase .

2 . Fahd’s ashamed -----------------his bad spelling .

3 . Manal looks stunning dressed -------------black .

4 . I’m getting pretty fed up ---------------my present job .

5 . This computer is similar ---------------the one we have in our office .

6 . Gamal became interested ----------------antiques at a very early age .

7 . Suzan expects to be successful --------------anything she does .

8 . My name is Alan , but I’m not related ---------------the Alan family you know .

9 . You must be very proud ------------------your son .

10 . I’ve never been very keen ---------------flying .

11 . Anyone would feel nervous ------------------ having an operation .

12 . Our daughter’s shy ---------------- meeting strangers .

Answer Key

1 . to 2 .of 3 . in 4 . with 5 . to 6 . in 7 . in 8 . to 9 . of 10 . on 11 . of / about 12 . of  

Vocabulary Tests [ 65 ] Test Sixty Five

65 - ] Vocabulary Tests

Test Sixty Five

1 - ] Socializing , Entertainment , etc. 

Supply the most suitable words from the list on the right

1 . You look for this if you want to leave a cinema : ---------------- .     a . accept

2 . In Britain , it’s polite to open a present when you ----------- .         b . admission

3 . This is where you leave your coat at a theater : ------------- .          c . admit

4 . Your theater ticket might say ‘-----------------One’ .                        d . admittance

5 . People who enjoy the company of others are ------------                  e . allow

6 . Express your enthusiasm by shouting : -------------------- .               f . applaud

7 . To be present : --------------------- .                                                      g. assist

8 . A special day on the religious calendar : ------------------- .              h. attend

9 . A mixture of drinks , often alcoholic : ----------------- .                     i . cheer

10 . What you do when you say ‘yes’ to an invitation : ------------ .      j . cloakroom

11 . If someone needed help , you might --------------- them .                k . cocktail

12 . A popular person often has a busy --------------life .                        l . cocktail party

13 . At a ------------------you are served alcoholic drinks and food .      m . deny

14 . You do this when you want to decline an invitation : -------------  n . exit

15 . The cost of entry to a cinema , for example : ------------------         o . exodus

16 . They put ‘No’ in front of this when you can’t go in : ------------    p . festival

17 . You do this to people who have never met : --------------------        q . holiday

18 . You can’t sit at a restaurant table seat . That seat is -------------   r . introduce

19 . Someone is sitting in that seat . That seat is ---------------               s . occupied

20 . What you need if you’ve been overworking : -----------------          t . receive

21 . A collection of clothes for the occasions : -------------------              u . recommend

22 . A large number of people leaving a place : -----------------              v. refuse

23 . Show your appreciation by clapping your hands : ----------------   w . reserved

24 . Permit someone to do something : ------------------                           x . sociable

25 . Someone wants you to ------------------ a good hotel .                        y . social

26 . You don’t know about something . You -------------all knowledge. z . wardrobe

Answer Key

1 . n 2 . t 3 . j 4 . c 5 . x 6 .i 7 . h 8 . p 9 . k 10 . a 11 . g 12 . y 13 . l 14 . v 15 . b 16 . d

17 . r 18 . w 19 . s 20 . q 21 . z 22 . o 23 . f 24 . e 25 . u 26 . m

2 - ] What goes with what ?

Suggest the words that go together . The first one has been done for you

0 . This verb goes in front of presents or guests .                   0 . receive

1 . This adjective goes in front of room , parts , or time .      1 . -----------------------------

2 . You can ------------------flowers or a meeting .                    2 . ----------------------------

3 . Two things you can do with money and time .                   3 . --------------------------

4 . This noun comes after words like dinner or cocktail .      4 . --------------------------

5 . A -----------------of applause .                                               5 .----------------------------

6 . You --------------------a puzzle or a problem .                     6 . ----------------------------

7 . You play a game -------------------the rules .                       7 . ---------------------------

8 . You can ------------------a game or a trick .                         8 . ---------------------------

9 . You ---------------------flowers or fruit .                               9 . --------------------------

10 . You go for a walk to --------------------your legs .            10 . --------------------------

11 . What you do to a photo to make it bigger : ----------it . 11 . -------------------------

12 . Many people --------------------things like stamps .          12 . ------------------------

Answer Key

1 . spare 2 . arrange 3 . spend , have 4 . party 5 . round 6 . solve 7 . according to 8 . play

9 . pick 10 . stretch 11 . enlarge 12 . collect 

Vocabulary Tests [ 64 ] Test Sixty Four

64 - ] Vocabulary Tests

 Test Sixty Four

1 - ] Greetings , Conventional Social Utterances and Exchanges

Write what you would say in each of these situations . The first one has been done for you .

0 . Express your pleasure to a friend who has just passed a driving test .

Congratulations on passing your driving test !

1 . Use a phrase with ‘time’ to express the wish that your friends will enjoy themselves .


2 . You want to get past someone . Use a suitable two-word phrase .


3 . Someone says ‘Shall I open the door for you ?’ Use a polite phrase with ‘Yes , if ..’ in reply .


4 . Use with ‘matter’ to tell someone it isn’t important they forgot to do something .


5 . Use a phrase with ‘moment’ to tell someone to wait .


6 . A friend is going on a journey . Use a well-wishing phrase with ‘trip’ .


7 . Use a suitable two-word phrase to tell a friend not to be anxious .


8 .You want to know what a young child is called . How do you ask the child ?


9 . You’re a shop assistant and you ask if a customer is receiving attention . Use ‘served’.


10 .You meet in the street a married woman (Sarah Khalid) whom you don’t know very well . Say good morning to her .


11 .You’re a shop assistant and you’re about to serve a female customer. What do you say ?  


12 . You’re a shop assistant and you’re serving a male customer .What do you say ?


13 . Use a not-very-polite phrase with ‘business’ to tell someone not to interfere with things that don’t concern that person .


14 . You didn’t hear what someone said . Ask them to repeat it using a single word .


15 . Use a phrase with ‘indeed’ to express your special thanks .


Answer Key

1 . Have a good time ! 2 . Excuse me . 3 . Yes , if you will / would . 4 . It doesn’t

matter . 5 . Just a minute . 6 . Have a good trip! 7. Don’t worry ! 8 . What’s your name ?

9 . Are you being served ? 10 . Good morning , Mrs. Sarah (Khalid) 11 . Can I help you ,

madam ? 12 . Can I help you , sir ? 13 . Mind your own business ! 14 . Sorry ? / Parson ?

15 . Thank you very much indeed .

2 - ] Comparing and Contrasting

Supply the best word or words

1 . Two things are very alike , so you say they are the -----------------each other .

(A ) same with (B) same as (C) same like

2 . You like chocolate ,  --------------------------

(A ) and me too (B) and I too (C) and so do I (D) and also I

3. ------------------a doctor , I must advise you to give up smoking .

(A ) Like (B) Else (C) As

4 . She said it --------------------she meant it .

(A ) as (B) like (C) like as if (D ) as if

5 . You play tennis -------------------------------------I do .

(A ) better than (B) more good than (C) more good as (D) better as (E) more well

6 . ------------------------ a lot of other people , we managed to survive the recession .

(A ) Contrary to (B) In contrast to (C) On the contrary with  

7. If you ----------------------me , just say so .

(A ) disagree with (B) differ from (C) differ with (D) differ by

8 . If you don’t like this one , try something -------------------------- .

(A ) other (B) more (C) else (D) another

9. There’s little to choose between them . They’re -------------------

(A ) equally nice (B) equally as nice

10 . The two models are exactly the same --------------------------

(A ) in all cases (B) in all respects (C) in any event

11 . How are you feeling today ? ---------------------better , thank you .

(A ) More (B) Much (C) Very (D) Many

12 . I’ve got a place at college ! - -----------------------!

(A ) So I have (B) So have I (C) And I

13 . Do it ------------------- .

(A ) like this (B) like so (C) so (D) like this way

14 . You’re not the only one who didn’t hear the news . I didn’t ------------------ .

(A ) neither (B) also (C) too (D) either

15 . How do you like Cairo ? - ------------------- .

(A ) I very much like (B) I like very much (C) I like it very much

 Answer Key

1. B 2 . C 3 . C 4 . D 5 . A 6 . B 7 . A 8 . C 9 . A 10 . B 11 . B 12 . B 13 . A 14 . D 15 . C

Vocabulary Tests [ 63 ] Test Sixty Three

63 - ] Vocabulary Tests

Test Sixty Three


Supply the best words

1 . A nursery school is a school for ---------------                (A) babies (B) infants

2 . Who is the ----------------- of your grammar school ?   (A) head (B) director

3 . My favorite --------------at school in Mr. Nasser .         (A) professor (B) teacher

4 . This book is for ---------------at university .                   (A) students (B) pupils

5 . Our teacher always sets us a lot of -------------              (A) housework (B) homework

6. What will you be doing in the summer --------------- ?   (A) vacation (B) vacancy

7. Children often have to carry heavy -----------------         (A) schoolbags (B) sacks

8. Class 2 are waiting for me in the -----------                      (A) classroom (B) lesson

9 . We have a very good school ------------                            (A) canteen (B) restaurant

10 . What year did you leave ------------------?                      (A) college (B) colleague

11 . I want to be a --------------------when I leave school .   (A) teacher (B) learner

12 . When did you -------------your exam ?                          (A) take (B) give

13 . There are 15 students in our English                            (A) class (B) grade

14 . I’m ---------------English classes .                                    (A) attending (B) following

15 . Please write -------------ink .                                            (A) in (B) with

16 . Teachers used a lot of ---------------- in the past .           (A) crayon (B) chalk

17 . She’s in the headmaster’s ----------------                         (A) bureau (B) study

18 . Our teacher is sitting behind his ---------------                (A) desk (B) office

19. Sit ---------------your desk and get on with your work .  (A) on (B) at

20 . I made too many --------------in my essay .                      (A) faults (B) mistakes

Answer Key

1 . B 2. A 3 . N 4 . A 5 . B 6 . A 7 . A 8 . A 9. A 10 . A 11 . A 12 . A 13 . A 14 . A 15 . A

16 . B 17 . B 18 . A 19 . B 20 . B

Supply the best words

1. -------------------as much as you can about Antarctica .     (A) Find (B) Find out

2 . I can’t -----------------you with your homework .               (A)  help (B) aid

3 . Everyone needs a good English -----------------                   (A) dictionary (B) lexicon

4 . You ---------------too many lessons last term .                     (A) missed  (B) lost

5 . Explain ----------------why you are late .                              (A) to me (B) me

6 . Children soon learn --------------do what they’re told .      (A) how to (B) to

7 . You will each need a --------------paper for this .                (A) sheet of  (B) --

8 . Do you know -------------spell ‘cough’ ?                               (A) to  (B) how to

9. ---------------------your knowledge !                                        (A) Try (B) Test

10 .You’ll have to -------------it’s true .                                      (A) test (B) prove

11 . What did you get out of ten in the test ? - ----------------   (A) Nought (B) Nil

12 . Hoe many------------------do you speak ?                             (A) languages (B) tongues

13 . -------------------is my favorite subject .                                (A) Story (B) History

14 . How are you enjoying your English --------------?               (A) course (B) coarse

15 . Maths ----------------easy for everybody .                             (A) aren’t (B) isn’t

16 . I’m afraid you -------------------wrong .                                 (A) are (B) have

17 . I’m not good -----------------sports .                                       (A) in  (B) at

18 . Children know it isn’t -------------to betray a friend .         (A) correct (B) right

19 .I’ve started learning -----------------                                        (A) German (B) german

20 . I’m doing a course in ---------------                                         (A)  cookery (B) cuisine

Answer Key

1 . B 2 . A 3 . A 4 . A 5 . A 6. B 7 . A 8 . B 9 . B 10 . B 11 . A 12 . A 13 . B 14 . A 15. B

16 . A 17 . B 18 . B 19 . A 20 . A

184- ] English Literature

184- ] English Literature Jane Austen  Austen’s novels: an overview Jane Austen’s three early novels form a distinct group in which a stro...