Grammar American & British

Friday, October 29, 2021

Composition & Essay Writing [ 80 ] , Values , Diabetes

80  - ] Composition & Essay Writing

122 - ) Values

                         Values are the positive teachings provided to help us and tread the right path in life. Every parent wants his child to imbibe these. These can even be referred to as good qualities. A person who imbibes good values grows on to become a responsible individual and he is capable of demarcating right and wrong. Also, he is able to make wiser decisions in life.

                      For an individual, values are most important. An individual with good values is loved by everyone around as he is compassionate about others and also he behaves ethically. A person is able to judge what is right and what is wrong based on the values he imbibes. In life at various steps, it makes the decision-making process easier. A person with good values is always likely to make better decisions than others.

                      In life, values give us clear goals. They always tell us how we should behave and act in different situations and give the right direction to our life. In life, a person with good values can take better charge. If a person wants a strong character, then he has to possess good values such as honesty, loyalty, reliability, efficiency, consistency, compassion, determination, and courage. Values always help in building our character. If you want a better society then people need to bear good values. Values play an important role in society. They only need to do their hard work, with compassion, honesty, and other values. Such people will help in the growth of society and make it a much better place to live.

                               Values are always based on various things. While the basic values remain the same across cultures and are intact since centuries some values may vary. Values may be specific to a society or age. In the past, it was considered that women with good moral values must stay at home and not voice their opinion on anything but however, this has changed over time. Our culture and society determine the values to a large extent. We imbibe values during our childhood years and they remain with us throughout our life.

Family always plays the most important role in rendering values to us. Decisions in life are largely based on the values we possess. Values are permanent and seldom change. A person is always known by the values he possesses. The values of a person always reflect on his attitude and overall personality.

                             While values are of great importance and we are all aware of the same unfortunately people these days are so engrossed in making money and building a good lifestyle that they often overlook the importance of values. At the age when children must be taught good values, they are taught to fight and survive in this competitive world. Their academics and performance in other activities are given importance over their values. Parents, as well as teachers, teach them how to take on each other and win by any means instead of inculcating good sportsman spirit in them and teaching them values such as integrity, compassion, and patience. Children always look up to their elders as their role models and it is unfortunate that elders these days have a lack of values. Therefore the children learn the same. In order to help him grow into a responsible and wise human being, it is important for people to realize that values must be given topmost priority in a child’s life because children are the future of the society. There can be nothing better in a society where a majority of people have good values and they follow the ethical norms.

123 –) Diabetes

                       Diabetes is a very common disease in the world. But people may never realize, how did they get diabetes and what will happen to them and what will they go through. It may not be your problem but you have to show respect and care for the one who has diabetes. It can help them and also benefited you to know more about it and have a better understanding of it. Diabetes is a metabolic disorder which is identified by the high blood sugar level. Increased blood glucose level damages the vital organs as well as other organs of the human’s body causing other potential health ailments.

                      Diabetes Mellitus can be described in two types: 1) Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus is classified by a deficiency of insulin in the blood. The deficiency is caused by the loss of insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas. This type of diabetes is found more commonly in children. An abnormally high or low blood sugar level is a characteristic of this type of Diabetes. Most patients of type 1 diabetes require
regular administration of insulin. Type 1 diabetes is also hereditary from your parents. You are most likely to have type 1 diabetes if any of your parents had it. Frequent urination, thirst, weight loss, and constant hunger are common symptoms of this.

                               2) Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus is characterized by the inefficiency of body tissues to effectively respond to insulin because of this it may be combined by insulin deficiency. Type 2 diabetes mellitus is the most common type of diabetes in people. People with type 2 diabetes mellitus take medicines to improve the body’s responsiveness to insulin or to reduce the glucose produced by the liver. This type of diabetes mellitus is generally attributed to lifestyle factors like – obesity, low physical activity, irregular and unhealthy diet, excess consumption of sugar in the form of sweets, drinks, etc.

                                 By the process of digestion, food that we eat is broken down into useful compounds. One of these compounds is glucose, usually referred to as blood sugar. The blood performs the job of carrying glucose to the cells of the body. But mere carrying the glucose to the cells by blood isn’t enough for the cells to absorb glucose. This is the job of the Insulin hormone. Pancreas supply insulin in the human body. Insulin acts as a bridge for glucose to transit from blood to the body cells. The problem arises when the pancreas fails to produce enough insulin or the body cells for some reason do not receive the glucose. Both the cases result in the excess of glucose in the blood, which is referred to as Diabetes or Diabetes Mellitus.

                        Most common symptoms of diabetes are fatigue, irritation, stress, tiredness, frequent urination and headache including loss of strength and stamina, weight loss, increase in appetite, etc.

                               There are two types of blood sugar levels – fasting blood sugar level and postprandial blood sugar level. The fasting sugar level is the sugar level that we measure after fasting for at least eight hours generally after an overnight fast. Blood sugar level below 100 mg/dL before eating food is considered normal. Postprandial glucose level or PP level is the sugar level which we measure after two hours of eating. The PP blood sugar level should be below 140 mg/dL, two hours after the meals. Though the maximum limit in both the cases is defined, the permissible levels may vary among individuals. The range of the sugar level varies with people. Different people have different sugar level such as some people may have normal fasting sugar level of 60 mg/dL while some may have a normal value of 90 mg/dL.

                       Diabetes causes severe health consequences and it also affects vital body organs. Excessive glucose in blood damages kidneys, blood vessels, skin resulting in various cardiovascular and skin diseases and other ailments. Diabetes damages the kidneys, resulting in the accumulation of impurities in the body. It also damages the heart’s blood vessels increasing the possibility of a heart attack. Apart from damaging vital organs, diabetes may also cause various skin infections and the infection in other parts of the body. The prime cause of all type of infections is the decreased immunity of body cells due to their inability to absorb glucose.

                   Diabetes is a serious life-threatening disease and must be constantly monitored and effectively subdued with proper medication and by adapting to a healthy lifestyle. By following a healthy lifestyle, regular checkups, and proper medication we can observe a healthy and long life.

Composition & Essay Writing [ 79 ] , Importance of Communication , Mother

 79- ] Composition & Essay Writing 

120- ) Importance of Communication:

                      Communication is one of the important tools that aid us to connect with people. Either you are a student or a working professional, good communication is something that will connect you far ahead. Proper communication can help you to solve a number of issues and resolve problems. This is the reason that one must know how to communicate well. The skills of communication essential to be developed so that you are able to interact with people. And able to share your thoughts and reach out to them. All this needs the correct guidance and self-analysis as well.

                             The word communication is basically a process of interaction with the people and their environment. Through such type of interactions, two or more individuals influence the ideas, beliefs, and attitudes of each other.

Such interactions happen through the exchange of information through words, gestures, signs, symbols, and expressions. In organizations, communication is an endless process of giving and receiving information and to build social relationships.

                            Communication is not merely essential but the need of the hour. It allows you to get the trust of the people and at the same time carry better opportunities before you. Some important points are as follows :

1 - ] No matter either you are studying or working, communication can aid you to build a relationship with the people. If you are studying you communicate with classmates and teachers to build a relationship with them. Likewise in offices and organizations too, you make relationships with the staff, your boss and other people around.

                        2 - ]There are a number of issues which can be handled through the right and effective communication. Even planning needs communication both written as well as verbal. Hence it is essential to be good in them so as to fill in the communication gap.

                            3 - ]  Communication helps to build a strong team environment in the office and other places. Any work which requires to be done in a team. It is only possible if the head communicates everything well and in the right direction. Through communication, anyone can find solutions to even serious problems. When we talk, we get ideas from people that aid us to solve the issues. This is where communication comes into play. Powerful communication is the strength of any organization and can help it in many ways.

                                  4 - ] If your communication skills are admirable, people will love and give you respect. If there is any problem, you will be the first person to be contacted. Thus it will increase your importance. Hence you can say that communications skills can make a big change to your reputation in society.

The conversation is about to express your thoughts. And to let the other person know what you feel. It is not mean to prove that your point is correct and the other person is wrong. Don’t overboard other with your point. 5 - ] Before you say something watch your words. At times, out of anger or anxiousness, we say somethings that we must not say. Whenever you are in a professional meeting or in some formal place, where there is a necessity of communicating about your product or work then it is advised to practice the same beforehand

                    Communication is the greatest importance. It is important to sharing out one’s thoughts and feelings to live a fuller and happier life. The more we communicate the less we suffer and the better we feel about everything around. However, it is all the more necessary to learn the art of effective communication to put across ones point well.

121- ) Mother

                                       Mother is a word which fills everyone with emotions. A Mother is certainly the most important human being in everyone’s life. Mother’s love for her child certainly cannot be compared with anything. Her level of forgiveness is unmatchable. A Mother is capable of forgiving any wrongdoing. Mother is the most important woman in everyone’s life. A mother sacrifices her happiness for her child. No one else can care for their kids the way a mother does.  A mother is great and does not need anyone like me explaining that. This essay on “Mother” is a small attempt to discover the greatness of a mother.

                             First of all, mothers are highly responsible women. They certainly play a very important role in the upbringing of a child. Most noteworthy, mothers play a huge role in determining a child’s attitude. Whether a child will be good or evil in the future depends upon the mother. The moral values taught by Mother probably play a huge role. Individuals often remember their mother’s values until old age. Hence, the mother is responsible for the well-being of society. The future of society in a large way is the result of a mother’s mothers share a deep connection with their children. This connection certainly cannot be matched by anyone else. Even fathers fail to establish that type of understanding. The origins of this connection happen from infancy. Most noteworthy, a mother can understand her infant child without communication. This certainly develops a strong emotional connection between a mother and child. This bond seems to carry into adult life. A mother, it seems like, can always tell when we are feeling hungry.

Mothers also are the emotional backbone of the family. They support everyone’s feeling in a family. Family members can certainly tell their emotions to mothers without worry. An individual can share almost any secret with mother. This is because mothers have a huge level of trust with their family. Furthermore, mothers have an extremely forgiving nature. Hence, even wrongdoing can be shared with a mother.

                          Mothers are precious gifts from God. Without mothers, life would certainly be dark and gloomy. Therefore, it is our duty to help and support our mothers. One important way to do that is to help in chores. Individuals must try to do more household work. This would certainly reduce the burden of mothers. Hence, this will also improve her health. Another way of supporting mothers is to speak words of affirmation.

                   Most noteworthy, a mother’s heart is made of gold. A few words of acknowledgment would fill her heart with happiness. There are probably several ways of doing so. One way is to praise the meal cooked by her. Above all, such acknowledgment should come on a regular basis.

                A mother is a gem in everyone’s life. She is the ultimate source of happiness for a child. Her contributions are certainly too great to imagine. Above all, her love is pure and innocent. To find a mother who does not love is probably an impossible task.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Comprehension [ 21 ] Upper Intermediate & Advanced

21- ] Comprehension

Upper Intermediate & Advanced


Read the following passage , then answer the questions below . Do not look back at the passage . Compare your answers to the Answer Key . Check any incorrect answers by reading the passage .

             There is nothing new about people cutting down trees . In ancient times , Greece , Italy , and Great Britain were covered with forests . Over the centuries those forests were gradually cut back , until now almost nothing is left .

             Today , however , trees are being cut down far more rapidly . Each year , about 42 million acres of forest are cut down . That is more than equal to the area of the whole of Great Britain . While there are important reasons for cutting down trees , there are also dangerous consequences for life on earth .

            A major cause of the present destruction is the worldwide demand for wood . In industrialized countries , people are using more and more wood for paper , furniture , and houses . There is not enough wood in these countries to satisfy the demand . Wood companies , therefore , have begun taking wood from the forests of Asia , Africa , South America , and even Siberia .

              Wood is also in great demand as firewood in developing countries .  In many areas , people depend on wood to cook their food . As the population grows , the need for wood grows , too . But when too many trees are cut at once , forests are destroyed . A future source of wood is destroyed as well . When some trees in a forest are left standing , the forest can grow back . But only if it is not cut again for at least 100 years . In reality , it usually has no chance to grow back . Small farmers who are desperate for land move in . They cut down the rest of the trees , and burn them . In this way , many millions of acres of forest are destroyed every year . Unfortunately , the forest soil is not good for growing food . Thus , these poor farmers remain as poor and desperate as before . They have also lost the resources of the forest .

            However , the desperate and poor people are not the only ones to cut and burn forests . In Brazil and Central America , large landowners want to raise lots of cattle for export . They put too many cattle on too little land . When that land has been ruined , they burn parts of forests . Then they move the cattle into the forest land . This way both land and forest are destroyed .

           The destruction of forests affects first the people who used to live there . However , it also has other effects far away . For example , on the mountainsides , trees help to absorb heavy rains . When the trees are cut down , the rain pours all at once into the rivers and there are terrible floods downstream . This has happened to the Ganges , the Mekong , and other major rivers in Asia .

              But finally , the loss of forests may have an effect on the climate of our planet . Together with increasing pollution , it could cause temperatures to rise and the climate to change around the world . No one knows exactly what effects this would have on our lives . For many people , however , the effects would probably be destructive .


Circle the best answers to the following questions . Do not look back at the passage .

1 . The passage is about

( A ) the tropical forests .

( B ) how landowners cut down trees in Brazil . 

( C ) the destruction of forests .

( D ) why people are cutting down so many trees .

2 . Greece , Italy , and Great Britain

( A ) are all covered by forests .

( B ) never had any forests .  

( C ) have growing populations .

( D ) used to be covered by forests .

3 . These days , forests are being cut down in

( A ) Asia , Africa , and South America .

( B ) Australia , New Zealand , and Tanzania .

( C ) Greece , Italy , and Great Britain .

( D ) the industrialized countries .

4 . The demand for wood in industrialized countries

( A ) is helping to save the forests .

( B ) is one cause of the forests’ destruction .

( C ) is easily satisfied by the United States .

( D ) has declined in recent years .

5 . We can infer from this passage that poor people generally

( A ) do not like living in the forests .

( B ) make a lot of money from the forests .

( C ) do not benefit from cutting down the forests .

( D ) want the forest to grow back again .

6 . Large landowners in Brazil and Central America

( A ) use the forests for hunting .

( B ) worry about the effects of cutting down the forests .

( C ) use a lot of wood to build their houses .

( D ) destroy forests to raise beef cattle .

7 . When trees are cut down on mountainsides ,

( A ) the wood is usually of poor quality .

( B ) they grow back quickly .

( C ) there are floods downriver .

( D ) cattle come in to eat the grass .

8 . The cutting down of forests

( A ) could improve the climate .

( B ) could cause heavy rains .

( C ) has no effect on people in cities .

( D ) could affect the climate .

Answer Key

1 . C 2 . D 3 . A 4 . B 5 . C 6 . D 7 . C 8 . D

Comprehension , [ 20 ] Upper Intermediate & Advanced

20  - ] Comprehension 

Upper Intermediate & Advanced

Read the following passage , then answer the questions below . Do not look back at the passage . Compare your answers to the Answer Key . Check any incorrect answers by reading the passage .

               The population of the earth is growing fast . In 1950 , it was 2.5 billion . By 1992 ,it had jumped to 5.5 billion . By the year 2050 , it will probably reach 10 billion . The worldwide trend is clearly towards rapid population growth . However , it is not happening in all parts of the world .

                The population of industrialized countries has almost stopped growing . But in less-developed countries , it continues to grow at a very fast rate . Every year , about 97 million people are added to the world population . About 90 percent of these are in less-developed countries .

                 The reason for this difference in population growth lies in the birth rate . ( The birth rate is the average number of children per woman of child-bearing age . ) Population increases or decreases according to the birth rate .When the birth rate
is over 2.0 , the population grows . When it is less than 2.0 the population decreases .

               In industrialized countries , a very low birth rate has caused population growth to slow down or stop altogether . Italy has the lowest birth rate in the world - only 1.3 . In most European countries and in Japan , the birth rat is under 2.0 . The birth rate in the United States is just 2.0 .

While birth rates have been declining in these countries , life expectancy ha been increasing . ( Life expectancy is the average length of a person’s life . ) In almost all the industrialized countries , life expectancy is now well over 70 years of age . This means that the percentage of older people in the population is increasing . In Italy , for example , one quarter of the Italians was over 65 years old in the year 2015 .

                In less-developed countries , the situation is completely different . The birth rate in many places is extremely high . It is over 7.0 in many African countries and as high as 8.3 in Rwanda . At the same time , life expectancy in these countries is very low . For example , the life expectancy of an Ethiopian is less than 40 years . The population , on average ,is very young , which means a high percentage of women of child-bearing age . Thus , even if birth rates decline , the population will continue to increase for many years .      

                 Rapid population growth also partly explains why less-developed countries remain much poorer than industrialized countries . There is already an enormous difference in wealth . The average annual income per person in industrialized countries is about $ 16,500 . In less-developed countries , it is only $ 750 . As the population increases , so do the problems . Crowding on the land means that water , food , and firewood become ever more difficult to find . Hunger and disease kill millions , especially children . And , as a result , people flood to the cities , or to other countries to look for a better life .

                          Thus , the population explosion is another global problem that needs a global solution .

Circle the best answers to the following questions . Do not look back at the passage .

1. This passage s about

( A ) population growth in less-developed countries .

( B ) birth rates around the world .

( C ) population growth in different parts of the world .

( D ) life expectancy in industrialized countries .

2 . Population growth is

( A ) fastest in less-developed countries .

( B ) slowest in less-developed countries .

( C ) happening everywhere at the same rate .

( D ) slowing down around the world .

3 . Population generally grows fastest when

( A ) life expectancy increases .

( B ) the birth rate increases .

( C ) average income increases .

( D ) the birth rate declines .

4 . The birth rate in industrialized countries is  

( A ) about 1.3 .

( B ) generally high .

( C ) rapidly increasing .

( D ) around 2.0 or less .

5 . We can infer from this passage that life expectancy in Italy

( A ) is lower than in Japan .

( B ) is under 70 years .

( C ) is over 70 years .

( D ) will decline in a few years .  

6 . In some less-developed countries , the birth rate is

( A ) as high as 8.0 .

( B ) generally around 2.0 .

( C ) slowly decreasing .

( D ) lower than in the industrialized countries .

7 . The population in less-developed countries is very young because of a

( A ) high life expectancy and low birth rate .

( B ) low life expectancy and high birth rate .

( C ) low average annual income .

( D ) high percentage of women of child-bearing age .

8 . Many less-developed countries stay poor because of

( A ) their low annual income .

( B ) the crowded cities .

( C ) hunger and disease .

( D ) the rapidly increasing population .

Answer Key

1 . C 2 . A 3 . B 4 . D 5 . C 6 . A 7 . B 8 . D

Comprehension [ 19 ] Upper Intermediate & Advanced

19 - ] Comprehension

Upper Intermediate & Advanced


Read the following passage , then answer the questions below . Do not look back at the passage . Compare your answers to the Answer Key . Check any incorrect answers by reading the passage .

          At the end of the 20th century , the world is changing in important ways. Until recently , nations acted independently . Each country did its business and tried to solve its problems alone . But now , the economy is worldwide and communications technologies have connected people all over the globe . Many problems are global , too , and can no longer be solved by individual nations .

             Environmental destruction is one of these problems . As the world’s population has grown and technology has developed , the environment has suffered . Some nations have begun to try to stop the pollution and the environmental destruction . But the environment is global - the atmosphere , the oceans , and many forms of life are all connected . Thus , the solutions require global thinking .

               The problem of ocean pollution is a good example . All the oceans of the world are connected . Pollution does not stay where it begins . It spreads out from every river and every harbor and affects bodies of water everywhere.

                For centuries , people have used the oceans as a dumping place . Many cities take tons of garbage out to sea and dump it there . The quantity of garbage that ends up in the water is incredible . Five million plastic containers are thrown into the world’s oceans every day ! Aside from Plastics , many other dangerous substances are dumped in oceans . These include human waste and chemicals used in agriculture . And every year , oil tankers accidentally spill millions of gallons of oil into the sea .

                Some people believe that the oceans are so large that chemicals and waste will disappear . However , many things , such as chemicals and plastics , stay in the water and create problems . They eventually float to shore and are eaten by tiny sea creatures . Then the larger animals that eat the tiny creatures are poisoned and die . Harbors and coasts around the world have become unsafe for humans or animals . The world’s fish populations are rapidly shrinking .

                Another global pollution problem concerns the atmosphere . Until recently , chlorofluorocarbons ( CFCs ) were used around the world in manufacturing refrigerators . Scientists discovered that these CFCs were destroying the ozone layer in the atmosphere .The ozone layer helps protect the earth from the sun’s rays . Without this layer , most forms of life on earth - including humans - probably would not be able to live .

                  CFCs will soon be completely banned in the United States and in most developed countries . But many other countries still use CFCs in manufacturing . Among these countries are some of the most populous on earth , such as India and China . These countries need to change their refrigerator factories to non-CFC process . But they may not be able to make this change alone . They will need help from the industrialized countries . This is what global thinking means - working together for solutions .

Circle the best answers to the following questions . Do not look back at the passage .

1 . This passage is about

( A ) air pollution .

( B ) old ways of thinking .

( C ) global thinking .

( D ) refrigerator factories in China .

2 . You may infer from this passage that in the past

( A ) problems were more local .

( B ) nations were more interested in the environment .

( C ) the economy was more global .

( D ) individual nations did not have as many problems .

3 . Until now , most nations followed the principal that

( A ) all countries should share their problems .

( B ) all nations were enemies .

( C ) each nation should take care of its own problems .

( D ) what happens in China affects everyone .

4 . According to this passage , many environmental problems

( A ) are caused by global thinking .

( B ) are caused by old ways of thinking .

( C ) are caused by the United States and Japan .

( D ) cannot be solved by local laws .

5 .  The solution to ocean pollution requires global thinking because

( A ) no one cares about the ocean .

( B ) the oceans are so large .

( C ) all the world’s oceans are connected .

( D ) more oil is needed in the developing countries .

6 . increasing global population and the development of technology

( A ) will solve the problem of ocean pollution .

( B ) have made the pollution problem worse .

( C ) is a result of global thinking .

( D ) have resulted in more business opportunities .

7 . From this article , we can infer that , in manufacturing refrigerators ,

( A ) CFCs must be used all around the world .

( B ) only China uses CFCs .

( C ) other chemicals can be used in place of CFCs .

( D ) only CFCs are available in China .

8 . Nations must learn to think globally because

( A ) communication technologies will solve our problems .

( B ) large businesses will spread around the world .

( C ) changes in the world require stronger nations .

( D ) that is the only way to solve global problems .

Answer Key

1 . C 2 . A 3 . C 4 . D 5 . C 6 . B 7 . C 8 . D

Comprehension ( 18 ) Upper Intermediate & Advanced

18 - ] Comprehension 

Upper Intermediate & Advanced 

 Read the following passage , then answer the questions below . Do not look back at the passage . Compare your answers to the Answer Key . Check any incorrect answers by reading the passage .

            In present-day Hawaii , there are at least twelve different ethnic groups . None of these is large enough to form a majority of the population . The largest groups are The Japanese , the Europeans , the Chinese , the Filipinos , the part-Hawaiians , and the people from mixed families .

           No other state in the United States gas such a mixed population . However , in many other states the ethnic groups are growing . Soon those states may be like Hawaii , with many cultural groups living together . Hawaii is thus a good example of how people from different ethnic groups can get along .

           In Hawaii , in fact , the lack of an ethnic majority means that people from different ethnic groups must work together .One result is that everyone has more opportunities to meet people of other ethnic groups and to learn about their cultures . With this experience , people can learn to respect each other’s ideas and ways of life . Children can grow up to be more tolerant as adults , more willing to accept differences . This tolerance can have obvious benefits for society as a whole . In the long run , it can mean less social tension , and probably less poverty and violence .

          One way to measure the level of tolerance in Hawaii is by the percentage

of mixed marriages . In fact ,over 45 percent of the marriages in Hawaii are between people from different ethnic groups . Children from mixed marriages are called “hapas” . The children from these marriages may marry people from yet other ethnic groups . Their children may have quite a complex ethnic mixture in their blood . Here are some real examples of the many possible cultural mixtures : Irish , Portuguese , Japanese , German , Spanish , and other East Indian .

            The special mixture of cultures that is Hawaii also gives the individual more opportunities for different cultural experience . Hawaiians , in general , take good advantage of these opportunities . Each ethnic group keeps its traditions - its style of cooking , its costumes and music . But many people also participate in some way in the traditions of other groups . Frequent ethnic festivals give everyone a chance to learn about the traditions of other groups . These events are usually well-attended , and not just by the ethnic group in question .

            Many different ethnic foods are available everywhere . Restaurants serve dishes from all corners of the earth . In every supermarket , you can find a wide variety of food specialties : noodles from the Philippines , fish from Portugal , special snacks from Japan , and vegetables from China . And , of course , the traditional Hawaiian dish called “poi” is in every shop , too .

         As some Hawaiians like to say , Hawaiian society is like a rainbow . Each ethnic group brings its color to the rainbow , because each group has something important and beautiful to offer . But what is really special is the way the people are living side by side , creating a beautiful whole .


Circle the best answers to the following questions . Do not look back at the passage .

1 . This passage is about

( A ) mixed marriages .

( B ) Hawaii’s majority culture .

( C ) rainbows in Hawaii .

( D ) the mixture of cultures in Hawaii .

2 . Hawaiian society is unusual because

( A ) there are few mixed marriages .

( B ) all Hawaiians have the same beliefs .

( C ) it is a mixed society .

( D ) there are many Japanese families .

3 . In Hawaii there is no majority culture , so

( A ) problems are never solved .

( B ) people don’t get along .

( C ) different groups must work together .

( D ) people are afraid of other cultures .

4 . One advantage of a mixed society is that

( A ) people have many choices .

( B ) people do not have to make many choices .

( C ) ethnic groups do not have to mix .

( D ) people have “hapas” .

5 . Mixed marriages in Hawaii

( A ) are not accepted by most Hawaiians .

( B ) make up almost half the marriages .

( C ) cause prejudice and unhappiness .

( D ) are not permitted .

6 . Hawaiians use the word “hapa” for

( A ) a person who marries someone from another ethnic group .

( B ) someone who is part-Hawaiian .

( C ) the child of a mixed marriage

( D ) any child who is born in Hawaii .

7 . You can infer that everyone who lives in Hawaii  

( A ) eats the same kind of food .

( B ) marries someone from another ethnic group .

( C ) is uninterested in ethnic traditions .

( D ) learns something about native Hawaiian traditions .

8 . Some Hawaiians say that the ethnic groups in Hawaii

( A ) are all becoming the same .

( B ) are like a colorful rainbow .

( C ) will never get along .

( D ) are unimportant .

Answer Key

1 . D 2 . C 3 . C 4 . A 5 . B 6 . C 7 . D 8 . B

184- ] English Literature

184- ] English Literature Jane Austen  Austen’s novels: an overview Jane Austen’s three early novels form a distinct group in which a stro...