Grammar American & British

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Grammar American & British . [ 3 ]

3- ] Grammar American & British . 

Chapter Three .
The Phrase .
Prepositional ,Verbal and Appositive .
A phrase is a group or related words that is used as a single part of speech and that does not contain both a verb and its subject .
could have been hiding . ( no subject )
in the kitchen . ( prepositional phrase – no subject or verb )
to go with them . ( infinitive phrases – no subject or verb )
- If a word group has both a subject and a verb , it is called a clause .
The wind howled , when they left . ( clause ‘they’ is the subject of the verb ‘left’ )
Prepositional Phrases .
A prepositional phrase is a group of words that begins with a preposition and ends with a noun or a pronoun that is called the object of the preposition . A word is used as a preposition if it has a noun or a pronoun as its object . A word is used as an adverb if it does not have an object . It includes a preposition , the object of the preposition and any modifiers of that object .
under the umbrella
for ourselves
next to them
among good friends
I left my boots outside the back door . ( word used as preposition )
I left my boots outside . ( word used as adverb )
The bird flew over the fence . ( word used as preposition )
The bird flew over . ( word used as adverb )
Everyone came aboard the boat . ( word used as preposition )
Everyone came aboard . ( word used as adverb )
- An article or another modifier may appear in a prepositional phrase .
- The noun or pronoun that completes a prepositional phrase is called the object of the preposition .
She has the lead in the school play . ( ‘play’ is the object of the preposition ‘in’ )
- Any modifier that comes between the preposition and its object is part of the prepositional phrase. Into the thick mist vanished the carriage . ( The adjectives ‘the’ , and ‘thick’ modify the object ‘mist’ )
- An object of a preposition may be compound .
Come with Ali and me to the concert . ( ‘Ali’ and ‘me’ compound objects of ‘with’ )
- A prepositional phrase always has an object that is a noun or pronoun . An infinitive is a verbal that usually begins with ‘to’ .
Send the package to them . ( prepositional phrase )
Are you ready to go ? ( infinitive )
The diamonds in the vault are priceless . [ ‘In’ shows the relationship between ‘the diamond’ and the object of the pre[position ,’vault’ ]
The telephone rang four times during dinner . [ ‘During’ shows the relationship between ‘rang’ and the object of the preposition , ‘dinner’ ]
Here is a gift for you . [ ‘For’ relates ‘gift’ to the object of the preposition , ‘you’ ]  
Prepositional Phrases .
Write each prepositional phrase . Underline the preposition and draw a circle around the object of the preposition .
1- ] The diameter of a circle extends from one side to the other .
2- ] Because of the power outage , we could not videotape the game .
3- ] During my study period , I consulted the adviser about my schedule .
4- ] On the outskirts of town are several parks .
5- ] In spite of the heat , band practice continued through the afternoon and into the evening .
6- ] In the fifties , people danced to the music of the big bands .
7- ] The blue of the sea stretched to the horizon .
8- ] Without a guide , white-water rafting can be dangerous .
9- ] Snorkeling is good in the shallow waters around coral reefs .
10- ] In the beginning of summer , builders added a porch to the rear of our house .
Identifying Prepositional Phrases .
There are ten prepositional phrases in the paragraph below . Write the prepositional phrases . For each , write the word or words modified by the phrase . Then write ADJ[ adjective ] or ADV [ adverb ] to identify the type of phrase .
The bird came down the steps of the circular stairway and threw her bouquet toward the crowd of young girls . Her junior bridesmaid , who caught it , jumped for joy . At home , she dried the flowers in a dark closet as a memento of a perfect day in her young life .
Identifying Prepositional Phrases .
Write the prepositional phrases . For each , write the word or words modified by the phrase . Then write ADJ [ adjective ] or ADV [ adverb ] to identify the type of phrase .
1- ] For her birthday , Linda requested yellow cake with chocolate icing .
2- ] Turn left at the fourth traffic light .
3- ] The next time I buy a car , I want to get one with a sunroof .
4- ] A group of coworkers had bought the winning lottery ticket .
5- ] Chapter seven of the book deals with sound waves .
6- ] The announcer on the sports channel graduated from this high school .
7- ] With a little luck , he will get a scholarship to an art school .
8- ] This package came for you .
9- ] The farmers’ market springs to life before dawn .
10- ] I’ll make some pasta with pesto sauce .
Prepositional Phrases .
Write the prepositional phrases .For each , write the word or words modified by the phrase . Then write ADJ [adjective ] or ADV [ adverb ] to identify the type of phrase .
1- ] In the morning , please water the garden .
2- ] Everyone should drink eight glasses of water daily .
3- ] The nightly news is a summary of the day’s events .
4- ] Please keep this information to yourself .
5- ] The primary colors can be seen in a rainbow .
6- ] I am carrying a pocketful of change .
7- ] For my family , I would do almost anything .
8- ] The ground under the front porch remains damp all year .
9- ] Because we were late , we stopped at a fast food restaurant .
10- ] Across the street lives my best friend .
Adjective Phrases .
An adjective phrase is a prepositional phrase that modifies a noun or a pronoun and  used as an adjective .
Adel chose the sandwich with cheese . [ adjective phrase modifying a noun ]
She chose the blue one . ( adjective )
She chose the one with blue stripes . ( adjective phrase )
- An adjective phrase modifies a noun or a pronoun . Adjective phrases generally come after the words they modify and answer the same questions that single word adjectives answer ‘ What kind , Which one , How many , How much’ .
The store with the neon sign is open . ( prepositional phrase answers ‘Which one?’ )
We bought a CD by Janet Jackson . ( answers ‘What kind?’ )
- More than one adjective phrase may modify the same noun or pronoun .
Here is a gift for you  from Uncle Steve . ( ‘for you’ , ‘from Uncle Steve’ modify gift )
- An adjective phrase may also modify the object in another adjective phrase .
A majority of the mammals in the world sleep during the day . ( They modify ‘mammals’ )
Adverb Phrases .
An adverb phrase is a prepositional phrase used as an adverb .
The cavalry will reach the fort soon .  ( adverb )
The cavalry will reach the fort by noon . ( adverb phrase )
- An adverb phrase modifies a verb , an adjective or an adverb . Adverb phrases answer the same questions that single word adverbs answer ‘When ?’ , ‘Where ?’ , ‘How ?’ , ‘Why ?’ , ‘How often ?’ ‘How long ?’ , ‘To what extent ?’ .
We got our new puppy at the animal shelter . ( modifies the verb ‘get’ and answers the question ‘Where” )
A puppy is always ready for a game .  ( modifies the adjective ‘ready’ and answers the question ‘How’ )
The dog barks loudly for a puppy . ( modifies the adverb ‘loudly’ and answers the question ‘To what extent?’ )
- Unlike adjective phrases , which generally follow the word or words they modify , adverb phrases may appear at various places in sentences .
At dusk , we went inside to eat dinner .
We went inside at dusk to eat dinner .
We went to eat dinner at dusk .
- Like adjective phrases , more than one adverb phrase may modify the same word .
She drove for hours  through the storm . ( they modify the verb ‘drove’ )
The library is open during the day  on weekends . ( they modify the adjective ‘open’ )  
On Saturday we will rehearse our drill routine before the game .  ( they modify the verb phrase ‘will rehears’ )
- An adverb phrase may be followed by an adjective phrase that modifies the object in the adverb phrase .
The boat landed on an island near the coast .  ( ‘on the island’ modifies the verb ‘landed’ – ‘near the coast’ is an adjective phrase’ modifies ‘island’ )
Verbal and Verbal Phrases .
  A verbal is a word that is formed from a verb , but is used as a noun and adjective or an adverb .
The Participle
A participle is a verb form that can be used as an adjective . There are two kinds of participles .
1- ] Present Participles , end in –ing .
He rescued 3 people from the burning building . [ modifies the noun ]
Chasing  the cat , the dog ran down the street . [ modifies the noun ‘dog’ ]
2- ] Past Participles usually end in –d or –ed .Some past participles are formed irregularly .
Well trained , the soldier successfully carried out his mission . [ modifies the noun ‘soldier’ ]
We skated on the frozen pond .
- Do not confuse participles as adjectives with participles used in verb phrases . The participle in a verb phrase is part of the verb .
Discouraged  , the fans went home . [ adjective ]
The fans were discouraged by the string of losses . [ verb phrase ]
Singing cheerfully , the birds perched among the branches of the trees . [ adjective ]
The birds were singing cheerfully among the branches of the trees .  [ verb phrase ]
The Participial Phrase .
A participial phrase consists of a participle together with its modifiers and complements . The entire phrase is used as an adjective . A participial phrase contains a participle plus any complements and modifiers . 
The dog saw many ducks swimming in the lake .
Barking loudly , the dog approached the water .  
Stretching slowly , the cat jumped down from the window still . ( The participle ‘stretching’ is modified by the adverb ‘slowly’ . The phrase modifies ‘cat’. )
The tornado predicated by the meteorologist did not hit our area . ( The participle ‘predicted’ is modified by the prepositional phrase ‘by the meteorologist’ . The participial phrase modifies ‘tornado’ . )
Reading the assignment  , she took notes carefully . ( The participle ‘reading’ has the direct object ‘assignment’ . The phrase modifies ‘she’ . )
- A participial phrase should be placed close to the word it modifies . Otherwise , the phrase may appear to modify another word , and the sentence may not make sense .
Hopping along the fence , I saw a rabbit . [ misplaced ]
I saw a rabbit hopping along the fence .
Practice .
Participles and Participial Phrases .
Write the participles and participial phrases . Then write the word or words each participle or participial phrase modifies .
1- ] The gathering clouds foretold a storm .
2- ] Born in Italy , Dino moved first to France and then to the United States .
3- ] Having learned German as a child , I could understand Florian .
4- ] These shoes , made of cork , are very comfortable .
5- ] Refreshed after a long night’s sleep , the golfer shot an amazing second round .
6- ] Newly clipped and groomed , the poodle hid under the bed in embarrassment .
7- ] The fallen apples littered the ground .
8- ] Dreaming of sun and surf , the three women booked passage on a cruise ship to the tropics .
9- ] After the fire , nothing was left but some charred furniture .
10- ] Maria , being a realist , spoke openly about the problem .
The Infinitive & The Infinitive Phrase .
The Infinitive .
An infinitive is a verb form that can be used as a noun , an adjective or an adverb . Most infinitives begin with to .
To succeed is my goal . ( subject )
My ambition is to teach French . ( predicate nominative )
She tried to win . ( direct object of the verb ‘tried’ )
The place to meet tomorrow is the park . ( ‘to meet’ modifies the noun ‘place’ )
She is the one to call .  ( ‘to call’ modifies the pronoun ‘one’ )
She claims she was born to surf . ( ‘to serf’ modifies the verb ‘was born’ )
This math problem will be hard to solve  without a calculator .(‘to solve’ modifies the adjective ‘hard’ )
- To + a noun or a pronoun [ to Cairo , to her ] is a prepositional phrase not an infinitive .
I am going to the market today . ( prepositional phrase )
I am going to shop for new shoes . [ infinitive ]
Infinitives And Infinitive Phrases .
An infinitive is a verb form that is usually preceded by the word ‘to’ and is used as a noun , an adjective , or an adverb .
When you use the word ‘to’ before the base form of a verb , ‘to’ is not a preposition but part of the infinitive form of the verb .
To volunteer is rewarding . [ infinitive as subject ]
No one wants to leave . [ infinitive as direct object ]
Their decision was to merge . [ infinitive as predicate nominative ]
I felt the need to call . [ infinitive as adjective ]
Everyone was prepared to sacrifice . [ infinitive as adverb ]
An infinitive phrase contains an infinitive plus any complements and modifiers .
Would you prefer to sleep until noon ?
To speak slowly and clearly is important .
We plan to work safely and effectively .
Occasionally , an infinitive phrase may have its own subject .
Our neighbor encourages the dog to bark . [ ‘Dog’ is the subject of the infinitive ‘to bark . The entire infinitive phrase ‘the dog to bark’ acts as the direct object of the sentence ]
The teacher asked Maria to give a speech . [ ‘Maria’ is the subject of the infinitive ‘to give’ . The entire infinitive phrase ‘Maria to give a speech’ acts as the direct object of the sentence ]
The subject of the infinitive phrase comes between the main verb and the infinitive . The subject of an infinitive phrase always follows an action verb . Sometimes the word 'to’ is dropped before an infinitive .
Let me [to] do the dishes .
We could have heard a pin [to] drop .
An infinitive phrase consists of an infinitive together with its modifiers and complements , The entire phrase may be used as a noun , an adjective or an adverb .
To be a good gymnast takes hard work .  ( The infinitive phrase ‘to be a good gymnast’ is used as a noun . The infinitive ‘To be” has a complement ‘a good gymnast’ )
The first person to fly over both the North Pole and the South Pole was Richard Byrd . ( The infinitive phrase is used as an adjective modifying the noun ‘person’ . The infinitive ‘to fly’ is modified by the prepositional phrase )
Are you ready to go to the gym now ? ( The infinitive phrase is used as an adverb modifying the adjective ‘ready’ . The infinitive ‘to go’ is modified by the prepositional phrase ‘to the gym’ and by the adverb ‘now’ .  
Practice .
Infinitives and Infinitive Phrases .
Write the infinitives and infinitive phrases . For each , write noun , adjective , or adverb to tell how the infinitive or infinitive phrase is being used .
1- ] I don’t like to wash dishes .
2- ] The counselors will explain the way to make out your schedule .
3- ] To eat properly is imperative  .
4- ] Our plan is to build in the spring .
5- ] Will you help plan the program ?
6- ] I use a calculator to help me with difficult math problems .
7- ] I was unable to hear in the auditorium .
8- ] Let me help you .
9- ] Suzan wants to go home
10- ] The team asked Sameer to get the pizza .  
Appositives and Appositive Phrases .
An appositive is a noun or pronoun placed beside another noun or pronoun to identify or describe it. An appositive phrase is an appositive plus any words that modify the appositive .
My teacher Mr. Ahmad enjoys books by Jane Austen .( an appositive identifying the noun ‘teacher’)
Mr. Ahmad wishes he could go back in time to talk to one author , her . ( the appositive identifies the noun ‘author’ )
An appositive phrase consists of an appositive and its modifiers .
I recently saw the movie version of ‘Persuasion’ , a novel by Jane Austen . ( ‘by Jane Austen’ an appositive , modifying ‘novel’ )
Amanda Root , the female lead in the movie , plays Anne Elliot . ( The noun ‘lead’ is the appositive , ‘the , ‘in the movie’ modify ‘lead’ )
My sister Sara works at the hospital . [The appositive ‘Sara’ identifies the noun ‘sister’ ]
She works with Dr. Martin , an award-winning pediatrician . [ The appositive phrase underlined identifies Dr. Martin [
- Appositives and appositive phrases that are not essential to the meaning of a sentence are  set off by commas .If the appositive is essential to the meaning it is generally not set off by commas. 
Anne , a goodhearted and intelligent woman , must learn not to be too easily persuaded by others .
( ‘learn not to be easily persuaded by others’ is an appositive phrase that adds descriptive information that is unnecessary to the sentence’s basic meaning , so it s set off by commas )
Anne’s friend Lady Russell sometimes gives Anne poor advice . ( Anne has more than one friend . The appositive ‘Lady Russell’ tells you which friend is meant , so it is not set off by commas )
Usually an appositive or an appositive phrase follows the noun or pronoun it identifies or explains . Occasionally , an appositive phrase precedes the noun or pronoun .
A compassionate person , Jodi helps many patients .
Practice .
Appositive and Appositive Phrases .
Write each appositive or appositive phrase and the noun or pronoun that is identified or explained by the appositive .
1- ] My friend Ahmad has applied to four law schools .
2- ] Those trees , an elm and a maple ,are giants .
3- ] The boxing match , a championship bout , is on television tonight .
4- ] Our best mechanic , Adel has worked here for many years .
5- ] Mail your story to Mr. Arcaro , the contest director .
6- ] The potato , a good source of Vitamin C , is a member of the nightshade family .
7- ] An oil refinery , this plant is important to the town’s economy .
8- ] The novel To Kill a Mockingbird remains a favorite .
9- ] A valuable player , Salah will be missed in tonight’s playoff game .
10- ] The finale , five minutes of spectacular fireworks , delighted the fourth of July crowd .
Verbals and Appositives .
Identify each italicized word by writing one of these labels : participle , gerund , infinitive , appositive .
1- ] Jalal practices tumbling yesterday .
2-] The goldfinch , a songbird , perched on our tall flowers .
3- ] Bothered by the mosquitoes , we moved the activities indoors .
4- ] I enjoyed visiting Alaska .
5- ] Noura calmed herself by whistling .
6- ] Traveling along a country road , we spotted deer in the fields .
7- ] The defendant refused to answer the prosecutor’s question .
8- ] The cabin doesn’t have running water .
9- ] Hidden away in the attic , the love letters had yellowed and became brittle .
10- ] Laila plays the dulcimer , a stringed instrument .
Gerunds And Gerund Phrases .
A gerund is a verb form that ends in –ing and is used in the same way a noun is used .
Training is essential [ gerund as subject ]
My aunt enjoys golfing . [ gerund as direct object ]
We should give communicating more attention . [ gerund as indirect object ]
Do we get credit for trying ? [ gerund as object of preposition ]
His passion was sailing . [ gerund as predicate nominative ]
My favorite sports , boxing and wrestling , require strength and agility . [ gerund as appositive ]
A gerund phrase contains a gerund plus any complements and modifiers .
Climbing the mountain was a challenging activity .
I enjoy my grandmother’s down-home cooking .
Although both a gerund and a present participle end in –ing  , they function as different parts of speech . A gerund is used as a noun , whereas a present participle is used as part of a verb phrase or as an adjective .
Participle in a verb phrase .
I am sewing this hem . [ present participle functioning as main verb ]
Participle as an adjective
Sewing a button on her shirt , Beth pricked her finger . [ present participle in participial phrase modifying Beth ]
Sewing is Beth’s favorite pastime . [ gerund functioning as subject .
Gerunds and Gerund Phrases .
Write the gerunds and gerund phrases . Identify the way each is used by writing one of these labels : subject , direct object , indirect object , object of a preposition , predicate nominative , appositive .
1- ] Seeing all her grandchildren gave Randa great pleasure .
2- ] The boys enjoy fishing .
3- ] Constant complaining is an annoyance .
4- ] The teacher gave his singing high praise .
5- ] We can save money by conserving energy .
6- ] After the rain , the child looked forward to his favorite pastime , jumping in mud puddles .
7- ] The band improved greatly by practicing every day .
8-  My least favorite chore is mowing the lawn .
9- ] Hassan loves reading the morning paper .
10- ]My parents’ regimen , exercising for an hour every morning , keeps them physically fit .

Absolute Phrases .
An absolute phrase , also known as a nominative absolute , consists of a noun or a pronoun that is modified by a participle or a participial phrase . An absolute phrase has no grammatical relation to the rest of the sentence .
An absolute phrase belongs neither to the complete subject nor the complete predicate of a sentence. It stands ‘absolutely’ by itself in relation to the rest of the sentence .
Its wings badly damaged in the storm  , the aircraft crashed .
We departed on schedule , the weather [ being ] perfect .
Practice .
Absolute Phrases .
Write each absolute phrase .
1- ] Their chores completed , the children played until bedtime .
2- ] We eased the car , its engine still smoking , off the highway .
3- ] Their wings singed by the fire , the butterflies were barely able to fly .
4- ] The two boys , their hopes dashed , dropped out of the competition .
5- ] The construction completed , the family moved into their new cottage by the lake .
6- ] We wore jackets , the air being cold .
7- ] The sun having set , lights dotted the mountainside .
8- ] His plane approaching the airport , the pilot lowered the wheels .
9- ] Their mouths burning from the hot peppers , our friends gulped cold water .
10- ] The students , their eyes glazed and tired , slowly filed from the testing room .
Pretest .
Identifying Verbals and Appositives .
Identify each italicized word by writing one of these labels : participle , gerund , infinitive , appositive .
1- ] I was beginning to sound like a broken record .
2- ] Working as quickly as he could , Adel secured the boat .
3- ]My brother bought an antique car , an MG convertible .
4- ] To win fairly is the goal .
5- ] The old house , a Tudor mansion , could be a beautiful residence .
6- ] I am not good at typing .
7- ] The parade is about to start .
8- ] A captain is not to leave a sinking ship until all the passengers have safely disembarked .
9- ] Sewn into the hem of the draperies , small weights keep the fabric hanging correctly .
10- ] You will enjoy swimming in that pool .
Posttest .
Identifying Verbals and Appositives
Identify each italicized word by writing one of these labels : participle , gerund , infinitive , appositive .
1- ] Students in writing class enjoy reading their own stories .
2- ] To putt accurately takes years of practice .
3- ] Lightning caused me to run for cover .
4- ] Sliding mud covered the highway .
5- ] The first scene of the movie , a flashback to World War 11 , captured the audience’s attention .
6- ] Bent with age , the old Greek sailor hobbled to the sea every day .
7- ] Spoken language is sometimes more casual than written language .
8- ] We invited our neighbors , the Richards , to dinner .
9- ] Grown in California , this fruit was shipped east in one day .
10- ] Typing my research paper took me five hours .
Pretest .
Identifying Phrases .
Identify each italicized group or words by writing one of these labels : prepositional phrase , appositive phrase , participial phrase , infinitive phrase , gerund phrase , absolute phrase .
1- ] On a farm , one gets accustomed to working in the heat .
2- ] We arrived safely , the roads being dry and virtually free of traffic .
3- ] By midsummer the corn was in tassel .
4- ] Learning a new language is difficult for many people .
5- ] Waiting impatiently for the rain to stop , my grandmother paced at the door of the grocery .
6- ] The storm raged along the southern coastline .
7- ] I have always wanted to learn woodworking .
8- ] Struck by lightning , the tree bears a six-inch scar from top to bottom .
9- ] Fruits and vegetables , the vitamin-rich foods , are also the colorful ones .
10- ] Many cities encourage residents to separate recyclable items .
Practice .
Phrases .
Identify each italicized group of words by writing one of these labels : participial phrase , infinitive phrase , gerund phrase , appositive phrase , absolute phrase , prepositional phrase .
1- ] Every Wednesday , Latifa goes to the store .
2- ] Exhausted after the race , the athlete rested for an hour .
3- ] His pants spattered with mud , the banker returned home to change his clothes .
4- ] Children like working with clay .
5- ] Standing under a beach tree , I stayed dry during the shower .
6- ] Jamal , a diligent worker , excels at his job .
7- ] Sitting in the third row of the theater , we could hear every word the actors uttered .
8- ] I am determined to learn more about geography .
9- ] That book , a guide for tourists , costs very little .
10- ] Don’t try to do everything at once .
Practice .
Identifying Phrases .
Identify each italicized group of words by writing one of these labels : participial phrase , infinitive phrase , gerund phrase , appositive phrase , absolute phrase , prepositional phrase .
1- ] The law prohibits picking the wildflowers .
2- ] To be given a difficult assignment is a challenge .
3- ] Having promised my little niece a treat , I spun homemade cotton candy for her .
4- ] Our team took the field , the storm having passed .
5- ] Drilling for oil requires financial risk .
6- ] Here and there on the rocky shoreline , fishermen hunched over their lines waiting for some luck .
7- ] The restaurant , a replica of an old railroad dining car , serves only Italian food .
8- ] Written by a teenager , this article expresses perfectly a young person’s views on education .
9- ] Mohamad decided to visit his old neighborhood .
10- ] I had toast , eggs , and orange juice for breakfast .

184- ] English Literature

184- ] English Literature Jane Austen  Austen’s novels: an overview Jane Austen’s three early novels form a distinct group in which a stro...