Grammar American & British

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Conversation & Dialogue . [ 10 ]

10-] Conversation & Dialogue .

Train Reservation .

Nabil : Hello . Seat reservation , please .

Clerk : Hello ? Yes .

Nabil : I’d like to reserve a seat on the nine-thirty train to Aswan , please . Next Saturday .

Clerk : Certainly .1st or 2nd class ?

Nabil ; I see . 2nd class . Oh  , a non-smoker , please .

Clerk :  A non-smoker . Yes , that’s all right .

Nabil: Is there a restaurant car ?

Clerk : No . But there is a buffet car . You can get a cup of tea and a snack .

Nabil : Is it a fast train ?

Clerk : Yes it is a fast train .

Nabil : When does it arrive Aswan ?

Clerk : It arrives at Aswan at 10 o’clock .What’s your name , please ?

Nabil : Nabil Hassan .

Clerk : Mr. Nabil Hassan . A 2nd class ticket to Aswan .


Clerk : Yeah ?

Secretary : There’s a man here . He wants some tickets .

Clerk : What ?

Secretary : A man . He wants to book some tickets .

Clerk : Where does he want to go ?

Secretary : Luxor .

Clerk : How many does he want ?

Secretary : Two .

Clerk : First-class ?

Secretary : No , he doesn’t want first-class rickets . He wants second-class .

Clerk : What date ?

Secretary : Sixteenth of April .

Clerk : Er ,let me see. He wants two second-class single tickets to Luxor for the sixteenth of April . O.K.

Secretary : Yes , that’s O.K.


Husband :Look . I’ve got everything .You’ve got a reserved seat in coach three , seat number 2c .

Wife : Right .

Husband : Here’s your ticket . Second class return to Cairo .

Wife : Okay .

Husband :Your train leaves from platform six in ten minutes . It takes eight hours to get there .

Wife : Do I have to change ?

Husband : No . The train stops at Assuit , but you don’t have to change .


Inspector : Tickets ! I want to see your ticket .

Passenger : Oh , I haven’t got a ticket . I haven’t got much money .

Inspector : Sir , you’re travelling on a train . And you’re sitting in a first-class compartment . When people sit in a first-class compartment , they always buy a first-class ticket .

Passenger : A lot of people don’t buy tickets .

Inspector : I inspect tickets . Are you going to show me your ticket ? I’m going to write your name in my book . What’s your name ?

Passenger : Oh ! My name …

Inspector : Yes , sir . If you’re not going to tell me your name , please , leave the train .

Passenger : I can’t leave the train . It’s moving .

Inspector : Not now , sir . At the first station . Here we are , sir . We’re coming to a station . Please , leave the train now .

Passenger : Oh , that’s O.K. This is my station . Goodbye .

Inspector : Oh !


Conversation & Dialogue [ 9 ]

9- ] Conversation & Dialogue .

Hotel Reservation .

Clerk : Can I help you , sir ?

Mr.  Ashraf : E – yes , please . Two hotel rooms . Two rooms for two nights .

Clerk : Yes , sir . Single or double ?

Mrs. Ashraf : We want one double room and one single room for our daughter .

Clerk : One double , one single for two nights . With shower or bath ?

Mrs. Ashraf : We want one with a bath .

The Daughter : I’d prefer a shower .

Clerk : Certainly . A double with bath and a single with shower .


Receptionist : Good afternoon , sir .

Customer : Good afternoon . I’d like a single room , please .

Receptionist : Yes , sir . With a bath ?

Customer : Yes , yes . With a bath .

Receptionist : For how long , sir ?

Customer : For three nights , till the twenty seventh .

Receptionist : Single room with bath until the twenty seventh . Yes , we can do that , sir.

Customer : I’d prefer a room with a view of the sea .

Receptionist ; All right , sir . I can put you at the front of the hotel .


Receptionist : Good morning , [ sir / madam ] .

Customer : I want a double room with a bath .

Receptionist : Have you already booked ?

Customer : No , I haven’t .

Receptionist : Well . I'm afraid we’re full tonight . We can give you a room for tomorrow night .

Customer : For tomorrow night .

Receptionist : Certainly . For how long ?

Customer : For four nights .

Receptionist : Right . We can do that .

Customer : Is it possible to have a quiet room at the back of the hotel ?

Receptionist : Certainly . A quiet room at the back of the hotel .

Customer : Does the price include  meals .

Receptionist : Yes , it does . And we have a special menu .

Customer : Thank you .


Conversation & Dialogue [ 8 ]

7- ] Conversation & Dialogue .

At The Travel Agent’s .

Travel Agent  : There are four flights a day from Gatwick to Madrid . The flight takes one      and a half hours , and the return fare is £ 120 .

Woman : So I leave from Gatwick airport and go to Madrid , then take a connecting flight .

Travel Agent : That’s right , madam . There are four connecting flights every day .

Woman : Good . Thank you very much .

Travel Agent : I hope you enjoy your holiday , madam .

Woman : Thank you .


Woman : Well I’d like to go to France by ship , please .

Travel Agent :All right, there are boats to France every hour , madam ,from Dover and Folkstone. It only takes an hour and a half to get to Boulogne or Calais. I’ll give you a list of the departure and arrival times and tell you about fares . Then we can make your reservation .

Woman : Thank you . I’ll tell you later .

Passenger : What happens at the airport ?

Travel Agent: At the check-in counter, the passenger is checked in. The security control       check hand luggage .Then , the passenger waits in the departure lounge .

The passenger can go through the duty-free shop . Finally , the passenger goes through the departure gate on board the plane .

Passenger : Thank you .


Travel Agent : Good morning . Can I help you ?

Customer 1 : Good morning . We’re planning a holiday .

Customer 2 : And we want lots of sunshine .

Travel Agent: Sunshine . Certainly. What about Tunisia ?There’s lots of sunshine in Tunisia .

Customer 1 : No , we’ve been to Tunisia .

Customer 2 : And we’ve seen the Sahara .

Travel Agent : What about Morocco ? There’s lots of sunshine in Morocco .

Customer 1 : No , we’ve been to Morocco .

Customer 2 : And we’ve seen the Atlas mountains .

Travel Agent : Hmm . You’ve been to Tunisia and you’ve been to Morocco   . Have you           been to Egypt ?

Customer 1 : Egypt ?

Travel Agent : Yes , there’s lots of sunshine in Egypt .

Customer 2 : No , we haven’t been to Egypt .

Customer 1 : And we haven’t seen the Pyramids .

[ The telephone is ringing . ]

Travel Agent: Excuse me one moment , please. Hallo, Sunshine Holidays .Can I help you? ? …. Yes .So you want to go to the Sudan .Good .Thank you .Goodbye .So you want to go to         Egypt .

Customer 1 : What about the Sudan ?

Customer 2 : Yes , what about the Sudan ?

Travel Agent : There’s lots of sunshine in the Sudan . Haven’t you been to the Sudan ?

Customer 1 : No , we haven’t been to the Sudan .

Customer 2 : No , we haven’t seen the Red Sea .

Travel Agent : Here

Customer 1 : What’s this ?

Travel Agent : It’s our brochure . “Sunshine Holidays.”

Customer 2 : “Sunshine Holidays.” That’s interesting .

Customer 1 : Look ! Lebanon .

Customer 2 : We haven’t been to Lebanon .

Customer 1 : We haven’t been to Lebanon .

Travel Agent : There’s lots of sunshine in ---

Customer 1 : Look ! Libya .

Customer 2 : Cyrene ! The ruins of Cyrene !

Customer 1 : We haven’t seen the ruins of Cyrene .


Conversation & Dialogue [ 7 ]

7- ] Conversation & Dialogue .

Going On A Holiday .

Wife: When shall I go on holiday ?

Husband : When do you want to go ?You can go in spring , summer , autumn or winter.

Wife : Winter ?

Husband : Yes . You can go to Switzerland , or Austria , or South America in December or        January .

Wife : No , I’d like to go away in spring . In May , to Italy .

Husband : How long will you be away ?

Wife : For three weeks .

Husband : Look . Here’s a good holiday , in Italy . Near Naples . In May .

Wife : How long does it last ?

Husband : It lasts for three weeks . From the tenth of May to the first of June .


Husband : We’re going to France and Germany during the holidays .

Wife : Oh , that’s good .

Husband : Yes . Not like last year . It was terrible . We stayed at home during the holidays      last year .

Wife : All the time ?

Husband : Yes . We did jobs in the house . At least , during the first three days we did , but       we had one or two little accidents .

Wife : I see . So I cleaned up the house during the rest of the holidays ?

Husband : Yes .


Husband : We arrived here last night .

Wife : It’s nice here . But we prefer Florence . We went to Florence last year . For three weeks . In the spring .

Husband :We arrived in Florence on the twenty-first of April and left on the twelfth of May .

Wife : In the morning .

Husband : And we got to Rome in the afternoon . It took five hours by train .

Wife : Yes . The train was late .

Husband : Then we stayed in Rome for a week .

Wife : And when are we leaving here ?

Husband : On Wednesday , we’re going to Sicily .For a week . From the third of June

to the tenth .


Travel Agent : Are you away on holiday ?

Hassan : Yes ,I’m going away .

Travel Agent : Then book a holiday in Spain Majorca . There are flights on weekdays at twelve o’clock . The flight leaves at twelve and gets to Majorca at half past two .

Hassan : Sorry , sir . Not today . Not on Saturday .

Travel Agent : No, sir. Tomorrow is Sunday. We haven’t got any flights on Saturday or Sunday. Is next week all right ? Monday next week ?


Said : Are you on a holiday ?

Hassan : Yes ,I am afraid we are .

Said : I’m on a holiday too . When will you arrive ?

Hassan : I’ll arrive next week ? The plane is delayed .

Said : Our plane will be late too .

Hassan : Will you arrive tomorrow ?

Said : No , we won’t .We’ll arrive next week too .


Said : Ah Italy !

Hassan : Do you like Italy Said ?

Said : Yes we went there on holiday .

Hassan : When did you go there ?   

Said : We went to Italy last year .

Hassan : What did you do there ?

Said : We went to the shops .

Hassan : What did you buy ?

Said : I bought some souvenirs .

Hassan : I went to France last year . And then I went to Italy . But this year I will stay in          Egypt .


Saber : By the way , have you ever been to Greece ?

Father : Yes .

Saber : Good . I’m going there next week . Can you tell me about the taxis ? For instance , how far is it from the airport to the center of Athens ? How much does it cost by taxi ? Do I have to give a tip , and if so , how much ?

Father : Ah . I’ll get my book on Greece

Saber : Thanks .


Father : I’m making plans for our next holiday in France .

Son : Oh , yes .

Father: I like to be ready, you know . For example, we’re going to drive from Paris to Toulouse. There’s a good road through Orleans and Limoges and perhaps it’s quicker to go that way . But sometimes it’s better to go a longer way round . You see more , and there’s less traffic , so it’s easier to drive .


Guide : We are now approaching the famous Statue of Liberty , which has welcomed visitors to New York Harbor since 1886 .

Tourist : Wow ! Look at it .

Guide : Incredible , isn’t it ?

Guide : The statue was given to the United States by the people of France . It was designed by the French sculptor Bartholdi .

Tourist : It’s really huge . Do we get to go inside ?

Guide : Of course . We can climb the stairs all the way up to the crown .

Tourist : Stairs ? There’s no elevator ?

Guide : Not to the top . But it’s just 142 steps !


184- ] English Literature

184- ] English Literature Jane Austen  Austen’s novels: an overview Jane Austen’s three early novels form a distinct group in which a stro...