Grammar American & British

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Spelling & Vocabulary Enrichment [ 24 ]

24- ] Spelling & Vocabulary Enrichment .
Texture , brightness , weight and density .
A-] Texture – how something feels when you touch it :

typical examples
the paper , glass
varnished wood / a shiny metal surface
silk itself / fine , expensive tights or stockings
highly polished , streamlined , new car bodywork
new-born baby’s hair
a fish just out of the water
a thick sheepskin rug
new , unwashed denim jeans / bark of a tree
sharp , irregular edges of broken glass or metal
a thistle , cactus , thorns on a rose
twisted , dead wood from an old tree
- Your hair has a ‘ silky’ ‘feel’ . – This cotton is very ‘smooth’ ‘to the touch’ .
- The table had a beautiful ‘polished’ ‘surface’ . –The ground was rough underfoot.
B-] Brightness : - ‘shiny’ leather shoes . –carnival costumes full of ‘vivid’ colors .
- a ‘shady’ corner of the garden . – a ‘dazzling’ light .
- You wear such ‘dull’ colors : why not get some ‘brighter’ clothes ?
- The light’s too ‘dim’ to read in here . We need another lamp .
- I wear sun-glasses when I drive because of the ‘glare’ of the sun .
C-] Density and weight :
- A ‘solid’ X ‘hollow’ object . – She has ‘thick’ X ‘thin’ / ‘fine’ hair .
- An area with ‘dense’ X ‘sparse’ vegetation .
- These boxes are rather ‘weighty’ . [ heavier than expected ]
- Your bag’s as ‘heavy’ as ‘lead’ ! What’s in it , bricks ?
- Your bag’s as ‘light’ as ‘a feather’ ! Have you brought enough ?
- This suitcase is very ‘bulky’ / ‘cumbersome’ . [ difficult , big and heavy ]
Sound and light .
A- ] General words to describe sound :
- I could hear the ‘sound’ of voices / music coming from the next room . [neutral]
- The ‘noise’ of the traffic here is pretty bad . [ loud , unpleasant sounds ]
- The children are making a terrible ‘racket’ upstairs . Could you go and tell them to be quiet ? [ informal ; very loud , unbearable noise , often of human activity ]
- ‘Noise’ and ‘sound’ can both be countable or uncountable . When they are of short duration or refer to different sounds / noises , they are countable . When they mean a lot of continual or continuous sounds , they are uncountable .
- Their lawnmower makes ‘a lot of noise’ , doesn’t it ? [ uncountable ]
- The ‘sound’ of the sea is very relaxing . [ uncountable ]
B- ] Sound words and things that typically make them :

verb /noun
example of what makes the sound
a door closing in the wind , someone bursting a balloon
opening a paper / plastic bag , dry leaves underfoot
a heavy object falling on to a carpeted floor
a big , solid , heavy object falling on to a hard floor
a big bell ringing , a hollow metal object being struck
a metal pan falling on to a concrete floor
gas /steam escaping through a small hole
distant noise of thunder , noise of traffic far away
noise of heavy traffic , noise of a huge waterfall
a small bell ringing , a telephone
C-] Darkness : Some adjectives for ‘dark ‘conditions .
- These brown walls are a bit ‘gloomy’ . We should paint them white .
- This torch is getting a bit ‘dim’ . I think it needs new batteries .
-It was a ‘somber’ room , with dark , heavy curtains . [ serious , imposing ]
D- ] Types of light :  Note these collocations .
- The sun ‘shines’ and gives out ‘rays’ of light .
- A torch gives out a ‘beam’ of light .
- A camera gives a ‘flash’ of light .
- Stars ‘twinkle’ .
- A candle-flame ‘flickers’ in the breeze .
- White-hot coal on a fire ‘glows’ .
- A diamond ring ‘sparkles’ .
- A gold object ‘glitters’ .
Movement and speed .
‘Move’ is the basic verb for all movement , but it also means ‘to move to a new house’
or flat’ , e.g. We’ve ‘moved’ . Do you want our new address ?
A-] Particular types of movement :
- Cars , lorries , etc. ‘travel’/ ‘drive’ along roads .
- Trains ‘travel’ along rails .
- Boats / ships ‘sail’ on rivers / across the sea .
- Rivers / streams ‘flow’ / ‘run’ through towns / villages .
B-] Things often have particular verbs associated with their types of movement .You should learn them as typical collocations .
- White clouds ‘drifted’ across the sky .
- The flag ‘fluttered’ in the wind .
- The leaves ‘stirred’ in the light breeze .
-The trees ‘swayed’ back and forth as the hurricane grew stronger .
- The car ‘swerved’ to avoid a dog which had run into the road .
C-] Verbs to describe fast and slow movement :
- The traffic was ‘crawling along’ because pf the roadworks .
- Stop ‘dawdling’ . We’ll be late !
- Suddenly a car came round the bend and ‘tore along’ the road at high speed . Seconds later , a police car ‘shot past’ after it .
- Everyone was ‘hurrying’ / ‘rushing’ to get their shopping done before closing time .
- The train was just ‘creeping’ / ‘plodding along’ at about 20 miles per hour . I knew we’d be late .
C-] Nouns to describe speed and their typical contexts :
- ‘speed’ is a general word : used for vehicles , developments , changes , etc. , e.g. We were travelling at high ‘speed’ .
- ‘rate’ is often used in statistical contexts ; the rate of increase / decrease , e.g. The birth ‘rate’ is going down .
- ‘pace’ shows how you experience something as happening fast or slow , e.g. The lesson was going at a very slow ‘pace’ .
- ‘velocity’ is used in technical / scientific contexts , e.g. The ‘velocity’ of a bullet .

Spelling & Vocabulary Enrichment [ 23 ]

23- ] Spelling & Vocabulary Enrichment .
Crimes .
A-] Note the difference between the verbs ‘steal ‘ and ‘rob’ . The object of the verb ‘steal’ is the thing which is taken away , e.g. They stole my bike . Whereas the object of the verb ‘rob’ is the person or place from which things are stolen , e.g. I was robbed last night . A masked man robbed the bank .
B-] The table below gives the names of some types of crimes together with their associated verbs and the name of the person who commits the crimes .

killing someone
murderer , killer
murder , kill
stealing something from a shop
stealing something from
 someone’s home
taking something illegally into
 another  country

taking a person hostage in
exchange for money or other
favors , etc.
C-] Here are some more useful verbs connected with crime and law :
- He ‘committed’ a crime’ when he robbed a bank .
- Someone ‘witnessed’ the crime and told the police . The police ‘charged’ him ‘with’
‘bank robbery’ . They also ‘accused’ his twin brother of being his ‘accomplice’ .
- The ‘case’ ‘came to court’ and they were ‘tried’ . The ‘trial’ did not last very long . They ‘pleaded not guilty’ in the court . Their ‘lawyer’ did his best to ‘defend’ them but the ]prosecuting lawyer’ ‘produced’ a very strong case against them .
- After ‘brief deliberations’ , the ‘jury’ ‘passed verdict on’ them . They decided that one was ‘guilty’ but the other was ‘innocent’ . The ‘judge’ ‘acquitted’ the innocent ‘of’ any ‘involvement’ in the ‘robber’ but ‘sentenced’ the other ‘to’ three years ‘in prison’.
He also had to ‘pay’ a large ‘fine’ . The guilty ‘served’ two years in prison [jail] but was ‘released from’ prison a year early . He ‘got time off’ for ‘ good behavior’ .
D-] Here are some useful words :
- ‘trial’ : the legal process in court whereby an accused person is investigated , or tried and then found guilty or not guilty .
- ‘case’ : a crime that is being investigated .
- ‘evidence’ : information used in a court of law to decide whether the accused is guilty or not .
- ‘proof’ : evidence that shows conclusively whether something is a fact or not .
- ‘judge’ : the person who leads a trial and decides on the ‘sentence’ i.e. the punishment .
- ‘jury’ : group of twelve citizens who decide on the ‘verdict’ i.e. whether the accused is guilty or not .
Succeeding , failure and difficulty .
A-] Succeeding :
- We ‘succeeded in’ persuading a lot of people to join our protest
- I ‘managed’ to contact him just before he left his office .
- I don’t think I can ‘manage’ the whole walk . I think I’ll turn back  .
- We’ve ‘achieved’ / ‘accomplished’ a great deal in the last year . [ both are used with quantity phrases such as ‘a lot’ / ‘a little’ ; ‘accomplish’ is rather formal ]
- The company has ‘achieved’ all its ‘goals’ / ‘aims’ / ‘targets’ for the year . [ achieve is more common than accomplish with nouns expressing ‘goals’ and ‘ambitions’ ]
-Do you think his plan will ‘come off’ ?[ succeed ; informal ]
Matrix for some typical collocations with ‘succeeding’ verbs :











B-] Failing and difficulty :
- Plans and projects sometimes ‘go wrong’ or ‘backfire’ . [ don’t run out as intended ]
- Companies , clubs and societies often ‘fold/ go under’ through lack of success . [ close down ; ‘go under’ is informal ]
- A plan or project may ‘falter’ , even if it finally succeeds . [ have ups and downs ]
- All your plans and hard work / efforts may ‘come to nothing’ .
- I have great ‘difficulty’ in getting up in the morning . I ‘find it difficult’ to remember the names of everybody in the class .[‘hard’ can also be used here ; it is more informal] 
- It’s ‘hard’ / ‘difficult’ to hear what she’s saying .
- I often ‘have trouble’ starting the car on cold mornings . [ more informal ]
- We’ve ‘had a lot of bother with’ the neighbors lately . [ very informal ]
- Can you ‘cope with’ three more students ? They’ve just arrived .
- I’ve no money , my friend left me ; I need help ; I just ‘can’t cope’ any more .

184- ] English Literature

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