Grammar American & British

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Using Modifiers Correctly , Grammar American & British [ 9 ]

9- ] Grammar , American & British .
Chapter Nine .
Using Modifiers Correctly .
Comparison and Placement .
What is a modifier ?
A modifier is a word , a phrase , or a clause that makes the meaning of a word or word groups more specific . The two kinds of modifiers are adjectives and adverbs .
One-Word Modifiers
Adjectives .
Adjectives make the meanings of nouns and pronouns more specific .
She gave a loud cheer . [ It tells what kind of cheer ]
The one I made is blue . [ It tells which one ]
Adverbs make the meanings of verbs , adjectives and other adverbs more specific .
She cheered loudly . [ It makes the meaning of the verb more specific ]
The design is very modern . [ It explains the degree of modernity ]
The crocodile moved surprisingly quickly . [ It explains how was the crocodile’s quickness ]
Phrases Used As Modifiers .
Like one-word modifiers , phrases can also be used as adjectives and adverbs .
Leaping from the step , the toddler flapped his arms in the air . [ The participial phrase acts as an adjective , modifies the noun ‘toddler’ ]  
The Greek salad is the one to try . [ The infinitive phrase acts as an adjective that modifies the pronoun ‘one’ ]
She planted rose bushes along the fence . [ The prepositional phrase acts as an adverb , modifies the verb ‘planted’ ]
Clauses Used As Modifiers .
Like words and phrases , clauses can also be used as modifiers .
Italian is the language that I like best . [ The adjective clause modifies the noun ‘language’ ]
Before Adel went to school  , he took the trash to the club . [ The adverb clause modifies the verb ‘took’ ]
Comparison Of Adjectives And Adverbs .
When adjectives and adverbs are used in comparisons , they take different forms . The specific form they take depends on how many things are being compared . The different forms of comparison are called degree of comparison .
The three degrees of comparison of modifiers are the positive , the comparative , the superlative [ see the explanation in Chapter Six (Adjectives , Comparative ) ]
This suitcase is heavy .  [ adjective , positive ]
He cheerfully began the job . [ adverb , positive ]
Those murals are colorful . [ adjective , positive ]
My suitcase is heavier than yours . [ comparative adjective ]
He talked more cheerfully than his brother . [ comparative adverb ]
Those murals are more colorful than these . [ comparative adjective ]
Ali’s suitcase is the heaviest of all . [ superlative adjective ]
Of the four boys , Ahmad worked at the task most cheerfully .  [ superlative adverb ]
Those murals are the most colorful ones I have ever seen . [ superlative adjective ]
Decreasing Comparison .
To show decreasing comparison , modifiers form the comparative degree by using ‘less’ and the superlative degree by using ‘least’ .
Positive                               Comparative                            Superlative
sharp                                   less sharp                                 least sharp
costly                                   less costly                                 least costly
often                                    less often                                  least often
frequently                           less frequently                         least frequently
Special Problems In Using Modifiers .
Good & Well .
1- ]‘Good’ modifies a noun or a pronoun in most cases .
‘Well’ modifies a verb .
If you want a pear , here is a good one . [ ‘good’ modifies the pronoun ‘one’ ]
The trees are producing well . [ ‘well’ modifies the verb phrase ‘are producing’ ]
2- ] ‘Well ‘ may also be used as an adjective , meaning ‘in good health’ or ‘in good condition’ .
She feels quite well today . [ modifies ‘she’ ]
3- ] Adjectives are used not adverbs after linking verbs . Linking verbs are often followed by predicate adjectives modifying the subject .
She looked  sleepy .
He felt uncertain .
4- ] Some verbs can be used either linking or action verbs . As action verbs , they may be modified by adverbs .
She looked sleepily at the clock .
She uncertainly felt her way along the hall .
Bad & Badly
Always use ‘bad’ as an adjective . Use ‘badly’ as an adverb .
The quarterback made a bad throw . [ adjective ]
That meat tastes bad . [ adjective after a linking verb ]
I feel bad about my mistake . [ adjective after a linking verb ]
The pitcher is leaking badly . [ adverb after an action  verb ]
Correcting Double Comparisons  .
Don’t use both  ‘-er’ and ‘more’ . Don’t use both ‘-est’ and ‘most . To do so would be an error called ‘a double comparison’ .
Chimpanzees are more smaller than gorillas . [ incorrect ]
Chimpanzees are smaller than gorillas . [ correct ]
That is the most saddest song on the album . [ incorrect ]
That is the saddest song on the album .
She is the most attractivest girl in school . [ incorrect ]
She is the most attractive girl in school .
Correcting Incomplete Comparisons .
1- ] Do not make an incomplete or unclear comparison by omitting the word ‘other’ or the word ‘else’ when you compare a person or thing with its group .
New York has more skyscrapers than any city in the United States . [ Any city includes New York City . ]  unclear
New York City has more skyscrapers than any other city in the United States . [ clear ]
Sarah received more gifts than anyone . [ Anyone includes Sarah ]
Sarah received more gifts than anyone else .
2- ] Be sure your comparisons are between like things – that is , similar things .
The salary of a teacher is lower than a lawyer . [ The salary of a teacher is being compared illogically with a person , namely a lawyer . ] unclear
The salary of a teacher is lower than that of a lawyer . [ clear ]
The salary of a teacher is lower than the salary of a lawyer .
A teacher’s salary is lower than a lawyer’s . [ The word salary is understood after lawyer’s ] clear
Double Negatives .
A double negative is the use of two or more negative words to express one negative idea . So don’t use two or more negative words to express the same idea . To do so is an error called a double negative . Use only one negative word to express a negative idea .
Most of the negative words are adjectives or adverbs .
Common Negative Words
barely , hardly , scarcely , never , neither , no , nobody , none , no one , not (n’t) , nothing , no where.
I didn’t hear no thunder . [ incorrect ]
I didn’t hear any thunder .     [ correct ]
I heard no thunder . [ correct ]
She hasn’t had no visitors . [ incorrect ]
She hasn’t had any visitors . [ correct ]
She has had no visitors .   [ correct ]
We couldn’t hardly move in the subway car . [ incorrect ]
We could hardly move in the subway car . [ correct ]
She didn’t eat no breakfast .  [ incorrect ]
She didn’t eat any breakfast .
She ate no breakfast . [ correct ]
Didn’t she get you nothing for your birthday ? [ incorrect ]
Didn’t she get you anything for your birthday ? [ correct ]
Didn’t she get you nothing for your birthday ? [ correct ]
He never eats no ice-cream . [ incorrect ]
He never eats any ice-cream . [ correct ]
He ate no ice-cream . [ correct ]
I didn’t hardly look at the map . [incorrect ]
I hardly looked at the map . [ correct ]
There isn’t scarcely enough time for lunch . [ incorrect ]
There is scarcely enough time for lunch . ] correct .
Placement Of Modifiers .
Place modifying words , phrases and clauses as close as possible to the words they modify . The meaning of the sentence changes when the position of the phrase changes .
The basketball player from Cincinnati gave a TV interview for his fans . [ modifies ‘player’ ]
The basketball player gave a TV interview for his fans from Cincinnati . [ modifies ‘fans’
From Cincinnati  the basketball player gave a TV interview for his fans . [ modifies ‘gave’ ]
Misplaced Modifiers .
1- ] A modifier that seems to modify the wrong word , or they seem to modify more than one word in a sentence  is called a “misplaced modifier” .
Place modifiers as close as possible to the words they modify in order to make the meaning of the sentence clear .
At the last meeting , the mayor discussed the enormous cost of filling in the Westfields Gorge with  city council members . [ prepositional phrase incorrectly modifying ‘filling in’ ] misplaced
At the last meeting , the mayor discussed with city council members the enormous cost of filling in the Westfields Gorge . [ prepositional phrase correctly modifying ‘discussed’ ] clear
Running smoothly and easily , the crowd watched the marathoners . [ participial phrase incorrectly modifying ‘crowd’ ]  misplaced
The crowd watched the marathoners running smoothly and easily . [ participial phrase correctly modifying ‘marathoners’ ] correct
Sometimes a misplaced modifier can be corrected by revising the sentence , for example , rephrasing the main clause or adding a subordinate clause .
Blowing from the north ,the pines were tossed by the wind . [ participial phrase incorrectly modifying ‘pines’ ] misplaced
The pines were tossed by the wind , which blew from the north . [ participial phrase recast as a subordinate clause correctly modifying ‘wind’ ]  clear
Blowing from the north  , the wind tossed the pines . [ After the main clause has been recast , the participial phrase correctly modifies ‘wind’ ].
Place the adverb ‘only’ immediately before the word or group of words that it modifies .
If ‘only’ is not positioned correctly in a sentence , the meaning of the sentence may be unclear .
Nader only has music class on Tuesday . [ Does Nader have only one class on Tuesday , or does he have music class on no other day than Tuesday , or is Nader the only person ( in a group ) who has one class on Tuesday ? ]  unclear
Nader has only music class on Tuesday . [ He has no other class that day ] clear
Nader has music class only on Tuesday . [ He does not have music class on any other day ] clear
Only Nader had music class on Tuesday . [ No one else has music class on Tuesday ] clear .
Dangling Modifiers .
A modifier that does not clearly modify another word in a sentence is call “dangling modifier” .
Dangling modifiers seem logically to modify no word at all . To correct a sentence that has a dangling modifier , you must supply a word that the dangling modifier can sensibly modify .
Using high-powered binoculars , the lost child was found . [ participial phrase logically modifying no word in the sentence ] dangling modifier
Using high-powered binoculars , the rescuers found the lost child . [ participial phrase correctly modifying ‘rescuers’ ]   clear
The rescuers found the lost child because they used high-powered binoculars . [ subordinate clause modifying ‘found’ ]  clear
Celebrating my victory , a dinner with my friends lasted till midnight . [ participial phrase logically modifying no word in the sentence .]
Celebrating my victory , my friends and I stayed at the dinner table till midnight . [ participial phrase modifying ‘my friends and I’ ] clear
Prepositional Phrases
A prepositional phrase consists of a preposition , a noun or a pronoun called the object of the preposition , and any modifier of the object . A prepositional phrase used as an adjective generally should be placed directly after the word it modifies .
The hat belongs to that girl with the feathers . misplaced
The hat with the feathers belongs to that girl . clear
A prepositional phrase used as an adverb should be placed near the word it modifies .
She read that a new restaurant had opened in today’s newspaper . misplaced
She read in today’s newspaper that a new restaurant had opened .  clear
He said in the afternoon he would call Janet . misplaced
He said he would call Janet in the afternoon . clear
In the afternoon he said he would call Janet .
Exercises .
Pretest .
Using Modifiers Correctly .
Write each sentence , choosing the correct word or words in parentheses .
1- ] This is the ( satisfying , more satisfying , most satisfying ) work that I have ever done .
2- ] The last hour of class went ( faster , more fast ) than any I have ever experienced .
3- ] The first pitch was thrown ( bad , badly ) .
4- ] The new student did ( good , well ) on the geometry test .
5- ] A small food chopper is ( handier , more handier ) than a food processor .
6- ] The mountains in Colorado are ( more majestic , most majestic ) than the mountains in Tennessee .
7- ] This traffic circle is ( rounder , more nearly round ) than the one on Third Street .
8- ] As a supervisor , Mohamad is ( demanding , less demanding , least demanding ) than his brother .
9- ] Of all the candy I have tasted , this is ( sweetest , more sweet , most sweet ) .
10- ] He is ( more perfect , most perfect , more nearly perfect ) in his calculations than most people .
11- ] Nancy is the ( happier , most happy , happiest ) person I know .
12- ] Of the three alternatives , I consider the first the ( less , least ) attractive .
13- ] Our secretary and our bookkeeper are both ill ; the former is ( worse , more ill ) than the latter .
14- ] Hassan writes very little for the newspaper , but Rami writes even ( littler , less , least ) .
15- ] I eat breakfast ( more often , most often ) than not .
Correcting Incomplete Comparisons , Double Negatives , And Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers
Rewrite each sentence , correcting any errors .
1- ] He deserves the award more than anyone .
2- ] I don’t have hardly any homework tonight .
3- ] She hasn’t seen no new movies this year .
4- ] I only made two mistakes on my typing test this week .
5- ] Rewriting his paper , the words seemed to come easily to Said .
6- ] The wording in the letter is clearer than the office memo .
7- ] The grocery store chain supports local causes , serving customers in the Southeast .
8- ] Practicing daily for hours , her piano playing is improving .
9- ] The siren only blares when there is a tornado warning .
10- ] The chairperson spoke about the new communications system by telephone .
11- ] The laundry7 dried fast on the clothesline , whipped by a strong wind .
12- ] Please only ask questions after the videotape is finished .
13- ] The captain told us when we enlisted to obey orders .
14- ] The newest employees don’t make hardly any sales .
15- ] To understand our foreign policy , history books were read .
The Three Degrees Of Comparison .
Rewrite each sentence to correct the error in comparison . If the sentence is already correct , write C.
1- ] Of the two track stars , Simon runs fastest .
2- ] Of all the ornaments in the living room , this ornament is most shiny .
3- ] Little Mohamad played calmlier than the other children .
4- ] Of all the movies I’ve seen , ‘Gone With The Wind’ is longest .
5- ] Of all the students in art class , Jamal is more artistic .
6- ] This is the best job of the two .
7- ] Her second idea was even worser than her first one .
8- ] Maria is the smartest person in our class .
9- ] We live farthest from school than anyone else .
10- ] All of us tried making square knots ; mine was the squarest .
Irregular Comparisons .
Write the correct comparisons from the choices in parentheses .
1- ] I have ( more , most ) homework than my young brothers .
2- ] I play the piano badly , but my sister plays ( more badly , worse ) .
3- ] Saturn is ( farther , further ) from Earth than Mars .
4- ] The damage from the hurricane was ) badder , worse ) than originally reported .
5- ] I have little free time , but you have ( less , littler ) .
6- ] Her dedication makes her the ( better , best ) employee of the group .
7- ] Although I am not well , I feel ( better , best ) than he .
8- ] Ali has written only the introduction to his required paper , Salah is halfway finished , and Ahmad is ( farthest , furthest } along
9- } She speaks ( best , better ) in public than her brother does .
10- ] Of all the pups , the black one is ( less , least ) aggressive .
Correcting Double Comparisons .
Rewrite each sentence to correct the error in comparison . If the sentence is already correct , write C .
1- ] Today is the most hottest day of the summer .
2- ] The gargoyle over the doorway is most ugliest .
3- ] Washing dishes is the most boringest work in the house .
4- ] Today’s job search proved to be less fruitful than yesterday’s .
5- ] That is the most astounding news of the year !
6- ] Fish used to be more abundanter in the ocean than they are now .
7- ] I actually feel more worse than I did yesterday .
8- ] Some days are more better than others .
9- ] I drove more farther yesterday than I did today .
10- ] Algebra is Nasser’s most difficult class .
Correcting Incomplete Comparisons .
Rewrite each sentence , correcting the error in comparison . If a sentence is already correct , write c.
1- ] Salem got better grades than anyone in his class .
2- ] My handwriting is worse than the other day .
3- ] The seeds of some peppers are hotter than the seeds of others .
4- ] I think I learned more than anyone at band camp .
5- ] In my opinion , biology is more interesting than any subject .
6- ] That river has flooded more often than any other river in the state .
7- ] Darkness in the country is more nearly black than darkness in the city , except , perhaps , on a moonlit night .
8- ] Your designs are more creative than mine .
9- ] The bedrooms in his house are smaller than the first house we saw .
10- ] The skin of a child is usually softer than an adult .
Correcting Errors In Comparison .
Rewrite each sentence , correcting the error in comparison . If a sentence is already correct , write C .
1- ] I am readier for this test than I was for the last .
2- ] This pine tree is taller than any other tree in the lot .
3- ] Peter ran better in today’s race than he ran in last week’s .
4- ] The pattern of a snowflake is even more intricate than a spider web .
5- ] The Smiths have traveled more farther than the Wilsons .
6- ] There is no question that this watermelon is more better than that one .
7- ] I feel more well today than I did yesterday .
8- ] Saud polishes and cleans his car most often than anyone else .
9- ] Of the two weight lifters , he is definitely most muscular .
10- ] Of the three nurses , Nancy was thoughtfullest .
Good Or Well ; Bad Or Badly .
Rewrite each sentence , correcting all errors in comparison . If a sentence is already correct , write C .
1- ] The team’s quarterback runs so good that no one can stop him .
2- ] I feel badly about the damage to your house .
3- ] Although she is generally in good health , she isn’t feeling good today .
4- ] This soup tastes badly ; I think I added too much salt .
5- ] It is looking well badly for our outing because dark clouds are rolling in .
6- ] I know well what constitutes a hard day’s work .
7- ] Choosing to stay in bed until noon was a bad decision .
8- ] I write badly when I am overtired .
9- ] The financial situation for the newly independent country looks badly .
110- ] The pitcher was throwing so bad last night that he was replaced in the second inning .
 Practice .
Correcting Double Negatives
Rewrite each sentence that has a double negative . When possible , show two or more correct revisions . If a sentence is already correct , write C .
1- ] These situations don’t never seem to correct themselves .
2- ] We never no fun on the weekend .
3- ] I don’t have scarcely any money left to buy clothes .
4- ] There isn’t hardly any food un the refrigerator .
5- ] If you don’t attend classes , you won’t get no diploma .
6- ] One should never do nothing that would case harm to others .
7- ] I read nothing in the paper about the infestation of mosquitoes .
8- ] There weren’t no signs of a tornado .
9- ] Don’t make no sound because the baby is sleeping .
10- ] There isn’t scarcely enough time in the day to get everything done .
Practice .
Correcting Misplaced And Dangling Modifiers .
Rewrite each sentence , correcting the misplaced and dangling modifiers .
1- ] The marathoner stubbed his toe on a stone running a victory lap in his bare feet .
2- ] The written test only has two parts .
3- ] Steering the ship to the north , the storm was avoided .
4- ] Reaching California , the search for gold began .
5- ] The proud father announced the birth of his twins with pink and blue balloons .
6- ] His kite was caught in a tree with a long tail .
7- ] Discouraged by criticism , his bid for office was given up by the candidate .
8- ] The teacher only gave us two assignments .9- ] The car crossed the finish with a badly damaged engine .
10- ] My father couldn’t hear the phone singing in the shower .
Posttest .
Using Modifiers Correctly .
Write each sentence , choosing the correct word or words in parentheses .
1- ] Kino became the ( more , most ) envied man in La Pas .
2- ] Of the two animals , a collie and a cheetah , the latter is ( faster , fastest ) .
3- ] The ( better , best ) of the six cakes was the chocolate one with peanut butter icing .
4- ] Walking is ( less , least ) rigorous than running .
5- ] She is the ( most unique , most nearly unique ) artist whose work I have seen .
6- ] With a choice between climbing one mountain or the other , I chose to climb the ( higher , highest ) one .
7- ] Sahar is the ( more , most ) determined girl of the two .
8- ] I did ( bad , badly ) on my practical driving test .
9- ] I think that my father was always a little ( lenienter , more lenient ) than yours .
10- ] The film footage of houses disintegrating in a mud slide was one of the ( saddest , most sad ) sights I have ever seen .
11- ] Our coach was ill with appendicitis , but now he is ( good , well ) .
12- ] Don’t feel so ( bad , badly ) about your mistakes .
13- ] This is the ( roundest , most nearly round ) tomato I’ve seen .
14- ] This is a ( deeper , more deep ) well than our old one .
15- ] I think that Suzan was the ( more , most ) appreciative of all the girls because she had never won anything before .
 Posttest .
Correcting Incomplete Comparisons , Double Negatives , And Misplaced And Dangling Modifiers .
Rewrite each sentence , correcting any errors .
1- ] The Management doesn’t serve no alcohol here .
2- ] Gazing out the window , the view of the ocean was breathtaking to the visitors .
3- ] Using radar , planes were detected in the area .
4- ] A teacher’s job requires more public speaking than a librarian .
5- ] Escaping from its cage , the little boy was bitten by the dog .
6- ] The diver photographed rare , colorful fish breathing through scuba gear .
7- ] The other members of my book club enjoy the novels of Stephen Crane more than they enjoy Jack London .
8- ] Painting with assurance , the canvas was quickly covered with figures .
9- ] I enjoy visiting San Diego more than any city .
10- ] Remembering what my mother had taught me , the thank-you notes were promptly written .
11- ] I don’t never get any mail .
12- ] Peter has more stuffed animals than anyone .
13- ] Quietly sipping their tea , a loud knock on the door surprised the ladies .
14- ] I discussed the high cost of attending university with my family .
15- ] Exhausted after a long day at work , my dog greeted me at the door .

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