Grammar American & British

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Modal Verbs , Grammar American & British [ 13 ]

13- ] Grammar American & British 
Modal Verbs
1- ] The modal verbs are:
will      could
2- ] We use modals to show if we believe something is certain, possible or impossible:
My keys must be in the car.
It might rain tomorrow.
That can't be Peter's coat. It's too small.
3- ] We also use them to do things like talk about ability, ask permission, and make requests and offers:
I can't swim.
May I ask a question?
Could I have some tea, please?
Would you like some help?
Probability / Possibility
1- ] We use may, might and could to say that something is possible, but not certain:
They may come by car. (= Maybe they will come by car.)
They might be at home. (= Maybe they are at home.)
If we don't hurry, we could be late. (= Maybe we will be late.)
2- ] We use can to make general statements about what is possible:
It can be very cold here in winter. (= It is sometimes very cold here in winter.)
You can easily get lost in this town. (= People often get lost in this town.)

Be careful!
1- ] We do not use can to talk about specific events:
A: Where's John?
B: I'm not sure. He may/might/could be (NOT can) in his office.
2- ] Notice the difference in meaning between can and may/might/could:
That dog can be dangerous.
(= Sometimes that dog is dangerous. I know.)
That dog may/might/could be dangerous.
(= Perhaps that dog is dangerous. I don't know.)
Can and May/Might/Could
We use may have, might have or could have to make guesses about the past:
I haven't received your letter. It may have got lost in the post.
It's ten o'clock. They might have arrived by now.
Where are they? They could have got lost.
We use could to make general statements about the past:
It could be very cold there in winter. (= It was sometimes very cold there in winter.)
You could easily get lost in that town. (= People often got lost in that town.)
could and could have
1- ] We use can't or cannot to say that something is impossible:
That can't be true.
You cannot be serious.
2- ] We use can't have or couldn't have to say that a past event was impossible:
They know the way here. They can't have got lost!
If Jones was at work until six, he couldn't have done the murder.
1- ]We use must to show we are sure something is true and we have reasons for our belief:
It's getting dark. It must be quite late.
You haven’t eaten all day. You must be hungry.
2- ] We use should to suggest something is true and we have reasons for our suggestion:
Ask Miranda. She should know.
It's nearly six o'clock. They should arrive soon.
3- ] We use must have and should have for the past:
They hadn't eaten all day. They must have been hungry.
You look happy. You must have heard the good news.
It's nearly eleven o'clock. They should have arrived by now.
1- ] We use can and can't to talk about someone's skill or general abilities:
She can speak several languages.
He can swim like a fish.
They can't dance very well.
2- ] We use can and can't to talk about the ability to do something at a specific time in the present or future:
I can see you.
Help! I can't breathe.
3- ] We use could and couldn't to talk about the past:
She could speak several languages.
4- ] We use could have to say that someone had the ability or opportunity to do something, but did not do it:
She could have learned Swahili, but she didn't want to.
I could have danced all night. [but I didn’t]I couldn't see you.
1- ] Asking for permission
1- ] We use can to ask for permission to do something:
Can I ask a question, please?
Can we go home now?
 2- ] could is more formal and polite than can:
Could I ask a question, please?
Could we go home now?
3- ] may is another more formal and polite way of asking for permission:
May I ask a question, please?
May we go home now?
2- ] Giving permission
1- ] We use can to give permission:
You can go home now.
You can borrow my pen if you like.
 2- ] may is a more formal and polite way of giving permission:
You may go home now.
3- ] We use can to say that someone has permission to do something:
We can go out whenever we want.
Students can travel for free.
4- ] may is a more formal and polite way of saying that someone has permission:
Students may travel for free.
3- ] Refusing permission
1- ] We use can't and may not to refuse permission or say that someone does not have permission:
You can't go home yet.
Students may not travel for free.
Requests, Offers and Invitations
- ] We use could you … and would you … as polite ways of telling or asking someone to do something:
Could you take a message, please?
Would you carry this for me, please?
2- ] can and will are less polite:
Can you take a message, please?
Will you carry this for me, please?
Offers and invitations
1- ] We use can I … to make offers:
Can I help you?
Can I do that for you?
2- ] We can also use shall I …:
Shall I help you with that?
Shall I call you on your mobile?
3- ] We sometimes say I can ... or I could ... or I'll (I will) ... to make an offer:
I can do that for you if you like.
I could give you a lift to the station.
I'll do that for you if you like.
I'll give you a lift to the station.
4- ] We use would you like (to) ... for invitations:
Would you like to come round tomorrow?
Would you like another drink?
5- ] We can use you must … or we must … for a very polite invitation:
You must come round and see us.
We must meet again soon.
Suggestions and Obligations
1- ] We use should and shouldn't to make suggestions and give advice:
You should send an email.
You shouldn’t go by train.
2- ] We also use could to make positive suggestions:
We could meet at the weekend.
You could eat out tonight.
3- ] We can use conditionals to give advice:
Dan will help you if you ask him.
4- ] Past tenses are more polite:
 Dan would help you if you asked him.
1- ] We use must and mustn't to say that it is necessary (or not) to do something:
You must stop at a red light.
Everyone must bring something to eat.
You can wear what you like, but you must look neat and tidy.
I’m sorry, but you mustn't make a noise in here.
2- ] We use had to (positive) and couldn't (negative) if we are talking about the past:
Everyone had to bring something to eat.
You couldn't make a noise in the library.
Can' and 'Could'
1- ] Possibility and impossibility
1- ] We use could to show that something is possible, but not certain:
They could come by car. (= Maybe they will come by car.)
They could be at home. (= Maybe they are at home.)
2- ] We use can to make general statements about what is possible:
It can be very cold here in winter. (= It is sometimes very cold here in winter.)
You can easily get lost in this town. (= People often get lost in this town.)
3- ] We use can't or cannot to say that something is impossible:
That can't be true.
You cannot be serious.
4- ] We use could have to make guesses about the past:
It's ten o'clock. They could have arrived by now.
Where are they? They could have got lost.
5- ] We use could to make general statements about the past:
It could be very cold there in winter. (= It was sometimes very cold there in winter.)
You could easily get lost in that town. (= People often got lost in that town.)
6- ] We use can't have or couldn't have to say that a past event was impossible:
They know the way here. They can't have got lost!
If Jones was at work until six, he couldn't have done the murder.
2- ]Ability
1- ] We use can and can't to talk about someone's skill or general abilities:
She can speak several languages.
He can swim like a fish.
They can't dance very well.
2- ] We use can and can't to talk about the ability to do something at a specific time in the present or future:
I can see you.
Help! I can't breathe.
3- ] We use could and couldn't to talk about the past:
She could speak several languages.
They couldn't dance very well.
4- ] We use could have to say that someone had the ability or opportunity to do something, but did not do it:
She could have learned Swahili, but she didn't want to.
I could have danced all night. [but I didn't]
3- ] Permission
1- ]We use can to ask for permission to do something:
Can I ask a question, please?
Can we go home now?
 - could is more formal and polite than can:
Could I ask a question please?
Could we go home now?
2- ] We use can to give permission:
You can go home now.
You can borrow my pen if you like.
We use can to say that someone has permission to do something:
We can go out whenever we want.
Students can travel for free.
3- ] We use can't to refuse permission or say that someone does not have permission:
You can't go home yet.
Students can't travel for free.
4- ] Requests
1- ] We use could you … as a polite way of telling or asking someone to do something:
Could you take a message, please?
Could I have my bill, please?
- can is less polite:
Can you take a message, please?
5- ] Offers
1- ] We use can I … to make offers:
Can I help you?
Can I do that for you?
2- ] We sometimes say I can ... or I could ... to make an offer:
I can do that for you if you like.
I could give you a lift to the station.
6- ] Suggestions
1- ] We use could to make suggestions:
We could meet at the weekend.
You could eat out tonight.
7- ] Questions and negatives
We make questions by putting the subject after can/could:
Can I ...?
Could I ...?
etc.      Can you ...?
Could you ...?
 8- ] The negative form is can't in spoken English and cannot in written English.
We sometimes say cannot, but it is very emphatic.
The negative form of could is couldn't in spoken English and could not in written English.
May' and 'Might'
1- ] We use may:
1- ] when we are not sure about something in the present or future:
Jack may be coming to see us tomorrow.
               (= Perhaps Jack will come to see us tomorrow.)
Oh dear! It's half past ten. We may be late for the meeting.
               (= Perhaps we will be late for the meeting.)
She's had no sleep. She may be tired.
               (= Perhaps she is tired.)
2- ] to ask for permission in a formal way:
May I borrow the car tomorrow?
May we come a bit later?
 3- ] to give permission in a formal way:
You may go now.
You may come at eleven if you wish.
4- ] to say that someone has permission in a formal way:
Students may travel for free.
5- ] We can use may not to refuse permission or to say that someone does not have permission, but it is formal and emphatic:
You may not borrow the car until you can be more careful with it!
Students may not wear jeans.
2- ] We use might when we are not sure about something in the present or future:
I might see you tomorrow.
It looks nice, but it might be very expensive.
It's quite bright. It might not rain today.
3- ] We use may have and might have to make guesses about the past:
I haven't received your letter. It may have got lost in the post.
It's ten o'clock. They might have arrived by now.
4- ] We also use might:
1- ] as the past tense of requests with may:
He asked if he might borrow the car.
They wanted to know if they might come later.
2- ] as a very polite way of asking for permission:
Might we ask you a question?
Might I just interrupt for a moment?
5- ] Questions and negatives
We make questions by putting the subject after may/might:
May I …?     Might I …?
The negative forms are may not and might not.
Will' and 'Would'
1- ]We use will:
1- ] to express beliefs about the present or future
2- ]to talk about what people want to do or are willing to do
3- ] to make promises, offers and requests.
2- ] would is the past tense form of will. Because it is a past tense, it is used:
1- ] to talk about the past
2 - ] to talk about hypotheses (when we imagine something)
for politeness.
3- ]Beliefs
We use will to express beliefs about the present or future:
John will be in his office. (present)
We'll be late. (future)
We will have to take the train. (future)
4- ] We use would as the past of will, to describe past beliefs about the future:
I thought we would be late, so we would have to take the train.
5- ] Willingness
We use will:
1- ] to talk about what people want to do or are willing to do:
We'll see you tomorrow.
Perhaps Dad will lend me the car.
2- ] to talk about typical behavior, things that we often do (because we are willing to do them):
We always spend our holidays at our favorite hotel at the seaside. We'll get up early every morning and have a quick breakfast then we'll go across the road to the beach.
 We use would as the past tense of will:
1- ] to talk about what people wanted to do or were willing to do in the past:
We had a terrible night. The baby wouldn't go to sleep.
Dad wouldn't lend me the car, so we had to take the train.
2- ] to talk about typical behavior, things that we often did (because we were willing to do them) in the past:
When they were children they used to spend their holidays at their grandmother's at the seaside. They'd get up early every morning and have a quick breakfast. Then they'd run across the road to the beach.
6- ] Promises, offers and requests
1- ] We use I will or We will to make promises and offers:
I'll give you a lift home after the party.
We'll come and see you next week.
2- ] We use Will you … ? or Would you … ? to make requests:
Will you carry this for me, please?
Would you please be quiet?
7- ] Hypotheses and conditionals
1- ] We use will in conditionals to say what we think will happen in the present or future:
I'll give her a call if I can find her number.
You won't get in unless you have a ticket.
2- ] We use would to make hypotheses:
1- ] when we imagine a situation:
It would be very expensive to stay in a hotel.
I would give you a lift, but my wife has the car today.
2- ] in conditionals:
I would give her a call if I could find her number.
If I had the money, I'd buy a new car.
You would lose weight if you took more exercise.
If he got a new job, he would probably make more money.
What if he lost his job? What would happen then?
3- ] We also use conditionals to give advice :
Dan will help you if you ask him.
4- ] Past tenses are more polite:
Dan would help you if you asked him.
8- ] Expressions with would
1- ] We use:
for requests:
would you…, would you mind (not) -ing
Would you carry this for me, please?
Would you mind carrying this?
Would you mind not telling him until tomorrow?
for offers and invitations:
would you like ..., would you like to ... 
Would you like another drink?
Would you like to come round tomorrow?
I would like …, I'd like … (you)(to) ... to say what we want or what we want to do:
I'd like that one, please.
I'd like to go home now.
to say what we prefer:
I'd rather… (= I would rather)
I'd rather have the new one, not the old one.
I don't want another drink. I'd rather go home.
to give an opinion when we are not sure or when we want to be polite:
I would think, I would imagine, I'd guess
It's very difficult, I would imagine.
I would think that's the right answer.
'Will have' and 'Would have'
1- ] We use will have when we are looking back from a point in time in the future:
By the end of the decade, scientists will have discovered a cure for influenza.
I will phone at six o'clock. He will have got home by then.
2- ] or looking back from the present:
Look at the time. The match will have started.
It's half past five. Dad will have finished work by now.
3- ] We use would have as the past tense form of will have:
I phoned at six o'clock. I knew he would have got home by then.
It was half past five. Dad would have finished work.
4- ] We also use would have in conditionals to talk about something that did not happen in the past:
If it had been a little warmer, we would have gone for a swim.
(but it was cold so we didn't go for a swim)
He would have been very angry if he had seen you.
(but he didn't see you so he wasn't angry)
Modals with 'have'
1- ] We can use a modal verb with have and a past participle:
Subject Modal  have    Past participle
They    will      have    arrived by now.
You     might   have    seen     the film.
Jack and Jill    would  have    been     late.
2- ] We use a modal verb with have:
1- ]to refer back from the present:
It's nearly eight o'clock. They will have arrived by now.
3- ] to refer back from a point of time in the past:
We were very worried. We thought someone might have taken the car.
4- ] to refer back from a point of time in the future:
We won't eat until they arrive. They might not have had supper.
5- ]to refer to past time:
You should have helped her when she asked.
They might have got lost. Nobody knows where they are.

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