Grammar American & British

Friday, September 10, 2021

Vocabulary Tests - Test Eight ( 8 )

Vocabulary Tests ( 8 )


Test Eight

1 - ] Decide which word in parentheses best completes the sentence . Then write the sentence ,  adding the missing word .

1 . Before attempting to climb that steep mountain cliff , we must condition our bodies and ------------- our fear . ( evince , vanquish )     

2 . The sight of all those A’s and B’s on my report card -------------- that my long hours in the library had finally paid off . ( evinced , vanquished )

3 . The brothers never liked each other very much , but lately their relationship had turned utterly ---------------- ( fractricidal , genocidal )

4 . The -------------- actions of the South American dictator provoked the neighboring countries to put their armies on alert . ( bellicose , invincible )

5 . The reporter  provided a --------------- summary of the city council meeting .

( bellicose , concise )

6 . After the prime minister dissolved parliament , packed the court with his appointees , and cancelled elections , the United States declared it could no longer recognize such a ------------ form of government .( bureaucratic , totalitarian )

7 . By giving the president the right to revise the bill , the senators had allowed their authority to be ---------------- ( codified , usurped )

8 . The South refused to accept the authority of federal authorities , insisting that

------------------- lay with the individual states . ( bureaucracy , sovereignty )

9 .Her -----------attitude was predictable . She voted against every bill that would have reformed the election laws . ( bureaucratic , reactionary )

10 . The president declared he would not tolerate acts of terrorism , assassination , or any other ----------------- acts against the government . ( despotic , seditious )

Answer Key

1. vanquish 2 . evinced 3. fratricidal 4 . bellicose 5. concise 6 . totalitarian

7 . usurped 8 . sovereignty 9 . reactionary 10 . seditious

2 - ] Each question below includes a word in capital letters , followed by four words or phrases . Choose the word or phrase that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters . Consider all choices before deciding on your answer . Write the letter for your answer on the line provided .

1 . IMMENSE ( A ) great ( B ) unimportant

( C ) angry ( D ) tiny                                               1 . ------------------------

2 . CURSORY ( A ) leisurely ( B ) thorough

( C ) manual ( D ) blessed                                        2 . ------------------------

3 . NONCHALANT ( A ) casual ( B ) chalant

( C ) concerned  ( D ) brave                                     3 . ------------------------

4 . CONVERGE ( A ) separate  ( B ) convert

( C ) resist  ( D ) reverse                                            4 . ------------------------

5 . THEORETICAL ( A ) religious  ( B ) practical

( C ) frequent ( D ) immoral                                      5. ------------------------

6 . DISCORD ( A ) agreement  ( B ) argument

( C ) musical  ( D ) sensible                                          6 . --------------------

7 . CLICHÉ  ( A ) slander  ( B ) unique remark

( C ) proverb  ( D ) wisdom                                         7 . --------------------

8 . CORDIAL  ( A ) friendly  ( B ) dazed

( C ) hostile  ( D ) remarkable                                      8 . --------------------

9 . NAÏVE  ( A ) intelligent  ( B ) nice

( C ) simple  ( D ) experienced                                      9 . --------------------

10 . GAUCHE  ( A ) refined  ( B ) clumsy

( C ) unusual  ( D ) familiar                                         10 . ------------------

11 . DESOLATE  ( A ) solid  ( B ) prosperous

( C ) foreign  ( D ) convenient                                       11 . ------------------

12 . CULMINATE  ( A ) initiate  ( B ) destroy

( C ) reward  ( D ) elevate                                              12 . -------------------

13 . BLASÉ  ( A ) extinguished  ( B ) difficult

( C ) injured  ( D ) excited                                              13 . -------------------

14 . POTPOURRI  ( A ) hodgepodge  ( B ) orderly arrangement

( C ) sober  ( D ) elaborate                                             14 . -------------------

15 . DISCURSIVE  ( A ) direct  ( B ) repulsive

( C ) appealing  ( D ) handwritten                                  15 . ------------------

Answer Key

1 . D 2. B 3. C 4 . A 5 . B 6 . A 7 . B 8 . C 9 . D 10 . A 11 . B 12 . A 13 . D 14 . B 15 . A

3 - ] Match the definition in Column B with the word in Column A . Write the letter for your choice on the answer line .

   Column A                   Column B

1. vicinity              a . pertaining to the heart                         1 . -----------------

2 . diverge             b . area or region                                       2 . ----------------

3 . entrepreneur    c . to meet at a certain time and place       3 . ----------------

4 . recurrent          d . one’s group of customers                     4 . ----------------

5 . rendezvous       e . to move in different directions              5 . ---------------

6 . cardiac              f . occurring again                                     6 . ---------------

7 . duration            g . method of entry                                   7 . ----------------

8 . precursor          h . length of time                                       8 . ---------------

9 . entrée                I . one who runs a business                        9 . ----------------               

10 . clientele           j .  forerunner                                             10 . ----------------

Answer Key

1 . b 2 . e 3 . I 4 . f 5 . c 6 . a 7 . h 8 . j 9 . g 10 . d



Vocabulary Tests - Test Seven ( 7 )

Vocabulary Tests

Test Seven 

Test Seven

1 - ] Decide which word or words best replace the underlined vocabulary word in the sentences below . Write the letter for that word on the answer line .

1 . Lincoln was about to emerge  from the crowd , mount the podium , and raise his right hand to take his second oath of office .

( A ) escape  ( B ) turn away

( C ) hide  ( D ) come forth                                                           1 . -------------------

2 . Lincoln’s tall , gaunt  appearance seemed to perfect keeping with the dismal gray of the sunless sky .

( A ) lean  ( B ) foolish

( C ) humorous  ( D ) angry                                                          2 . -------------------

3 . When the assembled crowd saw their president , the solemnity of the occasion gave way to applause .

( A) boredom  ( B ) confusion

( C ) ridiculousness  ( D ) seriousness                                           3 . -------------------

4 . The applause rose to a powerful roar , then just as quickly subsided  .

( A ) changed  ( B ) turned away

( C ) declined  ( D ) became louder                                                4 . -------------------

5 . At the exact moment the sun broke through the gray clouds that had shrouded the scene since early morning , and shafts of sunlight shone on the speaker’s platform .

( A ) framed  ( B ) illuminated

( C ) hidden  ( D ) buried                                                               5 . -------------------

6 . Many who witnessed the scene and recorded it in their diary saw this as an omen  of good things to come in Lincoln’s second term .

( A ) example  ( B ) beginning

( C ) prediction  ( D ) representation                                            6 . ------------------

7 . Lincoln had been forced to accept war rather than let the nation perish .

( A ) die  ( B ) grow old

( C ) prosper  ( D ) disappear                                                         7. --------------------

8 . With malice toward none ;with charity for all , let us strive to finish the work we are in .

( A ) indifference  ( B ) kindness

( C ) suspicion  ( D ) ill will                                                             8 . --------------------

9 . With malice toward none ; with charity for all , let us strive to finish the work we are in.

( A ) indifference  ( B ) kindness

( C ) suspicion    ( D ) ill will                                                           9 . --------------------

10 . We will do everything that may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace , among ourselves and with all nations .

( A ) treasure  ( B ) ignore

( C ) avoid  ( D ) steal                                                                       10 . --------------------

Answer Key

1 . D  2 . A  3. D  4 . C  5. C  6. C  7. A  8 . D  9 . B  10. A

2- ] Each question below include a word in capital letters , followed by five words or phrases . Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the word in capital letters. Write the letter for your answer on the line provided .

1 . OSTRACIZE ( A ) praise highly ( B ) blend

( C ) elevate to a position of power ( D ) exclude from a group   1 . -------------------

2 . PILFER ( A ) wear out ( B ) steal in small amounts

( C ) clear of guilt  ( D ) punish sevewrly                                       2 . ------------------

3 . GRATUITOUS ( A ) unnecessary ( B ) attracted by money

( C ) grateful  ( D ) fortunate                                                         3 . ------------------

4 . WIELD ( A ) handle skillfully ( B ) fasten securely

( C ) movew on wheels  ( D ) overlook                                           4 . ------------------

5 . AFFRONT ( A ) argument  ( B ) insult

( C ) most important part  ( D ) compromise                                 5 . ------------------

6 . PUGNACIOUS ( A ) bound together tightly ( B ) complex

( C ) quarrelsome  ( D ) disfigured                                                  6 . ------------------

7 . TEMPORAL ( A ) of short duration  ( B ) tempting

( C ) worldly  ( D ) immoral                                                           7 . --------------------

8 . CHRONIC ( A ) habitual  ( B ) royal

( C ) painful  ( D ) blessed                                                              8 . -------------------

9 . DEXTEROUS ( A ) left-handed  ( B ) skillful in use of hands or body

( C ) easily angered  ( D ) frightening                                            9 . -------------------

10 . IMPOSTOR ( A ) fake  ( B ) strong supporter                      10 . ------------------

11 . ANXIETY ( A ) source of comfort  ( B ) political opponent

( C ) physical strength  ( D ) worry                                                11 . ------------------

12 . MYRAID ( A )  made up of a large number ( B ) mysterious

( C ) having a simple structure  ( D ) absent-minded                     12 . -----------------

13 . CULPABLE (A ) famous  ( B ) annoying

( C ) talented  ( D ) responsible for a crime                                     13 . -----------------

14 . COMPOSITE ( A ) solid  ( B ) carefully composed

( C ) made up of various parts  ( D ) type of mineral                     14 . ------------------

15 . SALLY ( A ) rush forward  ( B ) ruin

( C ) soil with dirt  ( D ) attack fiercely                                            15 . -----------------

Answer Key

1 . D 2 . B 3 . A 4 . A 5 . B 6 . C 7 . C 8 . A9 . B 10 . A 11 . D 12 . A 13 . D 14. C 15. A

3 - ] Match the definition in Column B with the word in Column A . Write the letter for your choice on the answer line .

   Column A                   Column B

1. amnesty                   a . place for putting things                      1 . ------------------

2 . felony                      b . written message                                  2. -------------------

3 . missive                    c . to desire greatly                                   3 . -----------------

4 . covet                        d . related to clothing                              4 . ------------------

5 . antagonism             e . sponsorship or protection                   5 . -----------------

6 . redoubtable            f . hostility                                                6 . -----------------

7 . contemporary         g pardon                                                  7 . -----------------

8 . repository                h serious crime                                         8 . -----------------

9 . aegis                         I living or happening at the same time . 9 . ----------------- 

10 . sartorial                  j awesome                                               10 . ----------------

Answer Key

1. g 2 . h 3. b 4 . c 5 . f  6. j  7. I  8 . a  9 . e  10 . d  


Vocabulary Tests - Test Six

Vocabulary Tests 


Test Six

Which word could best replace or mean the underlined words . Write the letter for the best answer .

1 . A harangue can best be described as --------------              1 . ------------------

( A ) quiet thoughtfulness  ( B ) A clever speech

( C ) a cruel trick  ( D ) a long , wordy speech

2 . A trek is a  / an -----------                                                       2 . -----------------

( A ) sea voyage  ( B ) wilderness trail

( C ) long , difficult trip ( D ) adventure

3 . Annihilation means ----------------                                         3 . ------------------

( A ) starvation  ( B ) release

( C ) destruction  ( D ) rejection

4 . Eloquent  means  --------------                                                 4. -----------------

( A ) complex  ( B ) expressive

( C ) musical  ( D ) loud

5 . A succinct speech is one that is --------------                          5 . -----------------  

( A ) short and to the point  ( B ) confusing                              

 ( C ) historic  ( D ) convincing

6. Anguish can mean -----------------                                            6 . -----------------

( A ) agony  ( B ) cooperative spirit

( C ) hostility  ( D ) stupidity

7 . Ferocity means ------------------                                               7 . ------------------ 

( A ) gallantry  ( B ) wisdom

( C ) excitement  ( D ) savagery

8 . Which word or words could best replace ruse ?                  8 . -------------------

In the end Mile’s promise was only a ruse .

( A ) trick  ( B ) insult

( C ) solemn promise  ( D ) courtesy

9 . Which word or words could best replace petitioned  ?          9. -------------------

Until his death he petitioned the government repeatedly to allow him to return home. ( A ) visited ( B ) asked

( C ) attacked  ( D ) prayed to

10 . Which word or words could best replace indifference  ?     10 . -------------------

His pleas were met with indifference . They did not allow him to return . 

( A ) unconcern  ( B ) enthusiasm

( C  ) agreement  ( D ) strange behavior

Answer Key

1. D 2 . C . 3, C 4 . B  5. A  6. A  7 . D  8 . A  9 . B 10 . A

2- ] Each question below include a word in capital letters , followed by five words or phrases . Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the word in capital letters. Write the letter for your answer on the line provided .

1. RAPPORT ( A ) urgent report  ( B ) warlike actions

( C ) harmony ( D ) great sadness                                          1 . ---------------------

2 . COPIOUS (A ) religious  ( B ) plentiful

( C ) generous  ( D ) talented                                                   2 . ---------------------

3 . SPAWN ( A ) expand ( B ) produce

( C ) type of vegetation ( D ) delay                                          3. ---------------------

4. NASCENT ( A ) coming into being ( B ) declining           

( C ) necessary ( D ) extremely desirable                                  4 . --------------------

5 . SOLECISM ( A ) speech given alone on a stage ( B ) eclipse of the sun

( C ) clever comparison ( D ) ungrammatical usage                5. --------------------

6 . NONDESCRIPT ( A ) detailed description ( B ) illegible

( C ) lacking distinctive qualities ( D ) carefully arranged       6. --------------------

7 . CONFOUND ( A ) mix together ( B ) discover

( C ) confuse ( D ) imprison without trial                                  7 . ------------------   

8 . SANCTION ( A ) bless ( B ) sacrifice

( C ) cleanse of impurities ( D ) officially approve                     8 . -----------------

9 . CONJECTURE ( A ) place where two things come together ( B ) guess

( C ) kind remark ( D ) injection                                                 9 . -----------------

10 . SUBJECTIVE ( A ) personal ( B ) difficult to endure

( C ) desirable ( D ) lower in rank                                              10 . -----------------

11. PLETHORA  ( A ) shortage ( B ) indirect reference

( C ) abundance  ( D ) simplicity                                                 11 . -------------------

12 . FOSTER ( A ) replace ( B ) encourage

( C ) add repeatedly ( D ) make more difficult                           12 . -------------------

13. INCONGRUOUS ( A ) believable ( B ) incredible

( C ) grooved ( D ) incompatible                                                 13. --------------------

14 . PARODY ( A ) comic imitation ( B ) equality

( C ) exact copy ( D ) insulting remark                                       14 . ------------------

15 . PROSAIC  ( A ) dull ( B ) unrhymed

( C ) scandalous  ( D ) small mistake                                            15 . -----------------  

Answer Key

1 . C 2 . B 3 . B 4. A 5. D 6 . C 7. C 8 . D 9 . B 10 . A 11 . C 12 . B 13. D 14. A 15. A

3 - ] Match the definition in Column B with the word in Column A . Write the letter for your choice on the answer line .

   Column A                   Column B

1. insatiable                    a . specialized language      1 . ----------------

2 . portly                         b. forbid                             2 . ----------------

3 . anomaly                     c . long life                          3 . ----------------

4 . novice                         d . small , worthless            4 . ---------------

5 . longevity                     e . never satisfied                5 . ----------------

6 . jargon                         f . similar ; related              6 . ----------------

7 . kindred                       g abnormality                     7 . ---------------

8 . paltry                          h . beginner                         8 . ---------------

9 . tangible                        I real ; concrete                  9 . ---------------

10 . proscribe                    j heavy                               10 . --------------

Answer Key

1 . e 2 . j 3 . g 4 . h 5 . c  6 . a  7  . f  8 . d  9 . I  10 . b

184- ] English Literature

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