Grammar American & British

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Composition & Essay Writing ( 59 ) First Day of School , Superstition

59 - ) Composition & Essay Writing

85 - )First Day of School

               The first day of schools is not easy for anyone. Even if you are not shy, it is still tough for the first day. When people say the first day of school, the mind usually goes back to our first day in class nursery. But, that is not the same as everyone. When a person transfers to a new school, their first day of the new school is also a new experience.

               The first day of school is a thrilling experience. You are entering an unknown territory and you don’t know anyone there. While it might scare some, for some it is quite exciting. You get to learn about new things on the first day. Moreover, the first day gives us a new perspective on things. Things we don’t often notice, we might notice on our first day of school. It is because we are very aware of our surroundings on our first day. Nonetheless, it is an exciting experience for all. If you are a four-year-old joining school for the first time or a senior going to a new school for the first time, everyone usually remembers their experience and cherish it forever.

                           My father has a government job which requires him to shift a lot. Even though we stayed in the same place, my father moved from one place to another. After being in the same school for 8 years, my father finally got a permanent posting. This meant that we had to move to a new city and join a new school. I was very nervous to move to a new city and even more to join a new school. My present school has all my friends whom I cannot stay apart from. Nonetheless, when we moved to the new city, I became friends with my neighbour. On my first day of school, I joined the fifth standard. The teacher introduced me and I went to sit in my seat. Many children sitting beside me started talking to me. They were being friendly and cordial. Thus, all my nervousness went away. Upon talking with them, I realized that they are very welcoming. Some of them also shared their lunch with me. My neighbour also came to meet me during the recess and we played on the swings. On the first day, only the feeling of being an outsider went away. I enjoyed my first day a lot and came back home smiling.

           Thus, the first day of schools is not easy. It is equally difficult for little children as well as teenagers. It is not easy to enter a place with unknown faces, but it is definitely not impossible. We all need to come out of comfort zone someday, so it serves as a great way of reminding us of this fact.

86 - ) Superstition

                      Ever since a long time, we have seen man believe in some kind of power unseen. Even though they can’t see it, they feel it is present and working. This is what gives rise to superstitions. They are unreasonable and irrational but they still exist all over the world.

               The man started to believe in superstitions when he got a feeling that humans are at the mercy of natural elements. Similarly, some superstitions were also created because of social values. As a result, people worship forces of nature for a long time.The Greeks and Pagans used to worship elements of nature in the form of Gods and Goddesses. Same is the case with Indian tradition. People continue to worship the sun, moon, stars, planets, plants and more believing these things have the power to influence our lives.

                      You might have heard ‘it is because of the impact of some evil star’ and more when a disease overtakes or disaster strikes. Even the people in the West have been believing in them. You will find instances in Shakespeare’s plays where he includes things like omens, witches and more.

In fact, ever since a long time till date, people still consider the number 13 to be unlucky. Similarly, salt spilling over the dinner table is also an ill-omen. In India, people consider the black cat crossing the way to be unlucky. Similar is the case of an owl hooting or a dog wailing.

                 India has a long history of superstitions. There are many superstitions which people in this country follow. When someone sneezes during the time of departure, people consider it unlucky. Similarly, when you hear long mewing of a cat, people consider it a bad omen. Alternatively, offering curd before the start of any journey is auspicious. A group which follows superstitions a lot are students appearing for an examination.

 Weeks before exams, the visit to temples starts to grow. Some of the students also get a taveez with a lucky stone to help them out. Further, some students place their stationery for the exam in the prayer room.

                 Most common superstitions include not cutting nails at night, not using the broom after sunset, not opening the scissors without cutting anything, not looking at oneself in a broken mirror and many more.

Even some political leaders in India believe in superstitions. For instance, they wait for an auspicious day to file their nomination or take an oath. In other words, even in the highest places, people do follow superstitions.

                   If we look at it closely, there is no logic as such behind the beliefs in superstitions. However, they have grown age-old and despite all the scientific advancement, they are not going anywhere soon. However, it is better to subject ourselves less to them otherwise each moment of our life will be on the edge.


Composition & Essay Writing ( 58 ) Hard Work , Time is Money

58 - ) Composition & Essay Writing 

83 - ) Hard Work

             Hard work is an essential thing we all need in life. It is impossible to achieve greatness without working hard. In other words, an idle person cannot gain anything if they wish to sit and wait for something else. On the other hand, one who keeps working hard constantly will definitely gain success in life and this is exactly what essay on hard work will elaborate upon.

                 Hard work is important and history has proved it time and again. The great Edison used to work for many hours a day and he dozed off on his laboratory table only with his books as his pillow. Thus, we see that hard work paid off for all these people. One must be constantly vigil to work hard as it can help you achieve your dreams. As we say, man is born to work. Just like steel, he shines in use and rusts in rest.

    When we work hard in life, we can achieve anything and overcome any obstacle. Moreover, we can also lead a better life knowing that we have put in our all and given our best to whatever work we are doing.

                  Hard work is definitely the key to success. What we earn by sweating our brow gives us greater happiness than something we get by a stroke of luck. As humans, we wish to achieve many things in life. These things need hard work to be able to come true. Poverty is not the curse but idealness is. When we waste our time, time will also waste us. Hard work can help anyone achieve success. Great people were born in cottages but died in palaces. Thus, it shows how through great work one can get the key to success. When you start working hard, you will notice changes in your life. You will become more disciplined and focused on your work. Moreover, you will start seeing results within a short time. It is nothing but proof that when you work hard, things like determination, focus, concentration, come automatically to you. As a result, nothing will stop you from achieving success.

             Success is not just someone being famous and rich in life. When you work hard and lead a comfortable life filled with love that is also a success. Hard work must not limit to work but also your personal life. When you put in hard work in work and relationships, life will prosper.

            If we get the determination and focus, we can all work hard for a better future. It is important to concentrate as it ensures our work is finishing on time and in a better manner. Therefore, by working hard, we can increase our concentration power and open doors to new opportunities.

84 - ) Time Is Money

                  Time is money means time is priceless and precious. We use it for earning money but what’s important to understand is that we cannot use the money to get our lost time back. Thus, it makes time more precious than money or any other thing in the world. Through time is money essay, we will go through its importance and the reason behind it.

                 Even though the importance of time differs for everyone, it is nonetheless important. Once we grow up, our childhood never comes back. Similarly, a student always tries their best all through the year for getting good grades. Similarly, people make use of their precious time for different purposes to do their best to fulfil their wishes. It is because we are aware that time will not wait for anyone. We all get to live our life once.         Thus, it is up to us as to how we will use it. We can spend it by gaining a lot of achievement or we can spoil it by wasting the precious time given to us. Intelligent people strive to make the most of their time but living each moment to the fullest. Thus, we must all strive for the same thing.

             It is clear by now that time is more valuable than money. Millions of people believe in this and it remains a fact. It is because once you lose time, you will never get it back, not even a second of it. Time can be used to make money but money cannot be used to make more time. Thus, all the money in the world does not matter if you do not have enough time. Do you know the difference between successful people and failures?

       We all get 24 hours in a day, no matter where we come from or how much money we have. It is not using all 24 hours that matters; it is how we use those hours. A successful person will always use their time efficiently to make progress in life.

          Time is something we get and we have all the right to use it just like money. But, what’s different is that when we lose money, we can always get it back in one way or another. However, when we lose time, we can never get it back with any amount of money.

        A patient in need of medical attention understands the value of time and that it is valuable than money. Similarly, an entrepreneur will take the fastest mode of travel to travel for a business deal to save time and seal and the deal. Thus, we see that time is indeed more important than money in life.

          To sum it up, time is definitely more important than money. In fact, every one of use has experienced this truth or will do at some point in our lives. Thus, it is a proven fact that time is money so we must use it efficiently.


Monday, September 13, 2021

Composition & Essay Writing ( 57 ) My Favorite Food , Flowers

 57 - ) Composition & Essay Writing

81- ) My Favorite Food

                    In order to perform well in life, our body needs energy. We get this energy from the food we eat. Without food, there will be no life. In today’s world, there are so many dishes available worldwide. Egyptian dishes comprise of Falafel , Koshari , Mulukia , Foulmudamas  and more. Similarly, we have western foods like pizza, pasta, noodles and more dominating the food industry. The food I like eating the most is burger . As the world is advancing day by day, it is becoming easier to get access to many kinds of food at our doorstep. I have eaten many cuisines but my favourite food is definitely a burger. I cannot resist myself when it comes to burgers.

           They are so soft yet crunchy, fresh and juicy that I love eating it. Even though there are many kinds of burger, my favourite one is a chicken burger. The chicken patty gives the burger a juicy taste and it tingles my taste buds every time I eat it.

           I love eating burger which is filled with cheese and vegetables. The more vegetables you add, the better it tastes. My personal favourite is lettuce. It gives the burger the right amount of freshness and crunchiness.

               I always eat my burger with ketchup. Most importantly, the thing I love about eating burgers is that I get to eat French fries along with them. They work as a great side to the dish and also make my stomach full.

Even though I liked eating a burger from a famous fast food joint, nothing beats the chicken burger my mother makes at home. She prepares everything from scratch, even the burger. Thus, it is extremely fresh and healthy too.

       Perhaps the great thing about burgers is the great variety they offer. It has options for all people, who prefer vegetarian, non-vegetarian and even vegans. Thus, you can select the patty of your burger and dive right in.

        Even though my personal favourite is a chicken burger, I also enjoy eating cheeseburger and vegetable burger. For me, all burgers taste delicious. Whenever we go out to eat with friends, I always order a burger.

          My friends also eat burgers thanks to the great variety it offers. When we order food at home, we make sure to offer all kinds of burgers from cheeseburger to chicken burger, so that we get a taste of everything in our meal. Thus, I love burgers and their great variety makes it better.

       Even though my favourite food is a burger, I enjoy other foods as well like Pizza and Pasta. However, I feel when it comes to eating daily, nothing beats homemade food. The food we eat daily is what helps us gain energy. We cannot eat our favourite food daily as it will become boring then, but our staple food is something we enjoy eating on an everyday basis.

82 – ) Flowers

              There are many things in nature for which we should be thankful. One of them definitely has to be flowers. There are many types of flowers which we see in our environment. The beautiful fragrances and flowers enhance the beauty of our planet earth. 

         Flowers carry a lot of importance in our lives. We  use flowers for special occasions like weddings. The bride and groom wear garlands of flowers to signify their marriage. In addition, flowers smell so good that we use it in different places by planting them in our garden. This way, the beauty of our place enhances.

            Flowers carry importance in each nook and corner of the world. They also come in use for making medicines. Similarly, we also make difference in fragrance perfumes from the flowers. Further, the butterflies, birds and bees take the flowers as food.

            In many weddings, the bride carries a bouquet of flowers when she walks down the aisle. Thus, it is very symbolic in that sense. On special occasions of valentines and anniversary, we gift our partners’ beautiful flowers as a symbol of our love. Similarly, we send flowers for someone who is sick to brighten their day. We also send flowers as a token of condolence during funerals. Thus, we see they have so many uses in so many areas.

                       My favourite flower is rose. I like other flowers too but I find the rose to be the most beautiful among all flowers. It is also called the king of flowers. They come in many colours so it offers great variety. For instance, they are available in red, pink, white, yellow, blue and more. My favourite is the white rose. Even though the rose has small and sharp thorns on its stem, people love picking roses. It looks beautiful when it blooms in the garden or is kept at the florist’s shop. Often we see the rose as a symbol of beauty and love. The rose has soft petals and a very sweet fragrance. It comes in use in many ceremonies for decorations purposes. Moreover, garlands of roses are used in places of worship. Similarly, it is a great flower which always stands out from the rest of the flowers. I have planted roses in my garden as well with the help of my grandfather. Therefore, flowers are an essential part of our lives. They are responsible for bringing happiness in our lives and making our surrounding environment a prettier place to live in. Thus, we must all plant flowers at homes and in our neighbourhood to beautify the place and bring happiness and joy for everyone passing by.

Composition & Essay Writing ( 56 ) The Sun , Birds

56 - ) Composition & Essay Writing 

79 - ) The Sun

                         The sun is the largest star in our solar system. It is present in the center of the earth and the planets orbit around the sun. The sun is spherical in shape and scientists state that it contains a mass of hot plasma. It is essential for our planet earth as it gives us the energy which we require for the existence of life. 

                       The sun radiates light and heat which is responsible for the existence of life on Earth. It is because plants require sunlight for growing and animals as well as humans need plants because of their production of oxygen. If the earth does not receive heat from the sun, it will freeze.

     The sun is said to have the same age as the solar system. In other words, scientists believe it is four and a half billion years old. We derived this age from studying rocks from the moon which is also believed to have existed at the same age as the sun.

           The sun is basically a large sphere that glows because it contains hot gases. The major gases which make up the sun are hydrogen and helium. In other words, it has 70% hydrogen and 28% helium. It also contains other hot gases like carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen. Further, there are other elements like silicon, neon, sulfur and magnesium. The sun is a very bright star which is four hundred thousand times brighter than the full moon. We can measure the brightness of the stars in the solar system by using magnitudes. Thus, the magnitude of the sun is 26.74 which are very bright. It is also the reason why we can easily look at the moon with our bare eyes but not so easily at the sun.

                    The sun is an essential part of our lives and the solar system. On earth, it offers us solar energy. Solar energy acts as an alternative source of energy from electricity which can offer electricity through solar cells. The energy of the sun helps in the growing of crops. Moreover, the crops depend on the sun to grow and to make their own food. Further, the energy of the sun also warms up our planet earth. If there was no sun, our earth would have been a cold planet that wouldn’t have been able to support life. The energy of the sun also enables the water cycle. In other words, when the rainwater on the surface evaporates, it forms clouds to make it rain. Finally, we can also use the energy of the sun at home for serving functions like drying our food and clothes. Thus, the sun provides us with numerous benefits which makes life easier on earth.

      The sun is an essential component of the solar system. It is what has made it possible for life to exist on earth. Thus, it provides us with many benefits which we must be thankful for. However, it is also important to remember to not indulge excessively in the sun as it may have some ill-effects as well.

80 – ) Birds

                Birds are very special animals that have particular characteristics which are common amongst all of them. For instance, all of them have feathers, wings and two legs. Similarly, all birds lay eggs and are warm-blooded. They are very essential for our environment and exist in different breeds. Thus, an essay on birds will take us through their importance.

Importance of Birds

Birds have different sizes and can be as small as 2 inches and as big as 2.75 meters. For instance, bee hummingbird (smallest) and ostrich (largest). Bird’s existence dates back to 160 million years ago.

       There are different types of birds that exist which vary in characteristics. For instance, there are penguins that cannot fly. Further, there are birds that are known for their intelligence like Parrots and Corvidae.  Moreover, we have peacocks which are beautiful and symbolize rain and good weather. Next, there are bats and vultures as well. Birds connect very closely to the environment and are quite intuitive. They can predict the weather conditions and some are kept near coal mines for the prediction of a mine explosion. It is because they are sensitive to the release of high levels of carbon monoxide. They are quite social and enjoy singing as well. Birds enjoy the freedom of moving anywhere without boundaries.

            My favourite bird is the parrot. It is a colourful bird that is present in many parts of the world. It comes in many shapes, sizes and colours. Parrots are famous for having vivid colours. Some have a single, bright colour while others have a rainbow of different colours. Parrots are usually small and medium in size that mostly eats seeds, nuts and fruits. The lifespan of a parrot depends on its species.     Larger ones like cockatoos and macaws live for 80 years while the smaller ones like lovebirds live for around 15 years. In fact, parrots are quite intelligent. They have the ability to imitate human speech which is why many people keep them as pets.   Consequently, they are also the most sought-after type of bird for commercial purposes. All over the world, people are taking measures to ensure parrots get nice treatment. Many cultures also consider them sacred.

                              Parrots are highly intelligent and thrive at their best when they are free and not captured in cages. I used to have a parrot when I was little and I never kept it in a cage. It used to sit on my shoulder wherever I went and never flew away. Parrots are my favourite bird.

           Due to hunting, poaching and disruption of the ecological balance, many birds are getting extinct. As a result, birds living in water like swans, ducks and more are also falling drastically in number because of pollution. Thus, we all must take proper measures to help the birds live and save them from extinction. Birds are vital for our ecosystem and its balance, thus we must all keep them safe.


Sunday, September 12, 2021

Composition & Essay Writing ( 55 ) ,Solar Energy , Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining

55 - ) Composition & Essay Writing 

77- ) Solar Energy

                       Solar energy is the energy which the earth receives from the sun which converts into thermal or electrical energy. Moreover, solar energy influences the climate of the earth and weather to sustain life. It has great potential which we must use to our advantage fully. Through the solar energy essay, we will look at this in detail and know more about it carefully.

Solar energy is basically the transformation of heat, the energy which is derived from the sun. We have been using it for thousands of years in numerous different ways all over the world. The oldest uses of solar energy are for heating, cooking, and drying.

                  Solar energy is very important as it is a clean and renewable source of energy. Thus, this means it will not damage the earth in any way. In addition, it is available on a daily basis. Similarly, it does not cause any kind of pollution.

                     As it is environment-friendly, it is very important in today’s world. It is so much better than other pollution sources of energies like fossil fuels and more. Further, it has low maintenance costs.

                   Solar panel systems do not require a lot of solar power energy. Moreover, they come with 5-10 years of warranty which is very beneficial. Most importantly, it reduces the cost of electricity bills. In other words, we use it mostly for cooking and heating up our homes. Thus, it drops the utility bills cost and helps us save some extra money. Further, solar energy also has many possible applications.

                      A lot of communities and villages make use of solar energy to power their homes, offices and more. Further, we can use it in areas where there is no access to a power grid. For instance, distilling the water is Africa and powering the satellites in space.

                 In today’s world, we use solar energy for a lot of things. Firstly, we use solar power for many things as small as calculators to as big as power plants which power the entire city. We use the most common solar power for small things. For instance, many calculators use solar cells to operate, thus they never run out of batteries. Moreover, we also have some watches which run on solar cells. Similarly, there are also radios which run on solar cells.

Thus, you see so many things run on solar power. All satellites run on solar power otherwise they won’t be able to function. Moreover, large desalinization plants make use of solar power if there is little or no freshwater.

In addition, many countries have solar furnaces. We also use solar power commercially and residentially. You will find its uses in transportation service too. In fact, soon, solar powers will also be out on the streets.

          To sum it up, solar energy is a cost-effective means of energy which is quite useful for people that have huge families. When we install solar panels, we can get solar energy which will reduce electricity costs and allow us to lead a sustainable lifestyle. Thus, we must all try to use it well to our advantage.

78- ) Every Cloud has a Silver Lining

                 “Every cloud has a silver lining” is one of the most positive proverbs in the English language. Furthermore, it is a proverb that instantly fills one up with immense hope and self-confidence. This every cloud has a silver lining essay will discover this topic in more detail.

                        A common sight which everyone must have witnessed is that of dark clouds covering the sky and the sun not being visible. However, such an occurrence is only temporary. After some time, the clouds would disappear or move away and the sunlight would again brighten up the sky.

The troubles in our lives are very much like those dark clouds. Our lives are characterized by troubles, pain, misery, disaster, calamities, and tragedies. However, just like the dark clouds, one must understand that these problems are only temporary and that better times would soon come.

The silver lining as mentioned in the proverb refers to the good, happy, or pleasant times. As one would notice, the entire proverb is about hope.

                       If an individual has hope even in the darkest of times, then indeed things will ultimately be in that individual’s favour. However, if the individual has a negative approach towards life, then no amount of blessings in his life will ever make him satisfied and he will end up in problems.

As one can see, people in this world have a choice. Furthermore, people can either choose to live in darkness or they can lead a confident, positive, and fruitful life. In the end, it all comes down to the path one chooses in life.

There are some individuals who know how to make the best of their lives. In contrast, there are some who would instantly be demoralized and lose all hope in the presence of the slightest trouble. Moreover, the attitude of people towards the troubles they face is a determinant of their success in life.

                          There are some individuals who very well know the art of boldly facing their misfortune. Furthermore, such individuals, through determination, are able to reach for that glory that lies behind those dark hovering clouds. Most noteworthy, the lives of such individuals turn to be an inspiration for others.

Take the case of Nelson Mandela, the famous South African political leader. This man served a prison sentence of twenty-seven years, a duration that is enough to break even strong-spirited people. Despite that, Mandela bravely faced his misfortune and became a worldwide inspiration.

                          Many great poets and writers have addressed the same idea that the proverb conveys. The idea is that when misery or misfortune strikes, always remember that good times are not that far to arrive.

  “Every cloud has a silver lining” is a proverb that can bring a smile to anyone’s face. Furthermore, this proverb represents humanity’s reliance and longing for hope. Most noteworthy, for a person to stop having hope is similar to stop living.

Composition & Essay Writing ( 54 ) Balance Is Beneficial , Sports Day

54 - ) Composition & Essay Writing 

75- ) Balance is Beneficial

                   Maintaining a balanced life is becoming more and more difficult in this fast-paced modern world. Furthermore, people have the habit of forgetting that life takes a lot in return for all the good things it gives us. 

                       Living in this modern age, people have developed this negative habit of taking themselves for granted. Furthermore, many people are clueless as to what a balanced life really is. Consequently, stress enters the life of such individuals.

            Finding a definition of a balanced life is difficult. This is because it is something quite individualistic and is different from one person to another. Nevertheless, a general definition of a balanced life is to lead a life in which an equilibrium is maintained for its various sectors like relationships, work, emotional wellbeing, and physical health.

                A good example of a balanced life can be that of a working woman who also serves the roles of being a wife and mother at home. Such a woman must strive to seek a balance between her professional and personal life to fulfil her roles appropriately. Moreover, this is driven by her desire to achieve success simultaneously in her work and personal life.

           A good way of maintaining balance in life is to plan every move in life, whether professional or personal. One must make it a habit to give hundred per cent in everything one does. Also, one must make sure not to neglect health, thereby paying special attention to it.

        A balanced diet is a must when it comes to prioritizing health. As such, one must maintain a proper balance of carbohydrates, protein, fat and vitamins. Moreover, one must try to increase the share of greens and fruits in diet for better health.

          The factor of time management plays a big role when it comes to maintaining balance in life. In the modern world, work-life has become really hectic. Consequently, people either fail to spend quality time with their loved ones or will have no personal time for themselves.

              In reality, most people convince themselves that they lack time for family members and friends. Furthermore, due to this unhealthy method of time management, people also tend to neglect their hobbies and things that provide them with happiness. Consequently, this adds more stress, anxiety, and depression to the lives of such people.

          Every individual must strive to maintain mental, physical and spiritual balance in life. Furthermore, the balance must happen in a way that the different elements in life facilitate the complete fulfilment of priorities and desires. Most noteworthy, people must maintain balance in life or else they may lose the vital body, mind, and soul balance.

76- ) Sports Day

                       Sports day consists of events which many schools stage in which students participate in sporting activities. They usually participate to win trophies or prizes. A lot of elementary schools hold sports day annually on their campus. 

                    My school conducts sports day every year. It takes place in the month of November every year. Each year, all the classes present different acts to the audience. As per the class, the acts are chosen.  For instance, the junior classes perform simple acts like aerobics while the senior classes perform difficult acts like forming pyramids, long jump, and more. The sports day at my school takes place with full preparation.

                       The preparations begin two months earlier so that students can perfect their act. We get extra time to practice for the sports day. It also helps to cut down on some academic studying which everyone enjoys.All of us practice in the sun and try to perfect our moves. On the final day, we all invite our parents to watch us perform our act. The parents come excitedly and watch and film their children perform harmoniously with the other students. Moreover, there are also marathons and walkathons which are very interesting to watch. It happens on the basis of the division of houses. The most number of wins in my school have been procured by the blue house. Thus, we all enjoy ourselves a lot on our sports day and perform for our parents and teachers. There is always a chief guest invited to our sports day that inaugurates and concludes the ceremony with their encouraging words.

              Sports Day is my favourite day because it helps me demonstrate my talents. I am a very athletic person and enjoy playing sports. I can run marathons and go through the ring of fire with ease. My friends are also very athletic so we wait for this day throughout the year. Moreover, on our sports day, we are allowed to bring snacks of all kinds. So, I share it with my friends and we have a gala time while waiting to perform.

                       On sports day, I always bring back home at least one trophy or medal. I have a great collection of certificates, awards and medals at home which signifies my wins on the sports day.

                            Sports day provides me with unforgettable memories every year. It gives me a chance to make even more and better memories with my friends. Thus, I enjoy this day a lot. When I pass out of my school, I will try to visit my school on sports day. It will be a sweet walk down memory lane and also a great chance to meet my teachers.

                        Sports Day is a very exciting and happy day that every student looks forward to. Every student can participate in different types of sporting events. Personally, I enjoy sports day and look forward to it every year. It helps me showcase my athletic abilities in front of an enthusiastic audience


Saturday, September 11, 2021

Composition & Essay Writing ( 53 ) , Albert Einstein , Water Management

53 - ) Composition & Essay Writing

73 - ) Albert Einstein

                     Albert Einstein was a physicist who is responsible for developing the famous general theory of relativity. Furthermore, he is one of the most influential and celebrated scientists of the 20th century. Let’s take a look at the life and achievements of this genius with the essay on Albert Einstein.

Early Life of Albert Einstein

                  Albert Einstein was born in Germany into a Jewish family on 14th March 1879. Furthermore, Einstein had to deal with speech difficulties early on but was a brilliant student at his elementary school. His father, Hermann Einstein founded an electrical equipment manufacturing company with the help of his brother.

                    At the age of five, Albert’s father showed him a pocket compass. Moreover, this made him realize that the needle was moving due to something in empty space. According to Einstein, this experience left a deep and lasting impression on him.

                     In 1889, a ten-year-old Albert became introduced to popular science and philosophy texts. This happened due to a family friend named Max Talmud.

Albert Einstein spent time on books like Kant’s ‘Critique of Pure Reason’ and ‘Euclid’s Elements’. From the latter book, Albert developed an understanding of deductive reasoning. Furthermore, by the age of 12, he was able to learn Euclidian geometry from a school booklet.

Einstein’s father’s intention was to see his son pursue electrical engineering. However, a clash took place between Albert and the authorities. This was because Albert had resentment for rote learning as, according to him,  it was against creative thought.

             In 1894, Einstein’s father’s business failed and his family went to Italy. At this time, Einstein was only fifteen. During this time, he wrote ‘The Investigation of the State of Aether in Magnetic Fields’, which was his first scientific work.

            In 1901, there was the publishing of a paper by Einstein on the capillary forces of a straw in the prestigious ‘Annalen der Physik’. Furthermore, his graduation took place from ETH with a diploma in teaching.

                  In the year 1905, while working in the patent office, there took place the publishing of four papers by Einstein in the prestigious journal ‘Annalen der Physik’. Experts recognize all four papers as tremendous achievements of Albert Einstein. Therefore, people call the year 1905 as Einstein’s wonderful year’.

The four papers were special relativity, photoelectric effect, Brownian motion, and equivalence of matter and energy. He also made the discovery of the famous equation, E = mc².

          The theory of relativity was completed by Einstein in 1915. The confirmation of his theory was by British astronomer, Sir Arthur Eddington, during the solar eclipse of 1919.

                There was the continuation of research works by Einstein and finally, in 1921, his efforts bore fruits. Most noteworthy, the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Albert Einstein for his services to Theoretical Physics.

Albert Einstein’s contribution to the field of physics is priceless. Furthermore, his ideas and theories are still authoritative for many physicists. Einstein’s lasting legacy in physics will continue to be an inspiration for young science enthusiasts.

74- ) Water Management

                            Water management refers to activities that plan, develop, distribute and manage the optimum use of water resources. Everyone can do this from local authorities to individuals at home. Good water management allows access to safe water for everyone. 

                         Water management impacts various aspects of our lives. As water is common, we do not think much of its management. But, if we ask the deprived people, they will know the importance of water management very well. As we require drinking water, clean drinking water is a necessity. No human can survive without water. Further, we also need water management for cleaning and washing. For instance, we bathe, wash our clothes and utensils to maintain hygiene.  Further, agriculture requires water for growing the food that we eat every day. Thus, a good water supply becomes essential. Moreover, we also enjoy swimming, boating and other leisure activities in the water. For instance, swimming pools and more. Thus, water needs to be managed so people can enjoy all this. Most importantly, water management ensures that our rivers and lakes do not contaminate. Thus, it helps maintain biodiversity.

                 There are various ways available through which we can manage water. The major ways of water management include recycling and treating wastewater. When we treat wastewater, it becomes safe to be piped back to our homes.  Thus, we use it for drinking, washing and more. In addition, an irrigation system is a very good way of water management. It involves a good quality irrigation system which we can deploy for nourishing crops in drought-hit areas. By managing these systems, we can ensure water does not go to waste and avoid unnecessarily depleting water supplies. Most importantly, conserving water is essential at every level. Whether it is a big company or a small house, we all must practise water management. The big industries use gallons of water on a daily basis. At homes, we can conserve water by using it less. Further, it also applies to our way of consumption of products. A large amount of water goes into the production of cars or a simple item like a shirt. Thus, we must not buy things unnecessarily but consciously.

       It is also essential to care for natural supplies like lakes, rivers, seas and more. As you know, these ecosystems are home to a variety of organisms. Without its support, they will go extinct. Thus, water management becomes essential to ensure we are not polluting these resources. It is also crucial to ensure that everyone gets access to enough water. Some parts of the world are completely deprived of clean water while some have it in abundance. This is unfair to those who do not get it which also causes many deaths. Thus, we need water management to avoid all this.

               If we look at the current situation of water depletion, it is evident that we are in dire need of water management. We must come together to do our best to ensure that everyone is getting access to safe water daily so that we can 


184- ] English Literature

184- ] English Literature Jane Austen  Austen’s novels: an overview Jane Austen’s three early novels form a distinct group in which a stro...