Grammar American & British

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Composition & Essay Writing ( 59 ) First Day of School , Superstition

59 - ) Composition & Essay Writing

85 - )First Day of School

               The first day of schools is not easy for anyone. Even if you are not shy, it is still tough for the first day. When people say the first day of school, the mind usually goes back to our first day in class nursery. But, that is not the same as everyone. When a person transfers to a new school, their first day of the new school is also a new experience.

               The first day of school is a thrilling experience. You are entering an unknown territory and you don’t know anyone there. While it might scare some, for some it is quite exciting. You get to learn about new things on the first day. Moreover, the first day gives us a new perspective on things. Things we don’t often notice, we might notice on our first day of school. It is because we are very aware of our surroundings on our first day. Nonetheless, it is an exciting experience for all. If you are a four-year-old joining school for the first time or a senior going to a new school for the first time, everyone usually remembers their experience and cherish it forever.

                           My father has a government job which requires him to shift a lot. Even though we stayed in the same place, my father moved from one place to another. After being in the same school for 8 years, my father finally got a permanent posting. This meant that we had to move to a new city and join a new school. I was very nervous to move to a new city and even more to join a new school. My present school has all my friends whom I cannot stay apart from. Nonetheless, when we moved to the new city, I became friends with my neighbour. On my first day of school, I joined the fifth standard. The teacher introduced me and I went to sit in my seat. Many children sitting beside me started talking to me. They were being friendly and cordial. Thus, all my nervousness went away. Upon talking with them, I realized that they are very welcoming. Some of them also shared their lunch with me. My neighbour also came to meet me during the recess and we played on the swings. On the first day, only the feeling of being an outsider went away. I enjoyed my first day a lot and came back home smiling.

           Thus, the first day of schools is not easy. It is equally difficult for little children as well as teenagers. It is not easy to enter a place with unknown faces, but it is definitely not impossible. We all need to come out of comfort zone someday, so it serves as a great way of reminding us of this fact.

86 - ) Superstition

                      Ever since a long time, we have seen man believe in some kind of power unseen. Even though they can’t see it, they feel it is present and working. This is what gives rise to superstitions. They are unreasonable and irrational but they still exist all over the world.

               The man started to believe in superstitions when he got a feeling that humans are at the mercy of natural elements. Similarly, some superstitions were also created because of social values. As a result, people worship forces of nature for a long time.The Greeks and Pagans used to worship elements of nature in the form of Gods and Goddesses. Same is the case with Indian tradition. People continue to worship the sun, moon, stars, planets, plants and more believing these things have the power to influence our lives.

                      You might have heard ‘it is because of the impact of some evil star’ and more when a disease overtakes or disaster strikes. Even the people in the West have been believing in them. You will find instances in Shakespeare’s plays where he includes things like omens, witches and more.

In fact, ever since a long time till date, people still consider the number 13 to be unlucky. Similarly, salt spilling over the dinner table is also an ill-omen. In India, people consider the black cat crossing the way to be unlucky. Similar is the case of an owl hooting or a dog wailing.

                 India has a long history of superstitions. There are many superstitions which people in this country follow. When someone sneezes during the time of departure, people consider it unlucky. Similarly, when you hear long mewing of a cat, people consider it a bad omen. Alternatively, offering curd before the start of any journey is auspicious. A group which follows superstitions a lot are students appearing for an examination.

 Weeks before exams, the visit to temples starts to grow. Some of the students also get a taveez with a lucky stone to help them out. Further, some students place their stationery for the exam in the prayer room.

                 Most common superstitions include not cutting nails at night, not using the broom after sunset, not opening the scissors without cutting anything, not looking at oneself in a broken mirror and many more.

Even some political leaders in India believe in superstitions. For instance, they wait for an auspicious day to file their nomination or take an oath. In other words, even in the highest places, people do follow superstitions.

                   If we look at it closely, there is no logic as such behind the beliefs in superstitions. However, they have grown age-old and despite all the scientific advancement, they are not going anywhere soon. However, it is better to subject ourselves less to them otherwise each moment of our life will be on the edge.


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