Grammar American & British

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Vocabulary Tests , Test Twenty ( 20 )

20 - ) Vocabulary Tests

Test Twenty

1- ] Read the sentences or short passages below . Write the letter for the correct definition of the underlined vocabulary word .

The workers made continual complaints to the manager about the conditions in the mill . It seemed as though there was an angry letter on his desk every other day .

1 . ( A ) repeated frequently

(  B ) going on without interruption                                         1 . ------------------------

The continuous sound of the waves lapping at the side of the boat caused everyone to feel relaxed . At night everyone went to sleep immediately .

( A ) repeated frequently

( B ) going on without interruption                                          2 . -------------------------

He said he knew nothing about the disappearance of the last piece of cake , but his smile implied that he ate it himself .

3 . (  A ) to conclude or reason out from evidence 

( B ) to hint or suggest without stating directly                        3 . ------------------------

Since she kept looking at her watch and reaching for the door latch , I was forced to infer  that she was eager to leave .

4 . ( A ) to conclude or reason out from evidence

( B ) to hint or suggest without stating directly                          4 . ----------------------

The heavy rains will affect the wheat crops . We can expect the price of bread to go up in the next few months .

5 . ( A ) to influence or change

( B ) result                                                                                          5 . ---------------------

The high price of bread is just one effect of the flood . Insurance rates are certain to go up as well .

6 . A ) to influence or change

( B ) result                                                                                            6 . ---------------------

The basketball team swore they would avenge their humiliating defeat at the hands of their rivals . They would meet again at the end of the season , and they planned to be ready .

7 . ( A ) to get satisfaction for a wrong

( B ) a desire to inflict an injury in return for an insult or injury  7 . --------------------

When the final buzzer sounded , the scoreboard showed our team had won by 24 points . Their revenge was complete .

8 . ( A ) to get satisfaction for a wrong

( B ) a desire to inflict an injury in return for an insult or injury   8 . --------------------

For the game to be fair , we need a distinguished referee . I do not think Mr. Clark is a good choice . His son plays for one of the teams .

9 . ( A ) without interest

( B ) free from bias ; impartial                                                             9 . -------------------

David begged me to play tennis with him this weekend , but I declined . I am simply uninterested in hitting a ball and then chasing after it .

10 . ( A ) without interest

( B ) free from bias ; impartial                                                             10 . -------------------

Answer Key

1 . A 2 . B 3 . B 4 . A 5 . A 6 . B 7 . A 8 . B 9 . B 10 . A

2- ] Decide which word in parentheses best completes the sentence . Then write the sentence , adding the missing word .

1 . George Washington Carver was the first African American to take his place in the -------------------- of science because of his contributions to agriculture and the economy .

( annals , sanctions )

2 . As the moon rose over our lonely campsite , only the sound of crickets and the babbling of the stream broke the ------------ night air .

( hale , serene )

3 . The more doctors learn about how the human body ages , the better health care they can provide to increase ---------------------.

( longevity , preeminence )

4 . The intricate plots of some English mysteries can ---------------- even the most experienced and careful readers .

( confound , relegate )

5 . In foreign affairs , ---------------- are economic penalties imposed by one or more nations on another nation .

( militants , sanctions )

6 . The Roman Empire grew by ------------------until it controlled most of the lands around the Mediterranean Sea .

( accretion , iota )

7  . I have seen no ------------------- difference in the skaters’ performances since they began using a choreographer .

( appreciable , finite )

8 . In the melodramatic story , the heroine gazed into the hero’s -------------------dark eyes .

( copious , fathomless )

9 . My boss has a / an ------------------- need to control ewvery situation , no matter how trivial .

( paltry , insatiable )

10 . There was not one ----------------- of fear in his voice as he calmly guided the rescuer .

( iota , pittance )

Answer Key

1 . annals 2 . serene 3. longevity 4 . confound 5 . sanctions 6 . accretion 7. appreciable

8 . fathomless 9 . insatiable 10 . iota

3- ] Each question below include a word in capital letters , followed by five words or phrases . Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the word in capital letters. Write the letter for your answer on the line provided .

1 . OVERT ( A ) avoid   ( B ) hidden ( C ) concealed

( D ) straightforward ( E ) dishonest                                       1 . --------------------

2 . FAUX PAS ( A ) small blunder ( B ) glorious victory ( C ) unpleasant odor

( D ) unclear message ( E ) established plan of action            2 . ------------------

3 . SUPERFLUOUS ( A ) exceptional ( B ) flowing together ( C ) strong

( D ) changeable ( E ) unnecessary                                           3 . -----------------

4 . INFLUX ( A ) bend ( B ) steady inward flow ( C ) influence

( D ) friendly behavior ( E ) threat                                            4 . ------------------

5 . ACCOST ( A ) determine the value of ( B ) activate ( C ) confront

( D ) accuse  ( E ) make calm                                                      5 . ------------------

6 . INVIOLABLE ( A ) expensive ( B ) unobtainable ( C ) untouchable

( D ) violated ( E ) required                                                        6 . ------------------

7 . ADULTERATE ( A ) contaminate ( B ) mature ( C ) act immorally

( D ) filter ( E ) prohibit                                                              7 . ------------------

8 . PERIPHERY ( A ) preference ( B ) loyal followers ( C ) part of a building

( D ) outermost region ( E ) attractive appearance                   8 . -----------------

9 . PERVASIVE ( A ) slippery ( B) spread throughout ( C ) convincing

( D ) rare ( E ) highly offensive                                                   9 . -------------------

10 . INNUENDO ( A ) immediate repetition ( B ) sly suggestion ( C ) interruption

( D ) secret plot ( E ) acknowledgment                                      10 . --------------------

11 . DERIDE ( A ) halt ( B ) praise excessively ( C ) ridicule

( D ) recognize ( E ) move from place to place quickly             11 . --------------------

12 . LOQUACIOUS ( A ) talkative ( B ) sickly ( C ) overly critical

( D ) pleasant-sounding ( E ) elegant                                           12 . -------------------- 

13 . UPBRAID ( A ) uproot ( B ) rearrange ( C ) support

( D ) dispose of  ( D ) denounce                                                     13 . --------------------

14 . EUTHANASIA ( A ) distant continent ( B ) extreme happiness ( C ) imitation

( D ) mercy killing ( E ) type of speech                                         14 . --------------------

15 . RAIL ( A ) complain bitterly ( B ) mislead ( C ) explain carefully

( D ) make strong or solid ( E ) exaggerate                                      15 . -----------------

Answer Key

1 . D 2. A 3 . E 4 . B 5 . C 6 . C 7 . A 8 . D 9 . B 10 . B 11 . C 12 . A 13 . E 14 . D 15 . A

Vocabulary Tests , Test Nineteen ( 19 )

19 - ) Vocabulary Tests

Test Nineteen

1- ] 1 - ] Write the letter for the best answer to each question

Spectacular , searing , explosive , and fiery are words that attempt to depict the image of a bolt of lightning .

1 . Which word could best replace depict ?

( A ) portray  ( B ) distort

( C ) deceive  ( D ) deny                                                           1 . -----------------------

Even fireworks , with their colour and noise , cannot surpass the drama of lightning in the summer sky .

2 .Which word could best replace surpass  ?

( A ) surprise  ( B ) lack

( C ) limit  ( D ) exceed                                                              2 . -----------------------

The cause for these mysterious exhibitions of light patterns has always fascinated the curious who seek to explain such things .

3 . Exhibitions means----------------

( A ) arrangements  ( B ) displays

( C ) disguises  ( D ) jumbles                                                       3 . -----------------------  

The Earth , like an enormous battery , leaks electricity . Electrons bleed from negatively charged areas of the Earth to the atmosphere .

4 . Which word could best replace atmosphere ?

( A ) wind  ( B ) air mass

( C ) tides  ( D ) pressure                                                               4 . ---------------------

Within the billowing thunderhead , the falling hail collides against rising ice crystals and strips electrons off the crystals . 

5 . Which word could best replace collides ?

( A ) brushes  ( B ) falls

 ( C ) slips  ( D ) bumps                                                                    5 . --------------------------

When the upper portion of the cloud becomes positively charged and the bottom is negatively charged , this induces an area of positive charge on the Earth below .

6 . The word induces means --------------------

( A ) causes  ( B ) defines

( C ) determines  ( D ) leads                                                               6 . ------------------------

Much of the inherent energy in a lightning bolt is lost as heat .

7 . Which word could best replace inherent ?

( A ) inherited  ( B ) exact

( C ) built-in  ( D ) irregular                                                                 7 . ----------------------

Even more impressive is the speed at which lightning bolts can travel - as fast as 100,000 miles per second .

8 . Which word could best replace impressive ?

( A ) dramatic  ( B ) influential

( C ) expectant  ( D ) ineffective                                                             8 . -----------------------

Why is lightning so prevalent in central Florida ?

9 . ( A ) unusual  ( B ) mild

( C ) widespread  ( D ) uncommon                                                          9 . ---------------------

Central Florida has two of the main ingredients for electrical storms - moist air and heat .

( A ) opinions  ( B ) arguments

( C ) elements  ( D ) predictions

Answer Key

1 . A 2. D 3. B 4 . B 5 . D 6 . A 7. C 8 . A 9 . C 10 . C  

2- ] Each question below include a word in capital letters , followed by five words or phrases . Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the word in capital letters. Write the letter for your answer on the line provided .

1 . BRAZEN ( A ) dull  ( B ) brash

( C ) hardened  ( D ) distant                                                      1 . ---------------------------

2 . ANACHRONISM  ( A ) type of spider  ( B ) Asian religion

( C ) something out of its proper time ( D ) inaccuracy          2 . ---------------------------

3 . SALLY   ( A ) rush forth  ( B ) soil

( C ) delicate  ( D ) rearrange                                                     3 . -------------------------

4 . RESOLUTE  ( A ) decide  ( B ) determined

( C ) promised  ( D ) arranged                                                   4 . -------------------------

5 . INTRICATE  ( A ) accuse  ( B ) simple

( C ) thorough  ( D ) complicated                                               5 . -------------------------

6 . PALPITATE  ( A ) valuable  ( B ) worthless

( C ) flutter  ( D ) satisfy                                                               6 . -----------------------

7 . TEMPORAL  ( A ) worldly  ( B ) tempting

( C ) ancient  ( D ) spiritual                                                          7 . -----------------------

8 . CHRONIC ( A ) painful  ( B ) temporary

( C ) habitual  ( D ) timely                                                            8 . ------------------------

9 . DEXTEROUS  ( A ) clumsy  ( B ) skillful                            

( C ) annoying  ( D ) dull                                                               9 .-------------------------

10 . NURTURE  ( A ) nourish  ( B ) disregard

( C ) insult  ( D ) starve                                                                10 . ----------------------

11 . VEHEMENT  ( A ) evil  ( B ) passionate

( C ) poisonous  ( D ) slight                                                           11 . ------------------------

12 . APPRECIATE  ( A ) answer  ( B ) apply

( C ) dislike  ( D ) value                                                                  12 . ----------------------

13 . REDOUBTABLE     ( A ) forgetful  ( B ) complete

( C ) reformed  ( D ) causing fear                                                  13 . ----------------------

14 . STALWART  ( A )  strong  ( B ) clever

( C ) overweight  ( D ) weak or tame                                             14 . ----------------------

15 . TEMPORIZE  ( A ) tenderize  ( B ) evade and delay

( C ) reduce b ( D ) quicken                                                             15 . --------------------

Answer Key

1. B 2 . C 3 . A 4 . B 5 . D 6 . C 7 . A 8 . C 9 . B 10 . A 11 . B 12 . D 13 . D 14 . A 15 . B

 3 - ] Match the definition in Column B with the word in Column A . Write the letter for your choice on the answer line .

   Column A                   Column B

 1 . appall                 a . calm and peaceful                                        1 . ---------------------

2 . incursion             b . invasion                                                         2.----------------------

3 . contemporary     c . physical strength                                          3 . --------------------

4 . myriad                 d . shock                                                             4 . -------------------

5 . synchronize         e . fear                                                                 5 . -------------------

6 . anxiety                 f . to cause to occur at the same time              6 . -------------------

7 . extemporaneous  g . belonging to the same time period             7 . -------------------

8 . serene                   h . opposite                                                         8 . ------------------

9 . stamina                 i numerous                                                         9 . -----------------

10 . converse              j carried out with little preparation               10 . ----------------   

Answer Key

1 . d 2. b 3 . g 4 . i 5 . f 6 . e 7 . j 8 . a 9 . c 10 . h 

Vocabulary Tests - Test Eighteen ( 18 )

18- ) Vocabulary Tests

Test Eighteen

1 - ] A vocabulary word is underlined in each sentence or short passage below . Find the root in each vocabulary word and choose the letter for the correct definition . Write the letter for your answer on the line provided .

1 . Lying across the bicycle path , the tree was an impediment . We had no choice but to walk around it .

( A ) embarrassment  ( B ) obstacle

( C ) curiosity  ( D ) reminder                                        1 . ---------------------

2 . Our mayor has a fascinating pedigree . Her grandfather was the first state senator , and her great-grandfather was one of the state’s earliest settlers .

( A ) list of ancestors  ( B ) imagination

( C ) type of political party  ( D ) secret                        2 . ---------------------

3 . In addition to studying the human anatomy , a surgeon must learn to manipulate complicated instruments and machines .

( A ) repair  ( B ) control with the hands

( C ) explain in detail  ( D ) move or position                3 . ------------------

4 . The lieutenant’s decision to attack meant certain disaster . Fortunately , the captain was able to countermand the order and save the regiment .

( A ) understand  ( B ) analyze and compare

( C ) reverse  ( D ) write out                                            4 . -------------------

5 . In order to expedite the shipment , the mechanic phoned in the order and asked the supplier to send the parts on the next plane .

( A ) check carefully  ( B ) cancel

( C ) delay  ( D ) speed up                                                5 . --------------------

6 . The lecturer stepped to the podium , looked straight at the audience , and slowly began to read from his notes .

( A ) stand for holding notes  ( B ) type of speaker

( C ) curtain  ( D ) someone who introduces a speaker 6 . -------------------

7 . Before anyone can purchase a handgun , there is a mandatory five-day waiting period while a background check of the purchaser is conducted .

( A ) for men only  ( B ) required

( C ) prolonged  ( D ) illegal                                               7 . ---------------------

8 . After the basketball star began seeing the podiatrist regularly , the pain began to disappear and his game improved considerably .

( A ) foot doctor  ( B ) type of physical therapist

( C ) fortune teller  ( D ) sports psychologist                    8 . -------------------

9 . The candidate’s huge victory in the election was interpreted as a mandate for all the new programs she proposed during the campaign .

( A ) rejection  ( B ) symbol

( C ) fascination  ( D ) authorization                                  9 . --------------------

10 . The statue was lowered carefully into the pedestal . From this prominent new position , it would now be the main attraction of the museum .

( A ) foundation  ( B ) balcony

( C ) outdoor arena  ( D ) pedestrian walkway .                10 . -----------------

Answer Key

 1. B 2 . A 3 . B 4 . C 5 . D 6 . A 7 . B 8 . A 9 . D 10 . A

2- ] Decide which word in parentheses best completes the sentence . Then write the sentence , adding the missing word .

1 . His jealousy of his brother’s success ate at Nick like a ----------------- tumor .

( benevolent , malignant )

2 . During the campaign , Anita Schneider attempted to ------------------Mike Halligan’s character by suggesting he cheated on his taxes .

( benign , malign )

3 . The mysterious ------------------- were apparently transmitted throughout the hotel through the heating system .

( benedictions , maladies )

4 . The -------------------- of the evil queen toward Snow White was dramatically portrayed in the film .

( malady , malevolence )

5 . The vandalism at the school was no small joke ; it was a -------------------- attempt to destroy property .

( malicious , malign )

6 . Seeing him drive by in that expensive car and wearing hia fancy leather jacket , one might easily --------------that he had won the lottery .

( imply , infer )

7 . The teacher promised that the absence caused by my illness would not ---------------- my grade.

( affect , effect )

8 . Instead of going to the concert with my sister , I stayed home and watched the football game . Perhaps when I understand it better , I will enjoy classical music , but right now I am simply ---------------------

( disinterested , uninterested )

9 . When the telephone rang for the fourth time , we decided to disconnect the phone . None of us could stand these ------------------- interruptions during dinner .

( continual , continuous )

10 . The sheriff feared that the citizens of the town might seek ----------------, so they kept the man accused of the crime under close guard .

( avenge , revenge )

Answer Key

1 . malignant 2 . malign 3 . maladies 4 . malevolence 5 . malicious 6 . infer 7 . affect

8 . uninterested 9 . continual 10 . revenge

3 - ] Match the definition in Column B with the word in Column A . Write the letter for your choice on the answer line .

   Column A                   Column B

1 . commodity            a . relating to clothes                           1 . ---------------------

2 . sartorial                 b . something bought or sold             2 . --------------------

3 . altercation             c . mood or attitude                            3 . --------------------

4 . juxtaposition         d . well-planned                                   4 . --------------------

5 . exponent                e . a fight                                              5 . ---------------------

6 . component             f . explain and clarify                         6 . --------------------

7 . disposition              g . side-by-side placement                 7 . --------------------

8 . expound                  h . one who explains and defends     8 . -------------------

9 . strategic                  i quarrelsome                                      9 . ------------------

10 . contentious           j . part of a larger system                  10 . ------------------

Answer Key

1 . b 2. a 3. e 4 . g 5 . h 6 . j 7 . c 8 . f 9 . d 10 . i 

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