Grammar American & British

Friday, October 1, 2021

Vocabulary Tests ( 25 ) Test Twenty Five

25 - ] Vocabulary Tests 

Test Twenty Five

1- ] Read the sentences or short passages below . Write the letter for the correct definition of the underlined vocabulary word .

One of the greatest fortunes in the United States was begun by a charlatan . With no medical background , William Rockefeller worked as a traveling medicine man , selling fake remedies for any illness .

1 . ( A ) spokesperson ( B ) respected scientist

( C ) politician ( D ) someone falsely claiming to be an expert    1 . --------------------

The judge showed clemency during sentencing . Instead of sending the defendant to jail , she imposed a fine and community service .

2 . ( A ) mercy ( B ) hostility

( C ) uprightness ( D ) self-interest                                                   2 . ---------------------

John Brown , who sought to free the slaves by military force , was found culpable for the crime of treason . He and a band of his followers rook over an arsenal in Harpers Ferry , Virginia .

3 . ( A ) unprepared ( B ) at fault

( C ) searching ( D ) unqualified                                                        3 . -------------------

The culprit responsible for the neighborhood graffiti was led away by the police . He was arrested as he tried to dispose of three cans of neon-colored spray paint .

4 . ( A ) person least likely to be suspected ( B ) respectable citizen

( B ) candidate for office ( D ) person accused or found guilty of an offense . 4 . -------------

Although some historians have theorized that Ethel and Julius Rosenberg were innocent victims of hysteria against Communists , the couple has never been exonerated . Thy were executed in 1953 as convicted spies for the Soviet Union .

5 . ( A ) thrust aside ( B ) assured for fame

( C ) proven blameless ( D ) dismissed as unworthy                           5 . ---------------------       

One technique that the gang used to build its power was to extort money from shopkeepers. Even though tradespeople found it difficult to afford the weekly payments , it was cheaper to pay for protection than to risk the destruction of their stores by the gang .

6 . ( A ) obtain something through force or threats ( B ) encourage voluntary donation

( C ) misinterpret the need for ( D ) cleverly coax                              6 . -------------------

Although its worth has never actually been determined , the Mona Lisa is probably the most valuable object ever stolen . It disappeared from the Louvre museum in Paris on August 21 , 1911 , and was recovered in Italy in 1913 . Vincenzo Perruggia was convicted on the felony .

7 . ( A ) amusing blunder ( B ) source of the trouble

( C ) serious crime ( D ) minor violation                                                7 . ------------------

The writers Zelda and F. Scott Fitzgerald were incorrigible pranksters . From splashing in public fountains ti turning cartwheels and somersaults down crowded city streets , there seemed to be no end to their bad habits and zany behavior .

8 . ( A ) capable of being misinterpreted ( B ) serious-minded

( C ) incapable of being reformed ( D ) easily reformed                         8 . -------------------

It made sense to Mark that many embezzlers , who steal huge amounts of money entrusted to their care , probably started small . He imagined that they might begin by pilfering from their mother’s purse or a sister’s piggy bank .

9 . ( A ) borrowing ( B ) stealing small amounts

( C ) acquiring in major installments ( D ) suffering loss                         9 . -----------------

The ease with which Griffin lies and cheats indicates that he is a reprobate . Even his own family cannot trust him to know the difference between right and wrong .

10 . ( A )morally unprincipled or wicked person ( B ) one who possesses large amounts of property ( C ) person who excels at games of chance ( D ) discourteous individual 10.---------

Answer Key

1 . D 2. A 3 . B 4 . D 5 . C 6 . A 7 . C 8 . C 9 . B 10. A

2 .] Read the sentence or short passages . Then write the letter for the best answer to each question on the line provided .

If you are like many people your age , the major sartorial decision you make each morning is which pair of jeans to wear .

1 . Which word or words could best replace sartorial  ?

( A ) relating to orderliness ( B ) intellectual

( C ) relating to clothing ( D ) quick                                                1 . ------------------

Denim is one of the last legitimate connections to our past .

2 . Legitimate connections could best be explained as ----------------

( A ) confused ( B ) genuine

( C ) current ( D ) happy                                                                    2 . -----------------

Throughout their hallowed history , jeans have never gone out of style .

3 . Which word or words could best replace hallowed   ?

( A ) highly respected ( B ) perfectly conceived

( C ) suppressed ( D ) remote                                                              3 . -----------------

When Levi Strauss realized how quickly miners’ work clothes wore out , he decided to use canvas to make staunch pants .

4 . Which word or words could best replace staunch  ?

( A ) abbreviated (B ) having delicate lines

( C ) having strong construction ( D ) comfortable                            4 . -----------------

After Levi Strauss had exhausted his canvas stock , he ordered the heavy , more versatile fabric called denim from a textile company in New Hampshire .

5 . Versatile could best be explained as ----------------

( A ) conforming ( B ) having distinct patterns

( C ) unusual ( D ) having many uses                                                     5 . ----------------

Some extrinsic modifications were made in Strauss’s pants , such as the “bird in flights” stitching on the back pockets .

6. Extrinsic could best be explained as ----------------

( A ) vital ( B ) not essential

( C ) witty ( D ) not precise                                                                         6 . ----------------

More gratuitous innovations were inaugurated , such as zippers up and down the pants legs.  

 7 . Which word could best replace gratuitous  ?

( A ) unnecessary ( B ) elaborate

( C ) sensitive ( D ) satisfying                                                                       7 . ----------------  

More innovation were made such as fashionable patches in strategic places , and carefully designed machine rips and tears .

8 . Strategic could best be explained as ------------------

( A ) sensitive ( B ) permissive

(C ) nearly all ( D ) well-planned                                                                 8 . ---------------

People from around the world covet jeans as pieces of American that rank with Mickey Mouse and fast food .

9 . Which word or words could best replace covet  ?

( A) acknowledge ( B ) longingly wish for

( C ) completely refuse to accept ( D ) tolerate                                           9 . -----------------

Recycled jeans are a hot commodity , often selling overseas at five times their original price.

10 . A commodity could best be explained as ---------------

( A ) a lavish compliment ( B ) an awkward situation

( C ) something bought and sold ( D ) anything seen as new and improved 10 . ------------

Answer Key

1 . C 2 . B 3 . A 4 . C 5 . D 6 . B 7 . A 8 . D 9 . B 10 . C  

3- ] Read the sentences or short passages below . Write the letter for the correct definition of the underlined vocabulary word .

The hiring of an outsider as a supervisor caused dissension between workers and management and interfered with productivity .

1 . ( A ) a dramatic action or gesture ( B ) a mixture of elements ( C ) a difference of opinion ( D ) a systematic method for obtaining obedience                                 1 . ---------------

Two hockey players spent several crucial minutes in the penalty box as a result of their altercation with the referee .

2 . ( A ) angry or heated argument ( B ) lengthy discussion

( C ) something believed or accepted as true ( D ) devastating collision  2 . ---------------

As retribution for offending Zeus , Sisyphus was forced to roll an enormous boulder to the top of a steep hill . Every time the boulder neared the top , it would roll back down , and Sisyphus would have to start over .

3 . ( A ) a return to a previous state or position ( B ) a loss of freedom ( C ) the ability to remember ( D ) something demanded in payment , especially punishment 3 . --------------

Although he never provided sufficient evidence to support the changes , Senator McCarthy managed to ruin the lives of the people he accused of being Communists . For example , many talented writers , directors , and actors found themselves ostracized by Hollywood and unable to find work .

4 . ( A ) lied to and deceived ( B ) treated in a friendly manner

( C ) banished or excluded from a group ( D ) admired for patriotic actions 4 . ----------------

Realizing that their antagonism has led to the tragic death of their children Romeo and Juliet , the Montague and Capulet families declare a tardy , sorrowful truce at the end of the play .

5 . ( A ) regretful acknowledgment of a fault or offence ( B ) opposition or hostility

( C ) dishonest behavior ( D ) disastrous defeat                                          5 . ----------------

In Gulliver’s Travels , Jonathan Swift’s acerbity was directed against the stupidity of people. The novel contains his bitterness denunciation of human beings .

6 . ( A ) sharpness of mood or expression ( B ) trivial or petty thoughts ( C ) sudden , overpowering terror . ( D ) powerful emotion or appetite                         6 . ----------------

Rancor was maintained by generations of both families , even though only a few members of each family could remember the original cause of the feud .

7 . ( A ) offensive remark ( B ) bitter , long-lasting resentment

( C ) a poorly hidden feeling ( D ) something that signifies authority        7 . -----------------

When Jack is in a contentious mood , he contradicts everything we say .

8 . ( A ) free from guilt ( B ) quarrelsome

( C ) tolerant in judging others ( D ) vividly expressive                               8 . -----------------

Carmen was so defensive that she took her painting instructor’s comments as an affront rather than as constructive criticism .

9 . ( A ) violation of a confidence ( B ) example of an old-fashioned belief

( C ) vigorous enjoyment ( D ) intentional insult                                          9 . ----------------

With his pugnacious temperament and his nasty attitude , Peter makes an enemy of everyone he cares about .

10 . ( A ) independent ( B ) beyond what is normal or reasonable

( C ) ready and eager to fight ( D ) excessively dramatic                               10 . ----------------

Answer Key

1 . C 2 . A 3 . D 4 . C 5. B 6 . A 7 . B 8 . B 9 . D 10 . C 


Vocabulary Tests [ 24 ] Test Twenty Four

24 - ] Vocabulary Tests 

 Test Twenty Four

1- ] Read the sentences or short passages below . Write the letter for the correct definition of the underlined vocabulary word .

As Mr. Michael wheeled his overflowing shopping cart to the grocery store checkout counter , he marveled at the insatiable appetites of his growing children .

1 . ( A ) simple ( B ) not subject to suffering or pain

( C ) impossible to satisfy ( D ) characterized by sudden energy , impulsive 1 . -------------

Peter hotly denied Irma’s charge against him . “There’s not even an iota of truth in what she says ,” he cried . “I never cheated” .

2 . ( A ) tiny amount ( B ) kind word

( C ) atom or groups of atoms ( D ) refund                          2 . -----------------------

The Mississippi River continuously deposits sediment as it enters the Gulf of Mexico . This accretion of deposits causes the river to form fan-like deltas .

3 . ( A ) acceleration ( B ) problem ( C ) provision of what is needed or desired ( D ) growth or enlargement through accumulation                                  3 . ----------------------

A well-furnished parlor in Victorian times had a plethora of decorative items . Sometimes there were so many vases , pictures , pillows , doilies , scarves , and small trinkets that one could hardly see the furniture .

4 . ( A ) matching sets ( B ) excess

( C ) shortage ( D ) deficiency                                                   4 . ------------------------

Like the ocean depths , outer space holds fathomless mysteries .

5 . ( A ) incapable of being measured or understood ( B ) inconsequential

( C ) easily explained ( D ) without foundation                       5 . ----------------------

Even though Woodstock is only thirty or so miles from Plymouth , its higher elevation gives the village appreciably cooler temperatures .

6 . ( A ) dangerously ( B ) noticeably

( C ) impossibly ( D ) immeasurably                                          6 . -------------------

Michele tried to prove to her parents that her allowance is only a pittance compared to the amounts her classmates receive every week .

7 . ( A ) fair amount ( B ) insult

( C ) small amount of money ( D ) foreign currency                 7 . -------------------

Joan took such copious notes in history class that she did not have time to review them all before the exam .

8 . ( A ) simple ( B ) poorly organized

( C ) repetitious ( D ) abundant                                                    8 . --------------------

Ms. Jason had hoped that Polk’s Antique Shop would make a substantial donation to the charity auction . Instead , Polk’s gave some paltry bits of china .

9 . ( A ) meager ; insignificant ( B ) new

( C ) excellent ; outstanding ( D ) foul smelling                           9 . ------------------

There is a finite number of combinations to the safe . It may take thousands of attempts , but we will eventually find the numbers that work .

10 . ( A ) unending ; eternal ( B ) limited

( C ) constantly changing ( D ) incalculable ; uncertain            10 . ----------------

Answer Key

 1. C 2 . A 3 . D 4 . B 5 . A 6 . B 7 . C 8 . D 9 . A 10 . B

1 .] Read the sentence or short passages . Then write the letter for the best answer to each question on the line provided .

With the rapid spread of industry and the ensuing transformation of the urban landscape , city dwellers have found themselves living in increasingly bleak surroundings .

1. Which word or words could best replace ensuing ?

( A ) resulting ( B ) spiritual

( C ) inspiring ( D ) fully disclosed                                                   1 . ------------------

Graffiti writers , in their attempts to adorn the bare walls of their environment , have become the scourge of politicians and police .

2 . Which word or words could best replace scourge ?

( A ) political cause ( B ) inspiration

( C ) legal setback ( D ) cause of widespread distress                     2 . ------------------

Under the aegis of neighborhood planning boards and even some mayors , however , what was once vandalism is now being converted into community art .

3 . Aegis could best be replaced by ---------------

( A ) objections ( B ) sponsorship

( C ) guarantee ( D ) proposal                                                            3 . -------------------

Many wall-writers ,tired of wielding spray-paint cans and dodging police , have , on their own , branded forms of art .

4 . Which word or words could best replace wielding ?

( A ) handling with skill ( B ) succeeding with

(  C ) admiring  ( D ) dispensing illegally                                           4 . -----------------

Some wall-writers have redirected their efforts to more remunerative forms of art such as advertising , and gracing the walls of commercial establishments with graffiti-style signs .

5 . Remunerative forms of art could best be explained as --------------

( A ) tiresome ( B ) ridiculous

( C ) profitable ( D ) repetitive                                                             5. ------------------

It is the amnesty programs for graffiti writers that have been most successful at turning eyesores into art .

6 . Amnesty programs could best be explained as those that ------------------

( A ) look foolish ( B ) are forgetful

( C ) seem pointless ( D ) pardon offenders                                         6 . ------------------

In many large cities , former scrawlers now work to beautify the walls they once ravaged .

7 . Which word could best replace ravaged ?

( A ) ignored ( B ) eliminated

( C ) ruined ( D ) discovered                                                                  7 . ------------------

Each group paints its own town in rich hues while learning discipline , responsibility , and cooperation .

8 . Hues could best be described as ------------------

( A ) energy waves ( B ) shades of color

( C ) intentional errors ( D ) excuses                                                     8 . ------------------

Once the design conception is refined , graffiti writers , professional artists may be hired .

9 . Which word could best replace refined ?

( A ) polished ( B ) substituted

( C ) limited ( D ) destroyed                                                                     9 . -----------------

Professional artists may be hired to transfer the designs to the larger surface of exotic tropical gardens , portraits of illustrious sports stars , and memorable scenes from history . 

10 . Which word could best replace illustrious ?

( A ) angry ( B ) dangerous

( C ) famous ( D ) retired                                                                         10 . ----------------

Answer Key

 1 . A 2 . D 3 . B 4 . A 5 . C 6 . D 7 . C 8 . B 9 . A 10 . C

3 - ] Match the definition in Column B with the word in Column A . Write the letter for your choice on the answer line .

   Column A                   Column B

1. dense                            a . existent                                              1 . -------------------

2 . intrinsic                      b . mild , indirect term                          2 . -------------------

3 . extant                          c . prevent                                              3 . -------------------

4 . duress                         d . essential                                            4 . ------------------

5 . eclectic                        e . make better                                       5 . -----------------

6 . ameliorate                  f . threat of force                                   6 . ----------------

7 . obviate                        g . thick                                                  7 . -----------------

8 . nouveau riche            h . made up from mixed sources          8 . ----------------

9 . gambol                        i . newly wealthy                                    9 . ----------------

10 . euphemism               j . run playfully                                     10 . ---------------

Answer Key

1 . g 2 . d 3 . a 4 . f 5 . h 6 . e 7. c 8 . i 9 . j 10 . b

4 . ] Decide which word in parentheses best completes the sentence . Then write the sentence , adding the missing word

1 . Her habit of eating with her fingers was a / an -------------- that Jenny worked hard to change .

( embodiment , foible )

2 . Dad was disappointed that “Misty” was not part of the jazz pianist’s ------------------ .

( legacy , repertoire )

3 . For patriotic individuals , the flag is the ---------------- of the spirit and character of their country .

( embodiment , nuance )

4 . Arching her back and hissing , the mother cat was ------------- aware of the new owners who had come to claim her babies .

( adroitly , keenly )

5 . Freedom of speech is just one of the ---------------- of the framers of the        Constitution .

( foibles , legacies )

 Answer Key

1 . foible 2 . repertoire 3 . embodiment  4 . keenly 5 . legacies

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