Grammar American & British

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Vocabulary Tests [ 39 ] - Test Thirty Nine

39 - ] Vocabulary Tests


Test Thirty Nine

1- ] Read the sentences or short passages . Write the letter for the best answer to each question on the line provided

When American Sign Language ( ASL ) was introduced in the early 1800s , it was regarded as no more than a form of pidgin English .

1 . Pidgin means ------------

( A ) modern ( B ) a tendency to spread

( C ) a simplified blend of languages ( D ) dependent on birds  1 . ------------------

Assuming that language must be based on speech or modulations of sound , linguists regarded as heresy the notion that signed languages are natural languages like English , French , and Chinese .

2 . Linguists  can best be described as -------------------

( A ) people who study language ( B ) historians

( C ) diplomats ( D ) computer operators                                       2 . --------------------

3 . Which word or words could best replace heresy  ?

( A ) a brilliant discovery ( B ) an opinion opposed to established views

( C ) scientifically accurate ( D ) a logical conclusion                    3 . -------------------

In the past thirty years , however ,linguists have acknowledged that signed languages like ASL are capable of expressing the subtle shades of meaning possible with spoken languages.

4 . Subtle shades of meaning ----------------

( A ) are difficult to detect ( B ) have a smooth surface

( C ) deviate from the normal ( D ) are immediately obvious         4 . -----------------

Signers choose from a palette of assorted hand shapes , such as a fist or a pointed index finger .

5 . A palette can best be explained as a ------------------

( A ) mysterious arrangement ( B ) short essay

( C ) style of writing ( D ) range of choices                                         5 . ----------------

 Signers also choose where to make a sign and how to orient the hand and the arm . Each shape and position provides context clues to the intended meaning .

6 . Which word or words could best replace orient  ?

( A ) mold with precision ( B ) distribute widely

( C ) align or position ( D ) bear the weight of                                6 . -----------------

Facial expressions and head movements also function as grammatical markers , providing crucial linguistic information.

7 . Which word or words could best replace crucial  ?

( A ) unimportant ( B ) extremely significant

( C ) low in rank ( D ) lacking energy                                                 7 . --------------------

This complex system of gestures sheds new light on the old scientific controversy over whether language is an innate human instinct or learned behavior .

8 . Innate means --------------

( A ) connected by links ( B ) possessed at birth

( C ) unnoticed ( D ) repetitive                                                              8 . -----------------

Linguists have reasoned that if ASL is a true language , unconnected to speech , then our proclivity for language must be built in at birth , whether we express it with our tongue or with our hands .

9 . A proclivity can best be explained as ----------------

( A ) a natural tendency ( B ) a dislike

( C ) ( an inability to master  D ) a deficiency                                       9 . -----------------

Like any living language , ASL is dynamic and continues to evolve .

10 . Which word or words could best replace dynamic  ?

 ( A ) peculiar ( B ) extremely loud ( C ) tending to hold persistently to something

( D ) characterized by continuous change or activity .                          10 . ------------------

Answer Key

1 . C 2 . A 3 . B 4 . A 5 . D 6 . C 7 . B 8 . B 9 . A 10 . D

2 . ] Decide which word in parentheses best completes the sentence . Then write the sentence , adding the missing word

1 . Thanks to a vigorous conservation program , the once-dead lake is now -----------with trout and other game fish .

( gluttonous , replete )

2 . The ------------- owner planned to charge his employees for the water they drank from the company drinking fountain .

( parsimonious , profligate )

3 . Thanks to the --------------policies of the treasurer over the past four years , the city is now out of money and must again raise taxes .

( parsimonious , prodigal )

4 . After rioting soldiers took the cultural treasures from the museum , the United Nations condemned the -------------- actions of the conquring country .

( obsessive , rapacious )

5 . A group of parents picketed the adult movie theater and demanded that such --------------

establishments be shut down

( decadent , obliterate )

6 . By the end of World War II , Berlin had been -----------------by continual bombing .

( decimated , depredated )

7 . Because the boy was only twelve years old at the time of his crime , the judge agreed to -------------------- his conviction from the records .

( expunge , expunge )

8 . The general wanted to avoid the ------------------ that would result from a prolonged battle , so he proposed a truce to discuss a peace treaty .

( carnage , providence )

9 . None of us believed that Madame Zeno possessed -------------- powers , but when she predicted an earthquake we could not help being a little frightened .

( carnal , clairvoyant )

1 0. The principal gives an annual award to the student she feels is the ------------- of the values and academic achievements our school tries to represent .

( incarnation , visage )

11 . After repeated rescue attempts failed to reach the stranded hiker , her parents felt there was little to do but to put her fate in the hands of ------------------

( carnage , Providence )

Answer Key

1 . replete 2 . parsimonious 3 . prodigal 4 . rapacious 5 . decadent 6 . decimated

7 . expunge 8 . carnage 9 . clairvoyant 10 . incarnation 11 . Providence

3 - ] Match the definition in Column B with the word in Column A . Write the letter for your choice on the answer line .

   Column A                   Column B

1. edifice                  a . dead and decaying organic material              1 . -----------------

2 . carnage               b . insert in text                                                     2 . ----------------

3 . obliterate            c . meat eater                                                         3 . ----------------

4 . perpetuate          d . building                                                            4 . ----------------

5 . putrefaction        e . erase without a trace                                       5 . ----------------

6 . decimate              f . embodied in a human form                            6 . ---------------

7 . depredate            g . cause to continue                                             7 . ---------------

8 . carnivore             h . corpses                                                              8 . ----------------

9 . interpolate           i . ransack or rob                                                  9 . ---------------

10 . incarnate           j . kill or destroy large numbers                          10 . --------------  

Answer Key

1 . d 2 . h 3 . e 4 . g 5 . a 6 . j 7 . i 8 . c 9 . b 10 . f

Vocabulary Tests [ 38 ] - Test Thirty Eight

Vocabulary Tests

Test Thirty Eight

1- ] Read the sentences or short passages below . Write the letter for the correct definition of the underlined vocabulary word . Write the letter for your choice on the answer line .

In  the quiet of the summer evening , we enjoyed the dulcet tones of the church choir as it practiced several hymns .

1 . ( A ) harsh and grating ( B ) sweet and melodious

( C ) distressing ( D ) unwelcome                                               1 . -----------------

The story of a man who sells his soul to the devil for worldly gain is a common motif in the literature of many nations . In American literature , it occurs in Washington Irving’s “The Devil and Tom Walker” . In German literature , it is found in Goethe’s Faust .

2 . ( A ) song ( B ) surprise ending

( C ) historical event ( D ) recurring idea or theme .                 2 .------------------

The realistic landscapes and portraits exhibited in the art museum stood in sharp contrast to the abstract paintings being sold on the street corner . Looking at those blobs of paint and geometric figures , I was tempted to ask the artist , “What is it?”

3 . ( A ) not tied to anything practical or concrete ( B ) meaningful

( C ) literal ( D ) easily understood                                               3 . -------------------

Members of the avant-garde in any field always run the risk of being ridiculed or ignored . Not many years ago , Paul Gauguin’s colorful paintings of Polynesian scenes were thought to be shocking and repulsive . Now , he is considered one of the most important influences on modern art .

4 . ( A ) experts ( B ) immoral influences

( C ) people who try out new ideas ( D ) scholars                         4 . ---------------------

The choir preferred to sing the selections a cappella . The singers felt that the addition of instruments would overwhelm their subtle vocal sounds .

5 . ( A ) electronically enhanced ( B ) without instrumental accompaniment

( C ) in a slow , serious manner ( D ) with little rehearsal             5 . ---------------------

Before orchestra practice begins , each musician tunes his or her instrument by playing a random series of notes . The result is a cacophony of horns , drums , and stringed instruments that makes you want to cover your ears .

6 . ( A ) melodious blend ( B ) sudden , quiet pause

( C ) musical composition ( D ) harsh , jarring sound                     6 .--------------------

The director began the meeting by giving a copy of the libretto to each member of the cast . The performers would spend days studying every element of this complex opera before attempting to rehearse it onstage .

7 . ( A ) text of a dramatic musical work ( B ) seating chart for a theater

( C ) list of complaints ( D ) rules for behavior                                  7 . --------------------

With its clever use of glass and steel , the office building was an aesthetic masterpiece . Unfortunately , however , there was little available parking space and no public transportation . Without these more practical requirements , the building would never be used to its capacity .

8 . ( A ) frequently imitated ( B ) artistic

( C ) profitable ( D ) inexpensive                                                       8 . ------------------

Melting clocks , fantastic animals , nightmarish phantoms , and similar surrealistic images are found in the works of several modern artists .

9 . ( A ) illogical , dreamlike ( B ) humorous

( C ) highly detailed ( D ) pleasingly colorful                                   9 . ------------------

The conductor of the orchestra possessed an exceptionally keen ear . She could detect the slightest dissonance and identify the musician responsible for the problem

10 . ( A ) lack of attention ( B ) misbehavior

( C ) lack of harmony ( D ) improved performance                        10.-----------------

Answer Key

1 B 2. D 3 . A 4 . C 5 . B 6 . D 7 . A 8. B 9 . A 10 . C

2- ] Each question below includes a word in capital letters , followed by five words or phrases . Choose the word or phrase that is nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters. Write the letter for your answer on the line provided .

1 . IRREVOCABLE ( A ) simple  ( B ) revisable

( C ) unchangeable ( D ) serious                                                     1 . ------------------

2 .ABSTRACT ( A ) concrete ( B ) invisible

( C ) combined ( D ) absent-minded                                               2 . ------------------

3 . INNATE ( A ) imprisoned ( B ) knowledgeable

( C ) acquired ( D ) joyful                                                                 3 . -----------------

4 . SUBTLE ( A )  superior ( B ) obvious

( C ) unknown ( D ) bland                                                                4 . -----------------

5 . AVANT-GARDE ( A ) guardian ( B ) harsh noises

( C ) threatening gesture ( D ) conservatives                                  5 . -----------------

6 . CRUCIAL ( A ) unplanned ( B ) temporary

( C ) unimportant ( D ) desirable                                                     6 . ----------------  

7 . EQUIVOCATE ( A ) penalize ( B ) remove

( C ) resolve ( D ) destroy                                                                   7 . ----------------- 

8 . DULCET ( A ) brilliant ( B ) admired

( C ) angry ( D ) grating                                                                      8 . -----------------

9 . DYNAMIC ( A ) changeless ( B ) mechanical

( C ) unnecessary ( D ) frequent                                                         9 . ----------------

10 . AVOCATION ( A ) pleasure trip ( B ) reversal

( C ) solemn promise ( D ) unpleasant chore                                     10 . --------------

11 . VOUCH ( A ) promise  ( B ) harm

( C ) dismiss ( D ) deny                                                                         11 . ---------------

12 . CACOPHONY ( A ) harmonious sound  ( B ) complex musical composition

( C ) poor imitation ( D ) artistic success                                             12 . ----------------

13 . HERESY ( A ) foolish remark ( B ) accepted belief

( C )  convincing argument ( D ) unpopular idea                                 13 . ------------------

14 . CLAMOROUS  ( A ) lovable  ( B ) confusing

( C ) peaceful ( D ) unclaimed                                                                 14 . -------------------

15 .  DISSONANCE ( A )  melodious sounds ( B ) source of support

( C ) legal acceptance ( D ) careful plan                                                  15 .

Answer Key

1 . B 2 . A 3 . C 4 . B 5 . D 6 . C 7 . C 8 . D 9 .A 10 . D 11 . D 12 . A 13 . B 14 . C 15 . A

3 - ] Match the definition in Column B with the word in Column A . Write the letter for your choice on the answer line .

   Column A                   Column B

1 . orient              a . without instrumental accompaniment      1 . ------------------

2 . motif               b . to position or place                                      2 . ----------------

3 . declaim           c . speak loudly and forcefully                         3 . ---------------

4 . proclamation  d . dreamlike                                                      4 . ----------------

5 . pidgin              e . able to call forth                                            5 . ----------------

6 . proclivity         f . repeated theme                                              6 . ----------------

7 . a cappella        g . official announcement                                  7 . ----------------

8 . evocative          h . expert on languages                                     8 . ---------------

9 . surrealistic       i . mixture of languages                                    9 . ---------------

10. linguist            j . tendency                                                        10 . ---------------

Answer Key

1 . b 2. f 3 . c 4 . g 5 . i 6 . j 7 . a 8 . e 9 . d 10 . h         

Vocabulary Tests [ 37 ] Test Thirty Seven

37 - ] Vocabulary Tests

Test Thirty Seven

1- ] Read the sentences or short passages below . Write the letter for the correct definition of the underlined vocabulary word . Write the letter for your choice on the answer line .

Although his heartbroken father remonstrated with Adam for hours , the boy held fast to his decision . In spite of his father’s arguments , he was going to join the army rather than go to college .

1 . ( A ) praised and complimented a course of action  ( B ) supported financially ( C ) presented strong reasons in objection to something ( D )failed to carry out a promise or obligation                                                                         1 . --------------------

The judge would not allow cameras at the trial . She felt that they would distract the jury and impeach the integrity of the court itself .

2 . ( A ) enhance ( B ) bring discredit upon

( C ) ignore and embarrass ( D ) publicize                    2 . -------------------

The dispute over grandmother’s will grew acrimonious when Leo accused Luis of taking advantage of grandmother when she was ill . Leo even said that Luis convinced grandmother to invest in Luis’s failing business .

3 . ( A ) bitter , sharp ( B ) marked by moderation and restraint

( C ) sentimental ( D ) humorous                                    3 . ---------------------

“Look at this article!” the actor yelled , waving the tabloid in the air . “It says that I was fired from a movie or being nasty and uncooperative . Why , that’s totally false ! I should sue this paper for defaming my character !”

4 . ( A ) praising faintly or halfheartedly ( B ) saying the opposite of what is really intended

( C ) expressing remorse or contrition  ( D ) attacking the good name of someone by slander or libel                                                                                 4 . ---------------------

The other members of the school board could no longer tolerate the slanderous remarks of the chairperson . A formal resolution that was introduced to censure his behavior passed overwhelmingly .

5 . ( A ) praise publicly ( B ) officially disapprove of

( C ) recognize through an award ( D ) imitate                5 . -------------------

After the first performance of the play , the cast anxiously to read the critiques in the press . If they were favorable , the play would have a long run . If they were not , the cast could begin packing .

6 . ( A ) critical review or comments ( B ) advertisement ( C ) explanations of confusing events ( D ) formal apologies                                               6 . ------------------

The mother was so relieved to recover her lost child that she found it difficult to upbraid

the youngsters for running off , even though she knew he clearly deserved it .

7 . ( A ) scold  ( B ) congratulate

( C ) speak words of comfort ( D ) turn away from            7 . ------------------

Antony’s career as a medical researcher was almost ruined when a jealous colleague cast aspersions about the honesty of Antony’s methods and results . However , an investigation showed that Antony’s work was faultless .  

8 . ( A ) compliments ( B ) comparisons to accepted experts

( C ) weak threats  ( D ) injurious or damaging remarks    8 . --------------------

The day before the election , Senator Barker’s opponent asked how the senator could afford a new home and fancy automobile on a state senator’s salary . Senator Barker deeply resented such an innuendo , claiming he earned the money honestly .

9 . ( A ) profitable activity ( B ) bombastic oratory or rhetoric 

( C ) indirect ,often damaging suggestion ( D ) silly remark  9 . ------------------

Dan derided the training he had received at the survival camp . He made fun of the songs and ceremonies and claimed that most campers ate at the nearby hamburger stand .

10 . ( A ) spoke in defence of ( B ) showed disdain through ridicule and humor

( C ) recommended strongly ( D ) pretended to enjoy .          10 . --------------------

Answer Key

1 . C 2 . B 3 . A 4 . D 5 . B 6 . A 7 . A 8 . D 9 . C 10 . B

 2- ] Each question below includes a word in capital letters , followed by five words or phrases . Choose the word or phrase that is nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters. Write the letter for your answer on the line provided .

 1 . MALEDICTION ( A ) curse ( B ) quiet reflection

( C ) blessing ( D ) friendliness                                            1 . -------------------  

2 . CONSUME ( A )  release ( B ) conserve

( C ) admire ( D ) refuse                                                       2 . ------------------

3 . APATHY ( A ) morality ( B ) luxury

( C ) enthusiasm ( D ) danger                                               3 . -----------------  

4 . RIGOROUS ( A ) disciplined  ( B ) casual

( C ) ordinary ( D ) pleasant                                                  4 . ------------------

5 . CIRCUMLOCUTION ( A )  circular arrangement ( B ) direct statement

( C ) triangular ( D ) confusing message                               5 . -------------------  

6 . DERIDE ( A ) to climb upon ( B ) to ridicule

( C ) to fasten firmly ( D ) to praise                                       6 . -------------------

7 . UPBRAID ( A ) to denounce ( B ) to decorate

( C ) to approve ( D ) to clarify                                              7 . -------------------  

8 . SUCCULENT ( A ) edible ( B ) parched

( C ) generous ( D ) mature                                                     8 . ------------------

9 . CONTRADICT ( A ) to revise ( B ) to allow easy passage

( C ) to accept willingly ( D ) to provoke                               9 . -------------------  

10 . AMELIORATE  ( A ) to make worse ( B ) to forgive ( C ) to change one’s mind frequently ( D ) to study in depth                                         10 . ---------------

11 . INTERDICT ( A ) to interrupt ( B ) to judge harshly

( C ) to cause great sorrow ( D ) to permit passage .          11 . ----------------

Answer Key

1 . C 2 . B 3. C 4 . B 5 . B 6 . D 7. C 8 . B 9 . C 10 . A 11 . D

3 - ] Match the definition in Column B with the word in Column A . Write the letter for your choice on the answer line .

   Column A                   Column B

1 . censure           a . the art of public speaking                           1 . ---------------------

2 . prudent          b . place to get food and supplies                     2 .---------------------

3 . innuendo        c . wise and careful                                            3 . -------------------

4 . critique           d . type of conference or meeting                     4 . ------------------

5 . tawny              e . an order or command                                  5 . ------------------

6 . acrimonious   f . golden brown                                                 6 . ------------------

7. dictate              g . agricultural                                                   7 . ------------------

8 . defame            h . formal act of disapproval                             8 . ------------------

9 . elocution          i . to cut out                                                        9 . ------------------

10 . colloquium    j . to slander                                                        10 . ---------------

11 . gambol          k . to discredit                                                     11 . -----------------

12 . commissary   l . indirect or subtle suggestion of wrongdoing12 .----------------                                   

13 . impeach         m . bitterly hostile                                               13 . --------------

14 . excise              n . an analysis                                                      14 . --------------

15 . agrarian        o . to frolic playfully                                                15 . ----------------

Answer Key

1 . h 2 . c 3 . l 4 . n 5 . f 6 . m 7 . e 8 . j 9 . a 10 . d 11. o 12 . b 13 . k 14 . i 15 . g 

184- ] English Literature

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