Grammar American & British

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Composition & Essay Writing [ 81 ] , Labor's Day , Knowledge

81 - ] Composition & Essay Writing 

Labor Day

             Labor Day (Labor Day in the United States) is an annual holiday to celebrate the achievements of workers. Labor Day has its origins in the labor union movement, specifically the eight-hour day movement, which advocated eight hours for work, eight hours for recreation, and eight hours for rest. For most countries, Labor Day is synonymous with, or linked with, International Workers' Day, which occurs on 1 May. For other countries, Labor Day is celebrated on a different date, often one with special significance for the labor movement in that country. Labor Day is a public holiday in many countries.

                        Labor Day is set to celebrate the hard work and achievements of the labor group. This is one day that is entirely devoted to the labor class. Many countries celebrate this day on a different day. However, in maximum countries, this day occurs on the 1st of May that happens to be International Workers’ Day.

                       The story of Labor Day began with the rise in industrialization. The industrialists exploited the labor class these days. They took a lot of work from them but paid them very less. Laborers were forced to work for 10-15 hours a day in very tough conditions. Those who worked in chemical factories, mines, and other similar places suffered very much. Lastly, they took the bravery to stand united and raise their voice against this oppression. Nearby that time, founding trade unions and going on strike. It was also considered illegal in several countries. So, they formed trade union and laborers went on strike. They also held rallies and protests. Lastly, the government heard their request and reduced the working hour to 8 hours. Thus this special day to celebrate the efforts of this class was also set.

                      Labor Day is a very significant holiday in different countries in the world. Here are some reasons why it is so much significant to the population. When they work in an organized, concerted way, workers become very powerful. Labor Day is a day that unites workers together and reminds them of their power when they act in unity. Workers can often feel ignored, mainly when they do vigorous or otherwise emotionally and physically taxing jobs. Labor Day is a day when workers can feel respected for the work that they have done all over the year.

                       On Labor Day, workers and their needs and rights are in focus. This day can be a motivation for refining worker’s efforts. They learn about their rights and to campaign and make movements. In this way, they can make secure a better life for themselves and their families. Economic data about growth, output, input, and productivity can often unclear. Men and women essentially power the economy with their work. So on Labor Day, we are reminded that the economy is something that affects- real men and women are essential for that.

                      The awesome majority of countries celebrate Labor Day on the same day, May 1st. This means that this day does not just bring together workers in one country , but it also gives a sense that workers all over the world, which unites them through their common struggle and their common experiences.

                 This day is important as it enables workers to take some much-needed rest from their work and to collect their thoughts, spend time with their loved ones, or just recover their energies. This day motivates people to get into work and to work hard. This will help to retain the economy going. It also encourages men and women to follow their chosen careers, to do their best at them. In this way, they contribute to their society.

                  We know that the worker receives minimum pay by selling his own labor. That is the reason why International Labor Day is celebrated all over the world. So this day is to promote and encourage international labor associations. Thus, it is a special day to appreciate and recognize their contribution to society as they are certainly well-deserved.


                      Knowledge is understanding and awareness of something. It refers to the information, facts, skills, and wisdom acquired through learning and experiences in life. Knowledge is a very wide concept and has no end. Acquiring knowledge involves cognitive processes, communication, perception, and logic. It is also the human capacity to recognize and accept the truth. Knowledge can be used for positive as well as negative purposes. Thus knowledge can create and destroy at the same time. One may use knowledge for personal progress as well as the progress of the community, city, state, and nation. Some may use it for negative purposes that may not only harm individuals but can also harm the community.

                          Knowledge is a success.  In today’s world without education and the power of knowledge, it is not possible to succeed in life or even keep up with the fast-paced life. It is not just enough to have knowledge on a particular subject to succeed but it is also important to have knowledge about how to use it effectively to succeed. One should have knowledge about various aspects of a subject.

                 Knowledge can last for a lifetime and it impacts our growth which influences everything in our life from relationships to work. Knowledge is important for personal growth and development. We can gain knowledge on everything that we find interesting like any dance form, art, architecture, history or just about anything for our personal development. It makes us wise enough to independently make our decisions in life. But it is important to adopt a positive mindset to become a constant learner only then it helps us progress and achieve our goals.

                      Knowledge solves problems– problems in life can be solved with the power of knowledge. Knowledge sharpens our skills like reasoning and problem-solving. A strong base of knowledge helps brains function more smoothly and effectively. We become smarter with the power of knowledge and solve problems more easily.

                             Knowledge is important and useful in day to day events. For example, if I have to buy air tickets online, I need to have knowledge about the various sites and their discounts, their terms & conditions or like online banking. If I don’t have knowledge then I end up paying more. So gaining knowledge is a constant process and is useful every single day.

The process to increase knowledge

                          We always learn something new by building on the knowledge that we have. We must always be open to accepting knowledge or information from anywhere we get. It may be from books, virtual media, friends, etc. To move on from one step to another we need to know more. Like in school we start from LKG, KG and then move on to 1st standard, 2nd standard and so on. It builds a strong base.

                    Reading helps to decode text and improves fluency to pronounce the speech sounds clear. Reading gives an idea about different topics and different views about them. One can get the actual global knowledge. Apart from that one can learn many new terms and phrase.

                         Shared knowledge allows you to communicate. Shared knowledge is important for communicating and understanding each other. When we discuss a certain topic with classmates, friends or relatives they have certain knowledge about it. So through communication, we get new ideas, facts and develops our knowledge. We can also identify what have we learned and what still we don’t know that helps us to clear our doubts later.

Watching documentaries or educational videos-  Discovery Channel, for example, which provides excellent documentaries keep you engaged. If you don’t like reading, this is an excellent alternative to getting your daily dose of knowledge while still relaxing in your couch!

                    The more knowledge we have , the more power we possess. It is important for our personal and professional development and leads us to achieve success in life. Knowledge helps us in several ways but the best part is that it helps us understand ourselves as well as those around us better. It also helps us act wisely in different situations


Friday, November 5, 2021

Comprehension [ 27 ] Upper Intermediate & Advanced

27 - ] Comprehension

Upper Intermediate & Advanced 

 Read the following passage , then answer the questions below . Do not look back at the passage . Compare your answers to the Answer Key . Check any incorrect answers by reading the passage .

                National borders have no meaning for the atmosphere . This was demonstrated to the world by the Chernobyl nuclear plant disaster and again by the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo . Whatever enters the atmosphere in one country soon travels around the world . And so , scientists are now worried about the global effects of air pollution . Research shows , in fact , that the earth’s atmosphere is changing in ways that could be destructive to life . Pollution could be a major cause of this .

                One of the pollutants that is causing the greatest concern is carbon dioxide . It is released into the air when coal or petroleum is burned . Carbon dioxide has always been a part of our atmosphere , the product of certain natural processes . However , in recent decades , the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has greatly increased . This is the result of an enormous increase in the amount of coal
and petroleum burned for fuel .

                 At the same time , the earth’s ability to absorb carbon dioxide has greatly decreased . Absorption of carbon dioxide occurs mainly in areas of thick forest . Those areas are rapidly disappearing as more and more forests are cut down .

                  The result of the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is the so-called “greenhouse effect” . The carbon dioxide acts like a glass screen , making the sun’s heat more intense . There are already signs of global warming , say many scientists . Over the next century , average temperatures could rise by as much as four degrees centigrade .

                 Such a temperature change could be disastrous . Vast areas , such as the whole central United States , could become too hot and dry for agriculture . Because of the melting of polar ice , the water level of the oceans would rise and many low coastal areas would disappear . For example , large parts of Netherlands , Bangladesh , and the state of Florida would be under water .

                In most of the industrialized countries , there are now laws that limit carbon dioxide released into the air . However , in many other countries , such as India and China , there are no such laws . These countries plan , in fact , to double or triple the amount of coal they burn . They cannot afford to change to other kinds of fuel that pollute the air less . And so , they will be releasing even more carbon dioxide into the air .

                 Thus , laws passed in the industrialized countries will have little effect on the worldwide situation . Our planet is likely to continue to warm up unless the less-developed countries make some changes , too .

                 A global disaster can only be avoided by a global solution . The industrialized nations need to “think globally” . They need to look beyond their own borders at the needs of the earth as a whole . They must put some of their wealth and technology to work in poorer countries . This may be the only way to clean up our atmosphere and prevent disastrous changes .

Circle the best answers to the following questions . Do not look back at the passage .

1 . This passage is about

( A ) carbon dioxide in the atmosphere .

( B ) how some countries pollute the air .

( C ) how air pollution is a global problem .

( D ) the effects of global warming .

2 . The Chernobyl disaster showed that

( A ) the atmosphere has not changed .

( B ) pollutants in the air can travel far.

( C ) scientists do not understand air pollution .

( D ) air pollution is mainly a local problem .

3. Carbon dioxide

( A ) is produced by the burning of coal and petroleum .

( B ) is produced by forests .

( C ) was produced by the Chernobyl disaster .

( D ) is no longer produced by natural processes .

4 . Air pollution from burning fuels has caused

( A ) a decrease in carbon dioxide levels .

( B ) no change in carbon dioxide levels .

( C ) a dramatic increase in carbon dioxide levels .

( D ) a small increase in carbon dioxide levels .

5 . The “greenhouse effect” will

( A ) lead to a cooler climate worldwide .

( B ) lead to a warmer climate worldwide .

( C ) cause the earth’s forests to disappear .

( D ) increase the levels of carbon dioxide .

6 . One effect of global warming could be

( A ) the melting of the polar ice .

( B ) the shrinking of the earth’s oceans .

( C ) the need for less coal and petroleum .

( D ) an increase in air pollution .

7 . At present , India and China plan to

( A ) limit the amount of coal they will burn .

( B ) stop burning coal for fuel .

( C ) greatly increase the amount of coal they will burn .

( D ) pass laws limiting carbon dioxide pollution .

8 . Global warming can be stopped only if

( A ) the United States passes better laws about pollution .

( B ) all nations work together on a global solution .

( C ) India and China start using more coal .

( D ) average worldwide temperatures rise four degrees .

Answer Key

1 . C 2 . B 3 . A 4 . C 5 . B 6 . A 7 . C 8 . B 


Comprehension [ 26 ] Upper Intermediate & Advanced

26 - ] Comprehension 

Upper Intermediate & Advance  

Read the following passage , then answer the questions below . Do not look back at the passage . Compare your answers to the Answer Key . Check any incorrect answers by reading the passage .

               Around the world , billions of tires from trucks and cars are replaced every year . In the United States , about 260 million used truck and auto tires are thrown away every year . Where do the old tires go ? Quite often , they go into large dumps where they remain for many years .

              The mountains of worn-out tires in these dumps present a number of health and environmental dangers . . First , they attract mosquitoes and rats , which then spread disease among humans . The tires can also catch on fire , and these fires are very difficult to put on . They may burn from a few days to a few months . While the tires burn , they release cancer-causing gases into the air . These gases spread over nearby towns and cause health problems for people who live there .

             After a tire dump fire is put out ,pieces of burned tires remain on the ground . When it rains , chemicals from the burned parts wash into the soil and into the ground water . This pollutes the soil and the drinking water in the area .

             Aside from these problems , the tire dumps represent a terrible waste of resources . So , in order to avoid the problems and the waste , people are looking for ways to reuse or recycle tires . Recycling is common for other materials , such as paper , glass , and aluminum . Now tires are also being recycled in a number of creative ways .

            One solution is to burn the tires to create energy . An energy company with plants in Connecticut and California burns tires to produce steam for generating electricity . When the tires are burned properly , the fir does not pollute the air . Every day , workers check to make sure that no dangerous gases are allowed out of the energy plant’s chimney .A total of about 15 million tires are burned every year in the company’s two plants . This produces enough electricity to supply about 42,000 houses .

              Another solution is to find a new use for the tires . Tires are now being used to make various products , from doormats to fishing supplies . Several shoe companies have started using tires to make the soles of tennis shoes . This is not a new idea , in fact . During the Great Depression , shoes with tire soles were very common in the United States .

            The state of Maine has found yet another use for old tires . The climate in Maine is very cold , and in the winter the ground freezes solid . Large bumps are formed in the roads , and then in the spring , the bumps may turn into holes . Roads must be rebuilt often , at great expense to the state . To prevent this , road workers have started to use old tires broken into small pieces . These tire pieces are spread in a thick layer underneath the surface of a new road . The tires then act as a blanket , keeping the ground below the road from freezing . This way the road surface remains smooth .

               Up to now ,only a small percentage of used tires are being recycled in the United States . But there are plants and new ideas about ways to reuse more of the tires that5 end up in tire dumps .

Circle the best answers to the following questions . Do not look back at the passage .

 1 . This passage is mainly about the

( A ) effects of burning tires .

( B ) dangers of tire dumps .

( C ) problem of what to do with old tires .

( D ) ways old tires can be recycled .             

2 . A fire at a tire dump is

( A ) a good source of electricity .

( B ) a good way to get rid of old tires .

( C ) a source of dangerous pollution .

( D )  quickly put out .            

3 . When tires are burned at the energy plants ,

( A ) air pollution is a big problem .

( B ) air pollution is not a problem .

( C ) only a few tires are burned .

( D ) workers are exposed to dangerous gases .             

4 . You may infer from this passage that

( A ) the number of tire dumps will greatly increase .

( B ) very few uses can be found for old tires .

( C ) only western countries can recycle tires .

( D ) tire recycling methods could be used anywhere  .               

5 . Recycling tires is

( A ) a way of saving resources .

( B )  a very complicated process .

( C ) dangerous to human health .

( D ) a major source of water and soil problem .               

6 . Using recycled tires to make everyday products is

( A ) a new idea .

( B ) a cause of pollution .

( C ) not a new idea .

( D )  not possible .               

7 . When workers use tires to build roads they

( A ) spread a layer of tire pieces first .

( B ) fill all the holes with tire pieces .

( C ) often work in freezing weather .

( D ) check carefully to be sure that no dangerous gases are formed .               

8 . Using old tires for building roads in the state of Maine can result in

( A ) warmer roads .

( B ) more expense to the state .

( C ) less expense to the state

( D ) bumps and holes in some roads .

Answer Key

1 . C 2. C 3 . B 4 . D 5 . A 6. C 7 . A 8 . C   

Comprehension [ 25 ] Upper Intermediate & Advanced

25 - ] Comprehension

Upper Intermediate & Advanced

Read the following passage , then answer the questions below . Do not look back at the passage . Compare your answers to the Answer Key . Check any incorrect answers by reading the passage .

                     Every year , more people face poverty and hunger and more of the earth’s resources are ruined . The problems are enormous , but many experts believe that the situation is not hopeless . The solution will require big changes in how we think about agriculture , food , and our planet .

                     First of all , farmers everywhere need to develop methods that are less destructive to the environment . The change from single crop farming to a mixed crop system would be one important step . The planting of various crops improves the soil and helps prevent erosion . Erosion could further be prevented by planting trees to protect the fields from the wind . Another way farmers could improve their soil is to stop deep plowing . In fact , only a light plowing is necessary , or sometimes no plowing at all .

                    If the soil were treated better , farmers would not need to use chemical fertilizers . They could use natural animal and vegetable products instead . With mixed crops , farmers would also not need as much or any chemical insecticides . They could use other biological methods of controlling insects and disease .

                     Farmers could also help save some of the earth’s precious supplies of water and petroleum . To save water , they could plant less “thirsty” crops , instead of the standard types of wheat or corn . They could also use watering systems that are much less wasteful . To save petroleum , farmers could make use of bio-gas generators for energy .These generators could be fueled by the vegetable and animal wastes of the farms . In less-developed countries , bio-gas generators could reduce the need for firewood and so help save forests , as well .

                      In less-developed countries , the small farmers need help . They need to learn more about crops that are better suited to the local conditions . They need to learn how to limit erosion and make the best use of their resources . But these farmers will never be successful without land for themselves and economic aid . This should be the aim of governments and international agencies . The present policies of encouraging industry and cash crops are only making the situation worse. 

                        The industrialized countries could use their economic resources to help bring about these changes . They also could make some changes in their own policies . At present ,much food is wasted in these countries for political reasons . In Europe alone mountains of fruit and dairy products are thrown away every year . Eating habits , too , could change in these countries . For example ,people often eat from distant places instead of local foods . The transportation of the imported foods adds to the global pollution problem . People in the industrialized countries also eat a lot of meat , especially beef . In fact , a large percentage of the grain grown in these countries is used for feeding cattle . If people in these countries ate less meat , there would be more grain to feed the hungry people of the world .  

Circle the best answers to the following questions . Do not look back at the passage .

1 . This passage is about

( A ) biological methods of farming .

( B )  how we can change the way food is produced worldwide .

( C ) how millions of people are facing hunger and poverty .                 

( D ) farming around the world .

2 . We can infer from this passage that single crop farming

( A ) is destructive to the environment .

( B )  is good for the environment .

( C )  is cheaper for the farmer .               

( D ) does not cause erosion .

3 . Deep plowing of the soil

( A ) prevents erosion .

( B )  improves the soil .

( C )  causes erosion .               

( D ) helps the plants grow .

4 . Mixed crop farming

( A ) reduces erosion and the need for insecticides .

( B ) increases erosion and the need for insecticides .  

( C ) eliminates erosion and the need for insecticides .                

( D ) dopes not affect erosion and the need for insecticides .

5 . We can infer from this passage that farmers at present

( A ) use very little water on average .

( B )  are now very careful about their water use .

( C )  always use too much water .                 

( D ) often waste a lot of water .

6 . Bio-gas generators on farms would

( A ) mean an increase in the use of other fuels .

( B ) encourage farmers to raise cash crops .

( C ) reduce the need for other fuels .                

( D ) help farmers raise cattle .

7 . The governments of less-developed countries  

( A ) should encourage the growing of cash crops .

( B )  need to encourage people to eat less beef .

( C ) should increase the size of farms .                  

( D ) need to help small farmers .

8 . People in industrialized countries could help by

( A ) eating more meat .

( B ) raising more cattle .

( C ) reducing the amount of beef they eat .                  

( D ) reducing the amount of grain they eat .  

Answer Key

1 . B 2 . A 3 . C 4 . A 5 . D 6 . C 7 . D 8 . C 


Comprehension [ 24 ] Upper Intermediate & Advanced

24 - ] Comprehension

Upper Intermediate & Advanced

Read the following passage , then answer the questions below . Do not look back at the passage . Compare your answers to the Answer Key . Check any incorrect answers by reading the passage .

                       Two hundred years ago , passenger pigeons were the most numerous birds in the world . A flock of passenger pigeons might include over two million birds . When they flew overhead , they darkened the sky for hundreds of miles . Today , not a single one of these birds exists . Incredible as it may seem , all those millions of birds were hunted down for food , feathers , and sport .

                        The story of the passenger pigeon is just one of many sad stories about animals that have disappeared . At least 461 species of birds and mammals have become extinct in the past 400 years . Many more species - about 555 mammals and 1,073 birds - are now at risk of extinction . Among reptiles , fish , and invertebrates , at least 2,961 are at risk . And among plant species the number at risk reaches 25,000 .

                     The cause of this terrible destruction is always the same : humankind . Sometimes people have killed off species directly by hunting them , as with the passenger pigeon . In other cases , people have caused extinction indirectly , as with the dodo bird of Mauritius ( an island in the Indian Ocean ) . Though brutally hunted by the first European settlers , some dodos managed to survive in the interior forests . However , these were soon eliminated by the cats , dogs , pigs , and rats the European brought with them.

                    The most frequent cause of extinction , however , is the human destruction of the environment . On the Hawaiian Islands , for instance , European and American settlers cut down the forests for farmland . This killed off many of the Hawaii’s unique species of birds and plants . Even more dramatic , today , is the situation in the Amazon rain forest . Here , each square mile of the forest contains thousands of plant and animal species . These species depend on each other and on their special environment . When the trees are cut down , the environment changes or is destroyed altogether . And many species disappear forever .

                     Scientists are very concerned about the many species that are disappearing around the world . The loss of our fellow creatures is a loss for us as well . Not only do we lose the chance to learn more about ourselves and our environment . We also lose valuable economic or scientific resources . Many wild plants , such as the wild tomato and the wild sunflower , are useful in genetically improving food crops . Other plants or animals are useful in medical research . In this way , medicines have been found to help fight leukemia , cancer , and many other diseases .

                       Aside from the uses that research has already discovered , there may be countless more . Who knows what we are losing in the forests that are being cut down ? Every year , as more plants and animals disappear , we lose opportunities for science and medicine . That means opportunities to improve our lives . The loss of species also means a narrower range of genetic possibilities in the world . Scientists do not know what that will mean , but they are worried .

Circle the best answers to the following questions . Do not look back at the passage .

1 . This passage is about

( A ) many kinds of plants and animals .

( B ) the extinction of plants and animals .

( C ) how Europeans destroyed species on Mauritius .

( D ) how hunting causes animals to become extinct .

2 . The passenger pigeon became extinct because

( A ) there were too many of them .

( B ) people destroyed its environment .

( C ) there was not enough food for it .

( D ) people killed them all .

3 . In the past 400 years ,

( A ) only a few kinds of animals have become extinct .

( B ) millions of animals have become extinct .

( C ) over 461 species of birds and mammals have become extinct .

( D ) no new kinds of birds or animals have become extinct .

4 . The importation of animals by humans may cause

( A ) some native species to become extinct .

( B ) those animals to die .

( C ) some native species to increase in number .

( D ) hunters to kill native species .

5 . The Hawaiian Islands are a good example of how

( A ) cutting down forests causes extinction .

( B )  people have taken care to save plants and animals .

( C )  native plants and animals can be killed by imported species .

( D ) islands make good farmland .

6 . When people cut down large areas of rain forest they

( A ) are likely to kill the dodo birds . 

( B ) help many species of plants and animals .

( C ) discover useful species of plants and animals .

( D ) eliminate many species of plants and animals .

7 . We can infer from this passage that people

( A ) have often been concerned about the survival of species .

( B ) have rarely been concerned about saving species .

( C ) have eliminated species whenever possible .

( D ) do not like wild animals very much .

8 . Scientists believe that many species  

( A ) are useless for humans .

( B ) are genetically unable to survive .

( C ) could be useful to humans .

( D ) are useful only after they are extinct .

 Answer Key         

1 . B 2 . D 3  . C 4 . A 5. A 6 . D 7 . B 8 . C 

184- ] English Literature

184- ] English Literature Jane Austen  Austen’s novels: an overview Jane Austen’s three early novels form a distinct group in which a stro...