Grammar American & British

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Composition & Essay Writing [ 82 ] Should Plastic Be Banned , Good Manners

82 - ] Composition & Essay Writing 

Should Plastic be Banned

                      Plastic bags are a major cause of environmental pollution. Plastic as a substance is non-biodegradable and thus plastic bags remain in the environment for hundreds of years polluting it immensely. It has become very essential to ban plastic bags before they ruin our planet completely. Many countries around the globe have either put a ban on the plastic bag or Levi tax on it. However, the problem hasn’t been solved completely because the implementation of these measures hasn’t been as successful.

         Here are some of the problems caused by plastic bags:1- ] Non-Biodegradable .

Plastic bags are non-biodegradable. Thus, disposing of the plastics is the biggest challenge. 2 - ] Deterioration of Environment .They are destroying nature due to their harmful effect. Plastic bags have become the main cause of land pollution today. The plastic bags entering into the water bodies are a major cause of water pollution. Hence we can conclude that these are deteriorating our environment in every possible way. 3 - ] Harmful for Animals and Marine Creatures . Animals and marine creatures unknowingly consume plastic particles along with their food. Research shows that waste plastic bags have been a major reason for untimely animal deaths. 4 - ] Cause of Illness in Humans . The production of plastic bags releases toxic chemicals. These are the main cause of serious illness. The polluted environment is a major reason for various diseases which are spreading easily in human beings. 5 - ]Clogged Sewage . Waste plastic bags are the main reason for trapping the drains and sewers, especially during rains. This can result in a flood-like situation and disrupt the normal life of people.

             There are numerous reasons why the government of various countries has come up with strict measures to limit the use of plastic bags. Some of these include: Waste plastic bags are polluting the land and water immensely. Plastic bags have become a threat to the life of animals living on earth as well as in water. Chemicals released by waste plastic bags enter the soil and make it infertile. Plastic bags are having a negative impact on human health. Plastic bags lead to the drainage problem.

                    Although some government have imposed a ban on the usage of plastic bags some people are still carrying these bags. Shopkeepers stop providing plastic bags for few days only in the beginning. It is time when we all must contribute our bit to make this ban a success. Thus we the educated lot of society must take it as our responsibility to stop using plastic bags. In this way, we can support the governments in this campaign.

                 Some contributions that can be made by people are as follows:1 - ] Keep a Tab . In order to be successful in this mission, we must keep reminding ourselves about the harmful effects of the plastic bags on our nature and keep a tab on their use. Gradually, we will become habitual to doing without these bags. 2 - ] Seek Alternatives . There are many eco-friendly alternatives to plastic bags like reusable jute or cloth bag. 3 - ]Reuse . We must reuse the plastic bags we already have at home as many times as we can before throwing them away. 4 - ] Spread Awareness . While the government is spreading awareness about the harmful effects of plastic bags, we can also spread awareness through word of mouth.

                Although plastic is becoming a big threat for all of us, still this problem has often been overlooked and underestimated. This is because people do not look at the long term effect of these small, easy to carry bags they use in their everyday life. Besides all of these people keep using bags due to their convenience. But now everyone has to completely stop using the plastic bag to save our environment and earth. 

Good Manners

                      Since our childhood, we were always taught good manners. Our parents always insisted us to enlist good manners. Moreover, they always tried their best to teach us everything to become a good human being. Good manners are important for a person to live in a society. Furthermore, if a person wants to be liked by everyone then he must know how to behave. The difference between an educated person and an illiterate person is not of knowledge. But the way he speaks and acts. So the presence of good manners can make a person gentleman. Yet if a person is lacking it then even the most educated person will not be a good man.

                     Good manners hold great importance in a persons’ life. In order to become successful in life, one should always take care of how he interacts. Various businessman and successful people are achieving heights. This is because of their good manners and skills. If a boss does not speak properly with his employees then they will leave the job. Therefore good manners are essential in any field of life.

                            Our parents have always taught us to respect our elders. Because if we won’t respect our elders then our Youngers will not respect us. Respect also comes in good manners. Respect is one of the most essential needs of a person. Moreover, many people work really hard to earn respect. Since I was a child I have always heard from my parents that respect is the utmost thing you should aim for. Therefore everyone deserves respect in life.

                   Division of Good manners can be done under two categories:- 1 - ] Good Manners at School . In-School, a child should respect his teachers and seniors. Furthermore, he should listen to what the teacher is saying because they are his mentors. Moreover, the child should be well dressed and hygienic.

Furthermore, a child should always carry a handkerchief, in order to maintain hygiene. The child should always be punctual. So that he may not waste others time. Also, you should never take others’ things without permission. Since there are many children studying in the school, you should not push each other while standing in a queue. 2 - ]Good Manners at Home . Most importantly, you should respect your parents at home. Always wish them “GOOD MORNING” and “GOOD NIGHT” at the beginning and end of the day. Moreover, you should brush your teeth and take a bath daily. So, you may maintain proper hygiene.

Wash hands before eating your meal, chew your food well and eat with mouth closed. Also, you should take permission from parents before going out of the house Above all, you make use of the words ‘Thank you’ and ‘Please’ in your speech.

                      Good manners are at work for elders. You should respect your Co-workers. Also, you should try to complete yours on time. Furthermore, you should be punctual in the office. Do not gossip while working and do not distract others.  Moreover, you should not interfere in others’ work. Consider your junior employees and help them if they have any problem. At last, do not fall into corruption and do your work with honesty and diligence.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Comprehension [ 31 ] Upper Intermediate & Advanced

31 - ] Comprehension

Upper Intermediate & Advanced

 Read the following article , then answer the questions below :

           Distance learning is a method of study that involves using electronic means ( computers , Internet , etc. ) to receive and send work rather than going to a school or university .

            ‘Knowledge ,’ according to the proverb ‘is power’ . And in this electronic age , more and more of our information is gained not in the classroom , but via media such as the Internet , CE-ROM and cable TV … all of which are playing a key part in the distance learning revolution . Here are three figures in this key educational change which is transforming our lives in the 21st century .

             Those who think that distance learning is a relatively new idea might be surprised to learn that English educator , Sir Isaac Pitman , had the same idea - only then they were called correspondence courses - more than 150 years ago . Taking advantage of the development of a reliable postal system in 1840 , Pitman began teaching shorthand by mail to thousands of students who did not have time to attend school . ‘Lessons’ consisted of copying short passages of the Bible in shorthand , and posting them to Mr. Pitman to be corrected . His brother , Benn Pitman , introduced the idea to the United States , and the Pitman shorthand system - which has been adapted to the fifteen other languages - is still one of the most widely used shorthand systems in the world .

                  When it was established in 1969 , the Open University offered courses via mail , with the back-up of regular TV and radio programs shown outside normal broadcast times . Each student was assigned a tutor who discussed the course work over the phone , and in group sessions in the evening or at weekends . Thirty years on , the Open University has expanded to include the Internet , videoconferencing , satellite broadcast and e-mail . There are no entry qualifications or admission interviews , and anyone over the age of 18 can follow one of their courses . It is now Britain’s largest single teaching institution , with more than 200,000 people studying its courses every year , with another 16,000 in other countries around the world .

                  After a successful career in university education , John S. Hendricks entered the TV business and launched the Discovery Channel - the first cable TV channel exclusively devoted to documentaries and nature programs - in June 1985 . Today the company’s programs reach over 150 million subscribers in more than a hundred countries . In an age where competition for TV audiences has never been tougher , the Discovery Channel’s high-quality , educational approach continues to defy those who believe that TV is only about mindless entertainment . The BBC program Walking with Dinosaurs became the most-watched documentary in TV history when it was shown on the Discovery Channel in 2000 .

1 -] Who first had the idea of teaching shorthand by correspondence ? How ?


2 - ] Who too the idea of correspondence courses to the United States ?


3 - ] What three methods were originally used for course work by the Open University ?


4 - ] What entry qualifications are required to do a course at the Open University ?


5 -] What type of programs are shown on the Discovery Channel ? 

Comprehension [ 30 ] Upper Intermediate & Advanced

30 - ] Comprehension

 Upper Intermediate & Advanced 

 Read this extract from a short story , then answer the questions below :

               In the lumberyard by the lake , where trees from the woods were turned into boards for construction work , there was an old brick building two floors high , and all around the outside wall were heaped great piles of soft sawdust . There were many of these golden mountains of dust covering that part of the yard right down to the blue lake . That afternoon , bored with

having nothing else to do , all the fellows followed Michael up the ladder to the roof of the old building and they sat with their legs hanging over the edge looking out across the lake. Suddenly Michael said ,‘I dare you to jump down,’ and without thinking about it , he pushed himself off the roof and fell on the sawdust where he lay rolling around and laughing . ‘I dare you all !’ he shouted . ‘You’re all cowards ,’ he said , encouraging them to follow him . Still laughing , he watched them looking down from the roof , white-faced and hesitant , and then one by one they jumped and got up grinning with relief .

                 In the hot afternoon sunlight they all lay on the sawdust pile telling jokes till at last one of the fellows said , ‘Come on up on the old roof again and jump down .’ There wasn’t much enthusiasm among them , but they all went up to the roof again and began to jump off in a determined , desperate way till only Michael was left and the others were all down below grinning up at him calling , ‘Come on , Mike . What’s the matter with you ?’ Michael wanted to jump down there and be with them , but he remained on the edge of the roof , wetting his lips , with a silly grin on his face , wondering why it had not seemed such a long drop the first time . For a while they thought he was only fooling them , but then they saw him clenching his fists tight . He was trying to count to ten and then jump , and when that failed , he tried to take a long breath and close his eyes . In a while the fellows began to laugh at him ; they were tired of waiting and it was getting on to the dinnertime . ‘Come on , you’re a coward , do you think we’re going to sit here all night ?’ they began to shout , and when he did not move they began to get up and walk away , still shouting . ‘Who did this in the first place ? What’s the matter with you all ?’ he called .

                But for a long time he remained on the edge of the roof , staring unhappily and steadily at the ground . He remained all alone for nearly an hour while the sun like a great orange ball getting bigger and bigger , rolled slowly over the grey line beyond the lake . His clothes were wet from nervous sweating . At last he closed his eyes , slipped off the roof , fell heavily on the pile of sawdust and lay there a long time . There were no sounds in the yard , the workmen had gone home . As he lay there he wondered why he had been unable to jump ; and then he got up slowly and walked home feeling deeply ashamed and wanting to avoid everybody .

              He was so late for dinner that his stepmother said to him coldly , ‘You’re big enough by this time surely to be able to get home in time for dinner . But if you won’t come home , you’d better try staying in tonight . ‘She was a well-built woman with a fair , soft skin and a little touch of grey in her hair and an eternally patient smile on her face . She was speaking now with a controlled severity , but Michael , with his dark face gloomy and miserable , hardly heard her ; he was still seeing the row of grinning faces down below on the sawdust pile and hearing them laugh at him .  

1 . Why did the boys first climb on the building ?

( A ) to test their courage

( B ) to pass the time

( C ) to keep out of the way of the workmen

( D ) to get a better view of the woods

2 . When the boys jumped after Michael , they

( A ) were grateful to him for the idea .

( B ) wanted to do it again immediately

( C )  felt pleased at what they had done .

( D ) found the jump harder than expected .

3 . Why didn’t Michael make the second jump immediately ?

( A ) The ground seemed further away .

( B ) He thought his friends had been foolish .

( C ) He was trying to trick his friends .

( D ) He wanted something to drink .

4 . How did Michael’s friends react when he didn’t jump ?

( A ) They left immediately .

( B ) They were not surprised .

( C ) They remembered how they had felt themselves .

( D ) They thought he was joking .

5 . When Michael finally jumped the second time , he

( A ) was proud of himself .

( B ) improved on his first jump .

( C ) could not understand what had stopped him .

( D ) was not so angry with his friends .

6 . When his stepmother criticized his behavior , Michael

( A ) wished he had come home earlier .

( B ) was thinking about something else .

( C ) had not expected her to behave like this .

( D ) was glad she was a patient woman .

7 . What is the writer trying to do in this text ?

( A ) describe a difficult experience in Michael’s life

( B ) show how children can work together

( C ) show the dangers of life in the countryside

( D ) describe Michael’s fear of his family 

Comprehension [ 29 ] Upper Intermediate & Advanced

29 - ] Comprehension

Upper Intermediate & Advanced

Read the following passage , then answer the questions below : 

               I was dirty , smelly , hungry and somewhere beneath all that , suntanned . It was the end of an Inter-Rail holiday . My body couldn’t take any more punishment . My mind couldn’t deal with any more foreign timetables , currencies or languages .

                ‘Never again ,’ I said , as I stepped into home ground . I said exactly the same thing the following year . And the next . All I had to do was buy one train ticket and , because I was under twenty-five years old , I could spend a whole month going anywhere I wanted in Europe . Ordinary beds are never the same once you’ve learnt to sleep in the corridor of a train , the rhythm rocking you into a deep sleep .

                Carrying all your possessions on your back in a rucksack makes you have a very basic approach to travel , and encourages incredible wastefulness that can lead to burning socks that have become too anti-social , and getting rid of books , when finished . On the other hand , this way of looking at life is entirely in the spirit of Inter-Rail , for common sense and reasoning can be thrown out of the window along with the paperback book and the socks . All it takes to achieve this carefree attitude is one of those tickets in your hand .

                Any system that enables young people to travel through countries at a rate of more than one a day must be pretty special . On that first trip , my friends and I were at first unaware of the possibilities of this type of train ticket , thinking it was just an inexpensive way of getting to and from our chosen camp-site in southern France . But the idea of non-stop travel proved too tempting , for there was always just one more country over the border , always that little bit further to go . And what did the extra miles cost us ? Nothing .

                     We were not completely uninterested in culture . But this was a first holiday without parents , as it was for most other Inter-Railers , and in organizing our own timetable we left out everything except the most immediately available sights . This was the chance to escape the guided tour , an opportunity to do something different . I took great pride in the fact that , in many places , all I could be bothered to see was the view from the station . We were just there to get by , and to have a good time doing so . In this we were no different from most of the other Inter-Railers with whom we shared corridor floors , food and water , money and music .

                     The excitement of travel comes from the sudden reality of somewhere that was previously just a name . It is as if the city in which you arrive never actually existed until the train pulls in at the station and you are able to see it with your own tired eyes for the first time .

                     Only by actually seeing Europe , by watching the changing landscapes and seeing the differences in attitudes and lifestyles , can you really have an accurate picture of the continent in your mind . Everybody knows what is there , but it is meaningless until you view it yourself . This is what makes other people’s holiday photos so boring .

                       While the train trip won’t allow you to discover anything new in the world sense , it is a valuable personal experience . Europe is a big place , and Inter-Rail gives people the best opportunity to recognize this ….. though in our case it didn’t happen immediately .

1 . At the end his first trip , the writer said ‘Never again’ because

( A ) he felt ill .

( B ) he dislikes trains .

( C ) he was tired from the journey .

( D ) he had lost money .

2 . What does the writer mean by ‘this way of looking at life’ in paragraph three ?

( A ) worrying about your clothes

( B ) throwing unwanted things away

( C ) behaving in an anti-social way

( D ) looking after your possessions

3 . Why did the writer originally buy an Inter-Rail ticket ?

( A ) to go on a tour of Europe

( B ) to meet other young people

( C ) to see a lot of famous places

( D ) to get to one place cheaply

4 . What the writer liked about traveling without his parents was that

( A ) he could see more interesting places .

( B ) he could spend more time sightseeing .

( C ) he could stay away from home longer .

( D ) be could make his own decisions .

5 . On his first trip , the writer found that the other young Inter-Railers were

( A ) unselfish .

( B ) irresponsible .

( C ) badly organized .

( D ) concerned about money .

6. What does the underlined word ‘it’ refer to ?

( A ) a name

( B ) the city

( C ) the train

( D ) the station

7. According to the writer , other people’s holiday photos can be boring if

( A ) they are badly taken .

( B ) they are similar to your own .

( C ) you haven’t visited the same place .

( D ) you could have done better yourself . 


Comprehension [ 28 ] Upper Intermediate & Advanced

28 - ] Comprehension

Upper Intermediate & Advanced 

Read the following newspaper article , then answer the questions below :

               Tens of thousands of ancient pictures carved into the rocks at one of Franc’s most important tourist sites are being gradually destroyed . Scientists and researchers fear that the 36,000 drawings on rocks in Mont Bego in the French Alps are being damaged so rapidly that they will not survive for future generations .

               The mountain , believed to have once been a site for prayer and worship , is scattered with 4,000-year-old drawings cut into bare rock . They include pictures of cows with horns , cultivated fields and various gods and goddesses . But as the popularity of the site increases , the pictures are being ruined by thoughtless graffiti .

                Jean Clottes is the chairman of the international Committee on Rock Art . He says , ‘People think that because the pictures have been there so long they will always continue to be there . But if the damage continues at this rate there will be nothing left in 50 years .’

               He describes seeing tourists stamping on the drawings , wearing away the rock and definition of the artwork as they do so . Some visitors , he says , even chop off parts to take some home as souvenirs .

               ‘When people think they can’t take a good enough photograph , they rub the drawings to get a clearer picture .’ he said . ‘The drawings are polished by the weather , and if the sun is shining and the visitors can’t see them properly they simply rub and scrape them to make them look fresher .’

               Other researchers describe how people arrive carrying long sticks with sharp ends to scratch their own drawings , or even their names , in the rocks .

               But experts are divided over the best way to preserve the drawings . Henry de Lumley , director of the Museum of Natural History in Paris , believes that the only way to save the site is to turn the whole mountain into a ‘no-go’ area , preventing the public from going there except on guided tours . Otherwise , he says , not only will the site be completely destroyed but important research work will be reduced .

              Clottes disagrees . ‘The measure proposed by Henry de Lumley is the most severe , and while it is the most effective, it is also certain to bring about protests from people who live there .’ he said . ‘The site was classified as a historic monument years ago by the Ministry of Culture , and we must do as much as possible to save what is there .’

              David Lavergne , the regional architect , also wants to avoid closing the site . ‘Henry de Lumley’s idea isn’t ideal ,’ he said . ‘Our department feels that the best solution is to let people look at the site , but because the area is very big it is difficult to prevent visitors from damaging it . I would prefer that everyone was able to look at it , but the main problem is financial . We do not have the funds to employ the necessary number of guards . We may have to consider charging a fee . There seems to be no prospect of government funding .’

                 In Nice , Annie Echassoux , who also worked on researching the site , is alarmed that as the mountain becomes easier to reach - tourists can now avoid the three-and-a-half-hour walk by hiring vehicles - the damage will increase rapidly . She thinks that the only solution is to rope off the area and provide guides . ‘You can’t say the plan can’t go ahead because there is no money .’ she said . ‘That is not good enough . Money must be provided because the Ministry of Culture has classified this area as a historic site . If we don’t take steps , we will be responsible for losing the drawings for the next generation .’

1 . What does the underlined word “they” refer to “

( A ) the rocks

( B ) the French Alps

( C ) the drawings

( D ) the tourist sites

2 . Jean Clottes says that people who visit the mountain

( A ) do not believe the drawings are old .

( B ) believe they are allowed to paint there .

( C ) think the drawings should be left alone .

( D ) assume the drawings will not change .

3 . According to Clottes , some of the visitors to the area have

( A ) helped to clean the drawings .

( B ) taken bits of the rock home .

( C ) been unable to take photographs .

( D ) misunderstood what the pictures mean .

4 . Henry de Lumley is keen to

( A ) set up research projects .

( B ) safeguard public rights .

( C ) keep out individual visitors .

( D ) ban traffic in the area .

5 . Clottes disagrees with Henry de Lumley’s suggestion because he thinks

( A ) it won’t work .

( B ) visitors will protest about it .

( C ) he has a better idea .

( D ) it will annoy local people .

6 . David Lavergne would prefer to

( A ) limit the number of visitors to the site .

( B ) arrange security to protect the site .

( C ) reduce the overall area of the site .

( D ) use tourist fees to finance repairs on the site .

7 . Which word best describes Annie Echassoux’s attitude ?

( A ) determined

( B ) despairing

( C ) unforgiving

( D ) understanding

8 . This article has been written about Mont Bego to

( A ) advertise the closure of the site .

( B ) warn visitors about the dangers of the site .

( C ) encourage scientists to visit the site .

( D ) describe fears about the future of the site . 

Vocabulary Tests [ 56 ] Test Fifty Six

56 - ] Vocabulary Tests 

Test Fifty Six

1 . Addressing people

What would you do or say in these situations ? Supply the best word or words. 1 . You want to address an envelope to a whole family . You write : ---------------

( A ) Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and family  ( B ) Family Wilson ( C ) Family Mr. & Mrs. Wilson

2 . You want to begin a letter to a woman you have never met . You write : ---------------

( A ) Dear Mrs. Grey ( B ) Dear Miss Grey ( C ) Dear Ms. Grey ( D ) Dear Mz. Grey

3 . A pupil is answering a male teacher . The pupil says : ‘------------------.’

( A ) Yes , Sir ( B ) Yes , Lady ( C ) Yes , Sir Teacher ( D ) Yes , Mr. Teacher

4 . A pupil is answering a female teacher . The pupil says : ‘------------------.’

( A ) Yes , Madam ( B ) Yes , Lady ( C ) Yes , Mrs. / Miss Bond ( D ) Yes , Mrs. Teacher

5 . You stop a man in the street to ask the way . You say : ‘-------------------.’

( A ) Excuse me , Mr. ( B ) Excuse me ( C ) Sir

6 . You stop a woman in the street to ask the way . You say : ‘-----------------.’

( A ) Excuse me , Mrs. ( B ) Excuse me ( C ) Madam ( D ) Excuse me , Lady  

7 . You want to address an envelope formally to a young boy . You write : ‘----------‘ .

( A ) Master John Brown ( B ) Mister John Brown ( C ) Mr. John Brown

8 . You are answering a university professor . You say : ‘-------------.’

( A ) Yes , Professor Hawkins ( B ) Yes , Mr. Professor ( C ) Yes , Professor

9. A shopkeeper might say this to a man : ‘Can I help you , ------------------?’

( A ) Mr.  ( B ) Sir ( C ) Master

10 . A shopkeeper might say this to a woman : ‘Can I help you , ------------------?’

( A ) Mrs. ( B ) Miss ( C ) Madam ( D ) Lady

Answer  Key

1 . A  2 . C  3 . A 4 . C 5 . B 6 . B 7 . A 8 . A 9 . B 10 . C

2 . Names of places .

Supply the best word or words .

1 . You want some meat so you go to the ---------------- .

( A ) butcher ( B ) butcher’s ( C ) butchers ( D ) butchers’

2 . You would buy a tin of sardines at a ------------------------ .

( A ) shop ( B ) magazine ( C ) store ( D ) boutique

3 . You want to borrow a book from the local ------------------------ .

( A ) bookshop ( B ) bookcase ( C ) library

Answer Key

1 .  B 2 . A ( Am E C ) 3 . C

3 . Doing things for people

Correct the mistakes , which have been underlined for you . Suggest a suitable alternative for each one . The first one has been done for you .

I’ve never done any baby-sitting before , but tonight I’m going to (0) look   0 . look after

Mrs. Watkins’ little boy . Mrs. Watkins ( 1 ) gave to me some advice .          1 .--------------She (2) explained me what I had to do .                                                             2 . -------------

I (3) took care of what Mrs. Watkins said .                                                       3 . -------------

‘Timmy goes (4) in bed at 7.30 ,’ she said .                                                        4 . -------------

‘You don’t have to (5) pass a lot of time with him .                                          5 . -------------

You can (6) read to him a story if you want to .                                                6 . -------------

He might ask you to (7) carry him a glass of water .                                        7 . -------------

Do this , then (8) tell goodnight to him .’                                                            8 . ------------

Later , Mrs. Watkins thanked me . ‘You have (9) guarded                              9 . -------------

Timmy very well ,’ she said .                                                                                

Answer Key

1 . gave m 2 . explained to me 3 . paid attention to / listened to  4 . to be 5 . spend

6 . read him 7 . bring / fetch 8 . say 9 . looked after                                    

184- ] English Literature

184- ] English Literature Jane Austen  Austen’s novels: an overview Jane Austen’s three early novels form a distinct group in which a stro...