Grammar American & British

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Vocabulary Tests [ 59 ] , Test Fifty Nine

59 - ] Vocabulary Tests 


Test Fifty Nine

1 . ] Questions and Exclamations

Supply the best word or words .

1 . I haven’t met our new secretary yet . ------------------?

( A ) What’s she like ( B ) How is she ( C ) How is she like

2 . I don’t know the English word for this -------------------?

( A ) What do you call it  ( B ) How do you name it ( C ) What do you name it

3 . I don’t know your friend’s name ------------------------?

( A ) How’s she called ( B ) What’s she named ( C ) What’s she called

4 . ---------------------- paid the waiter ? - Jane did .

( A ) Whom ( B ) How ( C ) Who ( D ) Whose

5 . ----------------------- borrowed my pen ?

( A ) Whose ( B ) Who’s ( C ) How’s

6 . I hear you’ve been ill ----------------------- now ?

( A ) How do you do ( B ) How are you ( C ) What do you do

7 . -----------------for a living ? - I’m an engineer .

( A ) What are you doing ( B ) How do you do ( C ) What do you do

8 . There are two coats here -----------------------------is yours ?

( A ) Which ( B ) What ( C ) What one

9 . I’ve never met your son ---------------------------?

( A ) How old is he ( B ) What age has he

10 . --------------------------‘s the weather like today ?

( A ) What ( B ) Who ( C ) How

11 . I’ve never heard of John Kennedy . --------------------- is he ?

( A ) Who ( B ) What ( C ) How

12 . ------------------- tall you’ve grown !

( A ) What ( B ) How ( C ) How much

13 . -------------------------- are you !

( A ) What a tall girl ( B ) How tall girl ( C ) What tall girl

14 . It’s so nice to see you . --------------------------!

( A ) What surprise ( B ) What a surprise

15 . -----------------------we’ve been having !

( A ) What a dreadful weather  ( B ) What dreadful weather ( C ) How dreadful weather

Answer Key

1 . A  2 . A 3 . C 4 . C 5 . B 6 . B 7 . C 8 . A 9 . A 10 . A 11 . A 12 . B 13 . A 14 . B 15 . B

2 -] Quantities  and Amounts

1 - ] Supply the best word or words

1 . Have you got -------------------pen on you                     ( A ) one              ( B ) a

2 . I’d like -------------- water please .                                ( A ) some            ( B ) one  

3 . Please ---------------- the room carefully .                     ( A ) count           ( B ) measure

4 . I’ll be needing ------------------ of those plates .            ( A ) ten               ( B ) a decade

5 . ------------- house round here has a TV aerial .            ( A ) each            ( B ) Every

6 . You must tell me --------------- truth .                           ( A ) all the          ( B ) the whole

7 . I’ve lost ------------- hair .                                               ( A ) all my          ( B ) my whole

8 . Would you like some ---------------?                               ( A ) else              ( B ) more

9 . Serve the soup in --------------- amounts .                      ( A ) equal           ( B ) even

10 . My family have lived here for ------------ years .        ( A ) fourty          ( B ) forty

11 . They’re visiting us next week . - How long -------- ?  ( A ) ago               ( B ) for

12 . How ------------ names are on the list ?                        ( A ) much            ( B ) many

13 . I’ve got ------------- things to do !                                  ( A ) 100 and one ( B ) 100 one

14 . How many letters did you get ?  - Two-------------      ( A ) hundreds     ( B ) hundred

15 . Two ------------------- workers have been employed .  ( A ) hundreds of ( B ) hundred

16 . How many times did you phone me ?  -  -------------  ( A ) Twice            ( B ) Two times

17 . They beat us four --  -------------------- .                        ( A ) nil                 ( B ) nought

18 . There’s not ---------- enough food for everybody .      ( A ) almost          ( B ) nearly

19 . There are a large --------------- of students this year .  ( A ) amount       ( B ) number

20 . Give me ------------ cup please .                                      ( A ) another       ( B ) another

Answer Key

1 . B 2 . A 3 . B 4 . A 5 . B 6 . B 7 . A 8 . B 9 . A 10 . B 11 . B 12 . B 13 . A 14 . B 15 . B

16 . A 17 . A 18 . B 19 . B  20 . B

2 - ] Supply the best word or words

1 . The --------------- of them get on well together .           ( A ) two               ( B ) both

2 . Is there ------------- food for everyone ?                        ( A ) enough of    ( B ) enough

3 . I’d like to ask --------------------- questions .                  ( A ) few               ( B ) a few

4 . I’d like --------------- more time .                                    ( A ) little             ( B ) a little

5 . I’d like -------------- kilo of coffee please .                          ( A ) a half         ( B ) half a

6 . I think he’s got ---------------- money .                                ( A ) a lot of       ( B ) much

7 . They’ve cut down ----------------- trees .                             ( A ) a lot of        ( B ) many

8 . ---------------- people like ice-cream .                                  ( A ) Most            ( B ) The most

9 . You’re asking for ------------money than I have .             ( A ) much more  ( B ) very much

10 .There are --------------- messages for you                          ( A ) none              ( B ) no

11 . Was there much rain last winter ? - -------------- much . ( A ) No                 ( B ) not

12 . What did you say ?  - -------------------- .                           ( A ) Not anything( B ) nothing

13 . They’re $ 2 ---------------------                                             ( A ) the piece       ( B ) each

14 . --------------- money has been wasted .                              ( A ) Several          ( B ) A lot of

15 . I’d like -------------- room for the night .                           ( A ) an only           ( B ) a single

16 . Is there any coffee ? - Yes ,would you like ------------?   ( A ) some               ( B ) one

17 . Are there any eggs ? - Yes , would you like -------- ?      ( A ) one                  ( B ) it

18 . Give him a spoonful --------------medicine .                      ( A ) of                     ( B ) ------

19 . I’d like coffee with ------------- sugar .                              ( A ) no                    ( B ) any

20 .I’d like coffee without ---------- sugar .                              ( A ) no                    ( B ) any

Answer Key

1. A 2 . B 3 . B 4 . B 5 . B 6 . A 7 . A 8. A 9. A 10 . B 11 . B 12 . B 13 . B 14 . B 15 . B

16 . A 17. A 18 . A 19 . A 20 . B

Test Sixty

Vocabulary Tests [ 58 ] , Test Fifty Eight

58 - ] Vocabulary Tests 


Test Fifty Eight

1 - ]Adverbs

Read this text . If you find a mistake in a line , cross it out and suggest an alternative . If there is no mistake , put a tick ( √ ) . The first two have been done for you .


I love traveling on any vehicle that goes fastly .                               0 fast

The Bullet train in Japan is very fast indeed !                                 0 √

It is so smooth ,you hardly notice its speed .                               1 . -----------------

It is extremely punctual , but if it arrives lately ,                       2 . -----------------

you can get your money back . You can see very good              3 . -----------------

out of the train windows and admire Mount Fujiyama .           4 . -----------------

Some people take it easy and enjoy the trip ,                              5 .------------------

eating a meal slow , while the train moves                                   6 . ----------------

quick across the country . Others like to work                            7 . ----------------

hard before they get to the office .                                                 8 . ----------------

The train is highly regarded throughout the world .                   9 . ---------------

A ride on the Bullet Train really is an experience .                    10 . ---------------

Key Answers

1 . √  2 . lately / late 3 . good / well 4 . √ 5 . √ 6 . slow / slowly 7 . quick  / quickly

8 . √ 9. √ 10 . √

2 . Comparatives and Superlatives .

Supply the best word or words

1 . You can write English better ----------------anyone in the class .

( A ) as ( B ) than ( C ) else

2 . Red is my ------------------ color .

( A ) best ( B ) favorite ( C ) beloved ( D ) dearest

3 . --------------- people I know are worried about the environment .

( A ) Most ( B ) The most ( C ) Much

4 . Which is the -----------------building in this town ?

( A ) eldest ( B ) most old ( C ) oldest

5 . My brother is --------------------- than I am .

( A ) elder ( B ) older

6 . At the present time , ------------------------ people can afford to travel abroad for their holidays .

( A ) less ( B ) lesser ( C ) fewer ( D ) smaller

7 . Your car is ------------------------ than mine .

( A ) very larger ( B ) very much larger ( C ) a lot more larger ( D ) more larger

8. The Lockerbie crash was one of the -------------------disasters in aviation history .

( A ) worse ( B ) worst ( C ) most bad ( D ) baddest

9 . This novel is so exciting , I can hardly wait to get to the ------------------chapter !

( A ) last ( B ) latest ( C ) newst ( D ) youngest

Answer Key

1 . B 2 . B 3 . A 4 . C 5 . B 6 . C 7 . B 8 . B 9 . A

3 - ] Four Topics

Read these texts . If you find a mistake in a line , cross it out and suggest an alternative . If there is no mistake , put a tick ( √ ) . The first two have been done for you .

1 . The weather


We’re having a very heavy winter .                                   0 heavy / hard

The temperature often falls to zero .                                  0 √

Today it makes cold                                                             1 . ----------------

and there’s a lot of air .                                                        2 . ----------------

You expect bad climate in winter .                                      3 .----------------

You expect to cold when you go out .                                  4 . ---------------

Even so , I really enjoy winter weather                                5 . ---------------

and I don’t mind if it darkens early .                                   6 .---------------

Answer Key

1 . makes / is 2 . air / wind 3 . climate / weather 4 . cold / get , feel cold 5 . √

6 . darkens / gets , turns , grows dark

 2 . The news

What I enjoy most on television                                          1 . ----------------

is the actualities .                                                                   2 . -----------------

You can see actual events as they occur .                           3 . ----------------

You can see famous people being examined                       4 . ---------------

and giving their opinions on world events .                        5.----------------

I enjoy reading daily journals as well .                               6 . ---------------

There are not only plenty of news ,                                     7.-----------------

but interesting histories about ordinary people as well .   8. ---------------

Life would be boring without all the                                    9 .---------------

entertainment and informations you get                            10 .---------------

in newspapers and on television .                                         11. --------------

Answer Key

1 . √ 2 . actualities / news 3 . √ 4. examined / interviewed 5 . √ 6 . journals / (news)papers

 7 . are /is 8 . histories /stories 9 . √ 10 . informations / information 11 . √ 

3 . Luck and misfortune

I had a bad incident the other day .                                        1 . --------------------

I was carrying a tray across the garden                                  2. -------------------

when a wasp pricked me on the nose .                                     3 .------------------

It dropped the tray on the grass ,                                             4 . ------------------

but by luck nothing was broken .                                             5 . ------------------

I had such a shock , I fell into a table                                       6 . ------------------

and ended up with a headache as well as a sting !                   7 . -----------------

Answer Key

1 . incident / accident 2 . √ 3 . pricked / stung 4 . It dropped the tray / The fray fell /

I dropped the tray 5 . by luck / luckily 6 .  fell / bumped 7 . √

Keeping clean

Every morning when I awake up                                               1 .------------------

I have a bathe                                                                               2 .-----------------

before getting dressed .                                                                3 . ----------------

Sometimes I have a douse instead ,                                             4 . ----------------

but if I’ve got up late                                                                    5 . ----------------

I just have time for a wash myself .                                            6 .-----------------

I like to do a shampooing                                                             7 . ---------------

every day as well .                                                                          8 . ---------------

Washing up frequently                                                                  9 . ---------------

and keeping clear is                                                                       10 .---------------

one of the pleasures of the life .                                                     11 . --------------

Answer Key

1 . awake / wake 2 . bathe / bath 3 . √ 4 . douse / shower 5 . √ 6 . myself / ---

7 . do a shampooing / wash my hair 8 . √ 9 . up / -- 10 . clear / clean 11 . the life / life

Vocabulary Tests , [ 57 ] Test Fifty Seven

Vocabulary Tests 


Test Fifty Seven

1 . ] Movement to and from

Supply the best word or words

1 . The children were stuck up our apple tree and they couldn’t --------------- .

( A ) descend ( B ) get down ( C ) get off ( D ) get out

2 . I knocked timidly at the door and heard someone shout ‘---------------!’

( A ) Enter ( B ) Come in

3 . Everyone turned round and looked at me as I ------------------- the room .

( A ) entered into ( B ) entered ( C ) got into

4 . The blind man --------------- carefully to the other side of the road .

( A ) crossed ( B ) passed ( C ) past

5 . What time did you ---------------- London Airport ?

( A ) reach to ( B ) arrive to ( C ) arrive at

6 . My son ------------------- at university for the last two years .

( A ) has gone ( B ) has been ( C ) went

7 . What time did you -------------------- London ?

( A ) leave from ( B ) live ( C ) live from ( D ) leave

8 . I was locked out and I had to ------------------ through the window .

( A ) enter ( B ) get in ( C ) get into ( D ) enter in

9 . Let’s go ---------------- in Oxford Street .

( A ) for shop ( B ) shopping ( C ) to shop ( D ) shop

Answer Key

1 . B 2 . B 3 . B 4 . A 5 . C 6 . B 7 . D 8 . B 9 . B

2 - ] Money

Supply the best word or words

1 . Money you are paid for your work is money you ------------------ .

( A ) earn ( B ) win ( C ) gain ( D ) profit ( E ) benefit  

2 . You want to make a phone call but only have a note . You need some ---------------- .

( A ) small money ( B ) little money ( C ) ( small ) change ( D ) exchange

3 . You want to know the price of something , so you say , ‘---------------------?’

( A ) How much is it ( B ) How many is it ( C ) How much the price ( D )What it costs  

4 . When you finish a meal at a restaurant , you ask for the ---------------------- .

( A ) bill ( B ) addition ( C ) account ( D ) reckoning

5 . If you visit a doctor privately , he will certainly charge a ----------------- .

( A ) tariff ( B ) fee ( C ) tax

6 . How much did you ---------------- the plumber before he left ?

( A ) pay ( B ) pay for

7 . How much did you ------------------- that dress ?

( A ) pay ( B ) pay for

8 . A professional person’s bill is often referred to as -------------------- .

( A ) a reckoning ( B ) a tariff ( C ) a charge ( D ) an account

9. You might want to have a camping holiday because it is relatively --------------------- .

( A ) economic ( B ) cheap

10 . You want one of the oranges on display , so you ask how much they are --------------- .

( A ) each ( B ) the one ( C ) the piece

11 . When buying something by weight , you may like to know how much it is ------------ .

( A ) a kilo ( B ) per the kilo ( C ) for the kilo

12 . Someone’s selling a car and you want to know how much they’re ---------------- .

( A ) asking ( B ) demanding ( C ) charging

13 . You pass an empty house and see a notice outside it which reads ------------------- .

( A ) To sell ( B ) On sale ( C ) For sale

14 . Nobody likes to pay ---------------- prices .

( A ) high ( B ) tall ( C ) big ( D ) great

15 . --------------------- should pay more taxes .

( A ) Rich ( B ) The rich ( C ) The riches

Answer Key

1 . A 2 . C 3 . A 4 . A 5 . B 6 . A 7 . B 8 . D 9 . B 10 . A 11 . A 12 . A 13 . C 14 . A 15 . B

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Composition & Essay Writing [ 82 ] Should Plastic Be Banned , Good Manners

82 - ] Composition & Essay Writing 

Should Plastic be Banned

                      Plastic bags are a major cause of environmental pollution. Plastic as a substance is non-biodegradable and thus plastic bags remain in the environment for hundreds of years polluting it immensely. It has become very essential to ban plastic bags before they ruin our planet completely. Many countries around the globe have either put a ban on the plastic bag or Levi tax on it. However, the problem hasn’t been solved completely because the implementation of these measures hasn’t been as successful.

         Here are some of the problems caused by plastic bags:1- ] Non-Biodegradable .

Plastic bags are non-biodegradable. Thus, disposing of the plastics is the biggest challenge. 2 - ] Deterioration of Environment .They are destroying nature due to their harmful effect. Plastic bags have become the main cause of land pollution today. The plastic bags entering into the water bodies are a major cause of water pollution. Hence we can conclude that these are deteriorating our environment in every possible way. 3 - ] Harmful for Animals and Marine Creatures . Animals and marine creatures unknowingly consume plastic particles along with their food. Research shows that waste plastic bags have been a major reason for untimely animal deaths. 4 - ] Cause of Illness in Humans . The production of plastic bags releases toxic chemicals. These are the main cause of serious illness. The polluted environment is a major reason for various diseases which are spreading easily in human beings. 5 - ]Clogged Sewage . Waste plastic bags are the main reason for trapping the drains and sewers, especially during rains. This can result in a flood-like situation and disrupt the normal life of people.

             There are numerous reasons why the government of various countries has come up with strict measures to limit the use of plastic bags. Some of these include: Waste plastic bags are polluting the land and water immensely. Plastic bags have become a threat to the life of animals living on earth as well as in water. Chemicals released by waste plastic bags enter the soil and make it infertile. Plastic bags are having a negative impact on human health. Plastic bags lead to the drainage problem.

                    Although some government have imposed a ban on the usage of plastic bags some people are still carrying these bags. Shopkeepers stop providing plastic bags for few days only in the beginning. It is time when we all must contribute our bit to make this ban a success. Thus we the educated lot of society must take it as our responsibility to stop using plastic bags. In this way, we can support the governments in this campaign.

                 Some contributions that can be made by people are as follows:1 - ] Keep a Tab . In order to be successful in this mission, we must keep reminding ourselves about the harmful effects of the plastic bags on our nature and keep a tab on their use. Gradually, we will become habitual to doing without these bags. 2 - ] Seek Alternatives . There are many eco-friendly alternatives to plastic bags like reusable jute or cloth bag. 3 - ]Reuse . We must reuse the plastic bags we already have at home as many times as we can before throwing them away. 4 - ] Spread Awareness . While the government is spreading awareness about the harmful effects of plastic bags, we can also spread awareness through word of mouth.

                Although plastic is becoming a big threat for all of us, still this problem has often been overlooked and underestimated. This is because people do not look at the long term effect of these small, easy to carry bags they use in their everyday life. Besides all of these people keep using bags due to their convenience. But now everyone has to completely stop using the plastic bag to save our environment and earth. 

Good Manners

                      Since our childhood, we were always taught good manners. Our parents always insisted us to enlist good manners. Moreover, they always tried their best to teach us everything to become a good human being. Good manners are important for a person to live in a society. Furthermore, if a person wants to be liked by everyone then he must know how to behave. The difference between an educated person and an illiterate person is not of knowledge. But the way he speaks and acts. So the presence of good manners can make a person gentleman. Yet if a person is lacking it then even the most educated person will not be a good man.

                     Good manners hold great importance in a persons’ life. In order to become successful in life, one should always take care of how he interacts. Various businessman and successful people are achieving heights. This is because of their good manners and skills. If a boss does not speak properly with his employees then they will leave the job. Therefore good manners are essential in any field of life.

                            Our parents have always taught us to respect our elders. Because if we won’t respect our elders then our Youngers will not respect us. Respect also comes in good manners. Respect is one of the most essential needs of a person. Moreover, many people work really hard to earn respect. Since I was a child I have always heard from my parents that respect is the utmost thing you should aim for. Therefore everyone deserves respect in life.

                   Division of Good manners can be done under two categories:- 1 - ] Good Manners at School . In-School, a child should respect his teachers and seniors. Furthermore, he should listen to what the teacher is saying because they are his mentors. Moreover, the child should be well dressed and hygienic.

Furthermore, a child should always carry a handkerchief, in order to maintain hygiene. The child should always be punctual. So that he may not waste others time. Also, you should never take others’ things without permission. Since there are many children studying in the school, you should not push each other while standing in a queue. 2 - ]Good Manners at Home . Most importantly, you should respect your parents at home. Always wish them “GOOD MORNING” and “GOOD NIGHT” at the beginning and end of the day. Moreover, you should brush your teeth and take a bath daily. So, you may maintain proper hygiene.

Wash hands before eating your meal, chew your food well and eat with mouth closed. Also, you should take permission from parents before going out of the house Above all, you make use of the words ‘Thank you’ and ‘Please’ in your speech.

                      Good manners are at work for elders. You should respect your Co-workers. Also, you should try to complete yours on time. Furthermore, you should be punctual in the office. Do not gossip while working and do not distract others.  Moreover, you should not interfere in others’ work. Consider your junior employees and help them if they have any problem. At last, do not fall into corruption and do your work with honesty and diligence.

184- ] English Literature

184- ] English Literature Jane Austen  Austen’s novels: an overview Jane Austen’s three early novels form a distinct group in which a stro...