Grammar American & British

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Vocabulary Tests [ 59 ] , Test Fifty Nine

59 - ] Vocabulary Tests 


Test Fifty Nine

1 . ] Questions and Exclamations

Supply the best word or words .

1 . I haven’t met our new secretary yet . ------------------?

( A ) What’s she like ( B ) How is she ( C ) How is she like

2 . I don’t know the English word for this -------------------?

( A ) What do you call it  ( B ) How do you name it ( C ) What do you name it

3 . I don’t know your friend’s name ------------------------?

( A ) How’s she called ( B ) What’s she named ( C ) What’s she called

4 . ---------------------- paid the waiter ? - Jane did .

( A ) Whom ( B ) How ( C ) Who ( D ) Whose

5 . ----------------------- borrowed my pen ?

( A ) Whose ( B ) Who’s ( C ) How’s

6 . I hear you’ve been ill ----------------------- now ?

( A ) How do you do ( B ) How are you ( C ) What do you do

7 . -----------------for a living ? - I’m an engineer .

( A ) What are you doing ( B ) How do you do ( C ) What do you do

8 . There are two coats here -----------------------------is yours ?

( A ) Which ( B ) What ( C ) What one

9 . I’ve never met your son ---------------------------?

( A ) How old is he ( B ) What age has he

10 . --------------------------‘s the weather like today ?

( A ) What ( B ) Who ( C ) How

11 . I’ve never heard of John Kennedy . --------------------- is he ?

( A ) Who ( B ) What ( C ) How

12 . ------------------- tall you’ve grown !

( A ) What ( B ) How ( C ) How much

13 . -------------------------- are you !

( A ) What a tall girl ( B ) How tall girl ( C ) What tall girl

14 . It’s so nice to see you . --------------------------!

( A ) What surprise ( B ) What a surprise

15 . -----------------------we’ve been having !

( A ) What a dreadful weather  ( B ) What dreadful weather ( C ) How dreadful weather

Answer Key

1 . A  2 . A 3 . C 4 . C 5 . B 6 . B 7 . C 8 . A 9 . A 10 . A 11 . A 12 . B 13 . A 14 . B 15 . B

2 -] Quantities  and Amounts

1 - ] Supply the best word or words

1 . Have you got -------------------pen on you                     ( A ) one              ( B ) a

2 . I’d like -------------- water please .                                ( A ) some            ( B ) one  

3 . Please ---------------- the room carefully .                     ( A ) count           ( B ) measure

4 . I’ll be needing ------------------ of those plates .            ( A ) ten               ( B ) a decade

5 . ------------- house round here has a TV aerial .            ( A ) each            ( B ) Every

6 . You must tell me --------------- truth .                           ( A ) all the          ( B ) the whole

7 . I’ve lost ------------- hair .                                               ( A ) all my          ( B ) my whole

8 . Would you like some ---------------?                               ( A ) else              ( B ) more

9 . Serve the soup in --------------- amounts .                      ( A ) equal           ( B ) even

10 . My family have lived here for ------------ years .        ( A ) fourty          ( B ) forty

11 . They’re visiting us next week . - How long -------- ?  ( A ) ago               ( B ) for

12 . How ------------ names are on the list ?                        ( A ) much            ( B ) many

13 . I’ve got ------------- things to do !                                  ( A ) 100 and one ( B ) 100 one

14 . How many letters did you get ?  - Two-------------      ( A ) hundreds     ( B ) hundred

15 . Two ------------------- workers have been employed .  ( A ) hundreds of ( B ) hundred

16 . How many times did you phone me ?  -  -------------  ( A ) Twice            ( B ) Two times

17 . They beat us four --  -------------------- .                        ( A ) nil                 ( B ) nought

18 . There’s not ---------- enough food for everybody .      ( A ) almost          ( B ) nearly

19 . There are a large --------------- of students this year .  ( A ) amount       ( B ) number

20 . Give me ------------ cup please .                                      ( A ) another       ( B ) another

Answer Key

1 . B 2 . A 3 . B 4 . A 5 . B 6 . B 7 . A 8 . B 9 . A 10 . B 11 . B 12 . B 13 . A 14 . B 15 . B

16 . A 17 . A 18 . B 19 . B  20 . B

2 - ] Supply the best word or words

1 . The --------------- of them get on well together .           ( A ) two               ( B ) both

2 . Is there ------------- food for everyone ?                        ( A ) enough of    ( B ) enough

3 . I’d like to ask --------------------- questions .                  ( A ) few               ( B ) a few

4 . I’d like --------------- more time .                                    ( A ) little             ( B ) a little

5 . I’d like -------------- kilo of coffee please .                          ( A ) a half         ( B ) half a

6 . I think he’s got ---------------- money .                                ( A ) a lot of       ( B ) much

7 . They’ve cut down ----------------- trees .                             ( A ) a lot of        ( B ) many

8 . ---------------- people like ice-cream .                                  ( A ) Most            ( B ) The most

9 . You’re asking for ------------money than I have .             ( A ) much more  ( B ) very much

10 .There are --------------- messages for you                          ( A ) none              ( B ) no

11 . Was there much rain last winter ? - -------------- much . ( A ) No                 ( B ) not

12 . What did you say ?  - -------------------- .                           ( A ) Not anything( B ) nothing

13 . They’re $ 2 ---------------------                                             ( A ) the piece       ( B ) each

14 . --------------- money has been wasted .                              ( A ) Several          ( B ) A lot of

15 . I’d like -------------- room for the night .                           ( A ) an only           ( B ) a single

16 . Is there any coffee ? - Yes ,would you like ------------?   ( A ) some               ( B ) one

17 . Are there any eggs ? - Yes , would you like -------- ?      ( A ) one                  ( B ) it

18 . Give him a spoonful --------------medicine .                      ( A ) of                     ( B ) ------

19 . I’d like coffee with ------------- sugar .                              ( A ) no                    ( B ) any

20 .I’d like coffee without ---------- sugar .                              ( A ) no                    ( B ) any

Answer Key

1. A 2 . B 3 . B 4 . B 5 . B 6 . A 7 . A 8. A 9. A 10 . B 11 . B 12 . B 13 . B 14 . B 15 . B

16 . A 17. A 18 . A 19 . A 20 . B

Test Sixty

Vocabulary Tests [ 58 ] , Test Fifty Eight

58 - ] Vocabulary Tests 


Test Fifty Eight

1 - ]Adverbs

Read this text . If you find a mistake in a line , cross it out and suggest an alternative . If there is no mistake , put a tick ( √ ) . The first two have been done for you .


I love traveling on any vehicle that goes fastly .                               0 fast

The Bullet train in Japan is very fast indeed !                                 0 √

It is so smooth ,you hardly notice its speed .                               1 . -----------------

It is extremely punctual , but if it arrives lately ,                       2 . -----------------

you can get your money back . You can see very good              3 . -----------------

out of the train windows and admire Mount Fujiyama .           4 . -----------------

Some people take it easy and enjoy the trip ,                              5 .------------------

eating a meal slow , while the train moves                                   6 . ----------------

quick across the country . Others like to work                            7 . ----------------

hard before they get to the office .                                                 8 . ----------------

The train is highly regarded throughout the world .                   9 . ---------------

A ride on the Bullet Train really is an experience .                    10 . ---------------

Key Answers

1 . √  2 . lately / late 3 . good / well 4 . √ 5 . √ 6 . slow / slowly 7 . quick  / quickly

8 . √ 9. √ 10 . √

2 . Comparatives and Superlatives .

Supply the best word or words

1 . You can write English better ----------------anyone in the class .

( A ) as ( B ) than ( C ) else

2 . Red is my ------------------ color .

( A ) best ( B ) favorite ( C ) beloved ( D ) dearest

3 . --------------- people I know are worried about the environment .

( A ) Most ( B ) The most ( C ) Much

4 . Which is the -----------------building in this town ?

( A ) eldest ( B ) most old ( C ) oldest

5 . My brother is --------------------- than I am .

( A ) elder ( B ) older

6 . At the present time , ------------------------ people can afford to travel abroad for their holidays .

( A ) less ( B ) lesser ( C ) fewer ( D ) smaller

7 . Your car is ------------------------ than mine .

( A ) very larger ( B ) very much larger ( C ) a lot more larger ( D ) more larger

8. The Lockerbie crash was one of the -------------------disasters in aviation history .

( A ) worse ( B ) worst ( C ) most bad ( D ) baddest

9 . This novel is so exciting , I can hardly wait to get to the ------------------chapter !

( A ) last ( B ) latest ( C ) newst ( D ) youngest

Answer Key

1 . B 2 . B 3 . A 4 . C 5 . B 6 . C 7 . B 8 . B 9 . A

3 - ] Four Topics

Read these texts . If you find a mistake in a line , cross it out and suggest an alternative . If there is no mistake , put a tick ( √ ) . The first two have been done for you .

1 . The weather


We’re having a very heavy winter .                                   0 heavy / hard

The temperature often falls to zero .                                  0 √

Today it makes cold                                                             1 . ----------------

and there’s a lot of air .                                                        2 . ----------------

You expect bad climate in winter .                                      3 .----------------

You expect to cold when you go out .                                  4 . ---------------

Even so , I really enjoy winter weather                                5 . ---------------

and I don’t mind if it darkens early .                                   6 .---------------

Answer Key

1 . makes / is 2 . air / wind 3 . climate / weather 4 . cold / get , feel cold 5 . √

6 . darkens / gets , turns , grows dark

 2 . The news

What I enjoy most on television                                          1 . ----------------

is the actualities .                                                                   2 . -----------------

You can see actual events as they occur .                           3 . ----------------

You can see famous people being examined                       4 . ---------------

and giving their opinions on world events .                        5.----------------

I enjoy reading daily journals as well .                               6 . ---------------

There are not only plenty of news ,                                     7.-----------------

but interesting histories about ordinary people as well .   8. ---------------

Life would be boring without all the                                    9 .---------------

entertainment and informations you get                            10 .---------------

in newspapers and on television .                                         11. --------------

Answer Key

1 . √ 2 . actualities / news 3 . √ 4. examined / interviewed 5 . √ 6 . journals / (news)papers

 7 . are /is 8 . histories /stories 9 . √ 10 . informations / information 11 . √ 

3 . Luck and misfortune

I had a bad incident the other day .                                        1 . --------------------

I was carrying a tray across the garden                                  2. -------------------

when a wasp pricked me on the nose .                                     3 .------------------

It dropped the tray on the grass ,                                             4 . ------------------

but by luck nothing was broken .                                             5 . ------------------

I had such a shock , I fell into a table                                       6 . ------------------

and ended up with a headache as well as a sting !                   7 . -----------------

Answer Key

1 . incident / accident 2 . √ 3 . pricked / stung 4 . It dropped the tray / The fray fell /

I dropped the tray 5 . by luck / luckily 6 .  fell / bumped 7 . √

Keeping clean

Every morning when I awake up                                               1 .------------------

I have a bathe                                                                               2 .-----------------

before getting dressed .                                                                3 . ----------------

Sometimes I have a douse instead ,                                             4 . ----------------

but if I’ve got up late                                                                    5 . ----------------

I just have time for a wash myself .                                            6 .-----------------

I like to do a shampooing                                                             7 . ---------------

every day as well .                                                                          8 . ---------------

Washing up frequently                                                                  9 . ---------------

and keeping clear is                                                                       10 .---------------

one of the pleasures of the life .                                                     11 . --------------

Answer Key

1 . awake / wake 2 . bathe / bath 3 . √ 4 . douse / shower 5 . √ 6 . myself / ---

7 . do a shampooing / wash my hair 8 . √ 9 . up / -- 10 . clear / clean 11 . the life / life

Vocabulary Tests , [ 57 ] Test Fifty Seven

Vocabulary Tests 


Test Fifty Seven

1 . ] Movement to and from

Supply the best word or words

1 . The children were stuck up our apple tree and they couldn’t --------------- .

( A ) descend ( B ) get down ( C ) get off ( D ) get out

2 . I knocked timidly at the door and heard someone shout ‘---------------!’

( A ) Enter ( B ) Come in

3 . Everyone turned round and looked at me as I ------------------- the room .

( A ) entered into ( B ) entered ( C ) got into

4 . The blind man --------------- carefully to the other side of the road .

( A ) crossed ( B ) passed ( C ) past

5 . What time did you ---------------- London Airport ?

( A ) reach to ( B ) arrive to ( C ) arrive at

6 . My son ------------------- at university for the last two years .

( A ) has gone ( B ) has been ( C ) went

7 . What time did you -------------------- London ?

( A ) leave from ( B ) live ( C ) live from ( D ) leave

8 . I was locked out and I had to ------------------ through the window .

( A ) enter ( B ) get in ( C ) get into ( D ) enter in

9 . Let’s go ---------------- in Oxford Street .

( A ) for shop ( B ) shopping ( C ) to shop ( D ) shop

Answer Key

1 . B 2 . B 3 . B 4 . A 5 . C 6 . B 7 . D 8 . B 9 . B

2 - ] Money

Supply the best word or words

1 . Money you are paid for your work is money you ------------------ .

( A ) earn ( B ) win ( C ) gain ( D ) profit ( E ) benefit  

2 . You want to make a phone call but only have a note . You need some ---------------- .

( A ) small money ( B ) little money ( C ) ( small ) change ( D ) exchange

3 . You want to know the price of something , so you say , ‘---------------------?’

( A ) How much is it ( B ) How many is it ( C ) How much the price ( D )What it costs  

4 . When you finish a meal at a restaurant , you ask for the ---------------------- .

( A ) bill ( B ) addition ( C ) account ( D ) reckoning

5 . If you visit a doctor privately , he will certainly charge a ----------------- .

( A ) tariff ( B ) fee ( C ) tax

6 . How much did you ---------------- the plumber before he left ?

( A ) pay ( B ) pay for

7 . How much did you ------------------- that dress ?

( A ) pay ( B ) pay for

8 . A professional person’s bill is often referred to as -------------------- .

( A ) a reckoning ( B ) a tariff ( C ) a charge ( D ) an account

9. You might want to have a camping holiday because it is relatively --------------------- .

( A ) economic ( B ) cheap

10 . You want one of the oranges on display , so you ask how much they are --------------- .

( A ) each ( B ) the one ( C ) the piece

11 . When buying something by weight , you may like to know how much it is ------------ .

( A ) a kilo ( B ) per the kilo ( C ) for the kilo

12 . Someone’s selling a car and you want to know how much they’re ---------------- .

( A ) asking ( B ) demanding ( C ) charging

13 . You pass an empty house and see a notice outside it which reads ------------------- .

( A ) To sell ( B ) On sale ( C ) For sale

14 . Nobody likes to pay ---------------- prices .

( A ) high ( B ) tall ( C ) big ( D ) great

15 . --------------------- should pay more taxes .

( A ) Rich ( B ) The rich ( C ) The riches

Answer Key

1 . A 2 . C 3 . A 4 . A 5 . B 6 . A 7 . B 8 . D 9 . B 10 . A 11 . A 12 . A 13 . C 14 . A 15 . B

184- ] English Literature

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