Grammar American & British

Friday, December 24, 2021

Grammar Practice Exercises [ 32 ] , Upper Intermediate

32 - ] Grammar Practice Exercises

Upper Intermediate

Relative Clauses of Time , Place And Reason

In relative clauses of time , place and reason , it is possible to use when , where and why in place of relative pronouns .


Time ; 1993 was (the year) when we moved here .

Place : That’s (the place) where we stayed for our oneymoon .

Reason : Its central location is (the reason) why we chose this flat .

Rewrite each pair of sentences as one sentence , using a relative clause with when , where or Why .


1 . The early morning is the time . I work best then

The early morning is (the time) when I work best .

2 . His mid-teens were the time . He first became interested in politics then .


3 . His dishonesty is the reason . That’s why I left him .


4 . Alexandria is the city . I’d most like to live there .


5 . The outdoor swimming pool has now been closed down . We often went there as children .


6 .This is a picture of the place . We’re going there for our holidays .


7 . His refusal to tell her the truth is the reason . That’s why she is so angry with him .


8 . This is the place . I fell off my bike here .


9. The people I work with are the reason . That’s why I stay in the job .


10 . That terrible night in December changed my life forever . I found out then what had been going on .


Relative Clauses After ‘all , etc.

- All , anyone / anything , everyone / everything , the only thing , the best (and other superlatives) + a defining clause


All that happened was that they had a little argument . Subject relative clause

All (that) I need to do now is to buy my ticket . Object relative clause

Everyone who came to the party really enjoyed it . Subject relative clause

Everyone (who / that)  I met said they were enjoying themselves . Object relative clause

- After everyone / anyone we can use who or that in both subject and object relative clauses .

 - a few , several , some , many , much , most , all , none , either / neither , half , a number , the biggest (and other superlatives) + of whom / which in a non-defining relative clause .


My two cousins , neither of whom I have seen for ten years , are coming to visit next week .

Her old letters , some of which have now been lost , make very interesting reading .

Put the following into one sentence using a relative clause .


1 . You shouldn’t listen to anything . He says it .

You shouldn’t listen to anything (that) he says .

2 . It was nice to see all his family . I have met most of them before .

It was nice to see all his family , most of whom I have met before .

3 . The worst thing is that we’ll miss the train . This can happen .


4 . I’ve read both the reports . I agree with neither of them .


5 . The only thing is to get some cash out of the bank . I need to do it .


6 . The cleaners have decided to take industrial action . Several of them have complained tome about their low pay .


7 . Everything has been a failure . I’ve done it .


8 . I’ve lost any optimism of the future . I once had optimism .


9 . Members of the committee have decided to call for an investigation . Many of them are themselves suspected of corruption .


10 . The only thing is to give her the chance to talk about it . I can do that .


11 . Everyone said that Hashim started it . They saw the argument .


12 . Those chocolates were not meant to be for me . I’ve already eaten half of them .


13 . The management team are all saying the same thing . I trust none of them .


14 . The cheapest was about $50 , I saw it .


15 . Her brothers have set up in business together . The youngest one is a friend of mine .

Coordinating Relative Clauses

In a coordinating relative clause , which refers back to a whole sentence .


He has decided to see the doctor about it , which is a good idea . Which refers back tohim seeing the doctor about it .

Coordinating relative clauses are always non-defining .

Write sentences with a coordinating relative clause . Use the following sentences to make relative clauses and combine them with the statements below .

It will be an interesting experience for him .

That’s just what she needs after all her problems .

He should have done that a long time ago .

It is very worrying .

It will be a great help to him .

It was a complete surprise .

It is a terrible accusation to make .

That will give him more time to spend with his friend .

That’s why I don’t go out very much .

It’s a good shame .


1 . She’s going to have to sell the business .

She’s going to have to sell the business , which is a great shame .

2 . The weather’s very cold at this time of year .


3 . He’s decided to go and teach abroad .


4 . They say he’s been stealing money from the company .


5 . She’s going to have a month off work .


6 . He’s going to give up his evening job .


7 . The editor has finally agreed to print an apology .


8 . She suddenly appeared on the doorstep last night .


9 . A few people have been attacked in this area recently .


10 .He’s going to have an electric wheelchair soon .


Grammar Practice Exercises [ 31 ] , Upper Intermediate

31 - ] Grammar Practice Exercises

Upper Intermediate

Non-Defining Relative Clauses .

1 - ] Rewrite the sentences making the second sentence into a non-defining relative clause and putting it into the correct place .


1 . When I was in town , I met your sister . She was shopping for some clothes .

When I was in town , I met your sister , who was shopping for some clothes .

2 . Their house needs a lot of work doing to it . It is near the beach .


3 . Samia’s just got a new job with Big Insurers . It’s a much better company than the lat one she worked for .


4 . The new manager seems to be a very capable man . I met him last week .


5 . This case is full of books . I carried it all the way from the station .


6 . The company has just gone bankrupt . We have done business with them for many years.


7 . The hospital has handed out redundancy notices to all its staff . It is due to close down this year .


8 . The prisoners are requesting more time out of their cells . Their families are campaigning on their behalf .


9 . The new government is now facing major problems . It came to power with a lot of public support .


10 . Her latest novel is really good . I read it on holiday .


11 . The Home Affairs Minister is suspected of being involved in a financial scandal . The opposition have accused the minister of lying .


12 . The Education Department is changing its policy in single sex schools . Mrs. Nasser is in charge of the department .


13 . The Grand department store has made reductions on most of its goods . The store has a sale on at the moment .

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14 . The principal actor could hardly speak last night due to a sore throat . He normally has a wonderful voice .


15 . The sales manager is planning a new advertising campaign . I support his ideas .


2 - ] Use the following sentences to make non-defining relative clauses . Insert an appropriate clause into each of the sentences .

Her books are read all over the world.

It was very crowded .

We love to walk round them .

It is very powerful .

He is staying in a nursing home .

I like her very much .

He is staying in his holiday home in Alexandria at the moment .

Her parents believed it .

She came over to apologize to us .

I always attend her lectures .


1 . This new drug could have bad side effects .

This new drug , which is very powerful , could have bad side effects .

2 . Her father is said to be dying of cancer .


3 . The Prime Minister said that he was very saddened by the news of the air crash .


4 . The story she gave was that she had not realized how late it was .


5 . Agatha Christie was a very prolific writer .


6 . The sub-tropical gardens are open all year round .


7 . The manager of the restaurant said that he was very sorry about the undercooked fish.


8 . Our professor of psychology has written some very interesting books .


9 . We packed a picnic and walked down to the beach .


10 . Next Saturday . I’m going to visit my aunt .


Defining and Non-Defining Relative Clauses .

Underline the relative clauses in the following article about ‘Poetry And The War’


        One of the most extraordinary things about the First World War was the enthusiasm with which the majority of soldiers went off to fight for their country . Those young , patriotic men , who rushed to the enlistment centers , had no idea what lay ahead of them . They did not know that they would live for months in holes they had dug in the mud . They did not know what it would be like to watch a friend who had been horribly injured die a painful death . And so they were excited , even thrilled , about the prospect of going to war.  

       This was the first war in which the image-makers made an impact . There were posters which asked women to encourage their men to go to war : ‘If he does not think that you and your country are worth fighting for - do you think he is WORTHY of you ?’

         The mood which seized the country was one of patriotic and heroic struggle . At the same time , it was generally believed that it would all be over in a few months .

          The war fever which gripped the nation stirred up the emotions of everyone and there was a huge growth in the writing of poetry . At first the poems were proud and optimistic : ‘Now in they splendor go before us Spirit of England ‘ , but as the war dragged on , the writers of poetry became angry at the myths they had been told . They wanted people to know about the horrible reality of war , which brutalized the people who took part .

              One writer who put these feelings into words very effectively was Wilfrid Owen , who , in the poem Anthem for  Doomed Youth , wrote ‘What passing bells for these who die as cattle ?’ The poetry of Wilfrid Owen , Siegfried Sassoon , Robert Graves and others , which described the horrific reality of war , also questioned its morality . Many of the poets were wealthy , privileged men who had not at first been anti-war , but whose attitudes were changed by what they saw .  

Grammar Practice Exercises [ 30 ] Upper Intermediate

30 - ]Grammar Practice Exercises

Upper Intermediate

17 - ] Defining Relative Clauses

1 - ] Underline the ten defining relative clauses in the dialogue . Then circle the relative pronoun in each one and indicate whether it is a subject (S) or object (O) pronoun .

Hamed and Waleed , private detectives , are discussing a murder .


W : So who was the one (who)  killed Mr. Mansour ? (S)

H : Can’t you guess ?

W : Well , I think it was probably the woman who was staying in the room next door to him .

H : No , Waleed , of course it wasn’t . She only wanted the money he owed her . She won’t get that now that he’s dead .

W : Oh yes . I hadn’t thought about that . So was it Mr. Gamal , the man who always shared their table in the evenings ?

H : No , Waleed . It’s true that he loved Mrs. Mansour but he knew that she didn’t love him . And he probably believed that she could never fall in love with a man who had murdered her husband. 

W : I suppose that’s true . So who was it then ? The son ? Do you think that he wanted to have the money that would be due to him from his father’s life insurance policy .

H : Well no , because he knew that the insurance policy would be invalid if his father died suspiciously . And apart from that , I think that in a way he loved his father . The one he hates is Mr. Bassem , the man his mother is in love with .

W : So who did kill Mr. Mansour .

H : Well , I feel quite sure now that it was Mrs. Mansour .

W : Mrs. Mansour !

H : Yes . She had never loved the man she had married . What she loved was all the money he had . Then Mr. Bassem came along . He had money too and she loved him . But she had to get Mr. Mansour out of the way .

2 - ] Join the two sentences together , making the second sentence a defining relative clause . Use The relative pronoun that is most commonly used or no pronoun at all where this is possible .


1 . She’s the one . I told you about her .

She’s the one I told you about .

2 . I don’t like the people . They are staying with the Browns .


3 . I like books . They make you think about things .


4 . I’m looking for the person . I’ve just hit their car .


5 . Most of the books are still popular today . I read them as a child .


6 . You can buy the pasta from the Italian shop . It has just opened in the high street .


7 . The woman is coming back to work soon . I’m doing her job .,


8 . Is she the new television presenter ? Everyone’s talking about her .


9 . People often have very little money to spend on leisure . They have a lot of leisure time .


10 . Is High-tech  the company ? Sarah works for them .


11 . This is the job . I’ve always wanted it .


12 . The swimming pool is only open to the public in the mornings . I use it .


13 . We’ve just bought a computer package . It teaches you how to play the piano .


14 . My favorite holiday was that one . We spent it in a cottage in the mountains .


15 . We haven’t seen the friends for ten years . They are coming to visit us this weekend .


Thursday, December 23, 2021

Vocabulary Tests [ 85 ] Test Eighty Five

85 - ] Vocabulary Tests 

 Test Eighty Five

Clothes , Materials , Etc.

Supply the best words

1 . You often find these on shoes ----------------                (A) shoelaces  (B) cordons

 2 . A monk might wear a --------------                              (A) costume   (B) habit

 3 . A man’s three-piece suit includes a ----------             (A) waistcoat (B) vest

 4 . A ----------------is a bit of thin material covering the face .  (A) veil (B) shawl

 5 . 36 ---------------is a woman’s chest measurement .     (A) bust (B) breast

6 . Items of clothing that go together are -------------       (A) assorted (B) matching

7 .You’re having a suit made , so you have a ------------  (A) fitting (B) fit

8 . If it’s the right size for you , it --------------you .          (A) fits (B) suits

9 . If something looks good on you , it ----------------you . (A) matches (B) suits

10 . Up-to-date clothes are this --------------                        (A) fashionable (B) chick

11 . Clothes you feel easy in are this ---------                      (A) comfortable (B) convenient

12 . Jackets are often ------------with satin .                      (A) lined (B) doubled

13 . Costume jewellery is ----------------.                            (A) imitation (B) forged

14 . A new skirt might be ----------from bits and pieces . (A) made up (B) formed

15 . A silk blouse is made -------------silk .                         (A) of (B) with

16 . If everyone’s wearing it , it must be in ----------         (A) mode (B) fashion

17 . Shoes are usually made of ------------                           (A) skin (B) leather

18 . A stylish piece of clothing may be --------------            (A) snob (B) elegant

19 . You often make curtains out of heavy ------------        (A) stuff (B) material

20 . I think that dress is quite ------------------for you         (A) wrong (B) mistaken

Answer Key  

1 . A 2 . B 3 . A (Am. E) B 4 . A 5 . A 6 . B 7 . A 8 . A 9 . B 10 . A 11 . A 12 . A 13 . A

14 . A 15 . A 16 . B 17 . B 18 . B 19 B 20 . A

Supply the best words

1 . A woman might wear a --------- in her hair .                     (A) ribbon (B) tape

2 . Damaged clothing needs to be -------------                          (A) corrected (B) repaired

3 . When we wear clothes , they -----------                                  (A) get dirty (B) dirty

4 .  Clothes often ---------------in the wash .                                 (A) enlarge (B) stretch

5 .  You can make a dress from a paper -------------                   (A) patron  (B) pattern

6 . You might use a ----------------on baby’s nappy .                   (A) safety pin (B) pin

7 . It’s easy to drop a -----------when you’re knitting .               (A) stitch (B) point

8.  I’ve --------------that button on for you .                                  (A) sown (B) sewn

9 . A thing becomes smaller in the wash ; it -----------                 (A) gathers (B) shrinks

10 . Boys and girls are taught how to -----------sewing .              (A) make (B) do

11 . Just look at the ------------of your clothes !                            (A) situation (B) state

12 . How did you get that --------------on your tie ?                      (A) spot (B) speck

13 . Let me ------------your jacket .                                                 (A) sweep (B) brush

14 . ---------------coming out of the washing machine !                 (A) Sud is (B) Suds are

15 . I’ll have to ---------------my skirt at the waist .                       (A) widen (B) let out

16 . It only takes a spot of oil to -------------a tie .                          (A) ruin (B) wreck

17 . It’s often very hard to --------------what you want .                (A) choose (B) elect

18 . You can --------------a costume for the party .                         (A) hire (B) rent

19 . I can’t --------------which one I want .                                      (A) decide (B) determine  

20. I’ll try it on in the ---------------                                                   (A) cabin (B) cubicle

Answer Key

1 . A 2. B 3 . A 4 . B 5 . B 6 . A 7. A 8 . B 9 . B 10 . B 11 . B 12 . A 13 . B 14 . B 15 . B

16 . A 17 . A 18. A (Am. E ) B 19 . a 20 . B 

Vocabulary Tests [ 84 ] Test Eighty Four

84 - ] Vocabulary Tests

Test Eighty Four

Crime And Punishment

1 - ] The mistakes in these sentences have been underlined for you . Suggest a correct or better alternative for each mistake. The first one has been done for you .

0 The affair remains unsolved .                                             0 . case

1 . Stealing banks is on the increase .                                     1. ---------------------

2 . We must be sure he receives a fair process .                     2 . --------------------

3 . They found the corps in the garden .                                 3 . -------------------

4 . Many people have bought false Dali paintings .               4 . -------------------

5 . The police examined the suspect for ten hours .               5 . ------------------

6 . There are austere penalties for dangerous driving .         6 . -----------------

7. The little boy was able to make us a good description .    7 . ------------------

8 . The most famous criminals used to be held in Alcatraz . 8 . -----------------

9 . Everyone agrees the judge’s decision was exact .              9 . ------------------

10 . How can you test this man is guilty ?                               10 . ----------------

11 . Can you acknowledge  the person in this photo ?           11 . ----------------

12 . His strange behavior raised my suspicions .                    12 . ----------------

13 . She refuses all knowledge of what happened .                13 . ----------------

14 . The police searched  the missing boy for ten days .        14 . ----------------

15 . Will this proof  stand up in court ?                                  15 . ----------------

16 . Some young people disappear without track  .               16 . ----------------

17 . The police have been remarking  his movements .         17 . ----------------

18 . He has evaded  from prison several times .                     18 . ----------------

19 . The sentence  was ‘Not Guilty” .                                      19 . ----------------

20 . Murderers aren’t often hung  these days .                       20. -----------------

Answer Key

1 .Robbing 2 . trial 3 . corpse / (dead) body 4 . fake 5 . questioned / interrogated

6 . strict /severe / heavy 7 . give 8. notorious / infamous 9. just / fair 10.prove

11 . recognize / identify 12 . aroused 13 . denies 14 . searched for  / sought

15 . evidence 16 . trace 17 . observing 18 . escaped 19 . verdict 20 . hanged

2 - The mistakes in these sentences have been underlined for you . Suggest a correct or better alternative for each mistake.

1 . The gang specialized in robbing bikes and selling them .  1 . --------------------

2 . I dialed a false number .                                                        2 . --------------------

3 . I saw a suspected person outside the shop .                         3 . --------------------

4 . You can’t do an accusation without proof .                         4 . -------------------

5 . It will be two weeks before the injury heals .                       5 . -----------------

6 . She received a life verdict  for murder .                               6.--------------------

7 . I’m going to conduct my own apology .                                7 . -------------------

8 . She was held stealing goods at a department store .            8 . -------------------

9 . The murderer chocked his victim with a stocking .             9 . -------------------

10 . There’s a big police chase for the criminals .                    10 . ------------------

11 . He was convicted to death .                                                 11 . ------------------

12 . I was sued and had to pay damages of $500 .                    12 . -----------------

13 . We have a list of missing peoples .                                      13 . -----------------

14 . These new credit cards are easy to imitate .                       14 . ------------------

15 . A lie is intended to cheat someone .                                     15 . ----------------

16 . When does the murder try begin ?                                      16 . ----------------

17 . Laws are done to be broken .                                               17 . ----------------

18 . The innocents were punished along with the guilty .          18. ---------------

19 . Someone has roused the alarm .                                           19 .-----------------

Answer Key

1. stealing 2 . wrong 3 . suspicious-looking 4 . make 5 . wound 6 . sentence 7 . defence

8 . caught 9. strangled 10 . hunt 11 . condemned / sentenced 12 . damages 13 persons /

people 14 . forge / fake 15 .deceive 16 . trial 17 . made 18 . innocent 19 . raised  

184- ] English Literature

184- ] English Literature Jane Austen  Austen’s novels: an overview Jane Austen’s three early novels form a distinct group in which a stro...