Grammar American & British

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Vocabulary Tests [ 92 ] Test Ninety Two

92 - ] Vocabulary Tests


Test Ninety Two .

Politics And Government

1 - ] The mistakes in these sentences have been underlined for you . Suggest a correct or better alternative for each mistake . The first one has been done for you .

0 . The new law effects today .                           0 . comes into effect

1 . The paper is running an action against the new privacy laws .  1 . -------------------

2 . Are you interested in British civilization ?                                   2 . -------------------

3 . The Minister was the victim of a combine against him .              3 . ------------------

4 . We’re electing a new party conductor .                                          4 . ----------------

5 . We must join ourselves to win the next election .                          5 . ----------------

6 . Are you a member of the Preservative Party ?                             6 . -----------------

7 . They’ll have to control  your passport before they let you in .    7 . ----------------

8 . Conversations about trade agreements are continuing .              8 . ----------------

9 . They’ve set up centers to council the unemployed .                      9 .----------------

10 . Has he got the necessary qualities to direct the country ?        10 . --------------

11 . The government was chosen with a small majority .                 11 . --------------

12 . She’s one of the greatest faces in modern politics .                    12 . --------------

13 . Are you a member of the Labor Faction ?                                  13 . -------------

14 . The folk will be voting on May 14 th .                                          14 . -------------

15 . Dictators have a lot of craft .                                                         15 . -------------

16 . What is the basis of political force  ?                                            16 . -------------

17 . A dictator rules by strength .                                                        17 . -------------

18 . Do you know all the words of our National Hymn ?                  18 . -------------

19 . The great forces decide the destiny of smaller nations .             19 . --------------

20 . We pay imposition on everything .                                                20 . --------------

Answer Key

1 . a campaign 2 . life and institutions 3 . conspiracy 4 . leader 5 . unite

6 . Conservative 7 . check 8 . Discussions 9 . counsel 10 . lead 11 . elected

12 . figures 13 . Party 14 . people 15 . power 16 . power / strength 17 . force

18 . Anthem 19 . powers 20 . tax(es)


2 - ] The mistakes in these sentences have been underlined for you . Suggest a correct or better alternative for each mistake .

1 . An industrious nation needs a lot of capital investment .     1 . -----------------

2 . Civil service department are full of plot .                               2 . ----------------

3 . Paris was discharged in 1945 by the allied forces .                3 . ---------------

4 . The most of people are in favor of a change in the law .       4 . ----------------

5 . There’s been a peaceful manifestation against motorways . 5 . ---------------

6 . What is the date of the annual party lecture ?                        6 . --------------

7 . You have to tackle misery before you tackle crime .              7 . -------------

8 . The German country is a formidable force in Europe .         8 . -------------

9 . She’s been named to lead the party into the next election .    9 . -------------

10 . Whose part are you on ?                                                         10 . -------------

11 . I’m enjoying peasant life now I’ve moved out of Cairo .     11 . ------------

12 . It’s government by the peoples for the peoples  .                  12 .-------------

13 . What’s your political conviction ?                                          13 . -------------

14 . Politic is central to the study of history .                                 14 . -------------

15 . A government must reign or resign .                                      15 . --------------

16 . Britain had a republican government .                                   16 . -------------

17 . The way we are governed affects the whole of community . 17 . --------------

18 . Britain is a small country which is divided into lands .          18 . -------------

19 . Trade Syndicates  defend workers’ interests .                        19 . -------------

Answer Key

1 . industrial 2 . intrigue 3 . liberated 4 . majority 5 . demonstration 6 . conference

7 . poverty 8 . nation 9 . nominated 10 . side 11 . country 12 . people---people

13 . persuasion 14 . Politics 15 . govern 16 . democratic 17 . society 18 . countries

19 . Unions

Vocabulary Tests [ 91 ] Test Ninety One

91 - ] Vocabulary Tests 

Test Ninety One

Experiences , Perception , Thought

Supply the best word or words .

1 . If you overhear someone , you ---------------------

(A) hear something by accident (B) understand something wrongly (C) fail to hear

2 . If you sympathize with someone , you ----------------

(A) like them very much (B) love them (C) share them emotions

3 . If you’re conscientious , you ---------------------

(A) are awake (B) know right from wrong (C) do things seriously and with care

4 . Remarking has to do with ----------------------

(A) seeing (B) saying (C) thinking

5 . A sentimental person ---------------------

(A) has strong feelings (B) arouse strong feelings (C) has feelings that aren’t deep

6 . You are in love , so you have --------------

(A) strong sentiments (B) strong feelings (C) deep senses

7 . You had to survive without food and water for several days , so you had ----------

(A) a terrible adventure (B) a terrible experience (C) a terrible experiment

8 . If you recognize someone , you ----------------

(A) see who they are (B) say who they are (C) see them differently

9 . You can see someone in your mind’s eye . You have an ------------of them .

(A) icon (B) image

10. You’re very anxious . You have ------------------of anxiety .

(A) a sense (B) an impression

11 . If you’re gazing at something you’re looking at it ------------------

(A) steadily (B) with your mouth open (C) in a way that causes offence

12 . Which of these words warns you of danger ? --------------------

(A) Care ! (B) Attention ! (C) Caution !

13 . If something is curious to you , it seems ----------------

(A) unusual (B) foreign (C) exceptional

14 . If you bare curious about something , you are -------------------

(A) peculiar (B) foreign (C) eager to know about it (D) anxious

15 . If you perceive something , you -------------------it .

(A) imagine (B) notice (C) think about (D) have ideas about

Answer Key

1 . A 2 . C 3 . C 4 . B 5 . C 6 . B 7 . B 8 . A 9 . B 10 . A 11 . A 12 . C 13 . A 14 . C 15 . B

Referring To Facts , The Truth

Choose the best explanation in each case .

1 . If you say that a person is disinterested , you mean he or she

(A) has lost interest in something

(B) is not interested in something

(C) has no personal bias when making a decision

2 . Evidence is

(A) information that might be produced in court to support a case .

(B) a statement in court which does not require any proof .

(C) something that is extremely obvious to everybody .

3 . We would use the word effectively

(A) to say that a person really did something .

(B) to describe an activity that produced good results .

(C) like indeed , to ass emphasis to what we say .

4 . If you verify something , you

(A) confirm or show that it is true .

(B) examine it closely .

(C) consider it carefully .

5 . Curiosity refers to

(A) the quality of wanting to know about people and things .

(B) the strangeness of people and things .

(C) a quality of being peculiar or exotic .

6 . Fantasy refers to

(A) dreams that can’t be realized .

(B) the power to make the imagined seem real .

(C) creations that are quite original

7 . You could use the word logical to describe , for example ,

(A) a just or fair request for a rise in salary .

(B)  a sensible investment of money .

(C)  a well-argued case .

8 . A person who is interrogated is probably someone who

(A) has been arrested by the police .

(B) is applying for a job .

(C) is being examined by a doctor .

9 . A rumor  refers to

(A) information that is passed around which may or may not be true .

(B) the reputation of a person who is known to a lot of people .

(C) the qualities that make up a person’s character .

Answer Key

1 . C 2 . A 3 . B 4 . A 5 . A 6 . A 7 . C 8 . A 9 . A 

Vocabulary Tests [ 90 ] Test Ninety

90 - ] Vocabulary Tests

Test Ninety

1  - ] Inversion After Negative Adverbs

Re-write these sentences using the words provided and making necessary changes .

1 . We can’t offer a discount for our services on any account .

On no account ------------------------------------------------------------------------

2 . We had hardly left the house when we had to go back for our passports .

Hardly ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3 . He little realizes just what it’s going to be like working in a restaurant kitchen .

Little --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4 . There have never been so many beggars on the streets .

Never -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

5 . We not only missed our plane , we had to spend a night at the airport as well .

Not only -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

6 . I had no sooner complained than the parcel arrived .

No sooner -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

7 . You seldom see so many people trying to get tickets .

Seldom ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

8 . You will understand what true responsibility is only when you become a parent .

Only when ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

9 . They mustn’t be allowed to come in on any condition .

On no condition ----------------------------------------------------------------------

10 . I have no idea what happened to him , and I don’t care , either .

I have no idea what happened to him and neither ---------------------------

11 . We realized , only then , what a mess we had got ourselves into .

Only then -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

12 . You rarely see this variety of butterfly any more .

In no circumstances ---------------------------------------------------------------

13 . You shouldn’t reply to this letter in any circumstances .

In no circumstances ------------------------------------------

Answer Key

1 . On no account can we offer -------- 2 . Hardly had we left ---------------

3 . Little does he realize ---------------   4 . Never have there been ----------

5 . Not only did we miss --------------   6 . No sooner had I complained --------

7 . Seldom do you see ------------

 8 . Only when you become a parent will you understand -------------------                           

 9 . On no condition must they be allowed --------------------

10 . ------------and neither do I care .    11 . Only then did you see ------------

12 . Rarely do you see ----------- 13 . In no circumstances should you reply -------

2 - ] What Sort Of Person Are You ?

Tick ( √ ) (A) or (B)

1 . A sensitive person is one who ---------------------

(A) is very aware of other people’s feelings

(B) has good sense and judgment

2 . If you fantasize about things , you --------------------

(A) daydream about the impossible

(B) often dream when you sleep

3 . You’re a reasonable person , so you’re --------------------

(A) logical

(B) just and fair

4 . You have a lot of curiosity , so you ----------------------

(A) are a very strange person

(B) like to know about everything

5 . You revise your opinions . You ------------------

(A) change them

(B) look at them again

6 . You recall things that happen , so you have ------------------

(A) a lot of souvenirs

(B) a good memory

7 . If you make sense of things , you ---------------------

(A) know they are sensible

(B) can understand things easily

8 . You always calculate what things cost , so you -----------------

(A) work things out accurately

(B) make a good guess

9 . You’re easily moved , so you --------------------

(A) like to go from place to place

(B) are emotional

10 . You’re a mature person , so you’re -------------------------

(A) grown up

(B) ripe

11 . You’re capable of affection , so you ------------------

(A) like to impress others

(B) have feelings of love of people

12 . You’re frank , so you -----------------

(A) like to tell the truth

(B) don’t steal , cheat or lie

13 . You don’t like people who are vulgar because -----------------

(A) they behave badly

(B) they are ordinary

14 . You have a genial nature , so you are ---------------------

(A) very talented

(B) cheerful and friendly

Answer Key

1 . A 2 . A 3 . B 4 . B 5 . A 6 . B 7. B 8 . A 9 . B 10 . A 11 . B 12 . A 13 . A 14 . B 

Vocabulary Tests [ 89 ] Test Eighty Nine

89 - ] Vocabulary Tests 


Test Eighty Nine .

Words Easily Confused , Misspelt , Etc.

1 - ] Supply the best words .

1 . We’d like -------------bills please .     

 (A) seperate (B) separate

2 . When were you ---------------?          

 (A) borne     (B) born

3 . Open the window . I can’t --------------?      

 (A) breathe  (B) breath

4 . Have you ever visited the British                  

(A) Council  (B) Counsel

5 . The greatest problems are poverty and -----------------

(A) disease   (B) decease

6 . Which ones have you ----------------?             

 (A) choosen  (B) chosen

7 . We’re not -------------on anybody .                  

(A) dependant (B) dependent

8 . Wipe up the mess with this --------------- .      

(A) cloth       (B) clothe

9 . There are very strong ---------------in the Pacific .

(A) currents (B) currants

10 . She looks rather -------------in her new outfit .

(A) chick    (B) chic

11 . I seem to have ---------------a cough .               

(A) developped (B) developed

12 . I might have -------------- a company director by now .

(A) being (B) been

13 . We’ve got some nice -----------------cakes .

(A) housemade (B) homemade

14 . How can we improve the --------------------condition ?

(A) human (B) humane

15 . It’s a question of -----------------------

(A) principle (B) principal

16 . I -----------------up early every morning .

(A) get (B) use to get

17 . She certainly has plenty of ----------------------

(A) stile (B) style

18 . Those who agree , please ----------------their hands .

(A) raise (B) rise

19 . What a small ----------------------you have .

(A) waist (B) waste

20 . I ------------------what time is .

(A) wonder (B) wander

Answer Key

1. B 2. B 3 . A 4 . A 5 . A 6 . B 7 . B 8 . A 9 . A 10 . B 11 . B 12 . B 13 . B 14 . A

15 . A 16 . A 17 . B 18 . A 19 . A 20 . A

2 - ] Supply the best words .

1 . What would you -------------------?

(A) advise (B) advice

2 . You can be banned from driving for being --------------------

(A) drunken (B) drunk

3 . Pay no attention if he ------------------at you .

(A) gets mad (B) maddens

4 . Goodnight . I’m going upstairs to ------------------- .

(A) bed (B) sleep

5 . Sh ! ------------------------now .

(A) Go to sleep (B) Go asleep  

6 . I’ve had a lovely --------------and feel quite fresh .

(A) relax (B) rest

7 . Tell me the -------------------------!

(A) true (B) truth

8 . It was only a mild -------------------- .

(A) flirtation (B) flirt

9 . This is our new recreation center for the --------------------- .

(A) young (B) youngs

10 . Don’t be so -------------------with your money !

(A) miser (B) mean

11 . Men often get bald in their middle -------------------------

(A) ages (B) years

12 . I was --------------------fright .

(A) sick with (B) sick of  

13 . She ----------------------when she was quite young .

(A) greyed (B) went grey

14 . Don’t be so ----------------!

(A) foolish (B) fool

15 . ------------------------your belt .

(A) Get tight (B) Tighten

16 . I was overcome by a sense of -------------------

(A) loneliness (B) lonely

17 . What can prevent the ------------------of the rain forest ?

(A) destruction (B) destroy

18 . English is different --------------------German .

(A) than (B) from  

19 . Are you afraid ========= the dark .

(A) --- (B) of

20 . He published a magazine called ‘The ---------------------‘ .

(A) Selfish (B) Egoist

Answer Key

 1. A 2 . B 3 . A 4 . A 5 . A 6 . B 7 . B 8 . A 9 . A 10 . B 11 . B 12 . A 13 . B

14 . A 15 . B 16 . A 17. A 18 . B 19 . B 20 . B

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