Grammar American & British

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Vocabulary Tests [ 96 ] Test Ninety Six

96 - ]Vocabulary Tests

Test Ninety Six

1 -] A Campaign Against Litter

1 - ]Read this text . If you find a mistake in a line , cross it out and suggest an alternative . If there is no mistake , put tick ( √ ) . The first two have been done for you .

Our local council is conducting an action to reduce the amount of litter in our street . We are all being encouraged to pick any rubbish we see laying in the street and fetch it to the nearest litter bin . If we see anyone drop litter in the street , we’re supposed to tell them to collect it . Council workers regularly brush the streets and collect rubbish from big green bins . There are large posters everywhere which say : ‘Do a good act today ! Keep our streets clear ! Don’t be a littering !’ Of course , it isn’t easy to tell people what to do . A lot of people object to be told to pick up their rubbishes . The problem is extremely bad out of fast food restaurants . Though these restaurants kindly supply large bins , a lot of people neglect them and leave their litter in the street . The consumption of food at these places is very great , so it is difficult to control garbage disposition . Girl guides and boy scouts have volunteered to make an example to others . If these girls and boys see anyone letting something to drop they directly pick it up and then they speak very politely to the person who dropped it . ‘I think this belongs to you’ , they say , handing it back . Even the biggest litterbugs feel shy of themselves . They usually redden and accept the litter . They also accept to dispose of it properly and immediately search the nearest rubbish bin . The other day I saw a young mother with her little boy . The boy picked up a dirty ice-cream carton and his mother said , ‘That’s dirty ! Throw it !’ A boy scout who was following them said, ‘No . Give it to me . I’ll put it in a bin for you .’ The young mother angered . ‘I can do that myself ,’ she said and she took the carton from the scout . Then she decided to give a good example to her son . ‘We must take place in this campaign , too !’ she said . She thanked the scout for being so genteel and he thanked her , too . There’s not doubt the counsel’s campaign is going to be a great success .   


0 . a campaign 0 . √ 1 . pick  / pick up 2 . laying / lying 3 . fetch / take  4 . √ 5 . collect / pick it

up 6 . brush / sweep 7 . √ 8 . √ 9. net / deed 10 . clear /clean 11 .√ 12 . be / being13 rubbishes

/ rubbish 14 . out of / outside 15 . √ 16 . supply is just possible , but provide is preferable

17 . neglect / ignore  18 . √19 . √ 20 . disposition / disposal 21 . make / set 22 . √ 23 . to drop

/ drop 24 . directly / immediately 25 . √ 26 . √ 27 . shy / ashamed 28 . redden / go , turn red

29 . accept / agree 30 . search / look for , search for  31 . √ 32 . √ 33 . Throw it / Throw it away . Drop it 34 . √ 35 . √ 36 . angered / got angry 37 √ 38 . give / set 39 . place / put

40. genteel / polite 41 . not / no 42 . counsel’s / council’s 

2 - ] Definitions

2 - ] Match the following words to the definitions .

[ resume - smart - backpacker - ratings - grasp - commuter - ingenious - convict - speechless - top - lavish - flip ]


0 . to start doing something again after a pause or interruption  (formal)  0. resume

1 . clever , original and effective (adj.)      2 .---------------------

2 . a person who travels around on holiday carrying their possessions in a large bag on their back .( noun , C)                                3 . -------------------

3 . large and generous , and looking as if costs a lot of money . (adj.) 4 .------------------

4 . someone who travels a long distance to work every day . (Noun ,C) 5 .----------------

5 . one of the best or most successful . (adj.) 6 .--------------------

6. your ability to understand a complicated idea or situation . (noun) 7 .---------------

7. especially Am E clever , intelligent (adj.) 8 . -------------------

8.BrE to spin a flat object such as a coin into the air as a way of deciding something .

( verb)                                                               9 . ---------------------

9 . someone who has been found to be guilty of a crime and sent to prison .

(noun , C)                                                         10. --------------------

10 . a list which shows which films television programs , etc. are the most popular .

(noun , plural)                                                  11 .------------------

11 . unable to speak because you feel very angry , upset , etc. (adj.) 12 .--------------

Answer Key

1 . ingenious 2 .backpacker 3 . lavish 4 . commuter 5 . top  6 . grasp  7. smart 8 . flip

9 . convict 10 . ratings 11 . speechless  

Vocabulary Tests [ 95 ] Test Ninety Five

95 - ] Vocabulary Tests


Test Ninety Five

Cars , Driving , Maintenance , Traffic .

1 - ] Supply the best words

1 . You buy a car from a ------------------------ 

(A) merchant (B) dealer

2 . You can’t drive without a -----------------------

(A) license (B) diploma

3 . You pay a lot for a --------------------model .

(A) luxurious (B) luxury

4 . Fasten your ---------------- belts .

(A) security (B) safety

5 . ----------------------costs a lot of money .

(A) Assurance (B) Insurance

6 . What -------------------is your car ?

(A) mark (B) make

7. Where do you keep your --------------------?

(A) spare tire (B) reserve

8 . How many liters does your ---------------hold ?

(A) tank (B) reservoir

9 . How loud is your -----------------------?

(A) horn (B) corn

10 . You need a parking ------------------to park here .

(A) permission (B) permit

11. I always carry a -----------------key .

(A) double (B) duplicate

12 . Take good care of your ----------------------

(A) tires (B) rubbers

13 . I was -------------------by road-works on a motorway .

(A) blocked (B) held up

14 . The -------------------today is very heavy .

(A) circulation (B) traffic

15 . You need real ----------------to drive a vehicle .

(A) art (B) skill

16 . Be careful when you’re ------------------!

(A) taking over (B) overtaking

17 . There’s so much -------------------on modern roads !

(A) traffic (B) motion

18 . I’ve lost my way . Can you give me ------------------please ?

(A) instructions (B) directions

19 . Turn left , then follow the ------------------

(A) placards (B) signs

20 . We go this way . It says , ‘All Other -----------------------

(A) Routes (B) Directions

Answer Key

1. B 2 . A 3 .B 4 . B 5 . B 6 . B 7 . A 8 . A 9 . A 10 . B 11 . B 12 . A 13 . B 14 . B 15 . B

16 . B 17 . A 18 . B 19 . B 20 . A

2 - ] Supply the best words

1. What’s the speed -------------------?

(A) limitation (B) limit

2 . There’s a -----------------------vehicle in front of us .

(A) stationary (B) stationery

3 . What’s the quickest ------------------ to the town center ?

(A) road (B) route

4 . It isn’t easy to ------------------------ a big car into a small space .

(A)  pilot (B) steer

5 . Look first , then -------------------!

(A) sign (B) signal

6 . We can only go fast if the roads are -----------------------

(A) clear (B) clean

7 . --------------------your tires frequently

(A) Control (B) Check

8. I lost control and hit the -------------------

(A) kerb (B) edge

9 . W hat do you do if a tire -----------------?

(A) blows up (B) bursts

10 . Most taxis have ----------------engines .

(A) benzene (B) diesel

11 . I drove into a wall and --------------------the car .

(A) ruined (B) wrecked

12 . My car has a big ----------------------

(A) machine (B) engine

13 . Turn off the lights or you’ll --------------------your battery .

(A) discharge (B) unload

14 . The cost of ------------------is frightening .

(A) reparations (B) repairs

15 . Does your car -----------------on diesel ?

(A) run (B) function

16 .---------------------you’ve got enough fuel .

(A) Assure (B) Make sure

17 . I can’t shake hands . I’m covered in ----------------

(A) grass (B) grease

18 . We’ll have to --------------------the engine .

(A) overhaul (B) revise

19 . There’s a --------------------------in the system somewhere .

(A) mistake (B) fault

20. My tank’s nearly ----------------

(A) empty (B) vacant

Answer Key

1 . B 2 . A 3 . B 4 . B 5 . B 6 . A 7 . B 8 . A 9 . B 10 . B 11 . B 12 . B 13 . A 14 . B 15 . A

16 . B 17. B 18 . A 19 . B 20 . A

Vocabulary Tests [ 94 ] Test Ninety Four

94 - ] Vocabulary Tests


Test Ninety Four

Prepositional Phrases

1 - ] Supply the missing prepositions

1 . No one enjoys being ---------------- debt .

2 . There’s so much --------------offer , you hardly know what to choose .

3 . She twisted her ankle and was -------------- terrible pain .

4 . The Wilsons have sold their business ----------------- a huge profit .

5 . -----------------average there are more than a hundred fatal accidents each year .

6 . Do you mind if I pay ---------------cheque ?

7 . I never worry when I have to be in the house --------------my own .

8 . Apparently , you have to apply for a visa ------------person .

9 . We haven’t dealt with your application yet , but it is ---------------------hand .

10 . The police will have to get into the building ---------------force if necessary .

11 .  My car’s ----------------------your disposal any time you’d like to use it .

12 . Has there been much news ----------------the time we’ve been away ?

13 . We didn’t realize what was happening ---------------first .

14 . There’s a dramatic scene -----------------the beginning of the film .

15 . You have to write an account of the accident ----------------detail .

16 . Never overtake when --------------- doubt .

17 . We couldn’t get past because there was a broken-down truck -------------our way .

18 . We had to ask for directions several times -------------our way here .

19 . You’re allowed to have these goods ---------------approval for ten days .

20 . How long have you been -----------------this diet ?

Answer Key

1 . in 2 . on 3 . in 4 . at 5 . On 6 . by 7 . on 8 . in 9 . in 10 . by 7 . on 8 . in 9 . in

10 . by 11 . at 12 . during 13 . at 14 . 15 . in 16 . in 17 . in 18 . on 19 . on 20 . on

2 - ] Supply the missing prepositions

1 . You should play according ----------------  the rules .

2 . They’re rarely seen ----------------public these days .

3 . We’re ---------------------- a loss to know what to do next .

4 . Let me tell you the news ----------------- brief .

5 . I think I’ve dialed the wrong umber -------------mistake .

6 . It’s really ----------------her credit that her children have done so well .

7 . Please write out your name ----------------full .

8 . Please try not to be late -----------------future .

9 . There’s no place -----------earth that isn’t affected by pollution .

10 . It’s his aim -----------------life to be a millionaire by the time he’s 21 .

11 . I’ll be visiting the USA -----------------the very first time .

12 . Are these books arranged ------------------any kind of order ?

13 . You can be sure I didn’t knock the teapot over ----------------purpose !

14 . I’m afraid you can’t speak to her now . She’s ---------------conference .

15 . He’s -------------leave at the moment but will be returning to his regiment next week .

165 . They’re throwing a party ------------------our honor !

17 . What’s the biggest dam ------------------the world ?

18 . Don’t answer the phone ---------------any account .

19 . We’d like to present you with this watch ----------------behalf of the company .

20 . Mrs. Khalid is away ------------------business at the moment .

Answer Key

1 . to 2. in 3. at 4 . in 5 . by 6 . to 7 . in 8 . in 9 . on 10 . in 11 . for 12 . in

13 . on 14 . in 15 . on 16 . in 17 . in 18 . on 19 . on 20 . on

Vocabulary Tests [ 93 ] Test Ninety Three

93 - ] Vocabulary Tests  

Test Ninety Three

1 - ]Stative And Dynamic Uses Of Certain Verbs .

All the verbs in the list below are often in simple tenses . However , thirteen of the verbs can be used quite easily in the progressive , sometimes with a change of meaning . One has done for you . Tick the remaining twelve verbs that can be used in the progressive . Then write twelve sentences using the present progressive with the verbs you have ticked .

admire                               desire                         imagine

appear                               detest                         matter

believe                               differ                          measure

belong                                disagree                     need

concern                              disbelieve                  own

consider                             dislike                        possess

consist                                 envy                         say

contain                               excel                          see √

correspond with                fear                           think

cost                                     feel                            want

deserve                               hope                          weight


0 . She is seeing the dentist on Friday .

Answer Key

1 . admire

I am just admiring your paintings .

2 . appear

Which band is appearing at the stage this week ?  

3 . consider

We are considering selling our car .

4 . correspond with

I am corresponding with a pen-friend .

5 . cost

This holiday is costing us a fortune .

6 . feel

I’m feeling the temperature of the water .

7 . hope

We are hoping to have a holiday in summer .

8 . imagine

Am I imagining it , or did I hear the doorbell ?

9 . measure

Keep still while I’m measuring your waist !

10 .say

The radio is so loud I can’t hear what you’re saying .

11 . think

Don’t interrupt the professor while he’s thinking .

12 . weigh

The baby always screams when they’re weighing her .

2 - Traveling

2 - ] Supply the words asked for in the clues . The first one has been done for you .

0 . What adjective beginning with S describes a vehicle that isn’t moving ?

( 10 letters )                                                                                   0 . stationary

1 . What 5-letter verb beginning with P means to ‘drive’ a plane ?

                                                                                        1 .-----------------

2 . What 6-letter noun beginning with F and ending with L is found on a ship and often has smoke coming out of it ?                                               2 . ---------------

3 . What verb B -- -- -- D describes what we do when we get on a plane ?

                                                                                         3 .---------------

4 . What noun B -- -- -- -- T is the name of a shop on a train where you can buy food over the counter ?                                                                   4 . --------------

5 . What verb E -- -- -- -- -- -- E describes what people do when they leave their country to live in another country ?                                                5 . ---------------

6 . What noun beginning with S goes in front of belt to describe what you have to wear on a car journey ?                                                                   6 . --------------

7 . What noun (6 letters) beginning with A goes after travel to describe an office which provides travel services ?                                               7 .--------------

8 . What noun beginning with C and ending in H is the name of a bus for long-distance traveling ? (5 letters)                                                      8 .--------------

9 . What adverb beginning with A is the general word which means ‘outside this country’?

(6 letters)                                                                          9 . -------------

10 . What noun beginning with S is the name of a special compartment in a train in which you can sleep ?                                                                10 . -------------

11 . What noun beginning with P and ending in N describes a person getting around on foot? (10 letters)                                                              11 . ------------

12 . What adjective P --N -- -- -- --L describes the arrival or departure of someone or something that is on time ?                                            12 . -------------

13 . What 4-letter adjective beginning with S describes what you feel when you are suffering from nausea ?                                                  13 .-------------

14 . What 5-letter adjective beginning with V and ending in D describes a passport or a ticket that can be legally used ?                                      14 . ------------

15 . What 6-letter verb beginning with E and ending in K means to begin a journey on a ship ?                                                                                 15 . ------------

16 . What 4-letter verb beginning with M describes failure to be on time for the departure of a train , bus , etc. ?                                                       16 .-------------    

17 . What verb beginning with C describes what an official does when he or she looks at your passport ?                                                                 17 . ------------  

18 A sea-journey = V-- -- -- -- -- .                                     18 . --------------

19 . What 5-letter noun beginning with C describes the sleeping accommodation you get on a ship ?                                                                                19 . -------------

20 . What noun beginning with F and ending in R describes the line that separates one country from another ? (8 letters)                                    20 . ------------

21 . What verb I -- -- -- -- -- -- -- E describes entering a country which is not your own in order to live there ?                                                            21 . ------------

22 . England is separated from France by a stretch of water called the English

C -- -- -- -- -- --  .                                                               22. --------------------    

Answer Key

1 . pilot 2 . funnel 3 . board 4 . buffet 5 . emigrate 6 . safety / seat 7 . agency

8 . coach 9 . abroad 10 . sleeper / sleeping car 11 . pedestrian 12 . punctual

13 . sick 14 . valid 15 . embark 16 . miss 17 . check 18 . voyage 19 . cabin

20 . frontier 21 . immigrate 22 . Channel

150-] English Literature

150-] English Literature Letitia Elizabeth Landon     List of works In addition to the works listed below, Landon was responsible for nume...