Grammar American & British

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

7 - ] Model SAT Tests - Test Seven

7 - ] Model SAT Tests

Test Seven

Select the best answer to each of the following questions ; then blacken the appropriate space on your answer sheet .

1 . Although he is ----------about the problems that still confront blacks in ballet , Mitchell nevertheless is optimistic about the future , especially that of his own dance company .

(A) hopeful (B) uninformed (C) abstract (D) realistic  (E) unconcerned

2 . Despite all its --------, a term of enlistment in the Peace Corps can be both stirring and satisfying to a college graduate still undecided on a career .

(A) rewards (B) renown  (C) adventures (D) romance (E) frustrations

3 . Although he had numerous films to his credit and a reputation for technical ----------, the moviemaker lacked originality ; all his films were sadly ----------of  the work of others .

(A) skill ---- independent

(B)  ability --- unconscious

(C) expertise --- derivative

(D) competence --- contradictory

(E) blunders --- enamored

4 . John Gielgud crowned a distinguished career of playing . Shakespearean roles by giving a performance that was -------------

(A) mediocre (B) outmoded (C) superficial (D) unsurpassable (E) insipid

5. Those interested in learning more about how genetics applies to trees will have to ---the excellent technical journals where most of the pertinent material is --------

(A) subscribe to --- ignored

(B) suffer through --- located

(C) rely on --- unrepresented

(D) resort to --- found

(E) see through --- published

6 . Rent control restrictions on small apartment owners may unfortunately ---- rather than alleviate housing problems .

(A) resolve (B) diminish  (C) castigate  (D)  minimize (E) exacerbate

7 . In the light of Dickens’s description of the lively , even ---- dance parties of his time . Sharp’s approach to country dancing may seem too formal , suggesting more ------ than is necessary .

(A) sophisticated --- expertise

(B)  rowdy --- decorum

(C) prudish --- propriety

(D) lewd ---- rivalry

(E)enjoyable --- vitality

8 . It is said that the custom of shaking hands originated when primitive men held out empty hands to indicate that they had no ------ weapons and were thus ------ disposed .

(A) lethal ---- clearly

(B) concealed ------ amicably

(C) hidden --- harmfully

(D) murderous --- ill

(E) secret --- finally

9 . The biochemistry instructor urged that we take particular care of the ---- chemicals to prevent their evaporation .

(A)  insoluble (B) superficial (C) extraneous (D) volatile (E) insipid

10 . The heretofore peaceful natives , seeking ---- the treachery of their supposed allies , became , ----- according to their perspective , embittered and vindictive

(A) acquiescence in -----understandably

(B) magnanimity towards  ------logically

(C) evidence of --- impartially

(D)  retribution for --justifiably

(E) exoneration of ---- ironically

11 . Because our supply of fossil fuel has been sadly --------, we must find ------sources of energy .

(A) stored --- hoarded

(B) compensated ----- significant

(C) exhausted ---inefficient

(D) increased ---- available

(E) depleted ------- alternative

12 . He is much too ----- in the writings : he writes a page when a sentence should suffice.

(A) devious (B) lucid (C) verbose (D) efficient (E) pleasant

13 . In apologizing to the uncredited photographer , the editor said that he ---that this ----- use of copy-righted photographs had taken place .

(A) deplored----- legitimate

(B) conceded ---inevitable

(C) regretted --- unauthorized

(D) admitted ---- warranted

(E) acknowledged ---- appropriate

14 . The herb Chinese parsley is an example of what we mean by an acquired taste : Westerners who originally ----it eventually come to -----its flavor in Oriental foods .

(A) relish ---- enjoy

(B) dislike ----- welcome

(C) savor----- abhor

(D) ignore --- recognize

(E) discern ---- recognize

15 . The abundance and diversity of insects is the ---- cumulative effect of an extraordinarily low ---- rate : bugs endure .

(A) metabolic (B) density (C) extinction (D) percentage (E) standard

16 . Because he was ----in the performance of his duties , his employers could not ----his work .

(A) derelict --- quarrel over

(B) dilatory ---- grumble at

(C) undisciplined --- object to

(D) assiduous ---- complain about

(E) mandatory ---- count on

17. British ----- contemporary art has been an obstacle even for modern artists now revered as great , such as Francis Bacon and Lucian Freud , who were --- for years before winning acceptance .

(A) veneration of ---- eulogized

(B)  indifference to ---- dismissed

(C) disdain for --- lauded

(D) ignorance of ---- studied

(E) intolerance of ---- vindicated

18 . Pre-Spanish art in Mexico is not a ---- art , they are mistaken who see in its bold simplifications or wayward conceptions an inability to ---- technical

(A) formal---- ignore

(B)  graphic --- understand

(C) primitive ---- nurture

(D) crude --- overcome

(E) revolutionary --- instigate

19 . Are we to turn into spineless -------- afraid to take a --------stand , unable to answer a question without pussyfooting ?

(A) disciples ---positive

(B) hedonists ------ compromising

(C) criminals-----defiant

(D) critics ------- constructive

(E) equivocators -----forthright 

6 - ] Model SAT Tests - Test Six

6 - ] Model SAT Tests


Test Six

1 . Select the answer that produces the most effective sentence , one that is clear and exact , and blacken the appropriate space on your answer sheet .

1 . In the tennis match Don was paired with Bill : Ed , with Al

 ( A) was paired with Bill : Ed , with Al

(B) was paired with Bill : but Ed was paired with Al

(C) w as paired with Bill , and it was Ed with Al

(D) pairing with Bill : Ed being with Al

( E) pairing with Bill : Ed was with Al

2 . In the Middle Ages , a lord’s intricate wall hangings were more than mere tapestries they were a measure of his consequence and wealth .

( A) mere tapestries they were a measure

(B) merely tapestries they were a measure

(C) mere tapestries and were a measure

(D) mere tapestries ; they were a measure

( E) mere tapestries , while they were a measure

3 . With the exception of Frank and I , everyone in the class finished the assignment before the bell rang .  

( A) Frank and I , everyone in the class finished

(B) Frank and me , everyone in the class finished

(C) Frank and me , everyone in the class had finished

(D)Frank and I , everyone in the class had finished

( E) Frank and me everyone in the class finished

4 . The automated teller machine is an efficient device for handling financial transactions ; it is sure to be superseded in time , however , when the growth of electronic banking will make it obsolete .

( A) transactions ; it is sure to be superseded in time however ,

(B) transactions , for it is sure to be superseded in time , however ,

(C) transactions , however , surely being superseded in time

(D) transactions , being sure to be superseded in time

( E) transactions ; but will be sure to be superseded in time

5 . I is possible for a student to do well in class at semester and then you fail because of a poor performance on the final examination .

( A) then you fail

(B) then one fails

(C) then you get a failing grade

(D) later he fails

( E) then to fail

6. Having an exceptionally hardy and well-preserved physique , NASA officials chose 77-year-old John Glenn to participate in a study of the effects of space weightlessness on the human body .

( A) Having an exceptionally hardy and well-preserved physique , NASA officials chose 77-year-old John Glenn

(B) NASA officials who chose 77-year-old John Glenn for his exceptionally hardy ane well-preserved physique

(C) Based on his exceptionally hardy and well-preserved physique , 77-year-old John Glenn was chosen by NASA officials

(D) Because og his physique was exceptionally hardy and well-preserved , NASA officials chose 77-year-old John Glenn

( E) Having an exceptionally hardy and well-preserved , NASA officials therefore chose 77-year-old John Glenn

7 . In addition to being vital to the formation and maintenance of strong bones and teeth , calcium is used by the body in transmitting nerve impulses , binding together cells , and producing enzymes and hormones .

( A) calcium is used by the body in transmitting nerve impulses , binding together cells , and producing enzymes and hormones

(B) the body uses calcium in transmitting nerve impulses , binding together cells , and producing enzymes and hormones

(C) calcium’s uses include transmitting nerve impulses , binding together cells , and the production enzymes and hormones

(D) transmitting nerve impulses , binding together cells , and producing enzymes and hormones ways in which the body is using calcium

( E) in the body calcium being used for transmitting nerve impulses , binding together cells , and producing enzymes and hormones

8 . As the protest mounted , small skirmishes between students and police that broke out everywhere ,flaring up like sudden brush fires on all sides .

( A) skirmishes between students and police that broke

(B) skirmishes between students and police which broke

(C) skirmishes between students and police broke

(D) skirmishes between students and police which were breaking

( E) skirmishes between students and police breaking

9 . Great plans for the future were made by Huck and Tom that depended on their finding the gold hidden in the cave  

( A) Great plans for the future were made by Huck and Tom that

(B) Great plans for the future were made by Huck and Tom which

(C) Huck and Tom , who made great plans for the future that

(D) Huck and Tom made great plans for the future that

( E) Great plans for the future were being made by Huck and Tom that

10 . Many classic recordings have been reissued in compact disc format , some perennial favorites have not .

( A) Many classic recordings have been reissued

(B) Many classic recordings have reissued

(C) Many a classic recording have been reissued

 (D) Despite many classic recordings which have been reissued

( E) Although many classic recordings have been reissued

11 . Although now engaged in writing background music for television shows , his next musical project will be to compose a symphony in memory of the Challenger crew .

( A) his next musical project will be to compose a symphony

(B) the next musical project he will undertake will be the composition of a symphony

(C) he will next compose a symphony

(D) therefore he will next compose a symphony

( E) his next musical project will be the composition of a symphony

12 . Freud’s principal method of investigation was not controlled experimentation but he simply observed patients in clinical settings .

( A) experimentation but he simply observed patients in clinical settings

(B) experimentation but he was simply observing patients in clinical settings

(C) experimentation but simple observations of patients in clinical settings

(D) experiments although he simply observed patients in clinical settings

( E) experimentation except for whenever he made simple observations of patients in clinical settings

13 . The best known Iban textiles , large ceremonial cloths called pua kumbu , whose designs depict the flora and fauna of Borneo as well as figures from the spirit realm .

(A) textiles , large ceremonial cloths called pua kumbu whose designs depict

(B ) textiles , large ceremonial cloths called pua kumbu , in whose designs depicted

(C) textiles are large ceremonial cloths called pua kumbu , whose designs depict

(D) textiles are large ceremonial cloths called pua kumbu their designs depict

(E) textiles , large ceremonial cloths are called pua kumbu in their designs are depicted

14 . This comprehensive history of cartography traces the discoveries and feats of technical ingenuity by which men have , over the centuries , succeeded in mapping first the surface of the globe , then Earth’s interior , and finally they explored the moon and planets .

(A) first the surface of the globe , then Earth’s interior , and finally they explored the moon and planets

(B ) firstly the surface of the globe , then Earth’s interior , and finally they explored the moon and planets

(C) first the surface of the globe , then Earth’s interior , and finally they explored the moon and planets

(D) first the surface of the globe , then Earth’s interior , and finally were explored the moon and planets

(E) first the surface of the globe , then Earth’s interior , and finally the moon and planets

2 . Select the best answer to each of then following questions ; then blacken the appropriate space on your answer sheet .

1 . It was reported that the identities of them to be called as witnesses would be released on

             A                                                    B                           C   

Tuesday by the district attorney . No error  

                D                                         E

( A) (B) (C) (D) ( E)

2 . The as stated that a piano was needed for the school play in good condition . No error

                   A                                     B                              C                        D                    E

 ( A) (B) (C) (D) ( E)

3 . The fishing fleet left the harbor when the fishermen heard that a school of bluefish were

                              A B                                                                                                                 C 

near the wreck . No error

  D                             E

( A) (B) (C) (D) ( E)

4 . In consideration about his long service to the theater , the Tony Awards committee


 made a special presentation honoring producer George Abbott , who had recently

                                                       B                                                                      C

celebrated his hundredth birthday . No error

      C                        D                               E 

( A) (B) (C) (D) ( E)

5 . A minority group comprising 30 % of the community and represented by only one

                                            A                                                    B                                C

member out of 25 on the City Council . No error

                     D                                                 E

( A) (B) (C) (D) ( E)

6 . In spite of a superficial simplicity , there are many aspects of the prose style of Ernest

                                                                            A                  B

Hemingway that would be profitable subjects for further study . No error

                        C                                                              D                          E

( A) (B) (C) (D) ( E)

7 . Among George , Henry , and I , there can be no secrets . No error

        A                                        B         C                 D                     E

( A) (B) (C) (D) ( E)

8 . Neither the reporters nor the editor were satisfied with the salary offer made by the

          A                               B                       C                                                                  D

publisher . No error  


( A) (B) (C) (D) ( E)

9 . The workers who I see in the subway every afternoon seem tired and dejected . No error

                              A                                        B                              C                    D             E

( A) (B) (C) (D) ( E)

10 The article was rejected because of its length , verbosity , and it presented only one point

                                 A                                                      B                            C           D 

of view .No error


( A) (B) (C) (D) ( E)

11. Mr. Jones’s decision to retire came as a shock to all who respected his ability . No error

                                 A                         B           C                    D                                              E    

( A) (B) (C) (D) ( E)

12 . When she spoke with the police , she reported her loss : she stated that a large quantity

                                                                                                              A                         B                 

of clothing and of valuable jewelry were missing . No error

                                      C                             D                  E

( A) (B) (C) (D) ( E)

13 . Between the small shops and boutiques of Greenwich Village and the giant department

          A                                                                                                                    B

stores of midtown Manhattan lie the ethnically varied residential neighborhood of Chelsea .

                                                     C                                                                                  D

No error 


( A) (B) (C) (D) ( E)

14 . Bailing vigorously , we managed to remain afloat until we were rescued by the Coast

            A            B                                        C           D

Guard . No error  


( A) (B) (C) (D) ( E)

15 . We had ought to finish out trip before dark because it gets very cold after the sun goes

                     A                                                                B       C                                                 D

down . No error


( A) (B) (C) (D) ( E)

16 . Does  that remark infer that you are displeased with the way I am managing the

           A                            B                                 C                                            D

business ? No error


( A) (B) (C) (D) ( E)

17 . The success of recent Victorian art exhibitions in London , Paris , and New York



 illustrate a shift in   both scholarly assessment and public taste . No error

     B                  C          D                                                                           E                            

( A) (B) (C) (D) ( E)

18 . Just as  some teenagers adore video games , so others condemn it as an utter waste of

            A                                                                             B                     C            D              

time . No error


( A) (B) (C) (D) ( E)

19 . A work of singular beauty Stanhope’s painting Love and the Maiden captivates the


longings and aspirations of an artistic generation that sought relief from the grim realities

                               B                                                     C                        D

of urban life created by the Industrial Revolution . No error


( A) (B) (C) (D) ( E)

150-] English Literature

150-] English Literature Letitia Elizabeth Landon     List of works In addition to the works listed below, Landon was responsible for nume...