Grammar American & British

Thursday, June 9, 2022

13 - ] Model SAT Tests - Test Thirteen

13 - ] Model SAT Tests

Test Thirteen

Some or all the parts of the following sentences are underlined . The first answer choice , (A) , simply repeats the underlined part of the sentence . The other four choices present four alternative ways to phrase the underlined part . Select the answer that produces the most effective sentence , one that is clear and exact , and blacken the appropriate space on your answer sheet . In selecting your choice , be sure that it is standard written English , and that it expresses the meaning of the original sentence .


The first biography of author Eudora Welty came out in 1998 and she was 89 years old at the time  .

 (A) and she was 89 years old at the time

(B) at the time when she was 89

(C) upon becoming an 89 year old

(D) when she was 89

(E) at the age of 89 years old

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

1 . Complaining that he couldn’t hear hardly anything  , he asked Dr Brown , the otologist ,

whether he should get a hearing aid .

(A) Complaining that he couldn’t hear hardly anything

(B) Complaining that he couldn’t hardly hear anything

(C) He complained that he couldn’t hear hardly anything

(D) Complaining that he could hear hardly anything

(E) Because he couldn’t hear hardly anything

2 . Shakespeare wrote many plays , they are now being presented on public television .

(A) Shakespeare wrote many plays , they are now being presented on public television .

(B) Shakespeare wrote many plays , and they have been presented on public television .

(C) Shakespeare wrote many plays , which  public television has now presented.

(D) The many plays of Shakespeare have now been presented on public television

(E) Shakespeare wrote many plays , they are now being presented on public television .

3 . Many alcoholics attempt to conceal their problem from their fellow workers , but invariably failing to keep their secret .

(A) but invariably failing to keep their secret

(B) but they invariably fail to keep their secret

(C) but fail , invariably , to keep their secret

(D) who invariably fail to keep their secret

(E) who they  invariably fail to keep their secret from

4 . Upon considering the facts of the case , the solution was obvious ; consequently , Holmes sent for the police .

(A) Upon considering

(B) When considering

(C) Considering

(D) In consideration of

(E) When he considered

5 . Familiar with the terrain from previous visits , the explorer’s search for the abandoned mine site was a success .

(A) the explorer’s search for the abandoned mine site was a success

(B) the success of the explorer’s search for the abandoned mine site was assured

(C) the explorer succeeded in finding the abandoned mine site

(D) the search by the explorer for the abandoned mine site was a successful

(E) the explorer in his search for the abandoned mine site was a success .

6 . Economic conditions demand not only cutting wages and prices but also to reduce inflation-raised tax rates .

(A) not only cutting wages and prices but also to reduce

(B) we not only cut wages and prices but also reduce

(C) to not only cutt wages and prices but also to reduce

(D) not only to cut wages and prices but also to reduce

(E) not only a cut in wages and prices but also to reduce

7 . He interviewed several candidates who he thought had the experience and qualifications he required .

(A) who he thought

(B) whom he thought

(C) of whom he thought

(D) he thought who

(E) which he thought

8 . A person’s true character , it seems , is revealed in a situation which is similar to this .

(A) in a situation which is similar to this .

(B) in a situation like this is .

(C) in a situation such as this .

(D) in such a situation like this is .

(E) from  a situation such as this .

9 . It is typical of military service for a skilled technician to be induced and then you spend your whole tour of duty peeling potatoes and cleaning latrines .

(A) and then you spend your whole tour of duty

(B) to spend your whole tour of duty

(C) then they spend their whole tour of duty

(D) to spend their whole tour of duty

(E) then spend her whole tour of duty

10 . Being that he is that kind of a boy , he should not be blamed for his mistakes .

(A) Being that he is that kind of a boy

(B) Being that he is that kind of boy

(C) Since that he is that kind of boy

(D) Since that he is that sort of a boy

(E) Because he is that sort of a boy

11 . In years past , teenagers typically passed notes to their friends in class rather than electronic instant messages today .

(A) class rather than electronic instant messages today

(B) class but today it is electronic instant messages

(C) class today they send electronic instant messages

(D) class instead of electronic instant messages today

(E) class : instead , teenagers today sending instant messages electronically

12 . City officials have called on parents and guardians of students with asthma to provide schools with plans for emergency care should their children be stricken during school hours.

(A) care should their children be stricken during school hours.

(B) care in the event that  their child might be stricken during school hours.

(C) care because their children should be stricken during school hours.

(D) care although their children might be stricken during school hours.

(E) care could their children be struck during school hours.

13 . George Balanchine’s inspiration has had a great effect on many later choreographers who came after him , including Danish-born Peter Martins .

(A) George Balanchine’s inspiration has had a great effect on many later choreographers who came after him

(B) George Balanchine’s inspiration has greatly effected many later choreographers who came after him

(C) The inspiration of George Balanchine was great for many later choreographers who came after him

(D) Many choreographers who came after him have been affected greatly by the  inspiration of George Balanchine

(E) George Balanchine has inspired many later choreographers

14 . According to Freud , the aim of psychotherapy is to trace neurotic symptoms back to their unconscious roots and expose these roots to mature , rational judgment , thereby depriving them of their compulsive power .  

(A) judgment , thereby depriving them of their compulsive power .  

(B) judgment ; and thereby it deprives them of their compulsive power .  

(C) judgment ; thereby depriving them of their compulsive power .  

(D) judgment , thereby it deprives them of their compulsive power .  

 (E) judgment , thereby it deprives them of its compulsive power .  

12 - ] Model SAT Tests - Test Twelve

12 - ] Model SAT Tests

Test Twelve

Select the best answer to each of the following questions ; then blacken the appropriate space on your answer sheet .

 The sentences in this section may contain errors in grammar , usage , choice of words , or idioms . Either there is just one error in a sentence or the sentence is correct . Some words or phrases are underlined and lettered ; if the sentence is correct , select No error . Then blacken the appropriate space on your answer sheet .


The region has a climate so severe that plants growing there rarely had been more

                                                 A                                 B                               C

than twelve inches high . No error

                                  D         E   

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

1 . I can hardly believe your tale of military intrigue :the sophisticated secret weapons and



the increasing violent actions that were exhibited by just one man seem incredible .No

                   B                               C                                                           D                        E


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

2 . The animals who were chosen to represent the Democratic and Republican parties , the

                             A                                  B

 donkey and the elephant , were created by the renowned cartoonist Thomas Nast. No error

                                                      C                                      D                                                 E

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

3 . I should like you and he to supply the necessary data for the annual statement that must

              A                         B                                    C

 be prepared in advance of  the spring meeting . No error

                                 D                                                   E  

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

4 . In the aftermath of the space shuttle Challenger explosion , where seven crew members

                 A                                                                                           B

were killed , the NASA program underwent a massive examination . No error  

         C                                                                                    D                        E

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

5 . Twenty -five restless five-year-olds were throwing paper clips , were drawing on the

                                          A                              B

blackboard , and called to one another while their teacher went searching for milk and

                                     C                                   D

cookies . No error


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

6. Recent medical breakthroughs , including the discovery of a vaccine to slow the AIDS


 virus ,  have encouraged researchers ; and a cure is still eluding them . No error

                        B                                          C                            D                         E

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

7 . Before  the producer took the musical to Broadway , he tried to get the show with all

         A                                                                                                  B

 their actors and actresses booked in summer stock theaters for last-minute revisions .

    C                                                                                                                          D

No error


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

8 . Neither the middle career change applicant nor the young , inexperienced applicant are


finding it easy to begin a career in data processing because of a shortage of job openings .

    B                       C                                                              D

No error


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


9 . Even after you have endured a cold winter in subzero weather , one finds it possible to

                A                                                                                                         B    C

become acclimated to tropical temperatures in the summer . No error

               D                                                                                            E                       

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

10 . When you buy a condominium , you will have less work than  owning a house entails ,

         A                                                                                    B

 but you have not had the intrinsic rewards . No error

                        C                        D                            E

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

11 . We have come to the conclusion that we can end hostilities in that area  of the world by

                                          A                                                                         B

 providing food to both sides , bringing the opposing forces to the negotiation table , and to


 guarantee financial aid to both sides once peace is established . No error  

        D                                                                                                       E

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

12 . Numerous collections of  short stories include works by Isaac Bashevis Singer who ,


 despite living in the United States for more than fifty years , continued to write primarily

            B                                                                                                  C           D

 in Yiddish . No error


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

13 . Public television has succeeded  admirably in raising money for its future programs

                                             A                     B                                             C

 through marathon fund raising projects . No error

                                                D                           E

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

14 . By the time the bank guard closed the doors , a riot had erupted  due to the long lines

                 A                                                                                     B              C

 and shortage of  tellers . No error

               D                               E

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

15 . The ancient concept that states that the sun revolves around Earth is questioned by

                           A                            B                                   C                                    D

Copernicus in the sixteenth century . No error


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

16 . If the bystander had not been familiar with  first-aid techniques , the young diver

       A                                                           B

 which had the bad fall might have been paralyzed . No error

      C                                            D                                        E  

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

17 . The opera company members , which  ranged from  Joseph Volpe to conductor James

                                                                  A               B

 Levine , joined forces to pay tribute to retiring tenor Luciano Pavarotti . No error

                                                   C                  D                                                         E

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

18 . Both major high school debate teams - each eager to dominate  this year’s National

                                                                            A                        B

 Forensics League competition - intends to review thoroughly  the videos of last year’s

                                                            C                              D

tournament . No error


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

19 . Improvements in the global positioning system (GPS) will allow pilots using the system


 to guide aircraft  right down to the runway even when severe weather creates conditions of

                                       B                                          C                                                         D

zero visibility . No error


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

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