Grammar American & British

Friday, December 9, 2022

57- ] Model SAT Test - Test Fifty Seven

57- ] Model SAT Tests

Test Fifty Seven

The following sentences test your ability to recognize grammar and usage  error . Each sentence contains either a single error or no error at all . No sentence contains more than one error . The error , if there is one , is underlined and lettered . If the sentence contains an error , select the one underlined part that must be changed to make the sentence correct . If the sentence is correct , select choice (E) . In choosing answers , follow the requirements of standard written English .

1 . Whenever one is driving late at night , you  must take extra precautions against  falling

          (A)                                                         (B)                                                        (C)

asleep at the wheel . No error

                 (D)               (E)

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

2 . Over the last two weeks , I learn that all of the family stories I heard throughout my

           (A)                                     (B)

childhood were fiction -- fairy takes invented to hide the past I was not allowed to know .

                                                                                  (C)                                                      (D)

No error


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

3 . The sickening odor emanating from the bottles make anyone in the general vicinity feel queasy . No error

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

4 . New Jersey is now the most dense populated state , while Alaska remains the most

                                                               (A)                          (B)                     (C)           (D)

sparsely  populated . No error


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

5 . Like other archipelagos , French Polynesia’s culture has been profoundly shaped by its

                       (A)                                                                        (B)                 (C)                     (D)

geographic isolation . No error


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

6 . In airplanes as to boats , some people experience the feeling of nausea known as  ,

                            (A)                (B)                  (C)                                                     (D)

motion sickness . No error


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

7 . With the introduction of inexpensive , high-quality audio equipment , recording by

   (A)               (B)

amateurs and hobbyists are becoming more common . No error

             (C)                                 (D)                                           (E)

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

8 . When one reads Shakespeare , we can easily see how dramatically  the English language

       (A)                                               (B)                                    (C)

has changed in the last 400 years . No error

      (D)                                                    (E)

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

9 . Three of Jim’s classmates who were going on the class trip been nervous about being


away from home for a whole week . No error


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

10 . The professor , in his flawed interpretation of the revolutionary movement , stated that


, intense moved , the revolutionaries forgot to be practical and made a plan only feasible in

        (B)                                                                      (C)                                                (D)

a different era . No error


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

11 . Since  the Kennedy Administration , fitness standards for a child of eleven has greatly

         (A)                                                                                      (B)                             (C)

increased throughout the American public school system . No error

                       (D)                                                                             (E)

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

12 . Due to strict confidentially rules , which have been in effect for years , only recently has

          (A)                                                                    (B)                                                             (C)                                

the courtroom statements of that witness become known to the public . No error

                                                                              (D)                                       (E)   

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

13 . On the whole , Steven preferred driving on small , rural roads , which he found more

              (A)                                     (B)                                                                                  (C)

scenic  than the big city where he lived . No error

                  (D)                                               (E)                                 

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

14 . The soprano who led the opera production to its first place finishes in national and

                                 (A)                                                                 (B)

international competitions have more than five costume changes , which occur in the

                                                (C)                                                             (D)

opera’s first act . No error


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

15 . No matter where Gwen traveled or what her experiences is in the country , she was

           (A)                                                  (B)                   (C)

always thankful  for a kind word in her native language . No error

               ( D)                                                                              (E)

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

16 . Jill and Casey were convinced to become a member of the Peace Corps after seeing

                                          (A)                                   (B)                                              (C)

a video clip about the rewards of volunteer service . No error

             (D)                                                                           (E)

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

17 . Baseball was a typical American pastime before  either basketball and football , its play

                                                                                (A)                                    (B)

quickly moving from New York and Boston to Pittsburgh , St. Louis , Cincinnati , and then

  (C)                                                                                                                                          (D)

across the country to California . No error


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

18 . Heated debates between members of different political parties have recently arose ,


causing  teachers to reassess lessons that encourage students to express their opinions in the

    (B)                                                             (C)                                                                  

classroom  . No error

   (D)                (E)

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

19 . The Russian language teachers are convinced that their students’ progress , coming


just weeks after the beginning of the term , were caused  by extra efforts to discourage

     (B)                                                                        (C)

students from speaking English . No error

                         (D)                                 (E) 

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

Answer Key

1 . B 2 . 2. B 3 . D 4 . A 5 . A 6 . A 7 . D 8 . B 9 . B 10 . B 11 . C 12 . C 13 . D 14 . C 15 . C 16 . B 17 . B 18 . A 19 . C  

Saturday, November 26, 2022

56- ] Model SAT Tests - Test Fifty Six

56- ] Model SAT Tests

Test Fifty Six

For each question in this section , select the best answer from among the choices given and fill in the corresponding oval on the answer sheet

The following sentences test correctness and effectiveness of expression . Part of each sentence or the entire sentence is underlined ; beneath each sentence are five ways of phrasing the underlined material . Choice (A) repeats the original phrasing ; the other four choices are different . If you think the original phrasing produces a better sentence than any of the alternatives , select choice (A) ; if not , select one of the other choices .

In making your selection , follow the requirements of standard written English : that is , pay attention to grammar , choice of words , sentence construction , and punctuation . Your selection should result in the most effective sentence - clear and precise , without awkwardness or ambiguity .

1 . Every apple in the baskets are ripe and labeled according to the date it was picked .

(A) are ripe and labeled according to the date it was picked .

(B) is ripe and labeled according to the date it was picked .

(C) are ripe and labeled according to the date they were picked .

(D) is ripe and labeled according to the date they were picked .

(E) are ripe and labeled s to the date it was picked .

2 . The pizza from New York Pizza Depot are better than Guido’s .

(A) are better than Guido’s .

(B) are better than those from Guido’s .

(C) compared to Guido’s .

(D) are better than like Guido’s .

(E) better than those from Guido’s .

3 . With ambition reminiscent of his idols , the already successful artist hopes making many great masterpieces .

(A) hopes making  

(B) hopes to make

(C) hopes it can make

(D) has hope to make

(E) is having hope of making  

4 . Richard Nixon , one of the only presidents impeached during his term , and eventually to resign and leave office .

(A) and eventually to resign and leave office

(B) eventually resigned  and left office

(C) he eventually resigned and left office

(D) he eventually having resigned and left office

(E) having eventually resigned and left office

5 . Richard Avedon was celebrated by the New Yorker not only as a great photographer but also he documented brilliantly decades of history of America and the world .

(A) he documented brilliantly decades of history

(B) having documented decades of history brilliantly

(C) documenting brilliantly decades of history

(D) being brilliant documenter of decades of history

(E) as a brilliant documenter of decades of history

6 . Although the Chicago White Sox win more often than the Chicago Cubs , Chicago residents , who are historically avid baseball fans , prefer the Cubs .

(A) Although the Chicago White Sox win more often than the Chicago Cubs , Chicago residents , who are historically avid baseball fans , prefer the Cubs .

(B) The Chicago White Sox winning  more often than the Chicago Cubs , Chicago residents , who are historically avid baseball fans , prefer the Cubs .

(C) Although not winning as often as  the Chicago White Sox , the Chicago Cubs are preferred  by Chicago residents , who are historically avid baseball fans.

(D) Historically avid baseball fans in  Chicago , who prefer the Cubs to the Chicago White Sox .

(E) Although more games are won by the Chicago White Sox than the Chicago Cubs , Chicago residents , who historically avid baseball fans , prefer the Cubs .

7 . Because the lenses have UV protection , nearly all UV rays are prevented from reaching the wearer’s eyes .

(A) protection , nearly all UV rays are prevented from reaching the wearer’s eyes

(B) protection : nearly all UV rays are prevented from reaching the wearer’s eyes

(C) protection is the reason why they prevent nearly all UV rays from reaching the wearer’s eyes

(D) protection , they prevent nearly all UV rays are from reaching the wearer’s eyes

(E) protection , it prevents nearly all UV rays are from reaching the wearer’s eyes

8 . Having plenty of training , my errors in judgment during my first day on the job were few .

(A) my errors in judgment during my first day on the job were few .

(B) I made few errors in judgment during my first day on the job .

(C) there were few errors in the judgment I used during my first day on the job.

(D) my first day on the job , I made few errors in judgment.

(E) the judgment I used during my first day on the job had few errors .

9 . Jean-Jacques is so busy with work and thus has no time for leisure activities .

(A) so busy with work and thus

(B) so busy with work and therefore

(C) so busy with work than he

(D) busy so much with work that he

(E) so busy with work ,  and so he

10 . Despite their unanimous love of Hemingway , the authors read by the members of the book club range from Danielle Steele to J.R.R. Tolkien .

(A) the authors read by the members of the book club range from Danielle Steele to J.R.R. Tolkien .

(B) authors ranging from Danielle Steele to J.R.R. Tolkien are read by the members of the book club

(C) authors ranging from Danielle Steele to J.R.R. Tolkien being read by the members of the book club .

(D) the members of the book club read authors ranging from Danielle Steele to J.R.R. Tolkien .

(E) a range of authors from Danielle Steele to J.R.R. Tolkien are read by the members of the book club

11 . The issue the economists considered which was whether a tax decrease will cause an increase in consumer spending or simply an increase in consumer savings .

(A) considered which was whether a tax decrease would this cause an increase

(B) considered was if they  would  decrease taxes  will cause an increase

(C) considered was that a decrease of taxes would result in an increase

(D) considered was will decreasing taxes  mean an increase

(E) considered was whether a tax decrease would cause an increase

12 . After shopping all day in crowded department stores , Kathy and Erica were as tired as if running a marathon .

(A) if running

(B) having run

(C) if from running

(D) if they had run

(E) if they would have run

13 - New Year’s Day is traditionally when people make resolutions to improve themselves in the future , the renewal the new year provides is a natural time for self-reflection .

(A) future , the renewal the new year provides

(B) future ;  the renewal the new year provides

(C) future , the new year , and the renewal it provides

(D) future , the new year provides renewal that

(E) future ; because the renewal the new year provides

14 . The hills in Santa Barbara County , like neighboring San Luis Obispo County , is home to some of California’s best vineyards .

(A) neighboring San Luis Obispo County , is

(B) the hills of neighboring San Luis Obispo County , is

(C) the hills of neighboring San Luis Obispo County , are

(D) those in neighboring San Luis Obispo County , is

(E) neighboring San Luis Obispo County , are

15 . Nurses and anesthesiologists are both essential in the operating room , and the anesthesiologists would keep the patient sedated while the nurses would assist and support the surgeon .

(A) and the anesthesiologists would keep the patient sedated while the nurses would assist and support

(B) the anesthesiologists keep the patient sedated and the nurses are assisting and supporting

(C) the anesthesiologists to keep the patient sedated and the nurses to assist and support

(D) and the anesthesiologists keep the patient sedated while the nurses would assist and support

(E) the anesthesiologists keeping  the patient sedated while the nurses would assist and support

16 . Roberto attempted to lose weight , tried various diets , including one which required him only to eat raw foods .

(A) weight , tried

(B) weight , he tried

(C) weight : and tried

(D) weight by trying

(E) weight with the trying of

17 . The floods displaced many people , forcing them to find new homes , to find new sources of drinking water , and new supplies of food .

(A) to find new sources of drinking water

(B) new sources of drinking water

(C) new sources of drinking water to find

(D) the drinking water at new sources

(E) new sources of water that could be drunk

18 . The monkeys grew agitated very quickly and the havoc it wrought was nearly unbelievable .

(A) very quickly and the havoc it wrought was nearly unbelievable 

(B) very quick and the havoc they wrought was nearly unbelievable 

(C) very quickly , the havoc they wrought was nearly unbelievable 

(D) very quick and the havoc it wrought was nearly unbelievable 

(E) very quickly and the havoc they wrought was nearly unbelievable 

19 . The food critic from Cuisine magazine found  as to the likeability of the new chef’s dishes as surprising and thorough .

(A) as to the likeability of the new chef’s dishes as surprising and thorough

(B) as to the new chef his dishes are surprisingly and  thoroughly likeable

(C) that the new chef’s surprisingly and thoroughly likeable dishes

(D) that in regards the new chef’s dishes ,  they are surprisingly and thoroughly likeable

(E) that the new chef’s dishes are surprisingly and thoroughly likeable

20 . The animal shelter reported fewer stray dogs than ever before this year , this is because an ever-growing percentage of dogs are sprayed or neutered and there are fewer unwanted puppies consequently .

(A) year , this is because an ever-growing percentage of dogs are sprayed or neutered and there are fewer unwanted puppies consequently .

(B) year , an ever-growing percentage of dogs being sprayed or neutered means fewer unwanted puppies consequently .

 (C) year , as a result of the fact that an ever-growing percentage of dogs are sprayed or neutered and there are fewer unwanted puppies consequently .

(D) year because an ever-growing percentage of dogs are sprayed or neutered and there are consequently fewer unwanted puppies .

(E) year because of  the spraying or neutering of an ever-growing percentage of dogs and therefore fewer unwanted puppies .

21 . The sausage served at the end of the meal was more flavorful than any of the other pastas I had tasted , probably because it was roasted in its own juices .

(A) was more flavorful than any of the other pastas I had tasted , probably because

(B) tasting more flavored than any of the other pastas I had , probably because

(C) than any of the other pastas I had tasted was more flavorful, probably because

(D) was more flavorful than any of the other pastas I had tasted , as a result most likely of the fact that

(E) was more flavorful than any of the pastas I had tasted , probably because

22 . Similar to William Shakespeare were the works of Christopher Marlowe , which included  plays , poetry , and translations of ancient works into English .

(A) Similar to William Shakespeare were the works of Christopher Marlowe , which

(B) Similar to William Shakespeare’s works were those of Christopher Marlowe , which

(C) Similar to William Shakespeare was Christopher Marlowe , who

(D) Similarly  to William Shakespeare’s works were those of Christopher Marlowe , which

(E) Similar to William Shakespeare’s works were those of Christopher Marlowe , where they

23 . When a bacterial culture is handled in an environment that is not appropriately sterilized , they can be introducing new organisms , ruining the culture .

 (A) When a bacterial culture is handled in an environment that is not appropriately sterilized , they can be introducing new organisms , ruining

(B) a bacterial culture when handled in a not appropriately sterilized environment can introduce new organisms ,and this ruins

(C) When a bacterial culture is handled in an environment that is not appropriately sterilized , new organisms can be introduced , ruining

(D) If you handle a bacterial culture in an environment that is not appropriate sterilized , it can introduce new organisms , ruining

(E) a bacterial culture when handled in an environment that is not appropriately sterilized , can introduce new organisms and ruins

24 . The internet is becoming an indispensable part of everyday life , but there is not much use in the developing world .

(A) life , but there is not much use in the developing world .

(B) life , but in the developing world there is not much use.

(C) life but there is not used much in the developing world .

(D) life , but use in the developing world is not much.

(E) life , but using it is not done much in the developing world .

25 . The computer repair course emphasized the importance of using a properly connected grounding wire to prevent a static electric charge that could damage fragile computer components .  

(A) the importance of using a properly connected grounding wire to prevent a static electric charge

(B) the importance of using a properly connected grounding wire preventing  a static electric charge

(C) to prevent a static electric charge it is important to use a properly connected grounding wire

(D) the importance of using a properly connected grounding wire and to prevent a static electric charge

(E) why it is important using a properly connected grounding wire to prevent a static electric charge

26 . The hawks’ nest , wedged into an apartment building’s façade , was a rather unique sight in Chicago ; they became such an attraction that several books were written about them and tourists came from all over the country to see them .

(A) they became such an attraction that several books were written about them and

(B) several books were written about them and they became such an attraction that

(C) they had become such an attraction that several books were written about them and

(D) it became such an attraction ,  writing several books and

(E) the hawks , after  several books were written about them ,  became such an attraction that

Answer Key

1 . B 2 . B 3 . B 4 . B 5 . E 6 . A 7 . D 8 . B 9 . C 10 . D 11 . E 12 . D 13 . B 14  . C 15 . C 16 . D 17 . B 18 . E 19 . E 20 . D 21 . E 22 . B 23 . C 24 . C 25 . A 26 . E  

55- ] Model SAT Tests - Test Fifty Five

55- ] Model SAT Tests 

- Test Fifty Five 

The definition of aesthetic pleasure is a popular subject for many different fields . In the following , adapted from an article found in a science journal , a physicist discusses the unique perspective that his discipline allows him .

            Since time immemorial , countless scholars have asked the question : What is beauty ? As philosophers engage in weighty discourses , designers update the latest fashions , and artists create their masterpieces , what is considered beautiful changes at an alarming pace . Fifty years ago , the full-figured Marilyn Monroe embodied the American aesthetic value ; today , a legion of Hollywood actresses vastly different in appearance from Marilyn’s have taken her place . However , aesthetic values not only differ from generation to generation , but do so along cultural lines as well . The conventions that govern painting and music vary greatly from East to West . Often , what is considered repellent to one civilization is the pinnacle of aesthetic appeal in another . Thus , when left to the sphere of human design , the search for an absolute definition of beauty remains an elusive one at best .

            As fundamental physicists , my colleagues and I like to believe that we are involved in a search for a beauty that does not remain impervious to definition . The beauty that we search for is not that which is laid down through the work of people and subject to ephemeral tastes , but rather that which has been established by Nature . Those not involved with physics tend to think of it as a precise and predictive science - certainly not a field of study fit for the contemplation of the beautiful . Yet , one of physics’ greatest gifts is that it allows its students to look past extrinsic appearances , into a more overwhelming beauty . As a human being , I am captivated by the visual appeal of a wave crashing on the beach . As a physicist however , I possess the ability to be captivated by the much deeper beauty of the physical laws that govern such a phenomenon . Where the non-physicist sees a lovely but inexplicable event , the well-schooled physicist is able to perceive a brilliant design .

            In truth , since the day that Albert Einstein first proposed the notion that there might be one over-aching physical theory that governs the universe , aesthetics have become a driving force in modern physics . What Einstein and we , as his intellect6ual descendants , have discovered is this : Nature at its most fundamental level , is beautifully constructed . The remarkable simplicity of the laws that govern the universe is , at times , nothing short of breath-taking . And at every step , as new discoveries and technologies allow us to examine the physical world on deeper and deeper levels , we find that the beauty itself becomes more profound . As Einstein himself said , it would seem more likely that we should find-ourselves living in a “chaotic world , in no way graspable through thinking .” Yet here we are , closer than ever to a full understanding of the universe’s beautiful clockwork .

1 . The reference to “Marilyn Monroe” in line 4 primarily serves to        

(A) provide an example of today’s standards of beauty

(B) discuss her abilities as an actress

(C) demonstrate how susceptible aesthetics are to change

(D) compare traditions of East and West

(E) illustrate that the standard definition of beauty remains constant

2 . The author’s assertion in lines 8 - 9 (“what is considered repellent…. in another”) suggests that

(A) cultures are naturally destined to clash

(B) many civilizations are prone to disgusting behavior

(C) different societies are tied together by an appreciation for physics

(D) it is nearly impossible to say what is truly beautiful

(E) individuals tend to disagree on what they find beautiful

3 . As used in paragraph two the underlined phrase “laid down” most nearly means

(A) rested (B) slept (C) created (D) set (E) secured

4 . The author uses the underlined words “ephemeral” and “Nature” in order to  

(A) contrast the concept of impermanent beauty with the beauty for which physics searches (B) evaluate the effectiveness of physics as an art form 

(C) discuss how physics visualize beauty

(D) argue against the relevance of traditional forms of beauty

(E) criticize people who don’t understand physics

5 . In the course of outlining the various gifts of physics , the author cites all of the following EXCEPT

(A) the ability to look for a beauty that is unchanging

(B) appreciating the visual beauty of a wave crashing

(C) understanding both extrinsic and intrinsic beauty

(D) a greater comprehension of Nature’s ways

(E) seeing a deeper design in natural events

6 . In the third paragraph , Albert Einstein’s proposal of an “overarching …. theory” suggests that

(A) the author believes that there is beauty in simplicity

(B) the universe is infinitely complex

(C) aesthetics has no place in physics

(D) the physical world will never be understood rationally

(E) the discovery of a full understanding of the universe is imminent

7 . As used in paragraph three the underlined word “driving” most nearly means

(A) leading (B) controlling (C) traveling (D) escaping (E) pounding

8 . The author quotes Albert Einstein at the end of the passage in order to  

(A) detail the way physical laws affect chaos

(B) emphasize the scope of Einstein’s influence

(C) suggest that Einstein might have doubted the beauty of physics .

(D) stress just how remarkable the order of the universe really is

(E) cast doubt upon Einstein’s abilities

9 . The passage is primarily concerned with

(A) discussing the way various cultures assess beauty

(B) explaining the beauty that is unmasked through an understanding of physics

(C) demonstrating the way concepts of beauty change over time

(D) recounting the achievements of Albert Einstein

(E) finding new relevance for different physical laws

Answer Key

1 . C 2 . D 3 . C 4 . A 5 . B C . A 7 . A 8 . D 9 . B

184- ] English Literature

184- ] English Literature Jane Austen  Austen’s novels: an overview Jane Austen’s three early novels form a distinct group in which a stro...