Grammar American & British

Sunday, July 12, 2020

American Division Literature [ 14 ]

14- ] American Division Literature .


Visual Poems .

The physical shape affects meaning .

1-] Shaped verse [ Renaissance emblem poetry ]

The words are shaped to fit meaning .

The Altar .  By : George Herbert

A broken ALTAR ,Lord , Thy servant rears  ,

Made of a HEART , and cemented with tears ;

        Whose parts are as Thy and did frame ;

No work man’s tool hath touched the same .

                           A HEAT alone

                           Is such a stone

                           As nothing but

                           Thy power doth cut .

                          Where fore each part

                           Of my hard HEART

                           Meets in this frame

                           To praise Thy name :

         That , if I chance to hold my peace ,

These stones to praise Thee may not cease .

   O , let Thy blessed SACRIFICE be mine ,

        And sanctify this ALTAR to be Thine .

The words here in the poem are shaped in writing to fit the altar in shape .

Satire .

Poems that embody a satiric outlook . Formal verse satire sometimes didactic in tone , satirizes some vice .

Horatian satire [ gentle ridicule ] is in the poetry of W. H. Auden . Juvenalian satire is very formal , very cutting , whereas Menippean satire uses plot , dialogue and a mixture of prose and verse .

An example of satire is Jonathan Swift , well known for his ability to satirize who penned “ A Satirical Elegy” in 1722 “ On the Death of a Later Famous General” John Churchill – a member of royalty character [ Duke of Marlborough ] and an English military hero whose character was eventually called into question .

Invective poems :  Personal attacks or lampoons [ satires against individuals ] .

Panegyric poems :  Poems that praise someone or something , especially public figures and institutions .

Epideictic poetry :  Special occasion poems

Encomiums are poems [ often in the form of odes ] that eulogize .

Epithalamiums  are poems [ that can be song ] that celebrate a wedding .

Complaint :  A lyric poem [ usually monologue ] in which the poet complains about the state of the world , his individual situation or his mistress .

An example is “ A Complaint by Night” by Henry Howard , Earl of Surrey .

Confessional poems : A contemporary form that deals with ver private matters .

Palinode :  A poem or song that retracts a previous work , often retracting an ode .

Metaphysical poetry :  Philosophical poetry written in the seventeenth century as a revolt against Elizabethan love poetry characterized by :

1] The metaphysical conceit . 2- ] Psychological analysis . 3-] Subjects : love and religion . 4-] Use of the shocking – simple diction . 5-] Form : an argument. 6-] Style : rough .

A type of metaphysical poetry is the meditative poem ,written with Renaissance poetic techniques about religious topics for religious ceremonies . An example of the metaphysical poets is John Donne .

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