Grammar American & British

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Composition & Essay Writing [ 34 ]

34- ] Composition & Essay Writing .

35-] Fashion .

Fashion refers to the styles and customs prevalent at a give time . In its most usage fashion “ exemplifies the appearance of clothing , but the term encompasses more . Many fashions are popular in many cultures at any given time .The course of design and fashion change more   rapidly than culture as a whole .The terms “fashionable" and “unfashionable" are employed to describe whether someone or something fits in with the current or even not so current popular mode of expression .The term “fashion" is frequently used in positive sense as a synonym for glamour , beauty and style . In this sense fashions are a sort of communal art through which a culture examines its notions of beauty and goodness . The term “ fashion “ is also sometimes used in a negative sense as a synonym for fads and trends and materialism .

                    Fashion as a social phenomena is common . The rise and fall of fashion has been especially documented and examined in many fields such as architecture ,art and crafts , clothing and costume , dance and music , entertainment etc. Of these fields “ costume “ especially has become so linked in the public eye with the term “ fashion “ that the more general term costume has mostly been relegated to only mean fancy dress or masquerade wear while the term “ fashion “ means clothing generally and the study of it.

                    Wearing stylish yet clean-cut tailored clothes can cause others to take you more seriously in the office . Dressing conservatively in a court of law shows respect . Men tend to be liked more by women when they are well groomed . Having a personal style that is unique yet fashionable can give a person more confidence . Trendily dressed people tend to attract more positive attention .Dressing age appropriately causes people to respect you more . People who are not dressed age appropriately tend to attract scorn and ridicule . Dressing in certain ways can    give a woman a more flattering silhouette . Those who enjoy fashion consider it a form of art .

                      Fashion may vary considerably within a society according to age , social class , generation , occupation and geography as well as time . If for example , an older person dresses according to the fashion of young people , he or she may look ridiculous in the eyes of both young and older people .

                     Fashion by description changes constantly .For some modern fast-paced changes in fashion embody many of the negative aspects of capitalism : it results in waste and encourages people qua [ as ] consumers to buy things unnecessarily . Fashion can consume money and resources that could be put to uses that help society more .

                    Other people enjoy the diversity that changing fashion can apparently provide seeing the constant change as a way to satisfy their desire to experience new and interesting things .

                  Fashion houses and their associated fashion designers as well as high-status consumers appear to have some role in determining the rates and directions of fashion change . The impact   of this influence depends on many things like economic status .

                      An important part of fashion is fashion journalism . Editorial critique and commentary can be found in magazines , newspapers , on television , fashion web sites , social networks and in fashion blogs .At the beginning of the 20th century fashion magazines began to include photographs and became even more influential than in the past . Television coverage  began in the 1950s with small fashion features . In the 1960s and 1970s , fashion segments on various entertainment show became more frequent and by 1980s dedicated fashion shows started to appear .

                Media , social , political and cultural influences have a significant effect on how fashion   is viewed . The political and cultural popularity of an individual can play a role equal or greater than artistic factors in how their sense of fashion is viewed by the media .


36-] Pets .

                  A pet is an animal kept for companionship and enjoyment or a household animal as opposed to livestock , laboratory animals , working animals or sport animals which are kept for economic reasons . The most popular pets are noted for their loyal or playful characteristics , for their attractive appearance or for their song .

                 Pets are divided into 1-] small animals such as dogs , cats and tortoises 2-] large animals especially such as horses , sheep and cattle 3-] exotic include birds , squirrels and reptiles .

                 Around 63 % of all US households [ 71.1 million ] are pet owners . The most popular pets in most countries have been cats and dogs . It is estimated that there are 7.9 million cats and 5.9 million dogs in Canada .

                Keeping pets has been shown to help relieve stress to those who like having animals around . Walking a dog ca provide both the owner and the dog with exercise , fresh air and social interaction . Pets have the ability to stimulate their care-givers in particular the elderly , giving people someone o take care of , someone to exercise with and someone to help them heal from a physically or psychologically troubled past . Having a pet may help people achieve health goals such as lowered blood pressure or mental goals such as decreased stressed . There appears to be strong evidence that having a pet can help a person lead a longer , healthier life . A recent study concluded that owning a pet can reduce the risk of a heart attack by 2% and that pets are better than medication in reducing blood pressure .

                     Keeping animals such as pets may become detrimental to their health if certain requirements are not kept . An important issue is the inappropriate feeding which may produce clinical effects [ like consumption of chocolate by dogs ] . Passive smoking is another recurring problem which could damage the pet’s health .

The health risks associated with pets include 1-] Aggravation of allergies and asthma caused by dander and fur or feathers . 2-] Injuries and mauling and sometimes deaths caused by pet bites and attacks .3-] Diseases

and / or parasites due to animal hygiene problems or lack of appropriate treatment [ feces and urine ] . 4-] Stress caused by behavior of animals .  5-] Fear or distress from animal presence or behavior .

To conclude pets are nice and amusing to keep , but there must be appropriate conditions to keep them .


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