Grammar American & British

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Composition & Essay Writing . [ 8 ]

Composition & Essay Writing . [ 8 ]

Chapter Two .

Writing An Article Or Essay .

An article is a piece of writing on a certain topic . It consists of some paragraphs . Each paragraph must have an idea with a key sentence expounded or explained . The paragraphs must be related to the main topic in an organic unity . The article must be interesting so as to attract the attention of the audience . To achieve interest all the rules of good writing as mentioned in drafting , revising and editing must be regarded .

Here are expounded examples of articles on different topics in various fields of life such as economic , medical , scientific , social , environmental or ecological etc. The student or the learner must study these essays well to benefit from them to enrich his / her knowledge , vocabulary , techniques of writing .

1-] How To Keep Fit And Healthy .

 Keeping healthy and fit is interrelated – what you do to be healthy keeps you fit at the same time .Doing simple , cost effective things to stay healthy  today will keep you from spending more       money and allow you to enjoy your life . The cost of treating chronic diseases can be debilitating enough to cause job loss ; it is cited as one of the top reasons why people go bankrupt . Plus you      can do this without having to spend too much on a gym membership , trainers or expensive nutritionists .

There are several important affordable ways to good health and fitness . The first and easiest step towards being fit is maintaining a good diet – a balanced diet . A diet that ensures you consume      more of fruits and vegetables and less meats and fatty food stuffs . Cut down on your caffeine and sugar intake . These food items cause diseases such as diabetes , high blood pressure and heart diseases . Drinking a lot of water and fresh fruit juices is highly recommended .

     Exercise and at the very least just walk is an important factor for good health and fitness . You need to move to burn calories to keep body just fine. Even a brisk walk is considered quite healthy , so if you can manage to a regular exercise regimen comprised of sustained activity of 30 minutes a day , you are in good shape . Exercise your body every day . Go for a swim or walk or jog or just   play a game of football or tennis . Your body needs a regular workout .

     Sleeping earlier and well is also a necessary factor to keep healthy and fit .When you are asleep , your body does its work , so let it do what it has to . Your body heals and repairs itself and does its regulatory job while you are snoozing . So, give it the rest it deserves to keep you chugging along   well the next day .

Trying your best no to get stressed out is part and parcel to the process of keeping healthy and fit . Stress has the same effects on your body as toxin would . Do away with your filthy vices such as smoking and drug addiction . Remember to keep washing , especially your hands , that protects     you from flu or an infection . In brief you must follow the rules of cleanliness . To conclude health   is better than wealth .

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