Grammar American & British

Monday, July 6, 2020

Comprehension - Intermediate. [ 27 ]

[ 27 ]Comprehension . 

[  27  ] Intermediate 

Read the following , then answer the questions below :

                  The Eskimo  are the native people of Greenland , and the most northerly parts of Canada and Alaska . They are considered unattractive in appearance . Both men and women allow their hair to grow .

                  These hardy people are generally coast dwellers , thus they rely on the sea for their food . They live almost entirely on fish , sea-meat , whale-blubber and the flesh of sea-birds . Because of their custom of eating their meats uncooked , these northern natives were called Eskimo , meaning “ eaters of raw flesh .” Their garments consist of hooded coats , trousers , leggings and shoes – all made of sealskin .

                Eskimos are clever hunters . During the summer months , their chief occupation is the slaying of such animals as seals , foxes , caribou and bears . The flesh of these animals is dried , frozen and stored for use in winter , while the skins which are not needed for domestic purposes are exchanged for purchases at the trading stations .

               In summer the natives live in skin tents called tupicks . In winter they live in igloos . Both summer and winter homes are heated and lighted by means of oil-lamps . For most of the yea this huge island of the far north is covered with snow and ice . In the southern part , plants can grow during the very short summer .

               A most unusual happening takes place each year in this polar region . For a period of about three months in summer , the sun does not set , and for the same length of time in winter , it does not rise . The protective color of all creatures in the frozen north in white . From early childhood , the Eskimo children imitate the occupations and pastimes of the grown-ups .

A-] Answer the following questions :

1-] Why were the Eskimos called so ?


2-] What unusual sight may be seen in the Polar Region ?


3-] What double purpose does the oil-lamp in the Polar Region serve ?


4-] In what way are the Eskimos skillful ?


B-] Choose the correct answer :

1-] “Hardy” means

A-] abnormal .    B-] principal .    C-] stiff .   D-] complete .

2-] The unnecessary skins are

A-] thrown away .              B-] exchanged for purchases .

C-] given to others .           D-] are stored for use .

3-] Homes are heated and lighted by means of

A] candles . B-] electric bulbs . C-] solar energy lamps . D-] oil-lamps . 

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