Grammar American & British

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Comprehension - Intermediate [ 9 ]

[ 9 ]Comprehension . 

[  9  ] Intermediate

Read the following , then answer the questions below :

             The Hawaiian Islands are a tropical paradise , most of the time . But even there , nature can sometimes show its more violent side . The islands have been hit by numerous natural disasters in the recent past . These disasters have caused deaths and damage .

             Through all of Hawaii’s history volcanoes have played an important part . The islands were formed by the eruption of volcanoes under the ocean . On the big islands of Hawaii , the volcanoes continue to erupt . During an eruption , hot lava pours out of the top of a volcano and down the side . The red hot lava covers everything in its path . The air is filled with smoke and horrible-smelling gas that is sometimes poisonous . Once in 1790 , poisonous gas blew down into a populated valley and killed 80 people . In 1950 , a volcano on Hawaii erupted and lava poured out for 23 days . The lava covered 35 miles and closed off the main coastal road .

           Another kind of natural disaster that has hit Hawaii is the tidal wave , or tsunami . Unlike volcanoes . tsunamis come from far away under the ocean.  When an earthquake occurs under water , it creates huge waves . If these waves hit land , they destroy everything along the coast . Two terrible tsunami have hit the big island of Hawaii in modern times . One enormous wave washed away a whole school with the children and their teachers . Another killed 61 people .

                     Hurricanes have also caused much trouble for Hawaiians recently . When a hurricane passes over an island , the wind may be very strong , over 80 miles an hour . It can blow away windows , roofs and even whole buildings . The shore line may be changed , as the large waves wash over beaches and break up cliffs .

A-] Answer the following questions :

1-] How does nature show its more violent side ?


2-] What happens during the eruption of a volcano ?


3-] Why are tsunamis different from volcanoes ?


4-] What is the important part of volcanoes in Hawaii’s history ?


B-] Choose the correct answer :

1-] The underlined word “it” refers to

A-] volcano      B-] tsunami       C-] hurricane        D-] earthquake

2-] Erupt means

A-] break up    B-] break down     C-] break off     D-] break away

3-] When an earthquake occurs under water , it

A-] closes off the main road .  B-] fills the air with smoke .

C-] creates huge waves .   D-] blows away windows , roofs and buildings .

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