Grammar American & British

Friday, July 24, 2020

Conversation & Dialogue [ 31 ]

31- ] Conversation & Dialogue .

Likes And Dislikes .
Sakr : Do you like jazz , Noura ?
Noura : No , I don’t like it very much . Do you ?
Sakr : Well , yes , I do . I’m a real fan of [ so and so]?
Noura: Oh , does he play the piano ?
Sakr : No , he doesn’t ! He plays the trumpet . So , what kind of music do you like ?
Noura : I like rock a lot .
Sakr : Who’s your favorite group ?
Noura : The [ so and so ] . I love their music . How about you ? Do you like them ?
Sakr : No , I don’t . I can’t stand them !

Wife : Stop making that noise !
Husband : What noise ?
Wife : That terrible noise .
Husband : I’m not making a noise . I’m singing .
Wife : Stop that singing . I hear too much singing .
Husband : What’s wrong with singing ? I like singing .
Wife : And I don’t like listening to you .
Husband : Well , stop listening !
Wife : Anyway , hurry up and finish shaving . Your friend will be here soon .
Husband : What did you say ?
Wife : Your friend will be here . You want to talk to him .
Husband : I hate talking to my friend .
Wife : But he’s very rich . Perhaps he’ll lend you the money .
Husband : Stop worrying about the money . You worry too much .
Wife : I hate borrowing money .
Husband : You’re not borrowing the money . I’m borrowing it .
Wife : Why do you want the money , anyway ?
Husband : Stop asking questions . You ask too many questions .
Wife : And you finish shaving  !
Husband : Oh , all right .
Wife : Stop making that noise ! Hurry up !
[ The doorbell is ringing . ]
Husband : What did you say ?
Wife : Hurry up and finish shaving . It’s your friend . I’ll hang your coat up here Mr. Hashem . Do sit down , Mr. Hashem . My husband will be here in a moment .
Mr. Hashem : I hate waiting .
Wife : Ah . Here he is now .
Husband : Hallo , Mr. Hashem !
Mr. Hashem : How are you ?
Husband : I’m very well . You’re a very rich man , Mr. Hashem . Is that true ?
Mr. Hashem : Yes , that’s true .
Husband : Goo . I want to borrow some money .
Mr. Hashem : I hate lending money .
Wife : And I hate borrowing money .
Husband : Stop worrying . Mr. Hashem will get his money back . Stop worrying , Mr. Hashem . You’ll get your money back .
Mr. Hashem : Why do you want this money ?
Husband : I’m going to make a record .
Wife : A record . Oh , no !
Husband : Yes . I’m a great singer . Everyone will buy my record . Listen .
Wife : Oh ! Stop singing ! Stop that noise !
Mr. Hashem : I hate listening to records .
Wife : Stop singing ! Come back , Mr. Hashem ! Stop singing ! Mr. Hashem , come back  !
Invitation .

Tamer : I have tickets to the show on The Opera House on Friday night . Would you like to go ?
Suzan : Thanks . I’d love to . What time is the show ?
Tamer : It’s at 8 o’clock .
Suzan : That sounds great . So , do you want to have dinner at 6 o’clock ?
Tamer : Uh , I’d like to , but I have to work late .
Suzan : Oh , that’s OK . Let’s just meet at the theatre before the show , around 7 o’clock .
Tamer : That sounds fine .
Giving Suggestions .
Rasha : Can you tell me a little  about  Mexico City ?
Maria : Sure I can . What would you like to know ?
Rasha : Well , what’s a good time to visit ?
Maria : I think you can go anytime . The weather is always nice .
Rasha : Oh , good ! And what should I see there ?
Maria : Well you should visit the National Museum and go to the Palace Fine Arts .
Rasha : What else ?
Maria : Oh , you shouldn’t miss the Pyramid of the Sun . It’s very interesting .
Rasha : It all sounds really exciting !
Shady : Is your houseguest still staying with you ?
Hamed : No , after three weeks , he finally left . Thank goodness !
Shady : So how did you get rid of him ?
Hamed : Well , I lied and told him my parents were coming for a visit and I needed the room . I probably shouldn’t have lied . Now I feel bad . What would you have done ?
Shady : Oh , I would have told him to leave after a week . By the way , my friend and his parents are coming to visit me next week . Can I move in with you for a few days ?
Hamed : No way !

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