Grammar American & British

Friday, July 24, 2020

Conversation & Dialogue [ 33 ]

33- ] Conversation & Dialogue .
Making Requests .

Karam : Ezzat ….Ezzat ! Turn down the TV a little , please .
Ezzat : Oh , but this is my favorite program !
Karam : I know . But it’s very loud .
Ezzat : OK . I’ll turn it down .
Karan : That’s better . Thanks .
Mother : Zenab , please pick up your things . They’re all over the living room floor .
Daughter : In a minute , Mom . I’m on the phone .
Mother : OK . But do it as soon as you hang up .
Daughter : Sure . No problem !
Mother : Goodness ! Were we like this when we were kids ?
Father : Definitely !
Asking For Information & Giving Information .

Wasef : Hello ?
Wesam : Oh , hello . I need some information . What currency is used in Japan ?
Wasef : Where ?
Wesam : In Japan .
Wasef : I’m not sure . Isn’t it the yen ?
Wesam : Oh , yes . And do they drive on the left or the right ?
Wasef : I think the left , but I’m not sure .
Wesam : Oh . Well , is English spoken much there ?
Wasef : I really have no idea .
Wesam : Huh ? Well , what about credit cards ? Are international banks cards accepted there ?
Wasef : How would I know ?
Wesam : Well , are you a member in the science club , aren’t you ?
Wasef : No , but I can log on the Internet .
Gawad : Do you want to see a movie tonight ?
Kamal : Hmm . Maybe . What’s playing ?
Ghadeer : How about the new film of [ so and so ] ?
Kamal : Who’s that man ?
Gawad : You know . He directed many famous hits ?
Kamal : Oh , his last film was boring . The book of the story of the film was fascinating , but the film was terrible !
Ghadeer : Well , I’m interested in that newly released film . It’s a romance . It’s been playing for about a month .
Kamal : Now that sounds good . I’ve never seen him in a romance , and I think he’s a wonderful actor !
Mohsin : This novel looks interesting .
Masaud : Oh , it is . It’s about a guy who joins a corrupt law firm and then can’t leave . Luckily he has a brave wife who helps him out of the mess .
Mohsin : Hmm . Maybe I’ll read it .
Masaud : Well , the movie is even better .
Mohsin : Oh , is that the movie that stars [ so and so ] ?
Masaud : Yeah . Why don’t we rent the CD ?
Mohsin : You don’t mind seeing it again ?
Masaud : Not at all . You rent the CD , and I’ll bring the popcorn .
Shehab : Have you met our friend , the student from India  ?
Heshmat : No , I haven’t .
Shehab : Well , he seems really nice , but there’s one thing I noticed . He moves his head from side to side when you talk to him . You know , like this .
Heshmat : Maybe it means he doesn’t understand you .
Shehab : No , I don’t think so .
Heshmat : Or it could mean he doesn’t agree with you .
Shehab : Actually  , people from India sometimes move their heads from side to side when they agree with what you’re saying .
Heshmat : Oh , so that’s what it means !
Mosab : You know , these highways are really great , but the road signs are pretty confusing .
Seif : Hmm . What do these lines on the road mean ?
Mosab : They must mean you aren’t allowed to pass here .
Seif : No . I don’t think so . I’m going to pass this car in front of us . It’s going too slow. Now , I wonder what that sign up ahead means .
Mosab : It may mean you’ve got to take a left in this lane .
Seif : Or maybe it means you can turn left if you want to . I think I’ll just go straight .
Telling The Time .

Salem : What time is it , Naser ?
Naser : It’s late . It’s eleven o’clock at night .
Salem : It’s cold .
Naser : And it’s frightening .
Salem : I’m tired .
Naser : Yes , let’s sleep .
Salem : Listen ! What is it ?
Naser : It’s nothing . It’s only the wind . Let’s sleep .
Farid : We’re late .
Fatin : Yes , we’re late .
Farid : What time is it ?
Fatin : Six o’clock .
Farid : Six o’clock ! We are late .
Fatin : How far are we from Alexandria ?
Farid : I don’t know . I’ll stop and ask someone .
Husband : We must hurry . It’s late .
Wife : What time is it ?
Husband : It’s half past three .
Wife : Oh dear ! We must hurry . There’s someone at the door .
[ There is knocking on the door . ]
Husband : You hurry and get ready . I’ll see who it is .
Wife : Who is it ?
Husband : It’s the laundry man .
Wife : Tell him to come in .
Husband : Come in .
Wife : The laundry’s here .
Husband : The laundry’s here .
Wife : Where’s my bag ? I must hurry .
[ There’s knocking again at the door . ]
Husband : It’s the man from the electricity board .
Wife : Tell him to come in .
Husband : Come in .
Wife : The electricity meter’s beside the door on the left .
Husband : The electricity meter’s beside the door on the left .
[ There’s knocking at the door again . ]
Wife : Where’s my bag ? I must hurry .
Husband : It’s the man from the gas board .
Wife : The gas meter’s in the kitchen .
Husband : Come in . The gas meter’s in the kitchen .
Informing The Police .

Policeman : Hallo ! The police-station .
Wife : Hallo  ! Hallo ! Police ? Something terrible has happened !
Policeman : Now madam , keep calm .
Wife : My husband ! My husband’s disappeared . He’s gone .
Policeman : Now , keep calm , madam . What’s your name ?
Wife : Sameha Barakat .
Policeman : Now , madam . What’s wrong ?
Wife : My husband hasn’t come home .
Policeman : When did you last see him ?
Wife : I saw him this morning . He left the house at eight o’clock , and he hasn’t come back .
Policeman : Perhaps , he’s still at work .
Wife : No , no . I’ve phoned his office . He left the office at five o’clock .
Policeman : And it’s eight o’clock now .
Wife : Yes , it’s eight o’clock .
Policeman : Perhaps his car has broken down .
Wife : No . He hasn’t phoned me . He’s disappeared !
Policeman : Now , keep calm , madam . Tell me your address . Then go and have a cup of tea . I’ll come round to your house straight away . Now , what’s the address ?
Wife : It’s twenty five Sunview Crescent .

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150-] English Literature

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