Grammar American & British

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

American Division Literature [ 24 ]

24- ] American Division Literature .
Some Literary Terms .

Characterization .

Characterization is character development in a story . It can be accomplished through many different methods or techniques . Disclosure of character through stereotyping , exposition , the character’s actions , words and thoughts , the words of others and the use of setting . In exposition the author tells the reader about the character or exposes the character . This may include descriptions of the person’s background , motivating forces , personality traits , relationships and physical characteristics .

Kinds of Characters .

1-] Flat Character:  It is only described without the kind of details you would need to see him or her as an individual .The character does not develop.

The roles are often played by “extras” , although sometimes named stars . They assume these roles as “ cameo” spots . An example is “ servants” ,  “ apprentices” etc.

2-] Round Character :  In extreme contrast to the flat character , the round character is three-dimensional , complex and extremely lifelike . Unlike the flat character , the round character is complex and changes or grows in the course of the story . Generally , the main characters are round . Naturally, shades of “ flatness” or “ roundness” abound along the continuum between these two extremes with the plot and the intent of the writer largely dictating the degree to which a character is developed .

3-] Stock Character:  A conventional stereotype character . The stock character is expected to appear in certain literary forms , such as the “ villain” in the melodrama and “ the prince charming” in fairy tales . A stock character is one that is frequently used in literary traditions , but who does not necessarily represent a particular class or group .

4-] Type Character : A type character embodies or exhibits the characteristics of a particular class or group of people . A type character may be very individualized and unpredictable in personality and action and still be representative of the class or group to which he or she belongs . Television situation comedies , as well as more serious shows abound with type characters . “ Dr. Quinn” in “ Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman” is a type who represents the professional women who were forerunners of the 20th century women’s movements .

5-] Stereotype Character :  Unlike the type character , the stereotype is predictable one who is repeated without variation and who is “ tall , dark and handsome” . The stock character is a stereotype that arises from certain literary conventions , but stereotype may also be the product of political and social trends and national moves , as well . Look for a moment nation’s perception of a “ hero” . A hero is traditionally portrayed as someone who is honorable and brave . Writers of certain literary forms have for many years characterized high-ranking military and political leaders [ princes , kings , knights , generals , soldiers and presidents ] as men of honor and respect , willing to sacrifice self for country . They became heroes who were given stereotypical characteristics : tall , handsome , brave , strong and brilliant military strategists and ingenious survivalists whether in jungles or deserts . Even those who were not-so-handsome or not-so-tall would still under fire exhibit the stereotypical characteristics of a hero . Such stereotypes depend upon a perception of military and political leaders as true heroes worthy of the honor and respect they receive .

The Four Humors .

A well-balanced person has all four humors in balance . The concept of humors is based on early theories of physiology . There are [ according to old theories of cosmology ] four elements in the universe . The humors need to be in balance because if any one humor predominates , it can lead to sickness and disease and can affect personality . The following summarizes these theories .






cold , dry

black / bile

melancholic  depressed , gloomy, gluttonous , sentimental


hot , moist



cheerful , hopeful , amorous


hot , dry

yellow bile


angry , vengeful , impatient ,


cold , moist



stoic , apathetic , impassive , dull , cowardly

 A person was said to be of a sanguine personality , for example if that humor was predominant .


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