Grammar American & British

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Composition & Essay Writing ( 61 ) My Neighborhood , Gender Discrimination

61 - ) Composition & Essay Writing

89 - ) My Neighborhood

            As humans, all of us live in a society are bound to a neighborhood. It is an essential place which has a great impact on our lives. So much so that it does determine where we are in life and how we are doing. It is a fact that if we are not happy in our neighborhood, we will not live peacefully.

             I live in a great neighborhood. It is wonderful because it offers us a lot of facilities. The green park near my house makes the area much more beautiful. Similarly, the swings in the park ensure the kids get to play cheerfully all day long. Moreover, my neighborhood also has many other bonuses. A grocery store adjacent to the park makes sure people get all their needs fulfilled without having to go far. All my neighbors buy their things from that grocery store only. The owner also lives in the same area so he is very cordial with everyone. The grocery store saves everyone a long trip to the market and also their time. The park in my neighborhood remains clean at all times. The maintenance team makes sure they clean and sanitize it from time to time. It allows my neighbors to sit and relax in the evenings and take walks in the morning. The clean and fresh air gives everyone a great experience.

                 Apart from the top-notch facilities available in my neighborhood, we also have amazing neighbors who make our lives better. A good neighborhood is not made of facilities only but good people as well. I got lucky in this case because my neighbors are very sweet. They help in maintaining the peace of the area so everyone lives in harmony. I have seen very often that if there is an emergency at anyone’s place, everyone rushes to help. Similarly, we also organize events from time to time so that the whole neighborhood gathers and enjoy themselves. I have a lot of friends in my neighborhood with whom I play. Most of them are my age so we meet every evening to cycle together and play on swings. We also go to each other’s birthday parties and sing and dance. The most favorite thing about my neighborhood is definitely the residents.

            I always notice how we never let any poor person go back empty-handed. My neighborhood also organizes a donation drive every year. In this, each family donates clothes, toys and other useful commodities for the needy. Thus, we all live together as a large family. Even though we live in different houses, our hearts are bounded by the same love and respect for each other.

     All in all, a great neighborhood is important to have a good life. In fact, our neighbors prove to be more helpful than our relatives sometimes. It is because they live nearby so they are most likely to offer help in emergency situations. Similarly, my neighborhood is very clean and helpful, thereby making my life happy and content.

90 - ) Gender Discrimination

                       Gender discrimination is when there are unfair rights between male and female. It differs because of their gender roles which ultimately leads to unequal treatment in life. Gender discrimination has been around for many centuries. However, as we are evolving, it is time to do away with such notions of gender roles.

                          There are many causes of gender discrimination. The first one has to be illiteracy. When people do not educate themselves, they continue to live in the old times. Thus, they follow the old-age sexist traditions and norms.

          Education can bring about a change in this mindset because educated people will less likely partake in gender discrimination. Further, poverty is also another reason which is interlinked in a way. It is the root cause in many places because the economic dependence remains on the male counterparts mostly. Thus, women suffer a lot from it because of the same reason. They never get out of this and stay financially dependent on men. Furthermore, the patriarchal setup in our society plays a big role. In this setup, the male dominates almost every aspect of life. Thus, they consider themselves to be superior to others. This way, a lot of violence and injustice is meted out against females. Thus, when there is a gender considering themselves to be superior, it becomes difficult for everyone to avail equal opportunities.

          Gender discrimination has a deep impact on society as a whole. It does not just impact a specific section of the society but every part of it. First of all, it impacts children as they fall prey to gender stereotypes from a young age. Further, it impacts young people because it impacts their behaviour, study choices, ambitions, attitudes and more. Thus, many girls do not participate in many sports and women experience physical violence more than men.

     Next up, we have gender discrimination affecting adults because there is a gender pay gap between the working class. Men earn more for doing the same work as women. In addition, older women have more risk of becoming homeless than men. It also impacts the aboriginal women because they have it a lot worse. It is more likely to happen that they can die from family violence, 11 times more than men. Even for men, it is not beneficial as it sets difficult standards for men to follow. It draws a line on men being emotional. Thus, they can never showcase their emotions truly without being judged. Similarly, men do not parental leave in many places. Ultimately, all this results in more suicide in men. Thus, it impacts everyone.

 Everyone should not be denied a chance to learn and grow. Thus, everyone, no matter male or female, must get a start in life in terms of educations and other opportunities. We must come together as a society to do this.


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