Grammar American & British

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Composition & Essay Writing ( 66 ) Role of Youth In Nation Building , Consequences of Global Warming

66 - ) Composition Essay Writing 

 98 - ) Role of Youths in Nation Building

                           It is a well-known fact that the youth of any country is a great asset. They are indeed the future of the country and represent it at every level. The role of youths in nation-building is more important than you might think. In other words, the intelligence and work of the youth will take the country on the pathway of success. As every citizen is equally responsible, the youth is too. They are the building blocks of a country.

                     The youth is important because they will be our future. Today they might be our partners, tomorrow they will go on to become leaders. The youths are very energetic and enthusiastic. They have the ability to learn and adapt to the environment. Similarly, they are willing to learn and act on it as well to achieve their goals.

                  Our youth can bring social reform and improvement in society. We cannot make do without the youth of a country. Furthermore, the nation requires their participation to achieve the goals and help in taking the country towards progress. Likewise, we see how the development of any country requires active participation from the youth. It does not matter which field we want to progress in, whether it is the technical field or sports field, youth is needed. It is up to us how to help the youth in playing this role properly. We must make all the youth aware of their power and the role they have to play in nation-building.

                    There are many ways in which we can help the youth of our country to achieve their potential. For that, the government must introduce programs that will help in fighting off issues like unemployment, poor education institutes and more to help them prosper without any hindrance. Similarly, citizens must make sure to encourage our youth to do better in every field. When we constantly discourage our youth and don’t believe in them, they will lose their spark. We all must make sure that they should be given the wind beneath their wings to fly high instead of bringing them down by tying chains to their wings. Furthermore, equal opportunities must be provided for all irrespective of caste, creed, gender, race, religion and more. There are various issues of nepotism and favoritism that is eating away the actual talent of the country. This must be done away with as soon as possible. We must make sure that every youth has the chance to prove themselves worthy and that must be offered equally to all.

     In short, our youth has the power to build a nation so we must give them the opportunity. They are the future and they have the perspective which the older generations lack. Their zeal and enthusiasm must be channelized properly to help a nation prosper and flourish.

99 - )Consequences of Global Warming

                   We all have been very well aware of the climate change that is happening these days. The wind patterns, temperature, atmospheric pressure, humidity and all determine our climate. The different part of the world has different climates, for instance, dry, moderate, tropical and more. The climate is what determines the seasons of that area. As we are human beings, our aspect of life depends on the environment around us. That is why we need a healthy and stable one to lead a normal life. However, global warming is disrupting this pattern.

                                Global warming processes in which the temperature of the earth rises steadily and constantly. It is a threatening problem which will bring great danger to all living beings. Similarly, there are many reasons for this phenomenon. The enhanced levels of carbon dioxide, as well as greenhouse gases, contribute to it greatly. If we do not take measures to tackle this problem now, the living beings will soon face their doom. Moreover, we need to realize its harmful consequences so we can work on fixing it quickly.

Furthermore, everyone must be made aware of how they contribute to the increasing level of global warming. Most importantly, we must find an alternative that will help in tackling this issue at the very earliest to save earth and life on it.

             We must all know by now that the temperature of earth has gotten warmer by one degree Celsius. Although it looks small in number now but the consequences it has are massive. It is so because the amount of energy we need to augment this temperature even by one degree Celsius is huge. This extra energy is equivalent to force-feeding our climate system .We are experiencing hotter and hotter days due to global warming only. Each year we are breaking the record for experience the hottest day, month or year. The worrying degree has gone as far as 54 degrees Celsius. Moreover, the frequent and intense extreme weather events we are facing are also due to that only. You see forest fires, droughts, floods, and more natural disasters becoming more and more common. For instance, the Amazon Rainforest fire being the latest one.

The melting of ice caps and glaciers is also a result of global warming only. All this melted ice just creates a rise in the water volume of the oceans. The sea levels are increasing due to this. Moreover, the warmer the temperature gets, the more the mass of the water expands. It poses a great threat to the low-lying islands and coastal cities. Furthermore, our oceans are becoming warmer and acidifying. As these water bodies absorb most of the excess heat as well as Carbon Dioxide they have become more acidic. This, in turn, also results in coral bleaching. In addition, it also drives stronger storms. This rising acidity poses a great threat to aquatic life and disrupts their food chain. Thus, we need to soon get together to eliminate this problem to help our earth heal.

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