Grammar American & British

Monday, September 6, 2021

Composition & Essay Writing , the moon , art ( 48 )

48 - ) Composition & Essay Writing

63- )  The Moon

                                   The moon is the satellite of the earth that moves around the earth. We see it shining it a night by the light which the sun reflects on it. The moon is a beautiful satellite that everyone admires for its beauty. Moreover, the bright moonlight is soothing for all of us. It makes the earthly objects shine like silver in the moonlight. Thus, an essay on moon will help us learn more about its enchanting beauty.

                      While people find the moon to be very beautiful, it is not as beautiful as it appears to be. It is devoid of plants and animals and is not a suitable place for plants or animals. Thus, we do not see any form of life on the moon.  Similarly, human beings won’t be able to live on the moon. Like how our earth has an atmosphere, the moon does not. Thus, the lunar days are quite hot and the lunar nights are very intense. Similarly, while it may look beautiful from the earth, it does have a forbidding appearance. In other words, the moon is full of rocks and craters. In fact, even if you look at the moon from your naked eye, you can see some dark spots on it. They are dangerous rocks and craters. In addition, the gravitational pull of the moon is less than that of the planet earth. As a result, it will difficult to walk on the surface of the moon.

                      The moon has different phases as it moves along its orbit around the earth. Basically, half of the moon is always in sunlight so half the earth has day while the other half has night. Meaning to say, the phases of the moon depends on how much of the sunlit half we can see at any one time.

                        Ever since the beginning, man has been fascinated by the moon. We have looked at it with wonder and it shows in the earlier works of poets and scientists. To reveal the mystery of the moon, scientists tried to study it. Thus, a lot of attempts were made to send humans to the moon. On July 21, 1969, two Americans Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin made it to the moon. They got to walk on the surface of the moon and collect lunar rocks. After that, they had a safe journey back to earth. A lot of American scientists have sent their men to the moon multiple times now. Thus, man has conquered the moon and it is not a mystery anymore.

                      To sum it up, the moon shines bright at night when the sun is not on duty. It sheds its silver light which is very cool and refreshing. Moreover, the moonlit nights also impact our mind and body via a soothing effect.

64- ) Art

                         Each morning we see the sunshine outside and relax while some draw it to feel relaxed. Thus, you see that art is everywhere and anywhere if we look closely. In other words, everything in life is artwork. The essay on art will help us go through the importance of art and its meaning for a better understanding.

              For as long as humanity has existed, art has been part of our lives. For many years, people have been creating and enjoying art.  It expresses emotions or expression of life. It is one such creation that enables interpretation of any kind.  It is a skill that applies to music, painting, poetry and more. Moreover, nature is no less than art. For instance, if nature creates something unique, it is also art. Artists use their artwork for passing along their feelings. Thus, art and artists bring value to society and have been doing so throughout history. Art gives us an innovative way to view the world or society around us. Most important thing is that it lets us interpret it on our own individual experiences and associations.

           Art is similar to live which has many definitions and examples. What is constant is that art is not perfect or does not revolve around perfection. It is something that continues growing and developing to express emotions, thoughts and human capacities.

                       Art comes in many different forms which include audios, visuals and more. Audios comprise songs, music, poems and more whereas visuals include painting, photography, movies and more. You will notice that we consume a lot of audio art in the form of music, songs and more. It is because they help us to relax our mind. Moreover, it also has the ability to change our mood and brighten it up.After that, it also motivates us and strengthens our emotions. Poetries are audio arts that help the author express their feelings in writings. We also have music that requires musical instruments to create a piece of art. Other than that, visual arts help artists communicate with the viewer. It also allows the viewer to interpret the art in their own way. Thus, it invokes a variety of emotions among us. Thus, you see how essential art is for humankind.

                   Without art, the world would be a dull place. Take the recent pandemic, for example, it was not the sports or news which kept us entertained but the artists. Their work of arts in the form of shows, songs, music and more added meaning to our boring lives. Therefore, art adds happiness and colours to our lives and save us from the boring monotony of daily life.

                  All in all, art is universal and can be found everywhere. It is not only for people who exercise work art but for those who consume it. If there were no art, we wouldn’t have been able to see the beauty in things. In other words, art helps us feel relaxed and forget about our problems.


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