Grammar American & British

Friday, October 22, 2021

General Grammar Exercises & Tests ( 9 )

9 - ] General Grammar Exercises & Tests


( 9 )

Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the phrasal verbs in the box.


1 . In the end he ------------- and allowed the chairman to prepare the document.

2 . I ---------------- paying for this meal. You paid for the last one.

3 .The Prime Minister --------------- that it was a historic day for the country.

4 . My friend always------------------ me ------------- smoking a cigarette with him, but I don't want to.

5 . I'm sorry I ---------------- the meeting. But it wasn't all my fault.

6 . It took the teacher a few minutes to get the class -------------------.

7 . I ------------------------ him for help after the incident had happened.

8 . They worked for a few hours on the problem but simple weren't able to -----------------what had happened.

9 . He always--------------- me ----------------- a person I met at high school many years ago.

10 . The doctor told me to ------------------- and not get hysterical. It was only a minor injury I had.

Complete the sentences using the correct form of the passive voice in the correct tense!

The war -------------- next week (DECLARE).

Your homework ----------------- by tomorrow afternoon. (MUST FINISH)

That house ------------------ since I was a child. (NOT PAINT)

Smoking ------------------ in this hotel (NOT ALLOW)

After all the flights ------------------- the tourists checked in at the airport hotel.(CANCEL)

The car ------------------ for over a week (NOT WASH).

He --------------- a new contract last year (GIVE)

This song ------------------- by the Beatles in 1967. (WRITE)

The earth -------------------- if we try hard enough to do something (CAN SAVE)

The new bridge -------------------- at the moment. (BUILD)

Complete the sentences using gerund or infinitive (with or without "TO").

Dad suggested --------------- the car here and walking the rest of the way. (LEAVE)

I am getting used ----------------- from home. (WORK)

Are you interested in ------------------ the whole story (HEAR)?

I'd rather ------------------- for a walk than do my homework. (GO)

It's not much use ------------------- a smartphone if you don't know how to use it (HAVE).

My suit needs -----------------. Look at how dirty it is (CLEAN)

The boy hoped ----------------- the exam, but he wasn't sure about it (PASS)

The policeman advised us -------------------------- into that neighbourhood. (NOT GO)

A lot of husbands expect their wives --------------------- for them every day. (COOK)

After -------------------- to his story I decided ------------------ him (LISTEN, NOT BELIEVE)

Do you remember ------------------ me about the lost pen ? (ASK)

Remind me ------------------------ my mother in the afternoon (CALL)

The man offered ----------------------- after the car while we were outside. (LOOK)

The firemen were the first ----------------------- at the danger zone. (ARRIVE)

I used ------------------- an instrument but I haven't had any practice recently. (PLAY)

Choose the correct word for each blank.

I had to stand in [ order , queue , tail , line ]  for an hour to get tickets.

2 . The post office is open [ day , daytime , daily , a day ]  from 9 to 4.

3 . Many animal species today are [ danger , in danger , in risk , endangered ] .

4 . He { appeared , arrived , emerged , entered ]  on stage only in the first scene

5 . We [ agreed  , acting , view , rehearse  ]  to meet in the corridor in front of the office.

6 . Are there any tickets left for tonight's [ performance , fame , pride , regard ] ?

7 . He soon made a [ fame , pride , reputation , regard ]  for himself on stage.

8 . There is a bomb in the garden. It can [ break out , explode , erupt , crash ]  at any moment.

9 . The soldiers had  [ marched , hiked , run , wandered ]  for two days until they finally reached the village.

10 . Why are you in such a bad [ glad , desire , mood , feeling ] . It's a lovely day today.

11 . That's a nice dress you're wearing. It [ wears , goes , suits , matches ]  you perfectly.

12 . Our school offers a wide [ group , list , choice , range ]  of subjects.

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